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so many roadblocks.



why does this game have so many walls to advancement?

i am currently stuck at three and have no reasonable hope of progressing any further.

cannot get through the jumping puzzle to pass master rank seven. never going to be able to do it. need another option.

cannot beat the space juggernaut in the Jordas Precept or the damage resisting Sentient in the Second Dream. There is no help for solo players to make these soloable. (i'm not MLG and not gonna get guder than I am.)

should i give up on this game or is there some hope for stuck players like me?

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8 minutes ago, debord said:

why does this game have so many walls to advancement?

i am currently stuck at three and have no reasonable hope of progressing any further.

cannot get through the jumping puzzle to pass master rank seven. never going to be able to do it. need another option.

cannot beat the space juggernaut in the Jordas Precept or the damage resisting Sentient in the Second Dream. There is no help for solo players to make these soloable. (i'm not MLG and not gonna get guder than I am.)

should i give up on this game or is there some hope for stuck players like me?

Jordas: Get a group to help you through it, I routinely help people kill him, I can be on in about 10 minutes if you want a hand. 

Sentients in the second dream: either:

A) Have an IPS weapon with 2 unique element combos on it (as in 3 or 4 different element mods). This will bypass the 5 element rule and allow you to continue to deal damage as they cannot adapt to more than 4 elements at a time, so with this set up they will be trying to adapt to Impact, Puncture, Slash, and then one of your element combos, leaving the last one free.

B) Bring a good sidearm AND primary, both modded with different elements, when the Sentient adapts to your damage type, switch to the other weapon. 

C) Bring Excalibur, cast Radial Blind and then whip out your exalted blade and go to town on their center mass. "Adapt to that."

Edited by Gelkor
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Just now, PsychedelicSnake said:

With the Juggernaut it's all about waiting for the moment for it to reveal its weakspot. For the Sentients, you have to switch up your damage types once they get immunity to whatever you just used. It's less a case of "git gud" and more a case of "watch for context clues".

It also depends on what weapons you're using.

On the solo thing, yes, it's very possible to solo all of this with zero trouble.

On the Mastery rank test which requires you to jump, that part is the only part to "git gud" and practice on it near the relay

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1 minute ago, KJRenz said:

On the solo thing, yes, it's very possible to solo all of this with zero trouble.

I am having more than a bit of trouble. Never expect that others have your knowledge and skill.

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1 minute ago, debord said:

I am having more than a bit of trouble. Never expect that others have your knowledge and skill.

Well, from how you worded it, it seemed as if you spoke for all solo players.

But again, it's possible. Not impossible.

It depends on your loadout mostly.

Edited by KJRenz
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As for the jumping puzzle, you try practicing for it. Go to Cephalon Simaris room and as soon as u enter turn right. There be nodes in there go to number 7th spot, there is no number just count it as you see it from beggining. Bullet jump helps a lot when slide then jump or crouch then point towards where you wanna go and then jump.

The space juggernaut, bring itzal ( if you don't have it join a clan that has it researched ) bring a good primary, Gratler or Velocitus Just blink on to get behind him and start shooting at the engines. Ignore the rest of enemies. You will have to level your equipment, no escape on that one.

Sentient, bring 2 weapons that has different element. If your primary is using Heat. then use electricity, toxic, cold on the other weapon. If your using Combination which is a lot better, use corrosive on one then either radiation, gas, viral on the other weapon. Do the same thing also for shadow stalker once you reach him.Tanky frame also helps. Resource getting low? get some Energy resource gear and shield, the blueprint can be obtained from DOJO. The large version can be obtained from syndicates.

I soloed all of em so you can do it too. 

Edited by Av3rage
added some stuff
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1 minute ago, debord said:

I am having more than a bit of trouble. Never expect that others have your knowledge and skill.

We didn't. Of course if it is your first time you are likely to have more trouble. However, as I've said, watch out for clues on what to do in order to succeed. For example, the Juggernaut opens up its armor to reveal a big glowing spot whenever it attacks. Videogames in general have taught us that big glowing spot = hurt it.

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I am only an average player and I soloed the mastery ranks and the second dream and quite a bit of other stuff.

