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[The Silver Grove Update] Lunaro and Conclave Additions and Changes Feedback!


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Hello Tenno! Please use this thread to post your feedback on today's Lunaro Additions and Changes in today's update, The Silver Grove.

New Arena!

Steel Meridian Themed Map: The valorous troops of the Steel Meridian were greatly pleased by the skill and honor found within Lunaro matches and have constructed a variant of the Arena for friendly Tenno to enjoy. Find the new map in rotation today.

New Warm-Up System!

Haven't played any Lunaro since launch? Feeling a bit rusty? Well worry no more! The introduction of the new Lunaro Warm-Up system will take players currently waiting in a not full lobby and load them all into a practice session. These sessions will see all active players equipped with their own Lunaro so as to allow everyone the chance to practise basic game mechanics while waiting for additional loadings to join. Once a game is full and ready to begin the match will naturally progress to the proper Lunaro mode with goals, assists, and saves from the previous Warm-Up being wiped clear.

New Gameplay Mechanics!

  • Ball Magnet Guard: Many of the loudest complaints about Lunaro were directed to the frequency of possession changes that could occur when a scrum was formed. To help alleviate this we've introduced the Ball Magnet Guard mechanic. This mechanic will allow the player with the ball to absorb a couple of hits, both melee and check attacks, before they lose possession. Initiating a Ball Magnet Guard is as simple as holding down the Ball Magnet button after the Lunaro has been picked up.
  • Passing is now a dedicated button. Defaulted to R, this dedicated pass button should make coordination and team play more viable, especially in high-latency environments.
  • Bringing up the Scoreboard can now be done with the TAB button bringing Warframe PvP in with more traditional PvP games.* Please note: This change is also reflected in PvE game modes. Pressing TAB will bring up the Progress & Rewards screen without locking the player in place.

New PvP Matchmaking Rules!

Much of the feedback we've received from our seasoned PvP players and newcomers alike was our inscrutable matchmaking rules. We've attempted to stream lines and have separated the rules used to match players in PvE from those used for PvP. Specifics on these PvP specific matchmaking rules are as follows:

  • When attempting to join a friend you will be placed on their team if there is available space.
  • If you create a squad and then create/join a PvP lobby you will all be placed on the same team. Subsequent joiners will fill the opposing team slots.
  • Inviting a Friend who is currently in a squad will attempt to being in the full squad into your current game/lobby.
  • Attempting to join a PvP match without enough space for you and your squad will now present an error message indicating that there isn't space to accommodate everyone.
  • A similar error message to the above will be displayed when a full Squad of 4 players attempts to join a Lunaro match.
  • Invite and Friends Only Lobbies now have a "Switch Team" option.

New Penalty/Reward System!

Another common gripe that has sometimes been affecting our competitive PvP modes was one that affects almost all games of this nature; rage quitters. While any system we introduce won't be able to completely solve this issue we've enacted a consequence system that will hopefully curb some of the more numerous instances:

  • We now track players who quit out of matches including those using the Alt-F4 method.
  • The Penalty system has 2 stages; a warning and a penalty applied state:
    • The warning stage will appear on the Landing Craft after the game detects that you've quit out of a match prematurely.
    • The Penalty Applied state will kick in after a certain % of your last games are determined to have been prematurely left. This state results in an XP Penalty of 75%.
    • Player's can climb back out of the Penalty Applied state by completing a corresponding amount of full matches.
  • While also negatively affecting rage quitters, we want to encourage those who continue to play while short on players and those who play multiple matches in a row.
    • Completing a match you were short on will result in a +20% boost to XP and Standing.
    • Completing subsequent matches will results in 10% more XP and Standing after the first match.

New Custom Lunaro Bindings!

With the launch of Lunaro on Consoles we introduced full customization options for Lunaro controls. With this update we will be introducing the same functionality for PC keyboard and mouse users.

Head over to the Options screen to configure your Lunaro bindings as you see fit!

