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The Credit Nerf ....


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I never had Credit boosters, never farmed for credits except a some runs when the chroma bug was a thing, made almost no raids when those gave a quite large amount of credits.

Traded for at least a dozen K plats (wich makes a loss of roughly 6 milions in trade tax) and now have all primed mods maxed except the bane ones and one ammo mutation.

I am broke now, just have 400k and a bazilion duplicates i can exchange for credits.

But i have almost everything cedits can buy and all useful mods maxed (or 1 point from max in some cases)

Maybe credits were nerfed, but try actually playing the game 8-10h per week and you will have enough for everything.
If you play less you dont need so much stuff
And no, theres no reason you deserve to be able to buy and max out multiple copies of every prime mod for profit. If you want to, its legit to have quite some commitment in the game, talking about time and effort.

Imho credits are still well balanced and are given in a fair amount for a reasonable pace of progression.

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55 minutes ago, EyeLaikCheez said:

If we enjoy "grinding" and we don't like "playing" then why is DE doing this? People are complaining about the new update a lot, seems to me everyone wants to "grind"

What i meant was: It doesn´t care how much we get from something, players will complain. They mostly don´t look at it and say: Thats enough, i don´t really need more now, do I?

Forma: Forma BP were hard to get: Come on, I need Forma. Forma BP were easy to get: Noo, thats too much.

Fusion Cores: Easy to get in T4: I want my Prime parts. Less Fusion Cores in the rotation: Noo, where are the Fusion Cores? (Currently in Void Sabotage inside the Caches with rare ress and Credit Caches^^). We got from something a lot, and people started to grind it out and then its too much (unless for those we couldn´t grind that out)

As those Invasion came, I played them a lot: Fieldron, Mutagen Mass, Detonite Injector, rare Ress from that planet AND Credits. Then people started to go in there for only 5 Minutes / Waves. The grind began. Some months later DE took a 10 Minute / Wave minimum in and changed how much you got from it.

That thing will never end. NEVER. There is either a loot Cave or a grind fest. Or both. Because faster, and now. And Grenades.

I grinded a little bit (that Void Capture & Sabotage speed run thing), and was really fast burned out. So annoying and / or boring. That was almost a year ago. I just logged in sometimes, played a few hours and was gone again. I have currently way more fun, then before. People need to go outside the Void, different Tilesets now and you can also play public again (was never a fan of that recruiting and the rest of my clan. yeah, not really there anymore. Or only if there was a new Prime which got grinded like hell and... yeah think you know where this is going)

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1 hour ago, JohnKable said:

I never had Credit boosters, never farmed for credits except a some runs when the chroma bug was a thing, made almost no raids when those gave a quite large amount of credits.

Traded for at least a dozen K plats (wich makes a loss of roughly 6 milions in trade tax) and now have all primed mods maxed except the bane ones and one ammo mutation.

I am broke now, just have 400k and a bazilion duplicates i can exchange for credits.

But i have almost everything cedits can buy and all useful mods maxed (or 1 point from max in some cases)

Maybe credits were nerfed, but try actually playing the game 8-10h per week and you will have enough for everything.
If you play less you dont need so much stuff
And no, theres no reason you deserve to be able to buy and max out multiple copies of every prime mod for profit. If you want to, its legit to have quite some commitment in the game, talking about time and effort.

Imho credits are still well balanced and are given in a fair amount for a reasonable pace of progression.

i trade ... A LOT , 6 mil creds dont even begin to cover what ive spent on the trade tax. Trading and fashion frame are my endgame, this nerf massively affects my ability to trade in high value items. Add to that transumuting mods , baro  and fusion costs. and its either play forever ( and i play a lot anyway) or pony up sucker . im praying things will be put right in due time 

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5 hours ago, Sziklamester said:

The jupiter is still good for credit farm if they not nerfed it. Dark sectors all are nerfed for the same reason Draco nerfed because of affinity-credit farming. They added now a daily bonus credit boost but that is just one thing but you overall get far less. I played a lot of Kadesh and medium level map runs when had credit boosters "not bought any" and in 2-3 hour farmed 500-800k credits with some breaks aswell (5-20 min). There wasn't big deals but now with the same booster pack you can get the half of this and still you need to fuse mods and keep feeded the pets so this credit cut not touch the game so well. 

