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Should Nullifiers be affected by Punch Through?


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problem is there's no space for utility mods. I prefer increase DMG and add elemental mods rather than waste space for a utility mod.

if mods capacity  10 instead of 8 then I might add a utility mod

Edited by Abufhad
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Here's another suggestion:

Should Nullifiers's bubble works like an Artic Eximus' glacial shield? In other word, should it has a duration and once the duration is expired the bubble goes down and the Nullifier may active it again 10-15 seconds later?

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10 hours ago, (PS4)watt4hem said:

Nah, not everyone's gonna use a mod slot just for a single enemy type (especially metal auger, damn it takes alot of mod points)

For your consideration the mitter... Is getting a aug mod that (thus far) does NOTHING but pop nuli bubbles this unit is such a problem DE is giving it its own bandage mod.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)swamprat3 said:

For your consideration the mitter... Is getting a aug mod that (thus far) does NOTHING but pop nuli bubbles this unit is such a problem DE is giving it its own bandage mod.

that was in a prime time or something like 2 months ago lol. and it hasnt come yet xD idk i am starting to feel it wont come tbh. but it sure would be nice. i farmed for mitter right after i heard about the mod lol

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17 minutes ago, DJkillz said:

that was in a prime time or something like 2 months ago lol. and it hasnt come yet xD idk i am starting to feel it wont come tbh. but it sure would be nice. i farmed for mitter right after i heard about the mod lol

It was also in 2 devsereams but its hitting a point where DE has to do something these nullifyers are what players are kiting up for insted of the corpus and in a lotta cases just avoiding the faction all together because a lot of warframes draw is the ability to play how you like and nullifyers remove that in a long survival run for keys if i used my favorite overall load out i wouldn't make it past 10 min 

Im one of these players because i like the lighter frames and slower weapons and this one unit ran me off from almost everything corpus mission (except excavation because i use frost and a supra) but when consoles get SOTR im probably wont play any corpus mission at all 

But hopefully when the new scaling is put in to play nullifyers will just be removed altogether 

Edited by (PS4)swamprat3
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11 hours ago, TyrannisPax said:

I think the title says it all. And I'm just putting this idea out there for people to consider, criticize or whatever. (Not sure if this has been brought up before, I'm new to the forums, please be patient with me if so).

Nullifiers have some... Interesting, if annoying, features. And with their recent buff it I feel like they could be given a decent weakness, aside from their general low health. Now, I'm not totally sure how the Punch Through mechanics work, but seeing how they go through walls it got me thinking whether or not this would be a good edition to the Null bubbles. With a damage decrease or balance of course, to prevent them getting one hit through the bubble by weapons like the Opticor. Or maybe that might be a good thing.

Yay or Nay?

Temporarily, yes. Until such time as they are finally removed from the game, this could be a band aid. 

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11 hours ago, DrBorris said:

Absolutely not, that would take them from OP to pointless. Nullifiers' problem is that they fit too many roles, they just need their skill set distributed to a few units rather than one.


So... Nullifiers can keep their protective bubble, but lose the area denial of ability canceling. This means that nullifiers are exactly the same as now when outside the bubble, but now you can walk in the bubble without having abilities canceled.

Switch out Sapping Osprey's infuriating ball of death with the Isolator Bursas nullification bubble (the one that does not block any damage and is destroyed when you shoot the ball projectile thingy) so the Corpus as a faction keep their ability area denial.

There are already Railgun MOAs and Sniper Crewmen, who thought giving Nullifiers a sniper was a good idea? Give them a single Cestra.


Nullifiers need a full on rework, not a tacked on nerf.

I agree with this fully.

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1 hour ago, Crawd127 said:

Here's another suggestion:

Should Nullifiers's bubble works like an Artic Eximus' glacial shield? In other word, should it has a duration and once the duration is expired the bubble goes down and the Nullifier may active it again 10-15 seconds later?

That might work, but honestly I think that'd be more of a destructive nerf than the punch through would be.

1 hour ago, Shozanakh said:

Punch through not needed. Just fix ineffectiveness of slow weapons against nullifier bubbles and all will be fine. Anyway, we have workaround all time, except bow/sniper only sorties against Corpus.

