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Orthos Prime



Here is my current Orthos Prime build for general use and for Valkyr's Warcry (I have slight variations for Hysteria and Exalted Blade since Blood Rush/Body Count does not work with these abilities).  


As you can see, I have invested 3 forma into it so far. I am debating whether to change the stance polarity to dash to match the Bleeding Willow pole arm stance or keep Shimmering Blight.

Also, you may notice that I only have one elemental mod equipped (Heat as a place holder, can be swapped out to best suit the faction I am fighting). If I use two elements instead, what mod would be removed? Primed/Pressure Point, Blood Rush/Body Count, and Berserker are practically required so none of those. That means it's basically between Primed/Reach, Organ Shatter, and Life Strike. Primed/Reach makes this already large weapon enormous, those bigger crits from Organ Shatter are really nice, and Life Strike is great for staying alive. It's a tough decision.

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imo, i rather go full based damage (meaning Jagged Edge or Buzz Kill) and non-elemental. Also i bearly use lifestrike because of the other alternate ways to heal as DE includes more ways.

Edited by LoveNot
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16 minutes ago, Dub16 said:

Here is my current Orthos Prime build for general use and for Valkyr's Warcry (I have slight variations for Hysteria and Exalted Blade since Blood Rush/Body Count does not work with these abilities).  


I got nearly the same build only swapped out body count and life strike for 90% elemental mods and the heat mod for jagged edge/buzz kill

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Replacing the 90% elemental mod with a physical damage mod, be it jagged edge or buzz kill is objectively worse since it reduces the damage as seen here.

Jagged Edge: http://imgur.com/a/Ez6Zt

Buzz Kill: http://imgur.com/a/WB316

This weapon does not do enough slash damage even for the 120% slash damage boost of buzz kill to outweigh a 90% elemental mod. I will not be replacing my elemental for physical damage in this case.

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8 minutes ago, Dub13 said:

Replacing the 90% elemental mod with a physical damage mod, be it jagged edge or buzz kill is objectively worse since it reduces the damage as seen here.

Jagged Edge: http://imgur.com/a/Ez6Zt

Buzz Kill: http://imgur.com/a/WB316

This weapon does not do enough slash damage even for the 120% slash damage boost of buzz kill to outweigh a 90% elemental mod. I will not be replacing my elemental for physical damage in this case.

I have two 90% elemental mods on my Orthos P with Buzz Kill, not replacing any elemental mods with slash mods

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Let me think. Unranked Prime Reach, Primed Pressure Point (I think to rank 9?), maxed True Steel, Vicious Frost, and Fever Strike, and either maxed Shocking Touch or Molten Impact, depending on what I'm going up against. I think I may have something else, but I can't remember.

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39 minutes ago, Dub13 said:

Replacing the 90% elemental mod with a physical damage mod, be it jagged edge or buzz kill is objectively worse since it reduces the damage as seen here.

Jagged Edge: http://imgur.com/a/Ez6Zt

Buzz Kill: http://imgur.com/a/WB316

This weapon does not do enough slash damage even for the 120% slash damage boost of buzz kill to outweigh a 90% elemental mod. I will not be replacing my elemental for physical damage in this case.

the only smart person so far in this post clap clap.

for optimum amount of dmg, u NVR remove ur base mods + elemental combo. in this case ur base dmg. preasure point. and elemental combo which is 2 mods. 3rd is ur choice. i have a very personal.build that only works for me. and doesnt work otherwise or for anyone else. and wont be sharing the build.

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2 minutes ago, Dub13 said:

As stated in my original post, this is not my Hysteria build since Blood Rush/Body Count does not work with this ability. Here are my Hysteria and Exalted Blade builds.

Hysteria: http://imgur.com/a/Xexrk

Exalted Blade: http://imgur.com/a/K0hpA

I am very much interested to see your build if you think it is better, but I highly doubt it.

oops. u said warcry not hystercia... my bad. sorry lol

and my build/suggestion.. refer to the comment above this 1.

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I realize that I originally posted with my secondary account (this one) and replied with my main account (Dub13). I hope this does not cause too much confusion. Content remains unchanged. 

