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Warframe became bad after it was sold


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the time difference between u18 and u19 is the longest we've ever had between updates, and while yes marketing made them rush somewhat, I've had only minor bugs with this update.


Let us not forget the unplayable mess of an update (I wanna say u14 - the one that first introduced the liset) was. This is child's play in comparison

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This may or may not be a one-time occurence. Marketing was pushing really hard for a SotR release before tennocon s that they could focus in war withing there. In hindsight the decisison was a poor one and even the devs are frustrated with it.

Now we can hope the lessons where learned and mistakes wont be repeated, especially since the feedback on this update was more horrifying then any i have seen yet.

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Just now, bowiespoon said:

the time difference between u18 and u19 is the longest we've ever had between updates, and while yes marketing made them rush somewhat, I've had only minor bugs with this update.


Let us not forget the unplayable mess of an update (I wanna say u14 - the one that first introduced the liset) was. This is child's play in comparison

True but trust me. So many bugs that didn't even exist before this update hit when it came. I never saw 8 hotfixes in previous updates. There weren't much bugs to clean up back then. In fact, if this keeps up, U19 will have 24 hotfixes in total. 

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Just now, (XB1)BURRITO DEVIL said:

Umm,they rushed it because of TennoCon,not because of the "new Owners",and literally all updates have huge amounts of bugs and errors,well, most of them,

 the work on each update for months,I doubt they dont do "proper testing" 

Time will tell if you're right

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Except the owners of DE have no say whatsoever in the creation of Content.

The last major update is 7 months old,  which is a significant increase compared to the 3-4 months they had one year ago. 

And there are always bugs because a small number of devs can't test everything and sometimes new bug appear after the patch goes live

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Just now, Cenat said:

True but trust me. So many bugs that didn't even exist before this update hit when it came. I never saw 8 hotfixes in previous updates. There weren't much bugs to clean up back then. In fact, if this keeps up, U19 will have 24 hotfixes in total. 

Well yes, but bear in mind the scope of the changes this update has brought. A lot of systems of have been redone from the ground up, from the starchart to the void. Furthermore, I don't see why the number of hotfixes matter. Some only fix one or two things, others fix many.

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5 minutes ago, Cenat said:

True but trust me. So many bugs that didn't even exist before this update hit when it came. I never saw 8 hotfixes in previous updates. There weren't much bugs to clean up back then. In fact, if this keeps up, U19 will have 24 hotfixes in total. 

U18 had at least 8 hotfixes in its opening week. U17 had to have its quest cut out and then re-added the next day just so they could ship it on time--and was rife with bugs (for parkour 2.0, new Tyl Regor, underwater Archwing, take your pick) even besides.

This is pretty much par for course.

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In the tennocon sound panel they talked a little bit and a few sentences were curious, them where like "When we started developing the second dream sound for the work going on the quest last year", so it means they've got stuff planned since long time before. Also, come on, some of the old players know that Warframe has grown a lot and its changes have done the game as it is now (Some may remember when Tyl Regor was just a tall Grineer with an Skana), and as the game has grown so has the people who play it, as much persons keep arriving, they ask for more and more content to keep getting new stuff and being surprised,

For me, DE is rushed mostly by the same Tenno than the Digital Extremes Owners. Now as Warframe has gotten it's expansion to X Box and PlayStation, it's even more work to keep all those players happy with their updated game. 

And... also please, sometimes those bugs make us laugh a bit (Think about the Kubrows with kavat genetic codes) 

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If you think an update is bad, that is your opinion and you're entitled to think that way based on your experiences. Moreover, if a lot of people think an update is bad, they are all equally entitled to think said update is bad. All fair and valid.


What is not fair and valid is to say that the updates are bad because 'DE sold out.' That statement is based on two distinct falsehoods: The belief DE 'sold out' and the belief that changing owners has had an adverse affect on the quality of content.


Rest assured, if you find that the content is bad, find comfort in the fact that it is DE's fault the content is bad (in your opinion). It is no one else's fault. There is no boogeyman behind the scenes holding a gun to the devs heads telling them to make crumby content. 

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You're new here aren't you?

It has been this way with almost every update even prior to having DE being bought out in its entirety by a Chinese corporation. They have mentioned before that some of their updates run on slightly older builds without the hotfixes and launched them bringing those bugs back in.

In the case of this particular update it brought changes to how the star chart worked, how progression works, changes to archwing, and changes to the new player experience with progression with junctions. It could be any factor that unexpectedly came up and Steve even mentioned on Reddit that he wasn't satisfied with how the update was right before Tennocon started.

The update is still in need of polishing, at the very least they didn't stall the fixes to the game and are fixing it at a very frequent pace, where most other companies would take weeks to months to fix some of their broken features before resembling something playable.

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