By fixing the ineffectiveness do you mean making slow weapons reduce the shield quicker? Because that doesn't seem like it would achieve much more that just sticking punch through on them would.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)swamprat3 said:

It was also in 2 devsereams but its hitting a point where DE has to do something these nullifyers are what players are kiting up for insted of the corpus and in a lotta cases just avoiding the faction all together because a lot of warframes draw is the ability to play how you like and nullifyers remove that in a long survival run for keys if i used my favorite overall load out i wouldn't make it past 10 min 

Im one of these players because i like the lighter frames and slower weapons and this one unit ran me off from almost everything corpus mission (except excavation because i use frost and a supra) but when consoles get SOTR im probably wont play any corpus mission at all 

But hopefully when the new scaling is put in to play nullifyers will just be removed altogether 

devstream.. thats the 1. sorry i dont follow those things so i gut the prime time and devstream mixed up :P my bad. anyway.. i believe ppl avoid that faction overall is cause cant cheese lol. cause even a tiny about of gun use wont really be a problem for anyone with nullies until u get higher lvl ofc then its a whole new story but cheese nvr reaches that point anyway.

now ur second point is totally valid. i feel for u bruh.. first genuine reason i have liked in forum post yet. fav loadout. and not being able to play with it. thats the first post ive seen that is genuinely talking bout for the love of missions/game. not for cheesing or just trying to make it easier to last longer in missions pretty much. and i love ur comment for it. so then may i suggest not a nerf or any sort to nullies but change how it takes dmg? so single shot weapons r still effective and not just total crap lol. now that is fair. i am only guessing here but nulli takes dmg in intervals i believe. i mean it can take only a certain amount of dmg per shot/second or something. hence y single shot weapons r really bad at it. nd even when u get unranked automatic weapons.. they pop nullies with ease.. that does seem unfair.

i dont think u saw my old comment above. there is a link to where i explain the playstyle of warframe.. and from that point of view. i dont see how there will be a scaling rework put into warframe or even should. i really think scaling works just fine. all fixing scaling how ppl believe will do is push the difficulty furthur and furthur. meaning enemy dificulty u see now at say 40 min mark.. u will see at 60. that doesnt help anything. nor should be that way. survivals and defence for first 20 mins r easy as hell. i actually wish i could start those mission at that 20 min/wave mark. not push that even furthur where i would feel like starting at wave 40. 

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2 hours ago, DJkillz said:

devstream.. thats the 1. sorry i dont follow those things so i gut the prime time and devstream mixed up :P my bad. anyway.. i believe ppl avoid that faction overall is cause cant cheese lol. cause even a tiny about of gun use wont really be a problem for anyone with nullies until u get higher lvl ofc then its a whole new story but cheese nvr reaches that point anyway.

now ur second point is totally valid. i feel for u bruh.. first genuine reason i have liked in forum post yet. fav loadout. and not being able to play with it. thats the first post ive seen that is genuinely talking bout for the love of missions/game. not for cheesing or just trying to make it easier to last longer in missions pretty much. and i love ur comment for it. so then may i suggest not a nerf or any sort to nullies but change how it takes dmg? so single shot weapons r still effective and not just total crap lol. now that is fair. i am only guessing here but nulli takes dmg in intervals i believe. i mean it can take only a certain amount of dmg per shot/second or something. hence y single shot weapons r really bad at it. nd even when u get unranked automatic weapons.. they pop nullies with ease.. that does seem unfair.

i dont think u saw my old comment above. there is a link to where i explain the playstyle of warframe.. and from that point of view. i dont see how there will be a scaling rework put into warframe or even should. i really think scaling works just fine. all fixing scaling how ppl believe will do is push the difficulty furthur and furthur. meaning enemy dificulty u see now at say 40 min mark.. u will see at 60. that doesnt help anything. nor should be that way. survivals and defence for first 20 mins r easy as hell. i actually wish i could start those mission at that 20 min/wave mark. not push that even furthur where i would feel like starting at wave 40. 

Ill give you a lot of players avoid the corpus because you cant cheese and thats what the unit was made to combat but the way it was done was well poor im my opinion a lot of players that play for fun got caught in the cross fire with this unit in the fight against player cheese but the comba and scramba do it without being cheesey themselves(Again in my opinion) so the nullifyers are almost redundant now.

And i wouldn't mind if the nullifyers stay but the way thay are now the only real way to deal with them is well... To face roll them... just rambo till there dead and if thats your play style then go for it but if the shield was changed like you said than high ROF guns would be less effective and then we have the same problem in reverse so tweaking a unit thats broken from the word go doesn't solve the problem it has to either be removed or rewoked. It has to be fun for a majority of players and manageable by the rest...

