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Umbra Warframes (Discussion Thread)


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On 4/27/2016 at 11:04 AM, Airwolfen said:

I don't even WANT excal umbra p as he is in China. the ornaments on the arm for example are EXTREMELY out of place.

Hope its a lot more like the shadow stalker.

DE has explicitly stated. Excalibur Umbra Prime is a chinese founder exclusive. We will not get it. We will get Excalibur Umbra (NOT prime). He will visually look different in that he does not have the ornamentation the prime chinese founder exclusive version of him does.

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2 minutes ago, Stratego89 said:

DE has explicitly stated. Excalibur Umbra Prime is a chinese founder exclusive. We will not get it. We will get Excalibur Umbra (NOT prime). He will visually look different in that he does not have the ornamentation the prime chinese founder exclusive version of him does.

No he won't. Both of them are going to LOOK identical 

Edited by Demoonic
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3 minutes ago, Stratego89 said:

DE has explicitly stated. Excalibur Umbra Prime is a chinese founder exclusive. We will not get it. We will get Excalibur Umbra (NOT prime). He will visually look different in that he does not have the ornamentation the prime chinese founder exclusive version of him does.


1 minute ago, Demoonic said:

Yes he will. Both of them are going to LOOK identical 


i dont remember them stating they were removing those, plus i like them D: 

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On 5/6/2016 at 5:15 PM, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:


its not a skin amigo its a  whole new warframe and beginning of a new line of warframes 

Is he getting a bunch of new skills or something?  From what I saw it looked like Excalibur with a scarf.  Doesn't really constitute a "whole new warframe" to me but whatever.  It's still odd that it's release has been dragged out for so long.  

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10 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:



i dont remember them stating they were removing those, plus i like them D: 

Because they didn't, nowhere did they say he was going to be visually changed. I think people were just assuming that because so far Prime = Gold. But they explicitly said Umbras are going to be "Twisted and warped versions of the primes you know and love" Meaning they're just orokin frames by a different name...

This tweet pretty much proves the two are going to be visually identical 




Edited by Demoonic
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19 minutes ago, Demoonic said:

No he won't. Both of them are going to LOOK identical 

Yes, he will. DE stated so on a stream long ago before they decided to just go full on "we will not answer any questions anymore because we're tired of repeating the same 'we don't have anything new to tell you' a hundred times after telling you everything we do know" mode.

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Just now, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

the fact that excal umbra prime is a founders for china variant  with prime passive if memory serves

For all intents and purposes, Excalibur Umbra Prime is basically Excalibur Prime for China because they do not have Excalibur Prime. It functions exactly like Excalibur Prime(only difference is slightly higher energy pool) and should be treated as such until further developments. Comparing Excalibur Umbra, that we don't know every detail about, to something that is basically Excalibur Prime doesn't make sense. 

Keep in mind what DE said about Excalibur Umbra Prime popping up all over the forums:

"What are we looking at in these threads?

The recent images showcase Excalibur Umbra, Primed Nikana, and Prime Kunai. ChangYou respected that we have forever exclusive content in the global build, but needed something new to ensure Warframe's Beta Launch in China is a success. Excalibur Umbra is the first of a very limited series of 'Umbra' gear that will be coming to the Global Build. The Primed Nikana and Prime Kunai are also timed exclusives that will be coming to the Global Build."

Images were called Excalibur Umbra, not Excalibur Umbra Prime. DE is likely going to keep them close, if not the same. 

9 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

umbra excal we get is a global build versions wit different mechanics suggests at this point that they are separate frames, possibly at a later point DE will make the china variant the same or add in globals version 

I don't recall them saying anything about different mechanics. I do recall them saying something along the lines of not having a system for it yet, which could mean a wide number of things like acquisition/development/etc. We hardly know anything in detail about the frame, there was nothing to suggest it would be different. If a frame is different, it would have very little similarities and glaring differences like abilities that are not the same. Variants are not totally different frames from their base counterpart.

22 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

the fact that De has gone through a lot of effort to make global umbra special in terms of system, mechanics, lore, development of other umbras suggests they are different beyond just cosmetic

No, this isn't a fact because you do not work with or for DE. Lore does not make frames totally different gameplay-wise, method of development doesn't make them different, system to get it in motion and out to the players doesn't make them different either. Never said it would be purely cosmetic either.

28 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

possibly at a later point DE will make the china variant the same or add in globals version

This statement contradicts most of what you said and basically supports mine. No one knows enough about Umbra to say it's totally different from Umbra Prime, like i said.


