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Who on these forums thinks Inaros is amazing?

If so, comment down bellow why you like him. I PERSONALLY LIKE HIM BECAUSE...

  • He looks awesome with his anubis helmet
  • Desiccation is SUPER powerful, especially when you have a covert lethality dagger equiped
  • He is tanky as ****!

Oh, by the way, this is what my Inaros looks like... 

If you think he looks cool, please give me a thumbs up...


Edited by XxPancake_LionxX
Whoops, accidentally deleted sourced link ._.
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8 minutes ago, PoobahTheGrand said:

Covet Lethality+ First ability= Win

Yeah, but that;s like the most boring possible way to play him...

Personally, I like him as a melee frame (but not with daggers). I like being able to turn entire hallways on enemies into giant health batteries that just keep on healing you while you literally slaughter them, and I like being able to use on-damage arcanes like avenger.

Oh, and Inaros can heal the pod in hijack missions (including LoR) (last I checked anyway), so that's pretty cool too.

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1 minute ago, Lord_Azrael said:

Personally, I like him as a melee frame (but not with daggers). I like being able to turn entire hallways on enemies into giant health batteries that just keep on healing you while you literally slaughter them, and I like being able to use on-damage arcanes like avenger.

Oh, and Inaros can heal the pod in hijack missions (including LoR) (last I checked anyway), so that's pretty cool too.

Good to know about the pod thing, and i could agree why you would think that might be boring.

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His 1 and 4 are amazing abilities. Infinitely scaling damage... + map lockdown + heal of allies and objectives. And with that extra armor it's harder to die from a stray shot. 


I honestly can't say I ever find myself finding a reason to use his 3 or 4 except when I am messing around for fun though. I'm sure some people have fun builds with the other abilities, but they are just kind of janky. 

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Inaros is my go to frame for nightmare alerts, because who needs shields? He's extremely durable, able to heal and cc with the same ability and generally a walking boulder. I only ever use his 3 in the off chance someone gets downed and use it as a hard cc to keep bullets from impeding the revive, because being a sandstorm every so often is fun.

Shame his sand army don't even compare when it comes to survivability.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)OTF SERENiTY said:

I honestly don't know how to build him. I only use him for his ult and that's a shame. Wish I could further understand his abilities.

Your going to want to use his first ability for the extra finisher damage AND health restoration. It makes him much better.

  • Also not that performing finishers on Dessiccrated enemies gives TONS of health back.
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1 minute ago, (PS4)Basic_Impulse said:

I would use his 2 for emergency health, and I don't even touch his 3 (if you're doing something ridiculous like an infested sortie it'll give you some room to breath for about 0.5 seconds though which is nice)

Right, but (granted I haven't used it in a while because I don't really use his (2)) but doesn't it have a delay after you finish/stop devouring, making it sometimes negate the point of the quick heal if you are under fire? 

Like, you are invulnerable while devouring, but once you stop, isn't there a delay period where you can be ganged up on? 

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For those saying his 2 is useless I think they just need to think of a new creative way of using it. For example on spy missions I use it to stealth people if I don't have a silent weapon. Its also a great way to pull some kind of heavy such as a bombard off of a teammate. It also makes but was very easy to kill.

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23 minutes ago, (PS4)Basic_Impulse said:

I would use his 2 for emergency health, and I don't even touch his 3 (if you're doing something ridiculous like an infested sortie it'll give you some room to breath for about 0.5 seconds though which is nice)

Actually his 3 has a hidden power. It can capture interception towers. Just use your 3, and once the enemies are up in the air they won't be counted as being "at the tower" and you'll start capping it.

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Just now, Lord_Azrael said:

Actually his 3 has a hidden power. It can capture interception towers. Just use your 3, and once the enemies are up in the air they won't be counted as being "at the tower" and you'll start capping it.

Thx Azrael, that will be SUPER helpful, considering i tried bringing my ember to an interception.


SPOILER ALERT: I failed that mission ._.

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Inaros is good fun to play around with for a bit, but he's too "selfish" for my liking, so he mostly sits on the shelf.

Not dying is basically his one and only gimmick. Sandstorm is good CC, but suffers from the same problem as Zephyr's Tornado, i.e. it makes the spinning enemies difficult to hit and obstructs teammates' visibility. Compare to Avalanche, which doesn't have to be channeled, causes enemies to become highly visible, and locks enemies totally motionless so that you can headshot them for five billion damage.

I admit I haven't tested Scarab Swarm's team healing a great deal, but I imagine it's similar to Oberon's heals while suffering from more restrictions.

He just doesn't have enough DPS amplification, solid enough CC, or reliable/strong enough defense/healing (of teammates) to choose over Chroma, Mirage, Trinity, Frost, or even Rhino for that matter. Rhino has decent survivability of his own, Roar (200%+ team damage, very solid support), and Stomp (very solid CC, comparable to Avalanche).

