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PLease remove the 2nd dream requirement for getting Titania


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7 minutes ago, Grekkatarq said:

The answer is simple. These kids are annoying. Almost in all game which involve kids are annoying and most of peoples can't stand. If I can finish the quest without listening them and meeting with them on my liset then it is okay. You can't force peoples doing what not really like because personal tastes. You like this idea then it is up to you I like in other ways so I won't do the quest but then other way you cannot obtain something because you not did that quest.


Can the devs guarantee we can enjoy the game on the way what we used to and liked? If the answer no then there is no reason to continue this discuss.


PS: Not agreeing with something is not automaticaly whining. Do your research before you call whining kids other persons.

And that's fine. You can turn the kid off, you can not use Focus. It's that simple, really. 


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3 minutes ago, mrecentric said:

That's nice. Many of us think it's an absolutely terrible idea.

Which you're entitled to. Doesn't change the fact that that's what DE did. So the real question is: is it that bad to go through one quest you don't like to get to the stuff you really want to? It's sounds like every other video game with that one level you just don't like.

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5 minutes ago, Khaine62 said:

And that's fine. You can turn the kid off, you can not use Focus. It's that simple, really. 


That is a thing but it is not solve the presence of them. Why in the first place need to use band aids to do a thing what do you not like? I am fine with my own tale. 

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10 minutes ago, hazerddex said:

i dont find them anoying there are plenty of games that have kids that dont annoy


also you dont have to listen to them there is A OPTION IN THE SETTINGS TO DISABLE THEM IN MISSIONS so meny people have said this why dont you listen to them 

and you dont have to go to the operator room its literally in the back of the orbitor (also your in the orbitor not the liset)

you dont have to use the focus system 

none of this is in the way


Titania is not the first quest locked frame and will not be the last 

Chroma is locked behind 2 quest just like Titania

both are exactly the same situation 

if you dont want to do a quest then break out your wallet and buy it.


Maybe not she is the last and that is why we afraid this will make a trend what the majority will hate it. I play this game way before you joined and I am pretty delighted with the oldies stuff but we adopt the changes if those not annoying us enough.

The wallet thingy is not a solution it is a last resort.

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Just now, Grekkatarq said:

That is a thing but it is not solve the presence of them. Why in the first place need to use band aids to do a thing what do you not like? I am fine with my own tale. 

then just ignore it kid like every other mmo with a plot line out there ever there are things you wont like but guess what grit your teeth put your big boy pants on and do the quest if you want the frame


know what i had to do to get limbo archwing ARCHWING the thing i hate with my very soul but i wanted limbo so did i go to the forum and ask de to not make limbo archwing related because i hate it. NO i did it anyway

this is  no different 

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3 minutes ago, hazerddex said:

then just ignore it kid like every other mmo with a plot line out there ever there are things you wont like but guess what grit your teeth put your big boy pants on and do the quest if you want the frame


know what i had to do to get limbo archwing ARCHWING the thing i hate with my very soul but i wanted limbo so did i go to the forum and ask de to not make limbo archwing related because i hate it. NO i did it anyway

this is  no different 

Ahw now you just realised me how I am hated the AW missions :I

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As long as you guys understand that you'll be slowly left farther and farther behind as the game progresses with the story >.>

For now it's just a kid in the back of your ship and a severely imbalanced focus system But sooner or later you're going to have to re-evaluate whether or not your uh... pride... is worth missing out on any more features.

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11 minutes ago, Grekkatarq said:

That is a thing but it is not solve the presence of them. Why in the first place need to use band aids to do a thing what do you not like? I am fine with my own tale. 

So the game and the developers must cater to your vision? Guess what, there's always going to be things about games that we love to play that we don't like. The fact that you have basically thrown you're hands up in in protest on something that really only impacts the lore and are depriving yourself of the rest of the game, is sad. 

It doesn't even sound like you're mad about what you have to do in the quest, just the lore it provides. 

You are entitled to hate the operators. That's perfectly fine and your opinion. But to hate it to the point that you won't do it just so you can move on, get on with the rest of you're gaming experience and to content you you would like to do, makes no. You're not hurting DE, you're hurting yourself. 

P.S. What will happen when DE releases more and more content that you want to do and you can't because you refuse to do this quest? I'm honestly curious. Will you continue to rage and rage at the 'unfairness' of the situation?

