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[spoiler] I don't know if I can trust Lotus


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I cannot avoid keeping an eye on Lotus after all.  Its true she provides as much support as she can but... she is still a sentient. A sentient designed for sabotage. I wonder if she has some kind of terrible secret for us, waiting for the right moment and then hit us..... as she did before against orokins.

Looking at war within teaser... It gives me a bad feeling about this.  Will we have to make a choice in future between Lotus and another thing?

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Once a traitor - always a traitor

Works for both lotus and teeno

If there would be a choice, I will choose a way to make it suffer judgement for the destructions it (since it is an artificial life case I refuse to treat it as a living being with gender) caused.

Edited by Teloch
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21 minutes ago, CTanGod said:

If we do get a choice I'm gonna go with Stalker! All Stalker wants is to free his Warframe brothers and sisters from the grasp of the Lotus and the Operators! (might not be true but I want to believe so!)

He wants us dead, nothing more.

He hates us for killing the Orokin leaders which ruined his cushy life.

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25 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

He hates us for killing the Orokin leaders which ruined his cushy life.

Maybe he hates us for breaking the hierarchal spine of the human civilization, causing uncontrollable chaos with billions of civil casualties (including our own distant relatives), stopping at first and then reversing the technical and cultural progress, allowing civilizational conquests to fade, and, what is more importantly, not offering any sort of new order (read: evading the responsibility) and cowardly going dormant like infantile twats with no sense of duty or dignity we truly are. 

And then, after centuries, when the system began to establish at least a sort of (cruel, but still) order, the "glorious saviors" wake up once again...


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9 minutes ago, Teloch said:

Maybe he hates us for breaking the hierarchal spine of the human civilization, causing uncontrollable chaos with billions of civil casualties (including our own distant relatives), stopping at first and then reversing the technical and cultural progress, allowing civilizational progress to fade, and, what is more importantly, not offering any sort of new order (read: evading the responsibility) and cowardly going dormant like infantile twats with no sense of duty or dignity we truly are. 

And then, after centuries, when the system began to establish at least a sort of (cruel, but still) order, the "glorious saviors" wake up once again...


But remember Stalker held Loki's head at the cutscene, stab us, about to choke us to death. Yeah I don't know if I want to be his friend.

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6 minutes ago, Cara360 said:

But remember Stalker held Loki's head at the cutscene, stab us, about to choke us to death. Yeah I don't know if I want to be his friend.

*Stalker hears that, approaches you suddenly) 


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17 minutes ago, Cara360 said:

But remember Stalker held Loki's head at the cutscene, stab us, about to choke us to death. Yeah I don't know if I want to be his friend.

You don't need to be someone's friend to understand their driving motives and the reason behind them.

Unlike lotus, who operates with the general term "balance" and is unable to elaborate around what this so called "balance" was built, unlike teeno, who can't spell a sentence without using the term "honor" and are also unable to elaborate even a couple of lines from their honor code, Stalker's motivation is clear.

Siding with the sentients was a stupid feat tho. But, honestly, he looks more believable than the lotus with all of its followers

18 minutes ago, williamsos10 said:

I love space mom and all. But Teshin is my true Master. So I think ill side with Teshin. Even if he is about to murder Nyx. (She shouldn't have brought a plasma sword to a Nikana fight xD)


Aye, gonna side with Teshin. Even though he isn't the brightest lad, but at least he's not a souless, crazed AI with latent megalomania and motherly complexes.

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19 minutes ago, Teloch said:

Maybe he hates us for breaking the hierarchal spine of the human civilization, causing uncontrollable chaos with billions of civil casualties (including our own distant relatives), stopping at first and then reversing the technical and cultural progress, allowing civilizational conquests to fade, and, what is more importantly, not offering any sort of new order (read: evading the responsibility) and cowardly going dormant like infantile twats with no sense of duty or dignity we truly are. 

And then, after centuries, when the system began to establish at least a sort of (cruel, but still) order, the "glorious saviors" wake up once again...


Considering that the Orokin probably practiced test tube baby pods for the reproduction angle and then putting them in groups with adults to be family units called a corpus (As per the anti-moa synthesis scan), I doubt by Orokin standards we have any living relatives outside of the Tenno and the Lotus's extended organization. That said, Lotus says that Stalker went insane from learning the truth of the Reservoir while Stalker says what set him on this path was our elimination of the Orokin Elite - it could be that the truth of his reasons meets somewhere in-between,

For what it is, The Arbiters of Hexis believe that the Lotus stops the Tenno from reaching their true potential and that she keeps us only as enforcers on a warriors path. Teshin believes we are led like Oxen by the Lotus, it is perhaps possible that these two groups have similar reasons to not fully trust the Lotus. It seemed that not even Teshin new the true nature of the Lotus from the Natah quest - also Tyl Regor refers to Teshin in the same quest as a Pseudo Tenno which I find interesting - Teshin did say he has been awake and travelled beyond the sol system since we slept, could be he keeps secrets even as does our benevolent Overlord.