Positive side is the common fusion cores now more commonly dropped with the other tier cores in one mission so if you want get those then you can go dark sector missions-excavation missions because now those give much more cores. I didn't tested the oxium yet but for me the best place to farm is the venus because no need to bring too hard weapons and easily can farm lot longer.


Also that new dual dagger stance and seismic palm drop more often which is so bad because that is devaluate the already devaluated mod. I can't sell it at least 10-15 plat those because now everyone can get them so easily. "for me 11 was the record in one mission".


The number of alerts improved but some alert misleading and the mission you went in is often differ what you choosed I suppose this was the mark with the new starchart but sometimes annoying.


Overall not really drastic the changes and you can live without boosters but if you given booster then go and hunt. Otherwise not really worth your time.

500 -800k in 2 hours .... Vs 1 - 1.3 mil an hour  . :/

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7 hours ago, JohnKable said:

Probably for boosters sale and to give a reason to more players to play sorties every day.

i quit playing sorties but now i will return in them because of credits.

also maybe to make prime access more valuable because of that 3 month booster.

i think its fine, there has to be some real point into buying cred boosters. So far they were almost unnecessary and unworthy.

the only problem is that players with little time for the game are the ones that need boosters the most and benefit from them the least.

they probably should reduce the duration to 1/4 or 1/5 and apply to real game time only

thing is most traders run creds boosters anyway so its kinda self defeating really 


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3 hours ago, Neothel said:

Whoops, I meant million.

Mmh, I think you have no clue how hard it was in the beginning to farm credits (or rare resources). No raids, no Sorties, no Invasion, etc.

As it is like now, its still easier to farm credits than it was for those who are playing since the beginning. We need to built Injectors and Fieldrons and so on. We had really credit / ress "problems" in that time. Sure we now have more or less enough of everything, but we had that problem too. And it was even worse in that Time.

If people are speedrunning T4 Caps just for credits or stay only 5 Minutes in a Dark Sector Survival then there is something wrong with the "playing" mentality. It´s like a said, a lot of that "mindlessly" grinding comes from ourselves. Because we want that NOW. I´m doing that from time to time myself and I think myself is that really necessary? Like the Oxium or Cryotic requirements now.

Maybe we should really come back more to playing, instead of grind the hell out of it.

heh i remember well what oldframe was like , but once trading was added and the dread plat tax , we needed and still do need a place to restock creds at reasonable efficiency. if not then DE should  lower the cost of cred sinks dramatically and remove the plat tax 

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19 minutes ago, BAD9eR said:

if not then DE should  lower the cost of cred sinks dramatically and remove the plat tax 

That is something they could really look at. I´m not trading that much, but I was always shocked how much credits that took. Even with my stock of Credits that I have. 

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This patch really was a turd in candy coating.


To clarify to anyone who doesn't see it:

  1. Void credit rewards have been nerfed to ~ 1/5 to 1/6 of what they used to be
  2. Infinite missions had their credit rewards reduced by ~40% (20 waves of ODD used to yield ~25K creds, 15K now | Hieracon used to yield ~25K creds, 15K now | etc)


Essentially, DE's answer to "Credit-only alerts are useless" was to nerf all other means of credit gain when they should have instead buffed the credit rewards on said alerts...but why do that when you can turn it into a cash grab by promoting the sale of credit packs?