Soft Launch: Player Hosted Servers

Another major complaint directed toward our Conclave game modes has been the potential for laggy experiences due to the game running on our peer to peer system. With this update we will be rolling out the first stages of a potential solution to this issue: volunteer player hosted servers - we've got the tools in place to allow you to host Lunaro. 

At this stage volunteer servers are limited to running Lunaro only, and require a separate dedicated computer to host. 

The initial roll-out will be conducted via an invite-only process due to the need to gauge scalability and success. We will be using this soft launch to gather valuable feedback and stats and once we determine that the system is ready to provide the best experience we will be moving forward with a full scale public release.

Thank you! We hope you enjoy the new Area and rules for Lunaro! 

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Until you force people to pass the ball, not many will do it, it's still too easy to pass to yourself and score alone.

If they know how to play with the "unstable" system, its even worst, you can't do anything at all.

Most of the games i did wasn't fun at all due to someone in my team or in the other team doing everything alone.

Adding a protection will make it worst and it will be even easier for them to continue this "playstyle".


I was more waiting for something like, once you grab the ball and throw it, you have a 3 - 4 second delay until you can take it back, unless someone elese touched it, to prevent people from passing the ball to themself and playing all alone.

Also adding a cooldown or a charge system (charge: do 2 pass to a teammate to be able to perform an unstable dash/hit, which can stack 2 times only) to the unstable system would be an option, to also force people of playing as a team and making that the game if more fun for everyone, instead of only one player.


Maybe with that new map, it will be more hard to score with the unstable lunaro and force people to pass.


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Oh sweet. A penalty reward system. You block reinforcements if they gain a 6 point lead, and also block reinforcements at half time. Not to mention when scoring it freezes the timer and people have been known to charge shot the ball into the goal repeatedly with no limit of scores.

Won't touch it. Don't want to be penalized for an absurd match and don't want to waste 20-30 minutes losing because we are outnumbered and the enemy can consecutively score til the cows come home with no sign of help coming.

EDIT: Surely something outside of the box could make the experience better. Rage quitters are a problem but so is the length of the match on consecutive scores combined with reinforcement lock-outs. Maybe instead of penalizing we can find ways to prevent such behavior? Maybe an option to forfeit victory and move on or something. Another idea is have a score limit so when X score is reached they win or make it like the game 21 where the first player to reach a set score wins or remove the bloody timer freeze. There's a reason why they rage quit after all.

Edited by LethalAffliction
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17 minutes ago, [DE]Danielle said:


New PvP Matchmaking Rules!

Much of the feedback we've received from our seasoned PvP players and newcomers alike was our inscrutable matchmaking rules. We've attempted to stream lines and have separated the rules used to match players in PvE from those used for PvP. Specifics on these PvP specific matchmaking rules are as follows:

  • When attempting to join a friend you will be placed on their team if there is available space.
  • If you create a squad and then create/join a PvP lobby you will all be placed on the same team. Subsequent joiners will fill the opposing team slots.
  • Inviting a Friend who is currently in a squad will attempt to being in the full squad into your current game/lobby.
  • Attempting to join a PvP match without enough space for you and your squad will now present an error message indicating that there isn't space to accommodate everyone.
  • A similar error message to the above will be displayed when a full Squad of 4 players attempts to join a Lunaro match.
  • Invite and Friends Only Lobbies now have a "Switch Team" option.

New Penalty/Reward System!

Another common gripe that has sometimes been affecting our competitive PvP modes was one that affects almost all games of this nature; rage quitters. While any system we introduce won't be able to completely solve this issue we've enacted a consequence system that will hopefully curb some of the more numerous instances:

  • We now track players who quit out of matches including those using the Alt-F4 method.
  • The Penalty system has 2 stages; a warning and a penalty applied state:
    • The warning stage will appear on the Landing Craft after the game detects that you've quit out of a match prematurely.
    • The Penalty Applied state will kick in after a certain % of your last games are determined to have been prematurely left. This state results in an XP Penalty of 75%.
    • Player's can climb back out of the Penalty Applied state by completing a corresponding amount of full matches.
  • While also negatively affecting rage quitters, we want to encourage those who continue to play while short on players and those who play multiple matches in a row.
    • Completing a match you were short on will result in a +20% boost to XP and Standing.
    • Completing subsequent matches will results in 10% more XP and Standing after the first match.


