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Should Oberon Be Reworked?


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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Graysmog said:


Just Buff the living crud out of him.

i mean, his second ability has no place in this game, it's so small, it's effects are so miniscule , and his fourth is very pointless, yes it has high damage but it really doesn't do anymore than that and it falls off very quickly. it's like a blade storm that doesnt kill 

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2 minutes ago, Grayscale_Lord said:

Oberon is okay theme wise but he is jack of all trades but master of none. Everything that Oberon does another frame can do better. And this is Oberon's downfall.

i agree so much with you

For example, the armor buff he gives on hallowed ground is 20%.... thats the lowest armor buff in the game, chroma gives 350% + 150% using ice, and valkyr gives + 50% ,, and they both have really high base armor. oberon has neither high armor buff or high armor to start with. Jack in armor .

His fourth ability does a blind effect, its only 4 meters and 4 seconds. useful as hell, ha, jack


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I think he should be reworked, yes.

His role is essentially to provide (mostly) gradual, reliable health restoration and bleedout slow, protect from damage with the various armor buffs and some CC, while dealing a decent amount of damage and being more survivable than average (not always all at the same time).

He's just a little too tame though compared to specialized frames, and it marginalizes him. Trinity can insta-heal and provide infinite energy, while Mirage (for example) can mow down roomfuls of enemies.

Also, even though endless Void missions have been killed, Oberon's powers and Hallowed Ground in particular are extremely vulnerable to nullifiers.

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I'd see him get some tweaks, he does good things but not good enough to last.


By the way, his 2 is underestimated overall. I mean ;

  • It removes and prevents any status when standing on it. No more knockdown/stun-lock combo from the Bursas, screw the Toxic auras, and so many other things !
  • Use its Augment and let the Radiation party ! It turns your enemies against each other.

Yes, it does a poor job at damaging enemies, but look at its utilities !

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Just now, Arkhenbarn said:

By the way, his 2 is underestimated overall. I mean ;

  • It removes and prevents any status when standing on it. No more knockdown/stun-lock combo from the Bursas, screw the Toxic auras, and so many other things !
  • Use its Augment and let the Radiation party ! It turns your enemies against each other.

Yes, it does a poor job at damaging enemies, but look at its utilities !

The problem though is that it covers the floor in a huge carpet which makes it extremely vulnerable to nullifiers.

That said, I'm going to be bringing Oberon to some Grineer sorties in the future.

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1 minute ago, Epsik-kun said:

That's the problem. "Standing on it" means "dying on it" in this game.

exactly, you cant just stand still in warframe he needs a reason to not be a sitting duck. if they really want to make him worth it, and his second ability worth it they should buff his armor and his armor buff on hallowed ground

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My opinion about his skills :

1 > great 

2 > Awkward and ugly but can be really usefull to dispell stuff

3 > I would love it to become a "togglable" aura with the same effect

4 > Completly unimaginative skill paired with an outdated visual (yup i don't like it even if i like oberon's animation while he cast it)

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Buff Oberon. Keep the Paladin theme (offensive support)

  • Smite is balanced, what you expect from 1
  • Make first target stun
  • Make Hallow Ground twice as big
  • Make Hallow Ground slow enemies movment
  • Reneval, increase duration twice
  • Reckoning, add chance to spawn mana orbs as well

His kit is standard, and having some support/healer frame is a good thing. It is just weak in values.

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3 minutes ago, Kastorius said:

The problem though is that it covers the floor in a huge carpet which makes it extremely vulnerable to nullifiers.

That said, I'm going to be bringing Oberon to some Grineer sorties in the future.

Ah, Nullis... My nemesis...

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This is purely my opinion on Obeone:

Smite : To me its good to as is but i don't mind some minor buffs to it, something like extra range for ability itself and its orbs.

Hallowed Ground : This ability needs to be updated or reworked, a simple buff won't do, in a game where we have to be on the move slapping something on the floor to "Cure" others as the only way to "Remedy" just...no good, making it something like an aura that surround him would be better.

Renewal : This ability needs to be updated as well, it should stay on you after it fully heal you since it also has the ability to regen health too.

Reckoning : This ability needs to be changed from simple "Lift & Slam" to exalted Arc & Brunt or he release blinding light that burn anything near and heal anything (allies, players & NPC) within the ability radius.

Obeone stats needs to be updated as well, armor, health and power (energy pool) need to increase as well.

Passive needs to be something else, like he passively regen energy on the fly (1 energy per second) and when he takes damage its increases by 2x-3x, allies near Obeone (his passive range is 10-15 meters) should receive his energy as well.

Yes Obeone is my boy!  

Edited by Prinny13
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3 minutes ago, Prinny13 said:

Hallowed Ground : This ability needs to be updated or reworked, a simple buff won't do, in a game where we have to be on the move slapping something on the floor to "Cure" others as the only way to "Remedy" just...no good, making it something like an aura that surround him would be better.


We have a couple of missions when we need to defend position. Excavetion. Defense. Mobile Defense. Not to mention fissures.

Frost is somehow very useful.

So having ability " i claim this land for Tenno" is ok. Just make it twice as big.

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I like his first ability, its great. heres my ranking

1# Smite

i think this one is perfect for a first, it does what it does and it does it well

2# Renewal

if this was a channel instead of it cancelling as soon as you are healed, it would be a massive buff

3# Reckoning

its boring, it barely does anything, it damages but falls off fast, small and short blind, on enemies outside of the range and they have to be looking in, wow "useful"

the only good thing is the health orb chance, which killing enemies high levels with it (even level 40 which isnt high) is not an option

4# his passive (lol)


5# hallowed ground

be a sitting duck ! needs scrapped completely or turned into a totem or something like that. aoe would be better

even a minelayer kit would be great.


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2 minutes ago, felixsylvaris said:

We have a couple of missions when we need to defend position. Excavetion. Defense. Mobile Defense. Not to mention fissures.

Frost is somehow very useful.

So having ability " i claim this land for Tenno" is ok. Just make it twice as big.

you're a sitting duck using hallowed ground, theres no defense about it. yes you wont be knocked down or have status procs. but that armor buff isnt big enough (neither is your own) to even consider being in enemy fire while using it

and frost is useful because you can stand inside his globe and not take damage. while using oberon, you are taking damage 24/7

Edited by cookieknife
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As a player who uses most frames, and oberon the most. Id say he does NOT really need a rework. He's perfectly playable and fine. His 1 is strong and lets him put rad procs out easy.

His 2, while rather lacking at this point, is still useful due to the fact that it stacks. So placing 4/5 tiles in one spot just turns into a murder lane, again putting rad procs up. His 3 might be the only thing that needs a change, simply being a fix to his regen then anything else. It sucks when you're taking damage and your hp fills up for second. Therefor ending the regen and forcing you to recast, though more times then not just dying because you didn't notice the regen stop. Or that the regen was what was keeping you alive in general, Current regen keeps his new Phoenix Augment from working effectively and makes the bleed out timer buff nearly worthless when it wears off players after 3 seconds anyways. (this being with a 200%ish duration oberon)

His 4 is also just fine. Who said an 4th HAS to kill. It Knockdowns, Blinds, and Rads anything it hits. The Knockdown gives you a breather, and makes for a great opening to pickup an allie. The knockdown, ALONG with the Blind, ensures you have this breather as some enemies cant be knockdown or just simply don't have a knockdown animation/state. The Rad proc again ensures this breath as now they'll start shooting each other, including the ones your Reckoning missed in the first place.

Oberon has flaws, yes. But a rework isn't need. Just a patch.

Edited by corporatePaladin
posting at 6am is hard.
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