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1 minute ago, Stratego89 said:

Yes, he will. DE stated so on a stream long ago before they decided to just go full on "we will not answer any questions anymore because we're tired of repeating the same 'we don't have anything new to tell you' a hundred times after telling you everything we do know" mode.


13 minutes ago, Demoonic said:

Because they didn't, nowhere did they say he was going to be visually changed. I think people were just assuming that because so far Prime = Gold. But they explicitly said Umbras are going to be "Twisted and warped versions of the primes you know and love" Meaning they're just orokin frames by a different name...

This tweet pretty much proves the two are going to be visually identical 

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I can't believe this discussion is still here and ongoing.

So how has it evolved since the last time i saw it?

Well, it started with people asking questions and getting answers by keeping their ear to the ground.

It has now become people asking questions and getting responses telling them they're being stupid for believing what they were told beforehand and then someone else jumps along to tell them that they're stupid because no one can follow actual facts or make credible opinions, whilst telling people non-credible facts and non-credible opinions.

And then it just goes on and on and on and on.

Seriously? What is the point?

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.....AGAIN I say it proud and loud "ITS NEVER GONNA HAPPEN" EVER!

End of Discussion moving on......


Lets be straight forward here okay this thread was alright till some pages ago facts don't lie, DE avoids the subject like it's a bad seed which it is. So with that it's release isn't possible I've been thinking and thinking then I just stopped this subject is pointless. "if" was going to happen it would have happen already not 9 months later.....or is 10 now?

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58 minutes ago, EmptyDevil said:



very aggressive, argumentative of late ? 

no i do not work for de , no im not contradicting and nor am I going to do a 5-10 page retort as to why , its pointless and i dont have the patience nor the time

let us speak plainly tenno 


Excalibur Umbra Prime is a chines founders variant using the PRIME passive and standard Excalibur powers and standard passive 


Excalibur Umbra for the global build :

discarding lore and system of obtaining as they are unnecessary variables 

we do not know if DE plans to keep or change stats , so  ignore that variance 

-minor cosmetic changes via PBR (placement of gold and changing of color variance) 

-Umbra PASSIVE  (unknown mechanic at his time) , standard frame passive 

from this 

prime passive =/= umbra passive

so from this logic  a  prime =/= umbra 

umbraexcal prime =/= umbra excal global

they may Look the same (minor changes we will ignore) but they are not mechanically 

also to the contradiction point, i was merely recognizing the other side of the argument stating that if this ^ is the case DE can go back and change it so both are the same. 


Edited by (XB1)EternalDrk Mako
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50 minutes ago, Demoonic said:


This would not be the first time Steve confused "gold" with "prime bits". The person asked if Umbra excalibur would have the same gold as excalibur umbra prime. And while the person may have meant either be able to have shiny metal gold or the actual prime bits- steve CLEARLY took it as the former. They have said directly and clearly in a stream that the model will be visually different because our version is not the prime. They said this in an address to the concerns that the Umbra Prime's gold bits look "too chinese-stylistic". No- I'm not going to sit down and go through hours and hours on end of streams just to satisfy you and provide proof because it'd be a waste of my time. No- I'm not going to expect you to just believe me without that proof. But if you look at your own "proof" from another side than you apparently are, it's clear that Steve was just answering with "yes you'll be able to have shiny gold on Excalibur Umbra because of PBR", not "he will have the same model". "Yes you'll be able to have gold" is so far off from "they will be the same model" that your 'proof' is null...

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1 minute ago, Stratego89 said:

This would not be the first time Steve confused "gold" with "prime bits". The person asked if Umbra excalibur would have the same gold as excalibur umbra prime. And while the person may have meant either be able to have shiny metal gold or the actual prime bits- steve CLEARLY took it as the former. They have said directly and clearly in a stream that the model will be visually different because our version is not the prime. They said this in an address to the concerns that the Umbra Prime's gold bits look "too chinese-stylistic". No- I'm not going to sit down and go through hours and hours on end of streams just to satisfy you and provide proof because it'd be a waste of my time. No- I'm not going to expect you to just believe me without that proof. But if you look at your own "proof" from another side than you apparently are, it's clear that Steve was just answering with "yes you'll be able to have shiny gold on Excalibur Umbra because of PBR", not "he will have the same model". "Yes you'll be able to have gold" is so far off from "they will be the same model" that your 'proof' is null...