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I still dont get why people dont trust space mom. Sure she had secrets but she came clean and even then, it was only to protect us that she held those secrets. I really do hope the War Within update makes the "i dont trust the Lotus" fires die down. If anything it looks like Teshin is the one with something to hide, judging from the teaser.

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Lotus is a puppet, made to believe that abandoning her kind was her idea.  In actuality, she is a sleeper agent that is unknowingly weakening the major powers of the Origin System, and this is to pave the way for the Sentients to finally invade the System and obliterate all possible opposition.  Tenno are ignorant, waking up from sleep and remembering little and knowing nothing.  They are weapons wielded by the Lotus for more traitorous actions and duplicity, just like back in the Orokin days.  History is disastrously repeating itself and not one can see all of this coming except Teshin (or however you spell his name).  However, no one listens to him, thinking his is some old fool that is too wrapped up in the ways of the past.

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lotus want us to maintain the balance of this universe but i don't think killing 1000000000 grineers on draco can be called 'maintaining the balance', i'm totally with OP, i am against lotus, in fact my clan since the clan system is implemented is 'all against lotus', i never trusted her, too much secret, and now we know that she did all of it for 'us' despite being a sentient, i don't think she would have saved the 'best weapon of the universe' just because she have compassion toward us. 

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33 minutes ago, Kaokasalis said:

I still dont get why people dont trust space mom

Because there would've been no need to "maintain balance" lest this terraforming AI never made it to the Origin system?

Because it acts as a machiavellian?

Because of it's "mothery instincts" which resulted in our ignorance, we sacrificed numerous civilians for the sake of interchangeable tools during the Gravidus?

Because that AI is simply unable to understand the ethics of living beings?

Because that AI is unfamiliar with the concept of responsibility?

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1 hour ago, CTanGod said:

If we do get a choice I'm gonna go with Stalker! All Stalker wants is to free his Warframe brothers and sisters from the grasp of the Lotus and the Operators! (might not be true but I want to believe so!)

stalker wants to kill us all , becouse we killed orokin and ended their empire

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14 minutes ago, ragingdeamon said:

Dev said that Lotus is the straight man of the game. 

to me, this is a /thread.


Yeah, why should anyone use their own head and develop critical thinking when there are those comfortable "good guys" and "bad guys" stickers, right?

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14 minutes ago, Teloch said:

Because there would've been no need to "maintain balance" lest this terraforming AI never made it to the Origin system?

Because it acts as a machiavellian?

Because of it's "mothery instincts" which resulted in our ignorance, we sacrificed numerous civilians for the sake of interchangeable tools during the Gravidus?

Because that AI is simply unable to understand the ethics of living beings?

Because that AI is unfamiliar with the concept of responsibility?

Sentients aren't robots, they are living. otherwise they would have sent cephalons to Tau, not Sentients. 


and no Teloch, I just trust the Lotus, and what the devs said just reinforces that. it's way more simple and more believable than whatever theory on "why lotus is evil" I have seen around. 

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12 minutes ago, Teloch said:

Yeah, why should anyone use their own head and develop critical thinking when there are those comfortable "good guys" and "bad guys" stickers, right?

Good and bad are all relative, the Lotus accepts the role of both hero and villain to maintain a balance. We take no one side so nether corpus nor grineer have the power to dominate, we aren't the good guys nor are we the bad guys.

But you can think of yourself as either and both.

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The devs themselves have said the Lotus is good and not a secret sleeper agent or bad guy. Her story arc is already over and at this point, Teshin is less trustworthy than the Lotus because of the recent events.

If you played second dream and payed attention, you would know why she saved us and the Orokin aren't a magnificant civilization that the Tenno killed for no reason. The Stalker seeks vengeance for the Orokin and not because he wants to "free" us from the Lotus.

Go read up on the lore before you start spreading theories like this again. There is no evidence for any of your claims.

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4 minutes ago, ragingdeamon said:

Sentients aren't robots, they are living. otherwise they would have sent cephalons to Tau, not Sentients. 

*grins devilishly* You, my naive friend, should recollect Ordises memory fragments. It would give you a good reason to change your views on cephalons nature.

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