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Last sec leavers need to be taught a lesson


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3 minutes ago, Doxorn said:

The solution is simple:

if a player are left alone in the battle after extraction Lotus warns them in helium voice about it and offer an additional extraction for a short time.

Something like...:

- Tenno, are you sure want to fight alone? Extraction is still available for a short time.

Good idea too. Doesn't even have to be timed; The mission is technically finished, you're alone, extract whenever you're ready.

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Just now, Yoruno said:

For what reason do you choose to leave at last second instead? I can only see it as being an &#!.

to clarify things im talking bout those runs with 3 guys standing on top of that pillar thing whil i run around cap points and have to kill everything - in that case im happy to leave you alone and hope you fail miserably. Because you dont deserve xp for doing nothing and i get less xp because i need to kill everything.

now if you just leave for lulz then yeah youre a $&*^ but if youre still in there with other teammates its no problem, except if youre a leecher w/o good frame or gun and think the comunity will lvl you for doing nothing.

So in conclusion either use a unranked frame or a unranked weapon never both together otherwise you deserve (imo) getting left alone and fail the mission miserably


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4 minutes ago, felixsylvaris said:

Can someone explain what is the deal with leavers?

I sometimes encountered ppl leaving close to finish is that related to traces farming?


Yeah, I was wondering the same thing. I never encountered these people, but as I read this topic, I don't get what they'd get from it, and what you'd lose.

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you encounter them when you join the lvlplaces of this game, back when draco was a thing they met up there nowadays its berehyna or the void interception no clue what its name is. If you arent speedlvling you will probably never encounter them, like this never happened to me in a def only in those interceptions.
Well might be because you learn to be a twat in those places, loose every hope in the community and realise that you have to solo these places while lvling in the worst case scenario.

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1 hour ago, Kletse said:

Last second leavers. I don't like their attitude.We can talk all day how we feel about those living creatures, but we won't.

We will talk about how we can put our own, so called middlefinger, back in their so called faces and here's how:

Make the 1st person who leaves in the last 2 seconds lose all their affinity, resources and rewards. The ones who follow will keep theirs. If the 1st person goes back to the fight, too bad, the one is flagged. He should have stayed off the leave button.

I know it's not a perfect system, but remember this:

With the current system, someone leaves at last sec and keeps their rewards. Leaving you by yourself and fail mission because no backup and you are the one without rewards. That' not really fair, is it? Now when that happens again, you'll at least know that the bastard who started it, has no rewards either.

Sincerely yours,


Or practice moderation? I for one know what content I can handle, alone and in a team, so I play to that boundary and then extract if necessary (If content gets way too hard too fast like in defense missions, I don't do anything past wave 20. In survival missions I tend to go 25 to 30 minutes before the risk of enemies out-paces the reward) If I have particularly bad RNG for a Defense mission, I quit by wave 10

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1 minute ago, Radagosh said:

to clarify things im talking bout those runs with 3 guys standing on top of that pillar thing whil i run around cap points and have to kill everything - in that case im happy to leave you alone and hope you fail miserably. Because you dont deserve xp for doing nothing and i get less xp because i need to kill everything.

now if you just leave for lulz then yeah youre a $&*^ but if youre still in there with other teammates its no problem, except if youre a leecher w/o good frame or gun and think the comunity will lvl you for doing nothing.

So in conclusion either use a unranked frame or a unranked weapon never both together otherwise you deserve (imo) getting left alone and fail the mission miserably


I see. I just hit leave as soon as extraction menu pops up occasions something similar happens to me. Stooping down on their level of maturity isnt worth it imo.
From time to time though id carry them! all the while showing off my awesomeness ofcourse.

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People who do this gain a chuckle out of trolling, the people who get trolled now have to complete additional waves without help, possibly failing and losing everything.


Best way to solve this is to end the countdown once everyone is on the same option. Everybody selects stay, time stops and the next round starts. If I'm waiting on the stay option and I notice someone hanging out in the middle undecided, I'll leave. Problem solved.

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1 minute ago, malekas said:

Best way to solve this is to end the countdown once everyone is on the same option. Everybody selects stay, time stops and the next round starts. If I'm waiting on the stay option and I notice someone hanging out in the middle undecided, I'll leave. Problem solved.

My thoughts exactly. It's easy to code too.

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this is how it should work:

  • every person swapping to "leave" adds +2 seconds to the countdown. (when all want to abandon you you get enough time to respond, btu if just one is leaving you can decide to stay with 3)
  • when all players are in the same box, the countdown ends immediatly, either finishing or continuing the mission.
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how about....


*le gasp* how about majority rules and everyone leaves at the same time!?!?! :O

I mean come on. 2-3 people vote to leave, it's time to leave. 2-3 people vote to stay, the 3-4th person that wanted to leave has to stay.


Granted it's a troll factor but it'd have to be a group effort. if someone needs to leave because of rl reasons they should tell the squad that they have to leave when the round/wave is over. Just like Survival missions.

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this is how it should work:

  • every person swapping to "leave" adds +2 seconds to the countdown. (when all want to abandon you you get enough time to respond, btu if just one is leaving you can decide to stay with 3)
  • when all players are in the same box, the countdown ends immediatly, either finishing or continuing the mission.
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how about....


*le gasp* how about majority rules and everyone leaves at the same time!?!?! :O

I mean come on. 2-3 people vote to leave, it's time to leave. 2-3 people vote to stay, the 3-4th person that wanted to leave has to stay.