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you really shouldn't use blood rush and berserker on a weapon that has 10% crit chance...I mean, do you solo melee with it even? blood rush is only useful if you use a lot of melee

I suggest removing organ shatter, berserker and blood rush for 2 90% elements and a fury mod, that's how I build my orthos 

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I strongly disagree. It is absolutely worth using Blood Rush/Body Count with Orthos Prime. Due to the large range and high attack speed, my melee combo counter stacks very quickly. It gets to 3X in just 10 seconds and can reach 4.5X quite easily; at this point it is constantly critting. Combine this with my +30% increased critical chance from Naramon's Deadly Intent plus my kavat, and the result is consistent red crits. Crits will out-damage raw elemental damage and the extra 45% attack speed from Berserker over Fury is just too good to pass up. 

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orthos prime is not crit wepon building it for crits u lose lot dmg... primed pressure point max. primed fury max. life. strike.. 4 element 90% + focus energy... use unranked life strike and focus energy will negate  extra drain wen channeling

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1 minute ago, Epsik-kun said:

Modding for channeling is a bad idea on every single weapon in the game.

focus energy  will helt to life strike not use more from 5 energy.... that why unranked life strike is much better than maxed.... 5 energy vs 12 energy...

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Just now, ashrah said:

focus energy  will helt to life strike not use more from 5 energy.... that why unranked life strike is much better than maxed.... 5 energy vs 12 energy...

Modding for channeling is a bad idea on every single weapon in the game.

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I guarantee that my crit build will absolutely out-damage a raw elemental damage build, even with a base 10% crit chance. Here is the math to back it up.

Crit chance = Base weapon crit chance * (1 + Mod crit chance*combo counter) * (1 + Deadly Intent crit chance) + Cat's Eye crit chance

0.10 * (1 + 1.65*4.5) * (1 + 0.30) + 0.60 = 1.69525

Therefore, it will have almost 170% crit chance at 4.5X combo multiplier. That means constant crits and consistent red crits. There is no way raw elemental damage can keep up with this in high level play. 

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)wonderwoman814 said:

alot of people put it on everything lol.

It really seems to work. Blood Rush gives greater crit chance with higher combos, Organ shatter just give greater crit chance, Berserker increases attack speed with each crit. Combine with Body count (increase combo counter time) and you have a weapon that can deal some serious damage. Works better with slower weapons with higher crit chance, obviously, but its still viable on lower crit chance weapons. 

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1 minute ago, (PS4)wonderwoman814 said:

alot of people put it on everything lol.

Because, stupidly enough, it's worth it. High spool-time is but a small down-side to it.


Anyway, to address OP's initial question.

Life Strike.

One of the main disadvantages of a Blood Rush built melee - you can't afford Life Strike. As in "you are supposed to remove it".

Given you're using Naramon anyway - some auxiliary healing will suffice, namely Furis.

The absolutely best thing you can do to make your build stronger is to swap Life Strike for Maiming Strike.

Removing Organ Shatter on a Blood Rush melee is a big no-no, as it will make it massively weaker.

Another thing to consider is to actually change your elemental for a Buzz Kill. It will result in dps drop (especially compared to swapping around elementals for different fractions), however you'll effectively increase your chance of landing a Slash proc. Which might be desirable. Even more so, if you actually get Maiming Strike working and swap Berserker for Weeping Wounds. It's questionable though.


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24 minutes ago, Dub16 said:

I guarantee that my crit build will absolutely out-damage a raw elemental damage build, even with a base 10% crit chance. Here is the math to back it up.

Crit chance = Base weapon crit chance * (1 + Mod crit chance*combo counter) * (1 + Deadly Intent crit chance) + Cat's Eye crit chance

0.10 * (1 + 1.65*4.5) * (1 + 0.30) + 0.60 = 1.69525

Therefore, it will have almost 170% crit chance at 4.5X combo multiplier. That means constant crits and consistent red crits. There is no way raw elemental damage can keep up with this in high level play. 

Lol, just tell us, are you planning to use melee only or a lot of melee, or just go for a few hits? 


Math doesnt matter here, it's how you use it, and in the short run, you focus on elements no matter what.......lol, can you even reach like 2000+ hits to get to x4.5 combo? If so then be my guest 

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