Call me skeptical but i can't see this working very well together. Pre-made groups stomping PUG players and penalizing pugs for leaving out of frustration. 

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2 hours ago, BenRiach said:

Call me skeptical but i can't see this working very well together. Pre-made groups stomping PUG players and penalizing pugs for leaving out of frustration. 

Yeah, and in addition to that, if you want to play with your friends, you have to hope that you either get another group, or that the other guy is willing to stick around long enough to (hopefully) net a teammate.  Me and a bud spent 15 minutes sitting in the lobby because we were stuck on the same team, and when we finally found someone to join, he immediately left.  Right now, with these changes to matchmaking, me and him would be better off playing a different game if we wanted to play a competitive mode.

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I can't play conclave anymore, like seriously I can't. I used to be able to play against friends and generally have a fun time but now I can't even play on the same team as friends because no one wants to do 2v1. Also the penalization system is horse hockey, it's so easy to get stuck in 2v1 or even 3v1 and get stomped because all your teammates left, but so help you god if you leave.
The new lunaro map isn't very interesting is overall just annoying because the goal is really too small to score in with an overcharged lunaro unless you have HYPER ACCURACY.

This update literally stopped me from me playing conclave daily, I don't think I can touch it in it's current state. I hope you change this DE by making it so you can play against your friends, while earning conclave rep on side, and make it so you won't get horrible penalizers for getting stomped by people who have 3k hours in conclave.

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(Sorry about that but it is starting to go beyond frustrating by now...)

  • Re-binding controller keys for Lunaro freezes the UI and does not change the bindings due to that. (Restart is required).
  • Also... weren't we getting a separate archwing control scheme? I'm pretty sure that was in the options menu after Specters of the Rail but the keybindings overwrote our regular bindings. Are we getting this back in a working state somewhere in the future? (Pretty please?) Anyway... the option seems to have been removed unless I missed it somewhere.

EDIT: Whoops... just realized this is the feedback thread, not the bugreport thread. My bad! That said, I'll just leave it here now that I posted it.

Edited by zY_Spartan_Yz
Forgot to mention the dash is lunaro specific
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Being forced to be in the same team as your squad/invited player sucks.

Now you either give up on getting standing or you stay 20 minutes on the 'Waiting for players' screen because every time someone joins, they leave instantly because they dont want to go 1v2 or 1v3. And you cant even queue with a 4-man squad because the game doesnt lets you.

Queueing at the same time doesnt works, because for some reason, the game cant find the other player, even if they are in the same region or IN THE SAME ROOM.

Oh, just noticied that lunaro also wont start until there are 6 players. Remember the first time you guys added that and what happened was that noone would play lunaro at all because you would have to spend half a hour waiting for people to join?

Edited by MobyTheDuck
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On 8/20/2016 at 0:01 AM, MobyTheDuck said:

Now you either give up on getting standing or you stay 20 minutes on the 'Waiting for players' screen because every time someone joins, they leave instantly because they dont want to go 1v2 or 1v3. And you cant even queue with a 4-man squad because the game doesnt lets you.

It's become even worse than that, at this point I can't even find a single match to play in, friends or no friends. I think most people who play conclave usually do it with friends instead of just on their own, which made conclave a little barren, but now conclave is just completely empty no matter which region I try to set it to. 

This update has killed conclave. 

Edit 1: Well I tried playing conclave today, I got stuck with 4v1 and I lost, surprising ain't it? I tried playing again but when in the lobby I got 2v1 and bailed right there. This is a miserable experience. 

