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@Digital Extremes - Update 19 makes Warframe feel Empty, Shallow and Hollow.


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22 minutes ago, (XB1)Listed mia 510 said:

I dont see the difference in playing the same fissure over and over at a faster pace! 

So now play a Capture/Extractor like mission over and over and over....

Sounds... Monotonous to me.

short repetitive fissures with player chosen rewards vs repetitive 2+ hours runs with random reward  gee i wonder wich one gets more boring  and wastes time unnecesarily

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6 minutes ago, (XB1)Listed mia 510 said:

Im not sure where your getting your information for this but I do not agree.

Most who do long missions because "They Can" do it because "The Rewards"

The majority of pugger's don't understand because they typically extract at Rot C. this new system is great for them cause they don't understand the feeling of Rot Cx3-4 every time they use "1" Key.

Okay, "most" was likely the incorrect word to use, and I'll definitely concede that. "Many" may work better, but I do realize it's partially rewards and partially ability.

However, the point the OP is making revolves around player interaction...for better or worse. It's the drama he (she?) craves: good players, bad players, arrogant players, stupid players. My point is that the ability to find that is still there.

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I'm a Vet player of 3 years and even I kind of prefer the new way to obtain prime parts. People say the void was varied and I'm just like..really? You had the same standard mission types except Rescue and Excavation. So that's Capture, Exter, Sab, MD, D, Sur, and Interception on one whole tile-set of the same golds, whites and blues with no changes whatsoever. Not to mention the materials we have billions of by now because of the grind like Alloy and the truck loads of control mods we'll never use.

At least with the Fissure system I can get different materials on the side plus a change of fuckin scenery for once. I don't miss the old system and I think the new system could still use some tweaking(Only being able to hold 100 Void Traces at a time? Really?) but I wont miss spending 1-3 hours of Survival or defense waiting for the reward we want and never getting it because LolRNG.

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bad points to the new void system: 

the credit give out is piss unilke the old void 

you can only get one thing per run but it takes all 4 keys  relics per run instead of one

you get like 10- 12 void resuadue things per run so you have to GRIND like hell in order to up a relics chances of getting a rare point 

getting stuff for ducats will take longer because you only get one part per run 

you are basically doing the same mini-mission in a bigger mission over and over and over. 

good points: 

uses more tile sets and different environments. 

you can narrow down hunting for what you want and pick out of the best at the end. 


instead of removing the old void they should have just added the new system as well giving players CHOICE. removing more choice is always bad. 

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)Jyekah said:

Why couldn't they just leave the void how it was but also had the new fissure thing?No harm in having both IMO. Not looking forward to this arriving on console one bit

Trust me, you'll love it once you're in need of Forma and can get many quickly by simply using the appropriate relics. All in all, this eased the prime grind (and in return, will kill a lot of the insane prices for prime gear that was way unreasonable). One thing I might want them to do is give a crap ton more relics from Void missions, thus giving us a reason to do more missions there.

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First of all endless missions are still there. You are free to go into void and launch survival node.


Secondly, there will be new endless variation on the Prime part acqusitions. Watch the latest Prime Time 


34 minutes ago, tank_iron15 said:

You have no idea how freaking brilliant your freeform endless void missions were

Oh boy this sentence. You may be half right. But still the change was really needed sitting 24/7 in one tileset was not good in any way.

I'm personally looking forward to the future changes as for new Endless missiona in rifts.



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3 minutes ago, Retepzednem said:

short repetitive fissures with player chosen rewards vs repetitive 2+ hours runs with random reward  gee i wonder wich one gets more boring  and wastes time unnecesarily

I still never said anything about boring.. Or wether the reward was "Good or Not".

In my eyes a Reward is a Reward wether it's Subjected too "Good or Not" which in fact is Subject to the Player.

Playing a Survival for 2 hours isnt boring to me and many other people, but playing a 5-10 minute mission endlessly does sound boring too me..

There is a reason Myself and people Like Me have hundreds upon hundreds of Capture...

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7 minutes ago, pauli133 said:

nothing could be further from the truth. I can't count how many friends have stopped playing this game, burned out by the garbage grind in the void. slow pace, long missions, and punishing reward chances are not healthy for any game. By contrast, I see people excited by fast paced runs that could take them across an entire rainbow of tilesets and mission types, end in a reasonable and predictable amount of time, and always yield something interesting. 