Edited by Darknecron
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Trading taxes arte necessary for many reason, progression and exploit being the first.

i would like to see some credit alerts with real credit reward.

the corpus shipments with 50k were a total failure... Even with the nerfs i can grab that amount of credits in many spots in less time. Those should reward something between 100 and 200k

credit alerts should definitely reward something like 30-35k average so they would be good for new players.

still not a real compensation for the general credit nerf but wont be completely sensless atleast

Edited by JohnKable
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Lol.... credit nerf? well practically i dont really care, and i think this is another thing to consider:

  • LOR gives most of the credits
  • Not many people do LOR

Maybe DE will think this:

  • Make the game become more interesting and challenging
  • The LOR player not many enough yet
  • Force them to go LOR
  • How?
  • Nerf Credit

Well, previously before credits nerfed, i practiccally got like 1 million credits per day as i and my clanmates doing daily LOR which gives like 500k each run for normal and nightmare. We do daily sorite also. And? there it is... i dont know what to do with my credits. Now that they nerf the credits, they like gave you 2 options:

  • Explore our game contents more.
  • Buy our credit booster.

I never do any alerts nor invasions that only give credits. I never farm credit also. Credits come to me even more than i need... even after the LOR credits got nerfed and credit booster got bugged, i still get practically 300k per day for LOR+LOR NM+Sortie and roughly 500k if the credit booster not bugged as most likely each time LOR will get credit booster rare cache, which is more than enough. I dont even do daily JV also, just will be even still more than enough without JV yet. I noticed that before credit nerf, my credits is 5m, and after nerfed still in 5m, even i crafting most of archwings and buy everything from Baro, which means that the credits now still enough, and soon even more than enough as i dont have anything to craft.

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17 hours ago, Ciaus said:

OH NOES a few vet players who already have everything and minimal constant credit outflow, who were around in the old days where void gave double and accrued an unspendable bank, have a ton of credits. 

Better nerf credits. 


Not all vets are rich either. I know quite a few people in my circle of friends that are like me. We're barely making do with our credits and resources, and we lose damn near everything each time new inflated content comes out. We call ourselves middle-class veterans...

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19 hours ago, BAD9eR said:

Why has credit rewards been nerfed to the ground ? cant find a decent spot to farm cred's now w/o spending 40 mins in hieracon (excuse spellings) i would like to know the reasoning behind this (apart from making us buy boosters( which didn't work and  90% of serious cred farmers  buy em anyway ) 

 The only reason i can see for this is to increase the grind even more :/


If you want the business model answer, here it is:

A large part of the established, paying player base (they are going for an annuity/subscription-type revenue model even if it is by choice) has grown in power and matured to the point where credits needed could be obtained without boosters.  Also I think the limits/tolerance level of farming (grinding) that players will go to continue to surprise DE.

So this is a course correction to make boosters and any pack containing boosters necessary to keep up with resource demands for established players and completionists.


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10 hours ago, Hans.Yulian said:

Lol.... credit nerf? well practically i dont really care, and i think this is another thing to consider:

  • LOR gives most of the credits
  • Not many people do LOR

Maybe DE will think this:

  • Make the game become more interesting and challenging
  • The LOR player not many enough yet
  • Force them to go LOR
  • How?
  • Nerf Credit

Well, previously before credits nerfed, i practiccally got like 1 million credits per day as i and my clanmates doing daily LOR which gives like 500k each run for normal and nightmare. We do daily sorite also. And? there it is... i dont know what to do with my credits. Now that they nerf the credits, they like gave you 2 options:

  • Explore our game contents more.
  • Buy our credit booster.

I never do any alerts nor invasions that only give credits. I never farm credit also. Credits come to me even more than i need... even after the LOR credits got nerfed and credit booster got bugged, i still get practically 300k per day for LOR+LOR NM+Sortie and roughly 500k if the credit booster not bugged as most likely each time LOR will get credit booster rare cache, which is more than enough. I dont even do daily JV also, just will be even still more than enough without JV yet. I noticed that before credit nerf, my credits is 5m, and after nerfed still in 5m, even i crafting most of archwings and buy everything from Baro, which means that the credits now still enough, and soon even more than enough as i dont have anything to craft.

well gee .. thanks for telling us that you are all good :) have a sticker of psychological validation ;)  i fail to see the point of your post though , so you raid that gives you 500k roughly per day , i can spend that 500k in one trade tax . how am i supposed to generate enough credit income to be able to keep up with my trading ? which is my endgame btw :)

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9 hours ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:


If you want the business model answer, here it is:

A large part of the established, paying player base (they are going for an annuity/subscription-type revenue model even if it is by choice) has grown in power and matured to the point where credits needed could be obtained without boosters.  Also I think the limits/tolerance level of farming (grinding) that players will go to continue to surprise DE.