Edit 2: Bug: The Karak Conclave skin has some issues, it doesn't work on Karak Wraith and the icon for it is the Braton Conclave skin.

Edit 3: Bug:The prices of the new secondary weapon conclave skins are 50k when they're usually 40k.

Edit 4: I didn't realize in my first posts truly how unfun the penalty system is, but it's bad. It's really bad. It's nothing but misery if you get stuck in 2v1 on capture the ceph, because alls you can do is hope the other team has no brain cells and that don't lurk in your spawn and grab the cephalon the moment the other team member drops it. The only way to win a 2v1/3v1/4v1 is to just afk and hope it ends faster. It's to just not play. 

The penalty system makes sure you get locked into a bad situation and you have to eat it or else the next time you play "oh you get 75% less rep! Teehee."  To make matters worse you can join a lobby and it looks fair like 2v2, but in reality the host is about to leave, causing a host migration, which means you can stuck on your own team versus 2 people, because it just forces you into a match versus starting another lobby. 

The "if you invite people they'll be grafted onto your team thing" is really annoying too, I was playing with guy and he left by accident and wanted to play against me more, but he couldn't because if I invited him he'd get stuck on my team and conclave is barren so we'd have to wait 40 minutes for a guy to join, who'd bail because he isn't self loathing and doesn't want to be miserable for 10 minutes.

Edited by The_Somber_Cat
needed to mention and I didn't want post too many times
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21 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Hello Tenno! Please use this thread to post your feedback on today's Lunaro Additions and Changes in today's update, The Silver Grove.

New Arena!

Steel Meridian Themed Map: The valorous troops of the Steel Meridian were greatly pleased by the skill and honor found within Lunaro matches and have constructed a variant of the Arena for friendly Tenno to enjoy. Find the new map in rotation today.

New Warm-Up System!

Haven't played any Lunaro since launch? Feeling a bit rusty? Well worry no more! The introduction of the new Lunaro Warm-Up system will take players currently waiting in a not full lobby and load them all into a practice session. These sessions will see all active players equipped with their own Lunaro so as to allow everyone the chance to practise basic game mechanics while waiting for additional loadings to join. Once a game is full and ready to begin the match will naturally progress to the proper Lunaro mode with goals, assists, and saves from the previous Warm-Up being wiped clear.

New Gameplay Mechanics!

  • Ball Magnet Guard: Many of the loudest complaints about Lunaro were directed to the frequency of possession changes that could occur when a scrum was formed. To help alleviate this we've introduced the Ball Magnet Guard mechanic. This mechanic will allow the player with the ball to absorb a couple of hits, both melee and check attacks, before they lose possession. Initiating a Ball Magnet Guard is as simple as holding down the Ball Magnet button after the Lunaro has been picked up.
  • Passing is now a dedicated button. Defaulted to R, this dedicated pass button should make coordination and team play more viable, especially in high-latency environments.
  • Bringing up the Scoreboard can now be done with the TAB button bringing Warframe PvP in with more traditional PvP games.* Please note: This change is also reflected in PvE game modes. Pressing TAB will bring up the Progress & Rewards screen without locking the player in place.

New PvP Matchmaking Rules!

Much of the feedback we've received from our seasoned PvP players and newcomers alike was our inscrutable matchmaking rules. We've attempted to stream lines and have separated the rules used to match players in PvE from those used for PvP. Specifics on these PvP specific matchmaking rules are as follows:

  • When attempting to join a friend you will be placed on their team if there is available space.
  • If you create a squad and then create/join a PvP lobby you will all be placed on the same team. Subsequent joiners will fill the opposing team slots.
  • Inviting a Friend who is currently in a squad will attempt to being in the full squad into your current game/lobby.
  • Attempting to join a PvP match without enough space for you and your squad will now present an error message indicating that there isn't space to accommodate everyone.
  • A similar error message to the above will be displayed when a full Squad of 4 players attempts to join a Lunaro match.
  • Invite and Friends Only Lobbies now have a "Switch Team" option.

