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Ducat price Changes


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I've heard rumors that ducat amounts will be changing for items that were rarer and became common. I sincerely hope DE announces any price changes a week before they go into effect (at least). Personally I don't turn in items for ducats until I need the ducats. I've seen too many changes to WF to trust that a large supply of ducats wouldn't be wasted if Baro suddenly was abandoned, or just stopped bringin things that I wanted needed (after you have all the primed mods why keep all those ducats around)

That being the fact I have about 50 Nyx prime bps sitting in my inventory. most of which were farmed long before they became common items. If I woke up tomorrow and they were worth 80% less than they are now I'd be rightfully upset. Not everyone can watch the devstreams and video. A post in the PC announcements section would do a lot. DE doesn't have a great track record on being upfront about changes, (like the rarity changes with SOTR, or archwing slots going platinum) but they should. It doesn't hurt to give out a little information so your player base isn't blindsided.

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5 minutes ago, Shockwave- said:

I've heard rumors that ducat amounts will be changing for items that were rarer and became common. I sincerely hope DE announces any price changes a week before they go into effect (at least). Personally I don't turn in items for ducats until I need the ducats. I've seen too many changes to WF to trust that a large supply of ducats wouldn't be wasted if Baro suddenly was abandoned, or just stopped bringin things that I wanted needed (after you have all the primed mods why keep all those ducats around)

That being the fact I have about 50 Nyx prime bps sitting in my inventory. most of which were farmed long before they became common items. If I woke up tomorrow and they were worth 80% less than they are now I'd be rightfully upset. Not everyone can watch the devstreams and video. A post in the PC announcements section would do a lot. DE doesn't have a great track record on being upfront about changes, (like the rarity changes with SOTR, or archwing slots going platinum) but they should. It doesn't hurt to give out a little information so your player base isn't blindsided.

I'd be glad to take some of those bps off your hands 

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

for prime junk prices

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That's definitely a good practice to have.  I remember seeing somewhere in all this chaos they said they, might, change ducat prices if it was breaking that specific economy.  Mostly due to the new void system of course.  For now with everything I've seen, it's just staying the same.  It would be good to get an update on this though just to know what they are thinking.

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All we can do is wait for Baro to show up in 11 hours to see if anything changed. DE mentioned that they are monitoring the situation via the sales/prices of his items to take new economy into account in terms of Ducat acquisitions.

No mention of changing Ducat rates as of yet but they have changed the rates in the past when certain parts became more common after a shuffle in the drop tables.

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I sold all my common 50 Ducat pieces first day of release because I figured the commons would be adjusted. It would be wise to do the same.

They might not touch the 30 or 20 stuff but 50 is worth the risk.

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They actually said ducat prices will be audited next week in today's prime time. Baro won't have anything too spectacular tomorrow because of that.

And they usually do keep us in the loop for big changes via forum posts, things like archwing slots are the exceptions. They certainly made a thread the last time they changed ducat values and all of the dev workshop forum is devoted to other such big changes.

So, I'd imagine they'll do the same when they figure this out.

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Your best option imo is to convert your 30/50 ducat priced parts now because I doubt they will go any higher and there's always the risk they could be lower.
Then just keep the ones that are worth 10/20 ducats just in case they increase in ducat prices, because there's less chance they'll actually get any lower.

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55 minutes ago, Tsoe said:

they also said the items in baro shop MAY cost less ducats


They said that they will monitor the economy and decide on appropriate changes. Which pretty much means that the prices will increase as the 10o with tons of dukakis are still aplenty + saryn prime systems are common and are worth 50

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I am rather surprised though, from what i've seen lately people are spam running all their relics now. When with a group its 4x relics per item. Thats 3 less keys available for people farming per run. Not to mention no void interception/defense/sabotage to bolster ducat collection, it feels like if anything, after this initial phase where everyone has burned out their relic supply, the farming for ducats will be painful and values will have to increase. Supply and demand and all that. 


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