These things are not easy if you just got the game, though.   I ranked up frames, weapons, and mods for the better part of a year before I could do the higher level missions solo.   You can group up to rank stuff faster and get stuff faster but I soloed for a very long time, and its doable if you take it at a relaxed pace.  

Some of q-bert or Mario style mastery tests are much easier with zephyr.   Some of the solo quests are much easier with rhinoob approach (various ways to become invincible to cheese your way thru them).   Some things require a very hard hitting weapon and having gear.  Some things are 1000 times easier with the right frame, like mesa, vs chroma or whatever it was where you defend something for 20 min.

And a lot of this stuff allows you to get some help.  Find a buddy or two!  Soloing can be rewarding but the game was meant for teamwork and group play really, and its a huge help to do that.  Soloing as much as I did for as long as I did was really a mistake, but I kept getting hosts who were running like a wireless 2400 baud modem from Antarctica or something. 

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12 minutes ago, debord said:

cannot get through the jumping puzzle to pass master rank seven. never going to be able to do it. need another option.

You can do it.  And when you can you'll be that much better at movement in the game itself.  Practice in the relay, and go back to the parkour tutorial in your codex if you need to.  Bullet jumping, wall hopping, and aim gliding are not only essential skills, but mastery of them makes the game much more enjoyable.

As for the bullet sponges, it really is a matter of equipment.  The advice above is already pretty good.  Barring that, there's usually a good samaritan or two lurking on the recruitment tab willing to help out if you ask.

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I'd be more than happy to help with these personally if you need a hand.

For A juggernaut, shoot it's belly and try to stay out of it's way. Getting one shot by it's snot rockets is a pain in the butt, having 1-2 people really helps. For the jordas golem, shoot him in the engines near his butt and try to stay mobile and out of his farts (it's toxic gas coming out of an infested rear, it's a space fart).

Excalibur is a great sentient hunter, radial blind gives you time to change weapons and exalted blade gives you a third ranged attack, thus lowering your risk. Try for cover when the disco ball of doom is up.

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Guys, he said "space" juggernaut, not a regular juggernaut.  I think he's talking about the Jordas boss fight in that quest, but I could be wrong.  If he's talking about the boss fight in space, I soloed it with an Iztal and a Velocitus.  His weak point are his engines behind him.  I used the Iztal to teleport behind him and the Velocitus to lay into his engines.  Both the Iztal and the Velocitus were ~ lvl 20 when I did this.  It took me a good 10 minutes, but I got him.

For Sentients and ground juggernauts, everybody else has already given good tips.  If you're playing as Ash, Blade Storm will also eventually work in both cases, but it's slow and pretty cheesy.

For the Mastery test, I don't specifically remember that one, but as others have said, go to any Sanctuary and practice.  It'll make you a better player.

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I can understand the issues with the mastery tests , the parkour is to focused on twitch gamers  and not actual game play and the graphic quality and lighting are bad, I've been playing for 3 years and found no value in the mastery tests as I can easily play and beat the game without bothering to do most mastery test and found the parkour in the mastery tests so annoying I stopped doing them as they do not show skill just twitch mechanics.

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47 minutes ago, debord said:

cannot get through the jumping puzzle to pass master rank seven. never going to be able to do it. need another option.

cannot beat the space juggernaut in the Jordas Precept or the damage resisting Sentient in the Second Dream. There is no help for solo players to make these soloable. (i'm not MLG and not gonna get guder than I am.)

The option for the mastery test is learning how to do it.  You will end up a better player as the MR tests directly relate to your proficiency at things in the game.  I think DE does a great job at making that true.

If the two quests are too hard for you then they probably aren't intended for you.  Where DE isn't as good is matching the MR requirements on stuff like that to your power level at a given rank.

In particular the Jordas one only blocks you from getting the Atlas warframe.  That is something that you can easily delay while you enjoy all the other aspects of the game.