New Penalty/Reward System!

Another common gripe that has sometimes been affecting our competitive PvP modes was one that affects almost all games of this nature; rage quitters. While any system we introduce won't be able to completely solve this issue we've enacted a consequence system that will hopefully curb some of the more numerous instances:

  • We now track players who quit out of matches including those using the Alt-F4 method.
  • The Penalty system has 2 stages; a warning and a penalty applied state:
    • The warning stage will appear on the Landing Craft after the game detects that you've quit out of a match prematurely.
    • The Penalty Applied state will kick in after a certain % of your last games are determined to have been prematurely left. This state results in an XP Penalty of 75%.
    • Player's can climb back out of the Penalty Applied state by completing a corresponding amount of full matches.
  • While also negatively affecting rage quitters, we want to encourage those who continue to play while short on players and those who play multiple matches in a row.
    • Completing a match you were short on will result in a +20% boost to XP and Standing.
    • Completing subsequent matches will results in 10% more XP and Standing after the first match.

New Custom Lunaro Bindings!

With the launch of Lunaro on Consoles we introduced full customization options for Lunaro controls. With this update we will be introducing the same functionality for PC keyboard and mouse users.

Head over to the Options screen to configure your Lunaro bindings as you see fit!

Soft Launch: Player Hosted Servers

Another major complaint directed toward our Conclave game modes has been the potential for laggy experiences due to the game running on our peer to peer system. With this update we will be rolling out the first stages of a potential solution to this issue: volunteer player hosted servers - we've got the tools in place to allow you to host Lunaro. 

At this stage volunteer servers are limited to running Lunaro only, and require a separate dedicated computer to host. 

The initial roll-out will be conducted via an invite-only process due to the need to gauge scalability and success. We will be using this soft launch to gather valuable feedback and stats and once we determine that the system is ready to provide the best experience we will be moving forward with a full scale public release.

Thank you! We hope you enjoy the new Area and rules for Lunaro! 

Hello, [DE]Danielle! As a part of the conclave community, who plays lunaro everyday, who played hundreds of matches, who witnessed many people with different playstyle and goal, and who owns a clan that recruits active lunaro players with skills and interest, who trains people who want to improve in the game, who spends a whole 3-4 hour making youtube tutorials on lunaro, I would like to share my opinion about these changes.

First of all, I do not want to be all negative about this update because I do LOVE some of these changes! Naming; the new matchmaking system, the dedicated pass button, the pre-game warm-ups(This feature is really amazing, thanks for this DE! It makes me feel like I am in a volleyball match again), and the new map. These changes are great because it gave better opportunity for team play and cooperation. The new matchmaking system allowed me and my friends to play matches on the same team! The pass button helped us pass easily, and the new map which is by the way ABSOLUTELY incredible looking(Nice job, design team!) made gameplays focus on passing and teamwork because of that teeny tiny goal plus the sideway orientation of it which gave two open spots to be defended. These changes are absolutely what we are looking for that will improve the game.

Now, moving on to the changes that I personally did not like. These changes ruined some of my player's playstyle and roles in the field. Now they want to quit Lunaro but I told them to hold on because I'm making this complaint so it may be fixed. Starting with the ball guard mechanic, it really does not help at all. If your goal is to give us a chance to not be checked while holding the ball so we are able to pass it, well, it is not working. It is great, if you are in a 1v1 match but in a team fight which is the game's focus, you will have 1-2 people behind your back for a check. The ball guard only protects you from 1 check, and the next check will make you lose the ball. We've tested this feature for awhile and it does sometimes protect you from 2 checks(Which is by the way REALLY REALLY REALLY rare). Also you get staggered the first check, and knocked down on the second one. How are you supposed to protect the ball for a pass? We've also noticed that the knockdown and stagger immunity has been COMPLETELY removed. Before, if you get staggered you get 3 seconds of immunity and if you get knocked down you get 4-5. Now, if you get staggered, you get knocked down ASAP if the check is fast enough, and if you get knocked down, you can get staggered ASAP as well. Plus, The check range is really high since people can stagger you from the ground when you're up in the air. This is as annoying as it gets. Without the stagger immunity, the game basically felt like how it was when it got released; 4v4 with a 24/7 staggering fight, chaotic.