People who have left before are coming back to this game. New people are joining. The fraction of the old cadre who are only satisfied by bitterness and fruitless grinding weren't some vibrant halcyon community - and they certainly weren't something for the game as a whole to cater to.


Yes the old way was a relentless unforgiving grind however, it was challenging for newer players who hadn't spent their life on draco faux levelling their rank and every weapon known to man after 20 hours. It just needed its own tweaking to be challenging for all. Drop fixes could of also been done to make it less grindy without stripping away the EFFORT involved. People actually did the missions once upon a time, now they head for the blinding fissure quick smart to get their common prime piece ASAP. If people didn't want to grind for primes, thats what access is for isn't it? Trading? Whine about the grind, whine about buying it. People gonna whine regardless and now it's being spoon fed. The common pieces anyway. (When your choice works that is, lets not forget those bugs)

I enjoyed taking "noobs" on their first adventure to the void, and being part of their joy at getting their first prime drops without worrying about what "key" they had, or did not have, after doing a mission within a mission that wasnt even necessary to add.

Thats just for primes though. A whole lot more has gone missing that people don't even seem to pay attention to, in their bumrush! :)

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3 minutes ago, morningstar999 said:

bad points to the new void system: 

the credit give out is piss unilke the old void 

you can only get one thing per run but it takes all 4 keys  relics per run instead of one

you get like 10- 12 void resuadue things per run so you have to GRIND like hell in order to up a relics chances of getting a rare point 

getting stuff for ducats will take longer because you only get one part per run 

you are basically doing the same mini-mission in a bigger mission over and over and over. 

good points: 

uses more tile sets and different environments. 

you can narrow down hunting for what you want and pick out of the best at the end. 


instead of removing the old void they should have just added the new system as well giving players CHOICE. removing more choice is always bad. 

In regards to the ducats at least, ducat prices are gonna be dropping per the devs, thus meaning the grind for that will be less intensive as well.

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4 minutes ago, morningstar999 said:

bad points to the new void system: 

the credit give out is piss unilke the old void 

you can only get one thing per run but it takes all 4 keys  relics per run instead of one

you get like 10- 12 void resuadue things per run so you have to GRIND like hell in order to up a relics chances of getting a rare point 

getting stuff for ducats will take longer because you only get one part per run 

you are basically doing the same mini-mission in a bigger mission over and over and over. 

good points: 

uses more tile sets and different environments. 

you can narrow down hunting for what you want and pick out of the best at the end. 


instead of removing the old void they should have just added the new system as well giving players CHOICE. removing more choice is always bad. 

the system is new and i see some fissures pop out in void maps so  i dont see why it is not a possibility to have more on void maps

the new system clearly works better so why dont people try asking for more fissures  on void tileset instead of  hating on the fissure system?

 as well as possibly make certain enemies drop Traces like Eximus units 

and on the Trace farming problem , this is a player issue as players close fissures as fast as possible   I get on avrage 20-25+ Traces   with teams that  farm T4 fissures till theres 20-15 seconds left  

Edited by Retepzednem
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10 minutes ago, Momaw said:

Endless void missions are still there. If you like endless void so much, there is nothing to stop you from doing it ya?


On 7/13/2016 at 6:02 PM, Hayzemet said:

They are not its just withdrawal syndrome, soon it'll pass

(Just quoted you for reference, sorry confuse ye :v)


2 minutes ago, (XB1)Listed mia 510 said:

I'm not sure where your getting your information for this but I do not agree.

Most who do long missions because "They Can" do it because "The Rewards"

The majority of pugger's don't understand because they typically extract at Rot C. this new system is great for them cause they don't understand the feeling of Rot Cx3-4 every time they use "1" Key.


5 minutes ago, pauli133 said:



Clearly, by the way everyones gobbling up the relic system, people enjoy the empty bumrush to gather their primes without much thought for anything else, but it has killed the games longevity and in time, it will stifle the community insofar as interaction beyond the frantic fissure rush. 

nothing could be further from the truth. I can't count how many friends have stopped playing this game, burned out by the garbage grind in the void. slow pace, long missions, and punishing reward chances are not healthy for any game. By contrast, I see people excited by fast paced runs that could take them across an entire rainbow of tilesets and mission types, end in a reasonable and predictable amount of time, and always yield something interesting. 