Mabe if the power nullification was removed and nullifyers were given a pistol like the shield lancer and segmented there bubble shield and made it rotate  so players could just face roll the shield if thay want or pop a hole and shoot the nullifyer inside?... And it should be considered a heavy unit so it doesn't spawn in groups of 4 or more 

Im just brain storming here so these ideas are not well thought out

Oh and on the scaling rework i was talking about damage 3.0 according to them its gonna involve the enemy and us thay have already changed a few powers to cut down on player cheese (Blessing and hysteria to name a few) so it seems like thay're gonna take the players down to a manageable point then adjust the enemy to match.

I saw your linked post i just didn't read it but i think ill go and read it now 

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Ok i went back and looked at your post and i cant really comment on SOTR im on console so i dont have it yet but what you say in your post makes a lot of sense but from what info ive gleened from the forum it seems like half of the void grind has been shifted to farming for relics so the importance of regular endless missions (especially excavation) has gone up so the nullifyer issue seems to be bigger if the relics your looking for are on a corpus map because farming "efficiently" isnt fun its efficient but this is from someone without hands-on experience

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They were an ill conceived, knee jerk addition to the game that have all but been left to fester.

penalising players that use slow firing weapons was a riduculus decision that no one can still really explain the reason for. Same as giving them snipers, why, they come wanderng towards you, hardly sniper behaviour.

vulnerability to punch through should have been a no brainer and there from the the start, they were introduced to stop ability spam, not bow/sniper use.

Personaly I feel if DE are going to keep the horrible way their bubbles work and their snipers, the  they should become stationary units. The bubbles deployed like Grineer blunts, make them tactical, holding down a hallway or checkpoint, not just aimlessly wandering about, their bubbles clipping throug any and all architecture, causing players to lose all abilities because their big toe happens to touch a bubble of an enemy in room next door and below.

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6 hours ago, (PS4)swamprat3 said:

Ill give you a lot of players avoid the corpus because you cant cheese and thats what the unit was made to combat but the way it was done was well poor im my opinion a lot of players that play for fun got caught in the cross fire with this unit in the fight against player cheese but the comba and scramba do it without being cheesey themselves(Again in my opinion) so the nullifyers are almost redundant now.

And i wouldn't mind if the nullifyers stay but the way thay are now the only real way to deal with them is well... To face roll them... just rambo till there dead and if thats your play style then go for it but if the shield was changed like you said than high ROF guns would be less effective and then we have the same problem in reverse so tweaking a unit thats broken from the word go doesn't solve the problem it has to either be removed or rewoked. It has to be fun for a majority of players and manageable by the rest...

Mabe if the power nullification was removed and nullifyers were given a pistol like the shield lancer and segmented there bubble shield and made it rotate  so players could just face roll the shield if thay want or pop a hole and shoot the nullifyer inside?... And it should be considered a heavy unit so it doesn't spawn in groups of 4 or more 

Im just brain storming here so these ideas are not well thought out

Oh and on the scaling rework i was talking about damage 3.0 according to them its gonna involve the enemy and us thay have already changed a few powers to cut down on player cheese (Blessing and hysteria to name a few) so it seems like thay're gonna take the players down to a manageable point then adjust the enemy to match.

I saw your linked post i just didn't read it but i think ill go and read it now 

Well I nvr said make ROF do less lol. I just started that ROF and single shot weapons in nullifier case r not balanced at all. Things that do need fixing r things that r not balanced. Do this being genuinely 1 of em. And that post, well only read it if u don't understand or doubt y I said lvl50+ish gone.

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2 hours ago, DJkillz said:

Well I nvr said make ROF do less lol. I just started that ROF and single shot weapons in nullifier case r not balanced at all. Things that do need fixing r things that r not balanced. Do this being genuinely 1 of em. And that post, well only read it if u don't understand or doubt y I said lvl50+ish gone.

True things that are out of balance are definitely broken in one form or another and i did go back and read your other post and well i cant comfortably comment on the SOTR update im on console so i dont have a grasp on what was changed but theres a lot of good insights in your post and i believe that your right about the lvl50+ish bit if theres no penalty for pulling the plug at 20 and no benefit to continuing unless your doing something else (trying to farm mods, beat your personal best, ect) then most players will do as you said and bail at 20.

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