The increase of movement without the ball is not a problem. We noticed that the bullet-jumps without the ball give you more mobility which is actually great. It gives people a chance to chase down people who dribble the ball and give them a bully. This is great for those people who want to check players for a steal. It also helps your teammates go ahead of you for a coordinated pass when you're being chased down by the other team for a steal.

The other thing I would like to mention is the increase of the attraction range and power. Personally I think it is very, very sensitive and it travels so weird when you magnetize it. Whenever the ball is in the air, when about 2-4 people try to catch the lunaro, it goes wild in the air doing ballerina spins. The increase is good, but it's too much in my opinion. I know some people are having trouble with intercepting the ball, so you guys decided to increase the range and frequency of it but it's a little bit too much. The craziness of it's path when being attracted adds in to the chaos of the game. In addition, catching the ball should require skill, not missing the ball and still being able to attract it. Lowering down the attract sensitivity would help reduce the chaos, but not low enough that players need to be 100% accurate with their catch.

The penalty system, meanwhile, roughly helps at all. Here's how I view it: People who want to get their daily challenges done go to conclave and ask the people there to help them with it, and they'll leave afterwards. They won't rage quit because they do not mind having bad stats when they lose. The penalty system will affect them, but they always ask for help with their challenges, which most of the serious players help them with, which means that the chances of them rage quitting are really low. The way this penalty system should work is to ban players from playing that game mode for a certain amount of time when they leave the game. I think this is fair enough so that they can cool off for a bit, have a break, and be calm. The EXP gain deduction shouldn't be a penalty. It will barely affect anyone because they could still level their stuff on PvE nodes. Also note that some people leave the game because of LAG issues, and they sometimes get disconnected from a match and it's not their fault. Maybe this penalty and reward system should not be added until the servers are up and running for everyone. I have a clan member who usually gets lagged the heck out because of his internet and region, and I think it's unfair for him to be punished like that.

I have seen many complaints about lunaro, many complaints from people who don't even take the game seriously. Those complaints make us conclave players look really horrible and feel bad for ourselves. Some of these complaints include us players hogging the ball, scoring 3 pts shot with an unstable lunaro, being too fast, having a good aim, checking ridiculously, catching a loose ball really quick. Basically try-harding as people would say. This is not because the game is broken. This is because we LOVE the game mode we play and we train everyday to be better than what we were yesterday. We are sorry if there are some people out there who are too boastful about their skills, who trash talk you for not being good, who always hog the ball, who gives you a 30+ to 0 defeat, because some people are just like that(trust me, I play sports, and I've seen many people with a bad attitude). Some people may be terrible but there are still some good people out there. I, myself decided to make videos on youtube to teach you guys what we know, and to help you become a better player if you're having problems playing. Don't complain. Instead, seek for help from those people who defeat you.  Make your enemies your friends because that's what real sportsmanship is.

As an overall request coming from my clan "Deus Genus" we would like the checking to be fixed. We do not appreciate getting staggered all the time. Even with our dribbling we get staggered, now imagine people who don't know how to dribble or travel across the field. They would be checked more than us. This would make the game literally uplayable and chaotic(Please bring back the previous checking immunity. We will give you cookies. We'll send 'em to you). Though, the increased movement speed without the ball, and the increase of check range is helpful for those who are skilled in stealing the lunaro. This feature is acceptable and fair. We are looking forward for warframe to have esports! Me, my whole clan, and the whole conclave community would like to help warframe do so by contributing our opinions and ideas to help the game become better and enjoyable as years pass by!