12 minutes ago, Endless-Waltz said:

I agree, some might say that the old way of acquiring your prime items was "grindy", but it was a lot more varied and less boring than this new game of fetch the orbs they replaced everything with, I hope they take notice of this.


Void 1.0

  • Static missions for one desired C reward doesn't change entire year.
  • Same void gold rooms + music.
  • Only one key regardless squad size gets 1 reward.
  • Possible chance getting oro cell or cores inside the C rot, bonus points on it being endless mission.

Void 2.0

  • 4 Relics = 4 Rewards in one run & can pick entire list mission based one what's choosen under a day's worth.
  • Isn't stuck on just golden rooms + music. Instead, picks entire solar map.
  • Oro cells/Cores/Junks on prime table are gone. Only one stayed which are forma bps.
  • Besides forma, now rewards only prime parts to cherry pick between full team 4.

Void 1.0 more varied and less boring? Doubt it.

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46 minutes ago, pauli133 said:

Breaking the endless, ugly Orokin Void tileset treadmill, with its monotonous missions and infuriating drop tables, was the best thing to ever happen to this game.

So we can hop on the "do an extractor in the middle of random missions, move the grind time to gaining relics" treadmill? I really preferred the Void over the current fissure implementation and I greatly hope that the new system is expanded.

Things are the same as they ever were, but now players get to indulge in fetishization of personal agency with the refinement and end-of-mission choice systems so that they do not have to readily acknowledge that the grind has not changed, but has merely been relocated to relic-dispensing missions.

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50 minutes ago, pauli133 said:

Breaking the endless, ugly Orokin Void tileset treadmill, with its monotonous missions and infuriating drop tables, was the best thing to ever happen to this game.


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9 minutes ago, Cradicias said:

In regards to the ducats at least, ducat prices are gonna be dropping per the devs, thus meaning the grind for that will be less intensive as well.

DE never stated the Ducat prices will Drop, "They" stated that the Ducat Economy will be observed closely, And adjusted accordingly..

I don't believe observing now is going too be a good thing for us as a lot of people Have and Are going into this update with tons of keys on Reserve.

And with it being "Faster" to obtain Prime pieces now, You can be safe too assume Ducat Economy will in fact Go Up.. Way Up.



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5 minutes ago, (XB1)Listed mia 510 said:

DE never stated the Ducat prices will Drop, "They" stated that the Ducat Economy will be observed closely, And adjusted accordingly..

I don't believe observing now is going too be a good thing for us as a lot of people Have and Are going into this update with tons of keys on Reserve.

And with it being "Faster" to obtain Prime pieces now, You can be safe too assume Ducat Economy will in fact Go Up.. Way Up.



Check the forums. When Baro was coming back, they said they were delaying to get more data and that prices were more than likely going to drop.

Quote from thread, note towards the end the planned lower prices:

On 7/15/2016 at 7:05 AM, [DE]Drew said:

PC Tenno, 

Part of our promise with Void 2.0 is that Baro will re-evaluate his Ducat prices based on the new levels of supply and demand. However, with one week of new Relics and one week of traditional Ducat farming behind us, we don't have enough data yet to make any informed changes to his pricing. 

With that in mind, Baro will not be offering any new equipment this week as he takes stock of his inventory! As solace, he'll be bringing some Dragon and Falcon Mod Packs today for the first time. 

After this week, Baro's prices will be adjusted to better suit Relics. The values that we will initially be looking at are:
Common slotted Items (15), Uncommon slotted items (45), Rare slotted items (100)


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58 minutes ago, (XB1)Listed mia 510 said:

I dont see the difference in playing the same fissure over and over at a faster pace! 

So now play a Capture/Extractor like mission over and over and over....

Sounds... Monotonous to me.

Except now it's not the exact same tileset every day for the last 2 years.

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Just now, Clem2-TheClemening said:

Except now it's not the exact same tileset every day for the last 2 years.

No changes to lighting or color could have saved us from the Void, praise be its name. Never shall we be forced to walk its holy halls again, praise be its na-


No I can't do it with a straight face. 

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1 hour ago, pauli133 said:

Breaking the endless, ugly Orokin Void tileset treadmill, with its monotonous missions and infuriating drop tables, was the best thing to ever happen to this game.

Now that its a hollow shell dev team can fill it with WHAT THEY see (and many of the players to be honest) as work they are happy with!

This game was intended to be so much more than a grinder because at the end of the day when they make their money....they dont even like the cheese and grindiness they find.



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