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My reasons why the current Fissure sealing process is fine


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First, you wont worry that you will seal it if you pick a radiant by mistake.

and second it gives the players two choices, either farm for void tears which will make it like a "mini-survival"  or if you want to finish them fast then you will feel like playing "side-extermination".

Choosing between different two types is a lot of fun for some players, so please DE try not to change them.

If some players think that it's a lot of work to get 1 maxed relic then you could buff the amount of void tears that drop from higher level fissures.

If any player have a reason against this, put it in a comment.

Edited by majdwisam
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24 minutes ago, NekroArts said:

They're not going to change the fissure sealing process, they're going to remove it.

Yep bad thing is that they will remove the option to "farm" traces with loot frames, now is pretty pointless to have a much larger trace magazine.
In the devstream when DERebecca showcased the new fissure system i liked it alot to be honest, the only thing that disappointed me quite a bit is that she got just 8 traces in the end.

8 traces would be bad even with resource booster (assuming it still works), really no way to stockpile traces unless grinding until your eyes are bleeding. And i mean, i know traces were never meant to be stockpiled in thousands, but still i cant see the reason to reduce their drop to in a such ridiculous way when a single nekros in team could constantly increase the numbers you got to a reasonable 15+ per run (and def more if the other members had a good timing)


Edited by JohnKable
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really didnt catch up when they said that, not mother language, i just heard they clarified that she should have gotten the "corrupted buff".
And really wonder how much is supposed to be more. Id say 25 would be fine considering you got a dozen when not farming them and 50 when farming... but probably such a thing wont ever happen

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10 hours ago, majdwisam said:

First, you wont worry that you will seal it if you pick a radiant by mistake.

and second it gives the players two choices, either farm for void tears which will make it like a "mini-survival"  or if you want to finish them fast then you will feel like playing "side-extermination".

Choosing between different these two types is a lot of fun for some players, so please DE try not to change them.


Uh, yea... Farming the Fissures does nothing. Traces drop when you close it and on specific Eximus that spawn at 30/50/80% and not outside those marks.

You can kill all the other eximus and spawns you want and not get any Traces.

Diligent groups with boosters can get over 100 Traces in a single run. THAT is likely why they're changing it. The loot meta.

The reworks is still 5 minute boring spam missions, nothing has changed except now you can't use your brain to get quicker rare parts.

Edited by Xzorn
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Can't wait for the new system.  I hate the idea of hunting down for a little tear then kind of milling about an area until enough little golden orbs are dropped by my victims.  It's still a HUGE improvement over running defense for 20+ waves in my eyes, but I prefer where they're taking fissures as shown in the devstream - basically normal missions that slowly convert to Orokin Corrupted enemies.


And honestly, the current 100 cap in hindsight is rather ingenious when you consider they might have been probing to see if there were any methods of super farming traces.  With millions of players, someone's smart enough to figure out how to game the system, and someone is stupid enough to show everyone how.

Edited by Littleman88
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