Note: Teamwork was present before this update, and this update just helped it become much better with the passing improvement. My clan does pro-matches, and we pass the ball to each other, strategize our position, our defense, our offense, and overall coordination. This is how we play the game as a team. This video is recorded by Caorun, featuring one of our best clan matches.



And this video is a demonstration of the ball guarding, and chaotic checking.




Hopefully you guys would consider my opinion, as many lunaro players are now getting ready to quit the game mode, and I don't want them to leave me alone here :c
Please fix this problem, and thanks for the update!! Really love the new features and especially Titania! :D
We appreciate your efforts! :)

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10 hours ago, The_Somber_Cat said:

Edit: Well I tried playing conclave today, I got stuck with 4v1 and I lost, surprising ain't it? I tried playing again but when in the lobby I got 2v1 and bailed right there. This is a miserable experience.

The best part is how you are 'compensated' by staying in such stacked games with that amazing 20% extra affinity. Like, wow, if you do manage to get a kill or score a goal, alone, versus a full squad, you might get 40 extra standing!

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5 hours ago, P.kai said:


Proud clanmate and goalie here (because my checking skills are nonexistant, I blame host advantage). As soon as I saw the ball-guard mechanic on the silver grove teaser page it had me worried that it'd either be extremely OP and make 1-man-army mode even more prevalent, or completely useless and even a hindrance. Somehow, it's both...

I haven't been able to play since the update yet, however I see a few flaws already: the goal requires basically pinpoint accuracy, and the attraction range got buffed, these 2 things just don't go together at all. Secondly, checking range supposedly increased, so even jumping in a lag free environment isn't safe, great... it was already bad enough beforehand... Thirdly, stagger immunity is back?! Oh the horrors... getting flashbacks to lunaro 3 now, it's like kavat and hyekka ptsd all over again...

On the bright side: pre-match practice mode, dedicated pass button (albeit with a terrible default binding) and better friend team-ups.

Now when I log on tomorrow, I hope most of the bugs in my uh... other thread to be fixed, I will donate to the cookie fund if they have been.

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3 hours ago, DragonSkllzz_of_OG said:

-snip too boi- (idk what that means)

The stagger immunity is not here. What I am saying is that they need to bring back stagger immunity, at least long enough so we can throw the ball when our ball guard gets hit. After playing for awhile I've actually thought that the increased check range is beneficial, since the ball guard is now a feature plus the dedicated pass button is working brilliantly.
It gives bullies a chance to shine for their stealing abilities. The only problem is getting knocked down literally in 1 second(Even with the ball guard on, when you get hit by two people). Anyways, we're still playing and testing for hours and figuring out some bugs and stuff, and here are some more that we found:

-Bumps on the ground on the new map makes your curve shots go straight.
-Disability to check, or throw the ball(what triggers this is unknown, but can be fixed by staying in the enemy zone before your steam scores, so it would give you your arcata back)
-Insta-unstable of the lunaro.(Literally broken. When you throw the ball downwards and press e, it would send the lunaro flying across the map. I will record it and upload it on YT)
-When you are running backwards and you try to pass to a teammate in front of you, the ball will be thrown where your warframe is facing.(The warframe should look back and pass, but it just throws it to where it's going. Will also record this and upload to YT)

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I appreciate the exp punishment and reward system but what I do not understand is the new matchmaking. It is impossible to find more than 3 players to play TA or CC so one player on Public is the most vauliable thing in Warframe. Now we cant play at all and I can't get the challenges done  

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39 minutes ago, armedpoop said:

Do we have an official list? Did I miss a memo?

It's not that some weapons aren't allowed, it's that only some weapons are allowed. They've been working to add in all the stuff for an entire year, and gunblades just haven't been put in yet. Not sure if they ever will, but it's not out of the question. In the past, they've added all weapons as they came out, but that's not a hard set rule. There have been a few exceptions to that, just like this is now.

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42 minutes ago, Phasedragon said:

It's not that some weapons aren't allowed, it's that only some weapons are allowed. They've been working to add in all the stuff for an entire year, and gunblades just haven't been put in yet. Not sure if they ever will, but it's not out of the question. In the past, they've added all weapons as they came out, but that's not a hard set rule. There have been a few exceptions to that, just like this is now.

