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Are You Even Trying? A Artifact Defense Alert Event.


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For the artifact games.


I did the 1 with 2 other clan mates. Not even a full squad.

Done. (1st artifact)


Help out with pubbers against Corpus. Full squad.

No Frost but I used a Volt which had Flow (i think 125%) and Stretch up the wazoos for Overload.

Did twice both attempts. All success. (2nd artifact and I did another because I failed to check alerts that it was a repeat artifact)


The only time I start to falter is the last 5 rounds where Overload will fail to kill, but I have enough energy for multi-cast, so it isn't a problem. And my team mates do have sense to hang around near the pod.


Last one with full squad of Clanners.

Done (last artifact).



Again you can do it in pub games, just gotta "rally" the people.

Can doesn't translate to will.

In pubs it was pure luck. As I said a few posts earlier with proper team it was easy, we steamrolled everything to wave 22. But with my bad luck when setup was good mob will glitch in unreachable place failing our attempt.Group will fall apart at that point, and most of the time alert would be already over providing no retry. Other time it would be: bad connection of someone, making mobs teleport around and one of them will surely reach pod again on one of the last waves or incompetent/unprepared teammates failing as enemies reach near-immunities to standard/elemental damage severely cutting their damage. Of all tries I did (wasn't many) all failed 60% due to bugs in game 40% due to incompetent crew. If i had more chances to try it or at least to retry with same team i would've succeded, but: Design didn't provide for retries in this case - long defense missions, quite short alert times. Number of alerts wasn't that much, and as I live in different time zone, I missed a lot of it, Getting like 5-7 tries in total (including retries in two cases when alert still was there with 3 minutes left)

Edited by Aedwynn
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Can doesn't translate to will.

In pubs it was pure luck. As I said a few posts earlier with proper team it was easy, we steamrolled everything to wave 22. But with my bad luck when setup was good mob will glitch in unreachable place failing our attempt.Group will fall apart at that point, and most of the time alert would be already over providing no retry. Other time it would be: bad connection of someone, making mobs teleport around and one of them will surely reach pod again on one of the last waves or incompetent/unprepared teammates failing as enemies reach near-immunities to standard/elemental damage severely cutting their damage. Of all tries I did (wasn't many) all failed 60% due to bugs in game 40% due to incompetent crew. If i had more chances to try it or at least to retry with same team i would've succeded, but: Design didn't provide for retries in this case - long defense missions, quite short alert times. Number of alerts wasn't that much, and as I leave in different time zone, I missed a lot of it, Getting like 5-7 tries in total (including retries in two cases when alert still was there with 3 minutes left)



This is exactly what Feedback is for.


It is still a beta. So by giving our feedback that these missions are unforgiving to people with poor internet connections due to their extended nature, perhaps DE can make the timer 2 to 3 hours long instead of 1 hour.


Or they should give a hint on the difficulty and what is recommended for players to handle.

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lol this rant is unbelievable, it's like if i start a rage topic because i cant have the braton vandal only because i registered to the game "too late"


this event was clearly aimed to "mid-high end players" (not even so high tbh) and you cant really complain about it if you joined tenno's rank 4 days ago and you are still 'new', on top of this those artifacts will become avaiable as mods soon (exactly like the frost prime BP in the moa fusion event).


This situation is not new, not only in warframe and, in the end, this is just another boring rant.

Edited by Phoenix86
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lol this rant is unbelievable, it's like if i start a rage topic because i cant have the braton vandal only because i registered to the game "too late"


this event was clearly aimed to "mid-high end players" (not even so high tbh) and you cant really complain about it if you joined tenno's rank 4 days ago and you are still 'new', on top of this those artifacts will become avaiable as mods soon (exactly like the frost prime BP in the moa fusion event).


This situation is not new, not only in warframe and, in the end, this is just another boring rant.

You sound blindly arrogant. Read topic before you post, without that you contribute nothing but add to rage. I did not join 4 days ago and do not really complain about difficulty. I complain about bad design of event, in terms of accessibility ( it shouldn't have been accesible to low level players),  terms of longevity (duration of alert compared to time it takes to complete it), terms of quality ( bugs caused by glitching mobs, connection instability on high waves).