Proof is never null, and excusing yourself from proof is just a copout. I don't particularly remember them ever saying the model being different and I've watched the streams, so yes, proof would be appreciated.

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3 minutes ago, (XB1)ToothlessApollo said:


Proof is never null, and excusing yourself from proof is just a copout. I don't particularly remember them ever saying the model being different and I've watched the streams, so yes, proof would be appreciated.

well not sure how this helps but it is known that shadow stalker had some tweaks (using umbras model )

Current : 


Initial Design :





Edited by (XB1)EternalDrk Mako
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27 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:




I'm not interested in arguing but i will point out discrepancies for the sake of clarity on Umbra information. Seen quite a few players taking conjecture and rumors as factual information for Umbra. People should aim to keep information in the realm of reality and fact, to prevent unwarranted expectations from producing salt storms.

You do realize that my statement is still true, right?

1 hour ago, EmptyDevil said:

No one knows enough about Umbra to say it's totally different from Umbra Prime, like i said.


2 hours ago, EmptyDevil said:

you shouldn't be saying it's two different frames with such conviction. That statement is best kept to yourself until we actually get ours for a real comparison.

I shouldn't need to reiterate why.

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18 minutes ago, (XB1)ToothlessApollo said:

Proof is never null, and excusing yourself from proof is just a copout. I don't particularly remember them ever saying the model being different and I've watched the streams, so yes, proof would be appreciated.

Firstly- I clearly said that I didn't expect him to just take my word on it without proof.

Secondly- not providing proof that would take potentially over 30 hours to find is not a copout. Digging through all that to find this proof however; to appease one single, random person on the internet in a discussion/argument that doesn't matter would frankly make me feel like an idiot. It is a waste of time. it is not worth it. As I said twice now- he doesn't have to believe me, I'm just relaying what I remember hearing in a stream.

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May I contribute something other than the same regurgitations that have been repeated for 112 pages?

I have a theory. Focus and Umbra have been mentioned in the same breath on at least one occasion in devstreams. Steve has also discussed twice how they want to make Focus powers (not just the tree) something you want to use, something that makes you feel powerful. In particular, the way he discussed this at PAX East gives me a very strong hunch that... bear with me...

Umbra is no longer a new series of frames. Instead, it is a powerup triggered when you activate your focus. For a short time, the operator assumes direct control of the Warframe, changing its appearance and amplifying its abilities. This would replace the current main power of each Focus, but preserve its effect in some way.


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4 minutes ago, (PS4)BlitzKeir said:


May I contribute something other than the same regurgitations that have been repeated for 112 pages?

I have a theory. Focus and Umbra have been mentioned in the same breath on at least one occasion in devstreams. Steve has also discussed twice how they want to make Focus powers (not just the tree) something you want to use, something that makes you feel powerful. In particular, the way he discussed this at PAX East gives me a very strong hunch that... bear with me...

Umbra is no longer a new series of frames. Instead, it is a powerup triggered when you activate your focus. For a short time, the operator assumes direct control of the Warframe, changing its appearance and amplifying its abilities. This would replace the current main power of each Focus, but preserve its effect in some way.







1. The Operator already controls the 'frame.

2. Excalibur Umbra. Not, as yet anyway, every warframe Umbra.

3. At PAX, they already alluded to an end-tier Focus upgrade, which is specifically for killing Sentients with.



(Sorry! I know I spend a lot of time as the 'Stop having fun!' guy. It's not personal, it really isn't!)

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4 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

1. The Operator already controls the 'frame.

2. Excalibur Umbra. Not, as yet anyway, every warframe Umbra.

3. At PAX, they already alluded to an end-tier Focus upgrade, which is specifically for killing Sentients with.

The operator controls the frame, yeah, but the fact that you can project yourself seems to indicate you can influence both the environment and your warframe more directly than we've done before Focus was introduced.

They've spent a loooot of time not saying anything. If they implement it as I suggest, they'd have to release 30 Umbras at once. If they decided to do it this way, it would have been after releasing Focus and realizing it's not as cool in practice as on paper. That's not a lot of time for such a huge project. This is the biggest counter-argument to my theory. It's possible they came up with the idea sooner, though.

I wasn't clear on whether the arm possession thing was meant to be Focus-related. He discussed it immediately after Focus, but to me it seemed an unrelated topic; a new independent mechanic. Maybe not. If it is Focus-related, Umbras as a Focus powerup could easily overlap with that. I was suggesting Umbra would replace the base power, not be a separate Way.

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