Granted it's a troll factor but it'd have to be a group effort. if someone needs to leave because of rl reasons they should tell the squad that they have to leave when the round/wave is over. Just like Survival missions.

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This is an issue specific to Defense and Interception missions. What if, instead of providing the option to leave after each wave, the host defines at the outset what the number of waves will be (15, 20, 40, etc for Defense and/or 4, 8, 10, etc. for Interception)? This would be done before the mission even launches, when a squad is being assembled. Every member sees how long that particular mission is going to run for. If they want to stick around, they lock in. If they don't, they can just leave the squad. That way, there is no worry that anyone will flake out and leave in the middle of the mission (if they do, the penalties of failing the mission apply).

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1 hour ago, ashrah said:

that how leechers play warframe...only solution for that is  no rewards xp.affinity.credits.mods.parts/ nothing... than they actually must play to earn stuff 1+

Yes, yes, and yes, lol.   And unfortunately we have no tools, or designs, to fight against this.   People run to the end of exterminate missions and sit there, people find the exit at the start of survivals and sit there,  people hide in corners for interceptions,  people run off and hide for def or md missions.   Hydroids turn to puddles and lay there during the entire mission, and limbo frames go into the void and just stand there.  I could go on and on, but it's nothing we can really do about it.  My ignore list is huge right now, and that's the only thing I can do right now.  If I'm in a group with someone on my ignore list I know things are going to go really bad.   I was going  to try and keep track of clans associated with these slackers, but that's too much work because it's too many of them.  Maybe one day we'll get something to defend ourselves from these toxic players......

Edited by Grumpy
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The best revenge is living well.

DE may or may not change anything in this regard, so it's up to you to cover you.

When I go into any mission where this is potentially an issue, I always bring a warframe and a gear loadout that can solo the mission to completion. Period. That way, if the squirrels run for another tree, I can still finish the mission and leave with what I've earned, or even finish it to my own desires.

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21 minutes ago, malekas said:

People who do this gain a chuckle out of trolling, the people who get trolled now have to complete additional waves without help, possibly failing and losing everything.


Best way to solve this is to end the countdown once everyone is on the same option. Everybody selects stay, time stops and the next round starts. If I'm waiting on the stay option and I notice someone hanging out in the middle undecided, I'll leave. Problem solved.

I just understood what they meant by "leaving at the last second". I thought they left the game just before a wave was completed, which would be completely counter-productive and $&*&*#(%&. I didn't think it was the "next round" timer. Thanks for clarifying that.

I never encountered this problem but I rarely go for more than 20 waves, since the rewards are the same after that and I don't go to defense/interception missions for XP, so I guess that's why I never had this issue. When I play with my brothers or my friends, and there's a fourth random guy, we consider he doesn't exist when we try to figure if we can go for one more round or not. Relying on strangers is a bad idea, LoL taught me at least that. But we make it clear when we want to leave, we vote as soon as the timer pops in. I'd feel bad wasting someone's time like this.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)B0XMAN517 said:

Just make it so if a person hits leave it adds 3 seconds and a player can only do this twice to avoid trolling.

perfect, with this, people will know when they might have some problem with a troll, OR if you do as I think you lock the choice after 2 hits, preventing any new change, something that change nothing for non-A****** people, & preventing this things. You sir deserve a medal :)

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1 hour ago, JSharpie said:

Or just... don't play with random people?

and then it come's the oxford guy that start saying obvius things and we are all happy to ear.

dude you think that every second that i play this game i did that with a friend in team, dude come on be fking serius 

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What if I don't want to do fissure mission with only 2 people? I want to do it with the biggest team for obvius reasons. Sometimes I wait till last moment and if no one joins I leave. Welp, sorry for that

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Or remove the timer, if you pick Battle you stay, if you pick Extract you leave?

Same applies to the team, if you are with a team, the moment anyone of them pick Extract they simply leave, and those who pick Battle simply stay!

No need for timers and/ or choices, it happens a lot, someone just troll you by picking Battle only to Extract on last second, the pain is real.

Make it a decisive decision thing!  

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if you are leaving in the last few seconds just because you did 50% of the dmg or "carried" the team and hope they fail miserably, you should probably play minecraft because you are an stupid immature kid who would perfectly fit into that kind of community and warframe is not the right choice of game for you then

just an idea

3 Sides as it is right now.
1st: Leave (left side)
2nd: Idle/Afk (middle)
3rd: Continue (right side)

12 Second Timer
8 Seconds to choose if you want to leave.

if you choose right side, you cant switch to left side because after those 8 seconds the left side gets locked.
if you are on left side and changed your mind because 3 of 4 people want to continue, you can still switch to the right side untill the 12 seconds run out.

so basicly after 8 seconds you have made your decision if you really want  to continue, you cant leave anymore and will have to do the next waves.
if you wanted to leave first, but changed your mind, you can still continue within the 12 second timer
if you are idle/afk then you simply continue just as it is now.


Edited by _Mr.Robot
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I understand it sucks getting left in a mission alone when it does happen but is this really such a frequent occurrence that all  of you are rallying for a change to actual game mechanics for a solution. I mean sure it's probably happened to most of us at least once or twice but unless this is some sort of widespread epidemic to where it's happening to Everyone multiple times frequently id say it would just be a case of add them to your ignore list and never worry about that person again.

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