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I actually managed to solo an event that had 20 waves as my clan wasn't available to help. I cheesed it though by using the following lineup:


Frost, with snow globe, maxed continuty, maxed flow, maxed stretch. (and of course max shields/HP/stamina)


Boltor with AP damage, serration, speed trigger, max ammo, max clip size 

Kunai (because faceroll LOL) specced with the same type of mods there

Then I went for the hate with the same type of mods again, I added cold just to be an evil $#*(@.


And yes, I will never do anything so crazy again, but it's definitely doable.


Edit: Goes without saying that I brought along four pistol ammo packs and four assault rifle ammo packs.

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You sound blindly arrogant. Read topic before you post, without that you contribute nothing but add to rage. I did not join 4 days ago and do not really complain about difficulty. I complain about bad design of event, in terms of accessibility ( it shouldn't have been accesible to low level players),  terms of longevity (duration of alert compared to time it takes to complete it), terms of quality ( bugs caused by glitching mobs, connection instability on high waves).


I've read what OP has written and he was talking about ONLY difficulty and stuff about new players not welcome there, he didnt say anything about what u are writing.


Bad design? i agree, OP didnt say anything about it

Terms of accessibility? alert's locations are random cant do much about it, only thing OP said was that he didnt wanted them to show up in early planets

Terms of Longevity? I bet everyone who could have access to this event got all 3 artifacts pretty easly

Term of quality? i might agree, it was just another defense, nothing more nothing less, OP didnt say anything about it

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I imagine newbies appreciated a glimpse at medium difficulty. Its not a big deal at all.

Mobs of level 60-70 are not "medium difficulty", it's quite around "end-game content" as it is now.


PS: Furthermore, the entire "too hard / too easy" debate is not a point of this thread. The main problem with this event was the fact that alerts were absolutely misaligned to their base mission. Saturn alerts with 60+ level enemies, all while Saturn is the second "noob planet" immediately after Mercury?

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@Phoenix86, then please make a reference to what you are responding. It looked like you responded to whole thread. Longevity: I specifically pointed out that 1 attempt took around ~0.5 - 0.9 of whole alert time, leading to 1 try for alert in general.

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Everyone eventually becomes an experienced player.


These events are for people who've developed their characters, if you havent played the game at all and expect to participate in the top-bar events, you're nuts. Its like a level 1 complaining he cant kill any level 100 mobs, man up and progress your character first, and quit leeching off of everyone else as your excuse that you cannot participate. The only reason you cannot participate, is because you dont bother playing the game enough.


Thats YOUR fault, not THE ENTIRE PLAYERBASE'S fault. It's not elitism, its the fact YOU CANNOT BE BOTHERED to level up.

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My only issue was that I had a hard time getting a group for it. I would queue up and it would never find players. Finally one Sunday it did and I was able to complete one for the armor corrosion artifact. Tried again Monday and same thing, no players.

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I quite enjoyed it to be perfectly honest. A f***-ton of mods with each alert, a ton of XP, and three new artifacts - not to mention acquired through defense missions with a target rather than just "let's see how high we can go".

It would be ok if it still had "checkpoints" for drops every 5 waves, but it DIDN'T.  If your goal is 25 and your team becomes too much to carry and you fail on the last wave, that's 24 waves of materials and mods and almost an hour of your time COMPLETELY LOST.  You get NOTHING to show for it.

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Not all events are designed for Tenno fresh out of the cryopod.


Besides, these artifacts aren't going to be exclusive to event alerts anyway.

That is correct. My favorite weekend of warframe yet. Give me more, give them more, just don't give us the same things. Higher level players need the challenge, lower players need their own events.

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another case of a player thinking they are better and more deserving then they truly are (seems to be common in games these days)

I wonder if you had been that kid in elementary school that went and complained to the kid who beat Mario brothers 3 before you that "Its not fair, my mom grounded and nerfed me... so nintendo should only make it one level so i can be a winner too"

When the hell did people gain this deserving mentality.......