The second dream is a little more of a blocker but I won't say more for spoiler reasons.  With that said, delaying doing it until you are stronger is not that big of an issue.  You WILL get stronger regardless of you thinking you won't.  You'll get different and better weapons, acquire more mods, rank up the mods you have higher, understand which mods actually matter, put reactors and catalysts and forma on your stuff, etc, etc.  All of that makes you more powerful and the game content easier as a result.

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1 hour ago, debord said:

cannot get through the jumping puzzle to pass master rank seven. never going to be able to do it. need another option.

The game gives you the option to practice Mastery tests as often as you like in Cephalon Simaris's room in the relays. Just keep trying, and you'll get better.

1 hour ago, debord said:

cannot beat the space juggernaut in the Jordas Precept or the damage resisting Sentient in the Second Dream. There is no help for solo players to make these soloable.

Are you talking about the Jordas Golem or the Juggernaut Behemoth.

With the Jordas Golem, if your Archwing gear and mods are not fully ranked up (or close enough to it), you should work on that first. My personal suggestion is the Itzal and Velocitus, which lets you Blink to outmaneuver Jordas (you can also use Blink defensively to get out of range of his flame burst), Penumbra to avoid the bees, and land high-damage hits on his engines with fully charged shots from the Velocitus. I've also heard the Odonata and Grattler work very well together due to Energy Shell boosting your critical damage.

The Juggernaut Behemoth (last time I fought it, which was a while ago) can be made a lot easier by slowing it down with Frost's Snow Globe or Nova's Molecular Prime (I'm not sure if the Juggernaut Behemoth was recently given debuff resistance like other bosses or if it is still fully vulnerable).

The Sentients have basically been covered by earlier posts.

1 hour ago, debord said:

(i'm not MLG and not gonna get guder than I am.)

You're never going to improve if you're being this pessimistic about it. Chin up and stare the challenge in the eyes (or at least its optical sensors).

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Thanks for the tips, but I am a casual player for this game as something to play when I want a brake from my main game. I am never going to drill on the master practice course. that sounds awful.

The loadout suggestions for the Sentient sound helpful and i will give them a try.

The Jordas archwing loadouts are more work than i feel like putting into that play style, thanks, no thanks.

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As a strictly solo player myself, I've certainly had a few of these feelings. However, the only way to progress in this game is to just power through it and practice when you need to. Jordas still facerolls me and I've been playing for a good while, and sitting pretty at MR 13 ( know it has ZERO bearing, just demonstrating that the mastery tests aren't that hard). I promise, it's doable. It may not be easy, but it can be done. 

I promise, changing your loadout is a NECESSITY in this game. If you don't, you're really going to have a bad time. 

The biggest roadblock you're facing is yourself. Sounds cheesy, but you're the only one stopping yourself from progression by refusing to practice the MR tests or switch up weapons/AW for the golem fight, despite the fact that you know doing both will help you. 

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36 minutes ago, debord said:

Thanks for the tips, but I am a casual player for this game as something to play when I want a brake from my main game. I am never going to drill on the master practice course. that sounds awful.

The loadout suggestions for the Sentient sound helpful and i will give them a try.

The Jordas archwing loadouts are more work than i feel like putting into that play style, thanks, no thanks.


None of the things you have listed are "barriers to progression", especially since you don't have the desire to progress (casually play, not your main game, don't want to learn the mechanics/nuances).

Mastery is not important if you don't play much. AW quest blocks you from one frame. Sentient farming isn't an essential activity for someone who just wants to enjoy the game in the limited amount of time they play.

So don't worry about these "roadblocks". Or if the effort to overcome them bothers you that much then yes, you should just quit.

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practicing the Mobility options and combinations in Warframe is highly recommended in general, once you understand the combinations i think you'll find that the tools available to you as a Player are incredible.

if the Behemoth Juggernaut is a problem, just as with the more widely seen Juggernaut, you wait for it to rear backwards or 'charge up' to shoot, and shoot either its belly or the inside of its back.
repeat until it's dead.
if Jordas Golem is a problem, Corrosive Damage on all of your Archwing Weapons is mandatory. if your Weapons do not have Corrosive Damage you will never Kill anything, and if you do suddenly everything is like a Trash Unit. if you have Corrosive Damage already Equipped (Toxin+Electricity), shoot the Engines on the back of the Golem to Kill it.