So this is a course correction to make boosters and any pack containing boosters necessary to keep up with resource demands for established players and completionists.


 you think that credits needed can be gained w/o boosters , enough for serious trading ? you must be playing a different game than me then or you aint trading anywhere near as much as i am. or you arn't selling rare items worth much plat. i do understand why DE would do this , im pissed because it reeks of underhanded  chinese argp buisiness models and doesnt bode well for the future of wf imo ( not doomsaying as DE have previously done a sp[anking job even with all the missteps, lets just hope they listen to the community as a whole rather than just the nerf brigade's )

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Hello, i have seen around 5 threads stating "uhu credit farming is dead" I am here to show you it's Credit Before  and Credit After in this run i got like 14K credit extra idk why tho. This Is With Boost And here is some other runs Run 1 Run 1 Results Run 2 Results Sorry if they're low quality or something but as you can see i earn around  45K per run. Not that bad, and it only takes around 5 min. My method is to play with Frost and take 2 excavations and kill as many as you can. So in 10 min you can earn 100K not that bad if i can say it myself. Ofcourse you're not gonna get credits from the excavators all the time but instead R5 cores, but that rarerly happends [buff it please] i am doing this on Pluto mission Hieracon. You can easily get more then 100k a run, if you bring Hydroid,Frost,Nekros and a warframe of your choice. Btw the credit boost is glitched or something, it wont show up there that i gain 2x more but it counts towards my credits anyways. Weird...

Sorry if i didn't explain correcly or something but i think you guys can understand :D 

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I dunno but I think I'll have to send my Kubrow into stasis. As of now the 75k for DNA stabilizers take me at least 4 runs to get. Since there are weeks where I can only play so much this means that the only thing I can do is trying to keep the dog alive not even thinking about getting any primed mods whatsoever let alone maxing them.

Effectively this nerf kills the progression for casuals completely.

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Yeah pay for boosters for normal drops xaxa.

4 hours ago, BAD9eR said:

well gee .. thanks for telling us that you are all good :) have a sticker of psychological validation ;)  i fail to see the point of your post though , so you raid that gives you 500k roughly per day , i can spend that 500k in one trade tax . how am i supposed to generate enough credit income to be able to keep up with my trading ? which is my endgame btw :)

Maby you are not supposed to do trading anymore, since trading is actually hurting them more than simply purchasing plat. Remember, you pay enormous tax only if you recieve plat from trades. With other words, lowering the money flow.

Edited by -HitZ-
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48 minutes ago, (PS4)The_Moustache said:

As a casual player, this hurts. I enjoyed running Void keys and getting a good amount of credits. This update is looking less and less fun for me.

I can feel for those who have not enough time than others. That was always a problem and will most likely stay. That is a way to hold a large amount of players in a free to play. That is coming from those who are nonstop grinding. Don´t count me in there, cause I got those credits from mostly normal playing (k, maybe a lot playing^^) and coming at a point where I can´t spend credits anymore. Or not enough to get poor.

If everything can get achieved too fast, a lot of people would leave pretty fast. Especially when they have nothing to do anymore (or no challenge^^) There are people who are flying through the MR thanks to Draco and whatever, have farmed a bunch of credits. Polarized the hell out of their weapons and then got bored...

I had a similar situation in STO. There were people who farmed Equipment to sell them. Then someday they nerfed that. People like me got screwed, so i could not enough / not fast enough farm credits to buy those "keys". That took me the fun and I left.

I know that I have said that there is enough to farm credits, but I hope for you and others that DE will find a good solution.

Edited by Neothel
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