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3 minutes ago, Khaine62 said:

So the game and the developers must cater to your vision? Guess what, there's always going to be things about games that we love to play that we don't like. The fact that you have basically thrown you're hands up in in protest on something that really only impacts the lore and are depriving yourself of the rest of the game, is sad. 

It doesn't even sound like you're mad about what you have to do in the quest, just the lore it provides. 

You are entitled to hate the operators. That's perfectly fine and your opinion. But to hate it to the point that you won't do it just so you can move on, get on with the rest of you're gaming experience and to content you you would like to do, makes no. You're not hurting DE, you're hurting yourself.

Nobody said they should cater my vision. When the game came out there were the mystery of warframes and what the tenno could be. Until they not touched the story telling with changes the game was more enjoyable because you wanted to know what exactly we are and we just used our imagination what the tenno is. With the second dream they ruined this because they added to a story what could be enjoyable for many but in the same un enjoyable/not liked for many of us. This is a risk when a game developer adding a story but hard to solve if they adding a story what just not really fit into a game like this.

You know maybe the story of the table with fine dishes and fancy looks and a small piece of. (fantasy). This is almost equal

I am not fanatically hate the operators just I don't want them for my game experience and i am skipping them for reason because I prefer my own mind tale. This not mean everyone wrong or you are wrong or i am wrong it is just all about personal tastes. As you are not forced to read a book what contain tales you not like as a video game should not do that. Because you can put down a book and read another but a video game differ and this mostly mean you need to stop play that game if you want avoid all what you not like from the game.

That's why many peoples burn out from the games because they are often changing and there is a point when the changes not acceptable for persons.


Persons can choose their experiences. I am not hurting myself with ignoring something what I don't want.


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19 minutes ago, hazerddex said:

then just ignore it kid like every other mmo with a plot line out there ever there are things you wont like but guess what grit your teeth put your big boy pants on and do the quest if you want the frame


know what i had to do to get limbo archwing ARCHWING the thing i hate with my very soul but i wanted limbo so did i go to the forum and ask de to not make limbo archwing related because i hate it. NO i did it anyway

this is  no different 

Actually the Archwing is not force you to do it but I can agree with you that is not the best part of the game and many peoples have the same faith with it like with the Second Dream.

Nobody will like all of the part of the game in a point.



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1 hour ago, LinXiaoWong said:

I just simply playing the game and not pay attention to what not like. There is three solution possible. Adding a feature to totally disable the operators, leave the game or accept it. I am still not finished the quest but if I can be honest I just will do if I don't need to care for the operator.

Well people could always disable Operator transmissions.

And as long as they don't go into the room in the back of the liset they don't see their Operator and not equipping a Focus Lens removes any need and any reminder that the operator is there.


Apart from Focus the impact of the operators on gameplay equals to 0


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2 minutes ago, Grekkatarq said:

Actually the Archwing is not force you to do it but I can agree with you that is not the best part of the game and many peoples have the same faith with it like with the Second Dream.

Nobody will like all of the part of the game in a point.



umm having to do archwing to get limbo is the exact same as having to do 2nd dream to get titania you are making no sense 

you seem to be missing the point of this topic the point is the op is refusing to do a quest because it is tied to 2nd dream much as archwing is tied to limbos quest (infact you have to do the archwing quest to even start limbos quest)

but because of his folish "pride" or what ever it is he thinks hes entitled to force de to change it. because he refuses to progress in the game.

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5 minutes ago, Grekkatarq said:

Nobody said they should cater my vision. When the game came out there were the mystery of warframes and what the tenno could be. Until they not touched the story telling with changes the game was more enjoyable because you wanted to know what exactly we are and we just used our imagination what the tenno is. With the second dream they ruined this because they added to a story what could be enjoyable for many but in the same un enjoyable/not liked for many of us. This is a risk when a game developer adding a story but hard to solve if they adding a story what just not really fit into a game like this.

You know maybe the story of the table with fine dishes and fancy looks and a small piece of. (fantasy). This is almost equal

I am not fanatically hate the operators just I don't want them for my game experience and i am skipping them for reason because I prefer my own mind tale. This not mean everyone wrong or you are wrong or i am wrong it is just all about personal tastes. As you are not forced to read a book what contain tales you not like as a video game should not do that. Because you can put down a book and read another but a video game differ and this mostly mean you need to stop play that game if you want avoid all what you not like from the game.