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The simplest answer to all three of these is three things..

1. Observation - watch for patterns of weakness or for obstacles, openings.

2. Repetition (practice) - if you fail, try again. Rome wasn't built in a day and it takes time to be efficient at Warframe. I am still humbled almost every day by this game. It doesn't keep me from trying again. There were a couple MR tests I did not nail on the first or even second try, but I'm making it. (MR12 BTW).

3. And if you still get overly frustrated (cause Warframe can be a bit under informative sometimes) then Google/Wikia is your best friend.

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7 hours ago, TrickshotMcGee said:

As a strictly solo player myself, I've certainly had a few of these feelings. However, the only way to progress in this game is to just power through it and practice when you need to. Jordas still facerolls me and I've been playing for a good while, and sitting pretty at MR 13 ( know it has ZERO bearing, just demonstrating that the mastery tests aren't that hard). I promise, it's doable. It may not be easy, but it can be done. 

I promise, changing your loadout is a NECESSITY in this game. If you don't, you're really going to have a bad time. 

The biggest roadblock you're facing is yourself. Sounds cheesy, but you're the only one stopping yourself from progression by refusing to practice the MR tests or switch up weapons/AW for the golem fight, despite the fact that you know doing both will help you. 



I'm a below average player and made it thus far mostly solo. I managed by doing a bit of research, tweaking my loadouts and having some patience.

Also, for the record - I struggled a lot with Jordas, could'nt solo it and could'nt face doing it with pugs anymore so I copped out and just bought Atlas to spare me the grief.


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On 7/25/2016 at 8:22 PM, (XB1)xLethalLethargy said:

None of the things you have listed are "barriers to progression",

except that all of them are roadblocks.

master blocks me for many things.

the Jordas space fight blocks finishing the quest.

the Sentient blocks off the story line quests. So I guess you are saying i should abandon ever doing any more story lines and just grinding missions from now on? No thanks. I will give up on this game if the missions and story become inaccessible.

Edited by debord
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All the "try harder, you can do it," crap can stop now. I am a better then most at the games that i enjoy and play often. I get better by playing it because i like it. Practice by doing. Any game that starts to require training is no longer fun and better start paying me because it has become a job. So MR progress is almost certainly done. Jumping puzzles are some of the least tolerable game mechanics I have ever experienced in any game I have ever played all the way back to Super Mario Bros. The Jordas and Limbo quests just do not seem worth the effort, so be it. The Second Dream is going to make or break if i continue with this game.

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5 minutes ago, debord said:

All the "try harder, you can do it," crap can stop now. I am a better then most at the games that i enjoy and play often. I get better by playing it because i like it. Practice by doing. Any game that starts to require training is no longer fun and better start paying me because it has become a job. So MR progress is almost certainly done. Jumping puzzles are some of the least tolerable game mechanics I have ever experienced in any game I have ever played all the way back to Super Mario Bros. The Jordas and Limbo quests just do not seem worth the effort, so be it. The Second Dream is going to make or break if i continue with this game.

Too many games, sometimes including WF, where the top end is full of people with no clue what they're doing. I have a feeling you're not as l337 as you think you are at those other games if MR3 is impossible for you and you ragequit Super Mario Bros, unless those other games you mentioned are MUDS and JRPG's?

I say leave the road blocks in and leave mastery tests harsh. If you don't get it you shouldn't get past it. This is usually where I get called an elitist but elitism means expecting people to be elite. It's not elitism to ask people to just be caught up.

To be fair, Jordas Golem probably does have way too much HP. I remember helping a friend through that and being downright embarassed at how long it took me to kill the damned thing. With new Archwing gear he also had a lot of trouble with the quest missions in space, though Archwing 2.0 is a lot more forgiving since you can fighting while flying forward.

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Those mastrey ranks are just here to serve as a learning curve. It's just L2P.


So in themselve, they seem ok to me. What does not seem ok is the 24 hours lockout if you fail. I just don't get that. What purpose that lockout is here to serve aside from some cheap time sink ?

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