Just because you clicked download does not mean you get to beat the last boss within an hour......

enough is enough

Id rather something be too hard and get scaled down, then be too easy and get scaled up

Beating it when it was too hard is an accomplishment for some people .. and when it gets scaled into its normal difficulty range it still gives a feeling of accomplishment (being that you probably tried it in its broken/hardmode state for awhile)

Beating it when it was too easy is an accomplishment for nobody... and when its finally scaled up... generally no one needs it anymore

.... TL:DR   (Get over yourself.. sometimes it takes some time before you can accomplish something...)

and if you think none of this applies to you..... well then id like to sell you a 1000 piece puzzle...... that i already completed.. for full price... im sure you would like that wouldnt you


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That is correct. My favorite weekend of warframe yet. Give me more, give them more, just don't give us the same things. Higher level players need the challenge, lower players need their own events.


im sitting in the medium level of players now... i have a 30 loki frame and some 30 weapons.... i had trouble... prolly due to playing in pickups

but i also had fun.... challenge was awesome 

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I believe your criticism on the difficulty was quit unfair. These missions were good because they required skill, the use of appropriate gear, and teamwork. I approved of this.


My only criticism is that there were not rewards every 5 waves like in a normal defense mission. Morale seemed to plummet after about 15 waves, because it was hard to justify all this effort for an artifact that is marginally useful.

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You sound blindly arrogant. Read topic before you post, without that you contribute nothing but add to rage. I did not join 4 days ago and do not really complain about difficulty. I complain about bad design of event, in terms of accessibility ( it shouldn't have been accesible to low level players),  terms of longevity (duration of alert compared to time it takes to complete it), terms of quality ( bugs caused by glitching mobs, connection instability on high waves).

All you've done is whine. The only valid criticism I see is that it was available to low level players at times; I imagine that was due to the random nature of the alert setup and where it drops the alert.

Frankly, even then you just would have whined about not having access to the events.

So I get it. I hear you. You thought it was too hard. I don't agree.

That's about it. I'm not trying to be elitist about it; you should have asked someone in chat for help.

The pub problem isn't going to go away. That's the nature of the beast; you can't guarantee in a random group that someone will have the right kind of frame unless you bring it. Since all you have is a Loki, you should have asked around until you found someone with the right kind of frame to help (Frost for corpus/grineer, Nyx or ember for Infested IMO).

If the alerts are still running and I'm on, send me a message. I'll gladly help you through it, even though I already have all three artifacts. I'll do it for he fun of doing it, and helping someone else out. I think you'll find most people playing right now are like that.

Otherwise, time to start farming for a frame that's better for defense; Loki's really only good for speedrunning and sneak attacks. Defense doesn't need either of those.

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As the event ends and so should this thread, it was meant to provide feedback for development team, it's a place for us to sound our opinion, some people agree with you and some people don't, that's why we have a forum so every one of us can speak up, insulting other tenno with emotional words/labels won't help your cause as much as understanding your subjective view upon this issue.  Be civil next time :)

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With the completion of our second event, we've gained tons more feedback to what kind of things we should consider for future events. While I can see some frustration in this thread, I see many who enjoyed the event as well. Thanks for adding all your thoughts to the forums, may event number 3 bring even more balanced fun/challenge/excitement to the table!

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With the completion of our second event, we've gained tons more feedback to what kind of things we should consider for future events. While I can see some frustration in this thread, I see many who enjoyed the event as well. Thanks for adding all your thoughts to the forums, may event number 3 bring even more balanced fun/challenge/excitement to the table!

With that in mind, take this also. Keep this mission type. Allow it to continue appearing. It doesn't need to continue giving these rare artifacts, you could switch it out with just bonus mods/keys/whatever, but it was a nice change of pace at the very least.

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I was fine with the diffuculty, however the rewards were a slap in the face. Trash. also, the @(*()$ networking. My connection is good and my computer is a beast, im usually hosting because the game runs better. My whole @(*()$ crew got migrated out atleast, 2 of them twice, the second on like wave 19. 

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With the completion of our second event, we've gained tons more feedback to what kind of things we should consider for future events. While I can see some frustration in this thread, I see many who enjoyed the event as well. Thanks for adding all your thoughts to the forums, may event number 3 bring even more balanced fun/challenge/excitement to the table!


The event itself was fun. Im mostly upset with the less then motivating rewards. Lets face it, its a reskinned defense mission. I play those every time i log in. they are fun. Reskinning one and calling it an event would be just fine if the rewards were more motivating. Not just collectors junk that will sit in the deck collecting dust.


Or maybe if the lotus had some new interesting dialogue. Hell story/lore bits would have most of us sold too im sure. Thats the only reason AQ is still running. constant story development.,

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