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Why Master Rank should matter......


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Have you ever hoped into pubs and seen a mr 2 begging the group to leave the because he is doing zero damage or, seen a "draco" screw up a tactical alert because he's so used to playing dps that he forgot that the game doesn't revolve around it this is (imo) because of lose mastery rank restricts and matchmaking. Mr should restrict players to some extent (eh mr 12 tops). Matching making should put players of similar mr into groups together first. Thoughts

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1 minute ago, (PS4)bddacres said:

If doesn't ... unrelated sarcasm doesn't further a discussion .... 

You still haven't defined a "draco."

And there was no sarcasm. I genuinely think that you haven't thought this out.

Edited by Lord_Azrael
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5 minutes ago, Lord_Azrael said:

Please explain what a draco is. Because I'm guessing that your definition of a draco conflicts greatly with the point you're trying to make.

i dont think he meant the actual draco but the thought it spread; hes calling ppl who draco'd there way to where they are now as "draco".

Even though i understand where you going OP and actually wish there were more restrictions especially for things like sortie(only need a rank 30 frame to join) adding more restrictions to new players is only going to hurt the game more then it helps unless they do it in a fluid way and no i dont know that way thats up to DE to find out.

Edited by Omnipower
didnt finish a sentence
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The mastery rank system as of now just shows how many weapons, frames, companions etc you've managed to level up (and to a small extent, completion rate of the starchart). Whilst for some players it may give an actual representation of how long they've been playing or how experienced they are in the game. It is arguable that a person of the same, or even higher MR just got taxi'd to XP farm over and over and over again, with little knowledge on the actual game mechanics, weapon mechanics etc.

If you are looking for a better group to do missions, I suggest you go through the recruiting chat whereby you'll find a more organised group. Even better, go through Clans, play with people that you are familiar and comfortable with.


MR, as it is now, does NOT equate to skill/experience.

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Just now, Omnipower said:

i dont think he meant the actual draco but the thought it spread; hes calling ppl who draco'd there way to where they are now.

Oh, I get it. But "where they are now" means their current MR. He's calling for MR restrictions to block people who are high MR due to draco. That doesn't even make sense. If someone is high MR but can't play, how will MR restrictions help?


1 minute ago, (PS4)bddacres said:

You should know that someone is used draco(and only draco) as the sole method of obtaining a higher mr is typical referd to as a draco

See? This is what I'm talking about. This is why I said it conflicts greatly with your point. You're upset about "dracos" who don't "deserve" their MR, and want MR restrictions to help keep them out of your squads. Maybe you should think this through a little better.

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MR doesn't matter as it doesn't show your skill/knowledge/experience. I play this game close to 3 years and i am still MR 13. Yea 13 cus i won't just rush all the weapons that WF got just to have a number 22 near my profile icon.

If DE ever add a content or something(This something, as in something major, not 1 weapon that would appear to be meh) that is accessible only to MR 20+ then i might consider joining the Bere train.

Anyway, MR discussions better not be discussed at all as they always lead to harassment and offensive behavior.

Edited by PrimeDCookieMonstah
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59 minutes ago, (PS4)bddacres said:

You should know that someone is used draco(and only draco) as the sole method of obtaining a higher mr is typical referd to as a draco

I don't know anyone who's ever only played Draco. Also lumping players who wanted to level stuff up faster as somehow inferior is silly.

Play solo or make friends, restricting PUGs is, and always has been an awful idea.

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I understand that Mr does not equal skill as mentioned with the draco example. The reason why i am suggesting this is not to prevent or hinder newer players but to actually assist them. Many of the new player i "assist" want to leave a mission at completion point . My suggestion is just an addition to promote a developement process that isnt rushed

1 minute ago, Anatasia said:

The mastery rank system as of now just shows how many weapons, frames, companions etc you've managed to level up (and to a small extent, completion rate of the starchart). Whilst for some players it may give an actual representation of how long they've been playing or how experienced they are in the game. It is arguable that a person of the same, or even higher MR just got taxi'd to XP farm over and over and over again, with little knowledge on the actual game mechanics, weapon mechanics etc.