That's why many peoples burn out from the games because they are often changing and there is a point when the changes not acceptable for persons.


Persons can choose their experiences. I am not hurting myself with ignoring something what I don't want.


So the fanfiction (which can actually be pretty cool) that you've cooked up in you're head is more important than the game itself? 

Again, what shall you do when more and more content is released and you can't do any of it? Wait for DE to change their minds? What if they release something for the lore that you actually like and want to experience? 

You say the story is ruined? The story isn't not even done yet. There's still stuff we don't know and we haven't encountered yet. I say you're hurting yourself because of one thing you don't like in the lore you will throw away all the rest of the potential of in the game and DE can come up with. I say you're hurting yourself because you're limiting the depth of your experience.

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42 minutes ago, Khaine62 said:

Which you're entitled to. Doesn't change the fact that that's what DE did. So the real question is: is it that bad to go through one quest you don't like to get to the stuff you really want to? It's sounds like every other video game with that one level you just don't like.

Which is where I usually stop playing the game. If I don't like something, why would I play it?

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AHA, I SEE what the original poster is trying to say. He wants an experience similar to Overwatch's where the story is maintained completely separate from what goes on in the game, isolated in their own little bubbles. I HATE THAT APPROACH WITH A FIREY AND U. . .(ahem), I understand that you are disappointed with the route that the game has taken since the truth was finally revealed to us. But, as I said, it's all in the past, there is no hope of changeing the course now sir/mam. The best you can do now is adapt to what you have been given. Treat this as a microcosm of reality, take the hand your dealt with and make the most of it, that is all.

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5 minutes ago, mrecentric said:

Which is where I usually stop playing the game. If I don't like something, why would I play it?

I don't know. Maybe because one thing that doesn't really impact the game atm, isn't worth throwing out everything else it has to offer?

But at the end of the day it's your choice.

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2 minutes ago, Khaine62 said:

Y'know, I was tempted to ask this myself but felt that if one thing like this was enough to make them drop an otherwise good game, it wasn't worth asking. But I am curious.

its a good game but if the guys going to go onto the forum and make everyone else who likes the changes life hel by making endless whinny threads with no decent feedback l then why are they still here?

especially if its bad enough that they cant progress

with STOR i like the game but i stopped playing after i found out you have to pay money to get to level 60 since it was enough to stop me from playing i did not go on the forums and make pointless threads that irratedated  people who enjoyed the game.


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Just now, hazerddex said:

its a good game but if the guys going to go onto the forum and make everyone else who likes the changes life hell then why are they still here?

The fact that they haven't just left the game yet says to me that they don't really want to leave but they must voice they're complaints about what they don't like and then defend that point like a mother bear protecting her cub.

In essence: they want they're cake and they want to eat it to.

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3 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Mak, a lot of the time when people say this, they're just being snarky or joking or exaggerating. I am not doing any of those things.
              I literally just laughed out loud at your post.

'You are going to show me data." 


You said that no more than a handful of people would be locked out.

Out of the millions of accounts, out of the hundred of thousands of people actively playing right now, not counting china, saying that only about 5 would be locked out is not a believable estimate. 


I am going to show you data? Cool demand, mate. It's fair for you to ask for data. Let me show you data which deletes your entire objection.





In the new map, advancing through the Solar System requires completing quests, and then ties into new ones. Complete Neptune, and you get the Second Dream. If you don't know about it, the game quite literally tells you that there is a quest which you're missing. In the new map, players cannot be locked out of Quests through ignorance.


Like I said, Mak. Bring your next hollow objection.

So they removed the requirement to the second dream? Can some one actually bring confirmation from somewhere?

Cause it would be strange for this Titania quest to have a requirement because lore but the first chapter that started all this can be ignored and you can jump to part two.

3 hours ago, Mutt2679 said:

No, the junctions will unlock the ability to start some of the quests. As far as I know I don't think we can repeat them as of yet.

I just did a quick junction and confirmed that you cant repeat the quests now.

Dont know about quests from there no longer having requirements, though.

3 hours ago, hazerddex said:

oh by the way the quest contains spoilers for second dream you get audio logs that mention a certain person 

Yeah, they should've have done that. And in the future they shouldn't do that. This being a Syndicate quest it should've been left to just Syndicate lore not tied to all this other outside stuff.



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