I just remember reading that line in or around the patch notes when PvP 2.0 came out, and they have been consistent with all new gear since, except for this. 

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6 hours ago, P.kai said:

The stagger immunity is not here. What I am saying is that they need to bring back stagger immunity, at least long enough so we can throw the ball when our ball guard gets hit. After playing for awhile I've actually thought that the increased check range is beneficial, since the ball guard is now a feature plus the dedicated pass button is working brilliantly.
It gives bullies a chance to shine for their stealing abilities. The only problem is getting knocked down literally in 1 second(Even with the ball guard on, when you get hit by two people). Anyways, we're still playing and testing for hours and figuring out some bugs and stuff, and here are some more that we found:

-Bumps on the ground on the new map makes your curve shots go straight.
-Disability to check, or throw the ball(what triggers this is unknown, but can be fixed by staying in the enemy zone before your steam scores, so it would give you your arcata back)
-Insta-unstable of the lunaro.(Literally broken. When you throw the ball downwards and press e, it would send the lunaro flying across the map. I will record it and upload it on YT)
-When you are running backwards and you try to pass to a teammate in front of you, the ball will be thrown where your warframe is facing.(The warframe should look back and pass, but it just throws it to where it's going. Will also record this and upload to YT)

I got the thing about the stagger immunity, and it needs to be re-added in some form, instant unstable is due to miniscule lag when throwing, host usually cannot do it, has been around since the beginning, should be fixed with servers (hopefully). Also I think I've figured out a good way to goalie on the new map, but I'll have to test it, will share in clan chat if it works.

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Played some games and this is still really bad and frustrating AF ...

Nobody pass the ball ...

It's still easy to travel the whole map with the ball in the hand and to pass yourself ...

The new map changes nothing to these problems ...

The penalty system is stupid, so now when you ends up 1v3 in Lunaro or TDM you can't even quit you have to try hard or "AFK" ...

When the host have 200 ping ... Well you have to stay in the mission as well because if you quit ... So cool ... Really funny.

Adding a pass system ... No but really ... Like if it was important ... Nobody does pass, did you guys ever played lunaro with random people ? Of course if you play with friends you will try to pass, but in Public nobody does, or only for the challenges ...

Why the ball is put back in the midle when the Host quit a lunaro game ? Others score, the Host quit and the ball is put the midle in 2 v 1 so nice ... The other dude was not even passing the ball to his team mate lmao, it was as boring for him than for me in the end ...

Please do something ... Reduce the duration you can keep the ball in your hand by half and do what i said in the first post with charges for the unstable lunaro, and i am pretty sure that people will do pass the ball.

There is really a lot to do.

An hockey sport would have been way better and more fun than this, but well ...


And for the " New PvP Matchmaking Rules! " ...

Not but this is the worst thing ... I knew it was going to be like that but ...

I just joigned a game ( TDM ) and in the lobby it was 3 v 1, hum ok ... Someone joigned me ( 3 v 2 ) and he insta left because he didn't wanted that either, so i also left ...

I imagine a new players or people that are not really good, do you think that they will stay lmao, when they know that they can't quit anymore ...?

This is so unfair for people who try to have fun in conclave and who are being stomped by premade teams ...

These changes are really bad, i wish you will reconsider them, else conclave will be so dead ... It's already hard to have fun when your new, so now it will be even worst ...

Damn i am so upset and frustrated, i like conclave and i keep seing the same people playing it, each times i see someone new, i never see him again ... Guess why X_X


Even the pass system is wrong, what is that ... A pass aimbot ? Why not an auto goal when you aim in the direction of the goal ... If you wanted to do something like that, i don't get why with have to aim to score a goal.

Not playing that game mod anymore, you won ...

Edited by clemza
About the "New PvP Matchmaking Rules!"
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