If you are looking for a better group to do missions, I suggest you go through the recruiting chat whereby you'll find a more organised group. Even better, go through Clans, play with people that you are familiar and comfortable with.


MR, as it is now, does NOT equate to skill/experience.


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1 minute ago, JSharpie said:

I don't know anyone who's ever only played Draco. Also lumping players who wanted to level stuff up faster as somehow inferior is silly.

Play solo or make friends, restricting PUGs is, and always has been an awful idea.

I didn't say this at all.....

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57 minutes ago, (PS4)bddacres said:

I didn't say this at all.....


1 hour ago, (PS4)bddacres said:

You should know that someone is used draco(and only draco) as the sole method of obtaining a higher mr is typical referd to as a draco

But you made the condescending term of calling someone a "Draco", which I have never heard of until now, and meant it to have a negative meaning.


Don't alienate your playerbase is the reason why restricting games in a primarily PvE setting is awful.

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2 minutes ago, Lord_Azrael said:

Oh, I get it. But "where they are now" means their current MR. He's calling for MR restrictions to block people who are high MR due to draco. That doesn't even make sense. If someone is high MR but can't play, how will MR restrictions help?


See? This is what I'm talking about. This is why I said it conflicts greatly with your point. You're upset about "dracos" who don't "deserve" their MR, and want MR restrictions to help keep them out of your squads. Maybe you should think this through a little better.

He's right, you know. Your point here, that MR should matter for matchmaking and whatnot, is massively undermined by your own statement that it is perfectly possible for someone to have a high MR which they haven't 'earned' and are not skilled enough to have, uh, by rights. Which is an odd statement.



Basically, mate, you're actively undermining your own argument by pointing out right away, in your own thread about how MR should matter, that MR cannot be used as a reliable measure of skill or experience.


Perhaps you should make a different thread, calling for MR to be replaced by something else which makes a more faithful effort to measure a player's skill?

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1 minute ago, rDNS said:

I'm sure he just lost a 60min surv because of a low MR and is just QQ'ing.

Based on the fact that this doesn't make sense.

inb4 'you are idiot kys'

Please edit your post an "a" is needed.

Also this isn't to restrict new players actually it's to assist new players. Why would you make a freshman practice with varsity and if he isn't even getting playing time

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1 minute ago, (PS4)bddacres said:

I understand that Mr does not equal skill as mentioned with the draco example. The reason why i am suggesting this is not to prevent or hinder newer players but to actually assist them. Many of the new player i "assist" want to leave a mission at completion point . My suggestion is just an addition to promote a developement process that isnt rushed


How does it actually assist them? Seems like some of your soreness comes from them wanting to leave after a certain mission point in endless, which is something people do when moving through the star chart to clear nodes. 

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3 minutes ago, Lord_Azrael said:

Oh, I get it. But "where they are now" means their current MR. He's calling for MR restrictions to block people who are high MR due to draco. That doesn't even make sense. If someone is high MR but can't play, how will MR restrictions help?


See? This is what I'm talking about. This is why I said it conflicts greatly with your point. You're upset about "dracos" who don't "deserve" their MR, and want MR restrictions to help keep them out of your squads. Maybe you should think this through a little better.

This is true if hes asking for this cause of skill its a moot point but if hes asking it for like how i wish not to see someone who doesnt even have upgraded mods or decent weaponry in my group for content similar to sorties then yeah im behind him.

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2 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

Also lumping players who wanted to level stuff up faster as somehow inferior is silly.

Agreed. I don't actually think that "dracos" exist, or at least they aren't very common. For one thing, you have NEVER been able to level your MR to very high at any single node. You must move around a lot in order to build all the weapons needed to rank up. Most of the grind to 22 is in getting the weapons, not leveling them.

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Just now, Omnipower said:

This is true if hes asking for this cause of skill its a moot point but if hes asking it for like how i wish not to see someone who doesnt even have upgraded mods or decent weaponry in my group for content similar to sorties then yeah im behind him.

Exactly, but not because it's bothering me but who wants to play content when they are contributing because they have lesser gear? 

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