That said, he's in no way a bad frame. He's a very good and perfectly viable frame, especially if you want to melee... he just doesn't do enough well enough outside of being immortal for me to play him that often. Not dying is overrated. Generally speaking, I'll choose Range/Duration Frost or Roar Rhino over Inaros pretty much every single time, and that includes when I want to focus on melee, because Rhino is great for meleeing.

Edited by Kastorius
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Ever since I got Mr. Falafel (Inaros) is liked his playstyle, half support and half middle finger to enemy offenses (Aka super CC)

What makes him way more fun to me is that whenever I devour an enemy for a long time, me and my friends start singing a random Egyptian song xD


not to mention that we give every frame we get a voice and a personality so for that we gave Inaros the personality of an Egyptian that suddenly woke up in the future after hibernation "Orokinians? they sell falafel?"

Edited by (PS4)ArnnFrost
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13 minutes ago, Kastorius said:

Inaros is good fun to play around with for a bit, but he's too "selfish" for my liking, so he mostly sits on the shelf.

Not dying is basically his one and only gimmick. Sandstorm is good CC, but suffers from the same problem as Zephyr's Tornado, i.e. it makes the spinning enemies difficult to hit and obstructs teammates' visibility. Compare to Avalanche, which doesn't have to be channeled, causes enemies to become highly visible, and locks enemies totally motionless so that you can headshot them for five billion damage.

I admit I haven't tested Scarab Swarm's team healing a great deal, but I imagine it's similar to Oberon's heals while suffering from more restrictions.

He just doesn't have enough DPS amplification, solid enough CC, or reliable/strong enough defense/healing (of teammates) to choose over Chroma, Mirage, Trinity, Frost, or even Rhino for that matter. Rhino has decent survivability of his own, Roar (200%+ team damage, very solid support), and Stomp (very solid CC, comparable to Avalanche).

That said, he's in no way a bad frame. He's a very good and perfectly viable frame, especially if you want to melee... he just doesn't do enough well enough outside of being immortal for me to play him that often. Not dying is overrated. Generally speaking, I'll choose Range/Duration Frost or Roar Rhino over Inaros pretty much every single time, and that includes when I want to focus on melee, because Rhino is great for meleeing.

stop ok intros is warframe most funniest frame all i do is multist cernos n his first complete cc n survivability he heals himself seriously he has no shields that slight so he won't be too opted n with rage mod he never runs out energy frost ois good but my build for frost is offensive as to pose defense build don't even bother on that securha penta and ice wave impedance augment slows enemies n give reload time plus damage but intros i just love way he works he simple period simple and fun that how some frame should be making the game fun not oh i need to make sciencitific breakdown

Edited by (PS4)beberonnie123
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5 minutes ago, (PS4)beberonnie123 said:

stop ok intros is warframe most funniest frame all i do is multist cernos n his first complete cc n survivability he heals himself seriously he has no shields that slight so he won't be too opted n with rage mod he never runs out energy frost ois good but my build for frost is offensive as to pose defense build don't even bother on that securha penta and ice wave impedance augment slows enemies n give reload time plus damage but intros i just love way he works he simple period simple and fun that how some frame should be making the game fun not oh i need to make sciencitific breakdown




Uh, you like Inaros! Right on! I like Inaros too!

That's... pretty much all I got out of this.

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1 hour ago, XxPancake_LionxX said:



Inaros is lord of the tanks. Chuck two arcane graces on him and he become's the god tank. At some point, you have to tell yourself that he's slightly too powerful. With two arcane graces and a build, built for his first while also having his ult up all the time and you never, ever die.

This is my Inaros:

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1 hour ago, (XB1)OTF SERENiTY said:

I honestly don't know how to build him. I only use him for his ult and that's a shame. Wish I could further understand his abilities.

Build for range, a little bit of duration, and perhaps strength if you want to beef up your scarab armor, abandon efficiency altogether and let your massive HP pool + Rage + Flow deal with energy.


Hold 4 at the start of the mission. Run at the general direction of enemy and press 1. Use finishers on enemy to get your health back or just slide through them. Repeat until you're done.

Bring Covert Lethality if you want, but honestly CL is overkill for 90% of the game's content. Desiccation + any long range melee is good enough.

Also, blind amplifies your bleed damage just like stealth melee attacks. It's entirely possible to kill Heavy Gunners in a short time without even touching their armor. Gas damage is also a great option if you can proc it reliably.

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2 hours ago, PoobahTheGrand said:

Covet Lethality+ First ability= Win


Pretty much all of his other abilities suck except for his ult.

His tornado is absolutely awesome.

Infested Mobile Defense in Sortie 3 ?
Tornado in front of the console, and afk.

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