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All weapons should have the same performance at end game


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I dont like to see all people using vaykor hek, synoid simulor or tonkor.

Warframe has lots of cool weapons but only 3 or 4 are used by players. Thats not good for the game.  Please buff or balance all other weapons in order to make them usable at end game, so every player can use what they really like and not the best weapon.

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Just now, iron_tachak said:

when does damage 3.0 come in 

nobody knows, it's still in development phases, the devs keep thinking how to get rid of the "must have" damage mods and still make it balanced, maybe increase the damage over time with weapon levels or something..

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23 minutes ago, BlazerEraser said:

I wouldn't want to see people with MK-1 Braton at end-game but i get what you mean, the rumor is that weapons will get rebalanced when Damage 3.0 kicks in.

Too late my mk1-braton is already there.

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sorry to say, but that is completely impossible.

there are so many things to consider over DPS advantage, like being hitscan, ease to aim, being an assault rifle vs shotgun vs sniper, etc. 

the only thing you can do in the game to ease you pain is go solo or get used to seeing lots of the same weapons.

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Almost all weapon could be viable in end game some need a slight buff others needs minor or moderate tweaks but also mk1 weapons can be viable on pre high levels with a good modding. For example mk1 paris with it's better status and faster charge shot can compensate the weaker damage output and can be lethal.

Also more mk1 weapon could be nice to have.

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de can make many weapons viable at end game, except it's hard to make all those end game weapons unique without making one obviously better than the others. I'm not saying it's not possible, but I have yet to see that happen. 

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2 hours ago, ArionLightning said:

Warframe has lots of cool weapons but only 3 or 4 are used by players. 

Unfortunately even if there was a massive rebalancing, there will always be those 2 or 3 weapons people will go to. And that's okay.

It's just human nature to go towards to something that gives us the fastest result with the least amount of effort. Because of that, the best anyone can do is to educate players that, despite popular belief, there are tons of weapons that can perform fantastically at any level of play.

As a personal example, almost daily (or whenever I feel like running Sorties) I'll frequently get asked how am I getting such a mass amount of kills out of the entire team and doing the highest amount of damage consistently. To which I tell them to look at my primary via Kohm. People seem to forget about the Kohm and the potential damage you can achieve with it. All you need is a little time and investment of forma and mod experimentation to significantly outperform alot of other weapons.

Other weapons such as the Quanta Vandal and Penta Secura are also great example of this as well.


So at the end of day, I honestly do get it. Some of the more popular weapons can be fun to use and I see no issue with many using them if they so choose. But as long they don't think it's the be-all-end-all of weapons or that "they are the only 'good' weapons for level 45+ enemies" than everything should be good!

It's a terrible mindset to have and it's definitely something you need to break that train of thought. But still, the game is much more flexible than one would like to believe and that's honestly the beauty of it!

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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Maybe not "same perfomance" but any weapon has to be usefull. So they need to stop those powercreep direct update. For example with the nikana set :

The Nikana should be the fastest, but less damages, dragon should be status based, and prime crit based. If well modded all of them will be interesting

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On 07/08/2016 at 6:53 AM, ArionLightning said:

I dont like to see all people using vaykor hek, synoid simulor or tonkor.

Warframe has lots of cool weapons but only 3 or 4 are used by players. Thats not good for the game.  Please buff or balance all other weapons in order to make them usable at end game, so every player can use what they really like and not the best weapon.

How is it anybody's problem but yourself that you don't like seeing people use these weapons? Even if weapons had the same performance who said people would stop using these weapons? And how isn't it good for the game? Because they're popular weapons? I didn't know it was such a crime for me to use my 4 forma and potatoed Sancti Tigris, which I spent around 250p buying mods for.

Edited by [DE]Taylor
removed inflammatory and off-topic remarks
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There's really only a small handful of actual bad weapons, everything else can work decently well in reasonable levels, it's more than there are a handful of really good weapons that make going into unreasonable levels much simpler. 

Machetes, Plasma Sword, Silva & Aegis, etc. in particular could really use some love.

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There's a very sharp DPS and potential damage curve from starting weapons to end-game weapons. If enemy health and damage levels were adjusted to accommodate a lower, gentler curve, and weapons brought closer together in terms of potential DPS, you'd have much more diversity throughout the course of the game. Granted, this is sort of a pipe dream at this point until Damage 3.0 is introduced, but I'm going to wait until it is before coming back to the game.

I've exhausted my interest in the game until it becomes fun again.

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Most weapons are raid-capable already at potato+6 forma. All weapons in the Braton series are about equal with what they do with different strengths and weaknesses, despite being the "weakest" automatic primary in the game. Mk-1 Braton, standard, vandal, and Prime are ALL raid-viable.

Nothing stops YOU from using what YOU want except for YOU. Besides. PvE isn't PvP. There needs to be a sense of progression as MR increases or there's no satisfaction from actually grinding. If Warframe were competitive I would agree, but it's not, and I don't.

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19 hours ago, Varacal said:

what if what they really liked was the v.hek, s.simulor and tonkor?

Then those would be perfectly viable and the player would be free to use them. That was a really, really trivial question.



It would be great for more weapons to be viable at endgame, but putting them all on the exact same tier or something (the "everything is a sidegrade" system that you see in any decent PVP game) is silly. Remember that WF is basically an RPG; the sense of progression when it comes to building up your arsenal and acquiring better weapons is an important part of the game.

When it comes to weapons with different mechanics, then obviously the "endgame" tier needs much more variety than it does right now. But slapping everything on the exact same tier (so that the Braton has the overall-same performance as a Boltor Prime) will just remove a new player's incentive to obtain the majority of WF's available guns because how similarly many of them function.

Edited by SortaRandom
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No, they shouldn't. Making all weapons equal will rob players of progressing and feeling of accomplishment. It would be like allowing to run Diablo on all difficulties with a starting weapon and removing drops.

It's good to have a lot of end-game viable options, but for a game like Warframe, having to step over several options prior to getting to the end-game viable ones is vital.

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I really do wish my Prova Vandal was a little more up to scale with my Dera Vandal, while it remains my favorite it is still largely overshadowed.

Both are quite fun and were pains to get, but I can't go into a sortie and whack Grineer like the John Prodman wannabe girl I am. Especially keeping it on electricity rather than corrosive. I like watching them "dance".

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