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Does Zephyr need a Rework?


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Hey guys I was thinking for so much time why is zephyr still unchanged since she really feels luckluster. Her kit was fine till parkour 2.0 but since then i feel she is kinda boring and useless to be honest. Her first ability is just for mobility practically like a second bullet jump. Her second is a fun cc ability i have to admit. Her third ability is a deflection shield that you pretty much activate it all the time. And finally her 4th ability which is cool for cc and does some damage. My point is that you can tell how vague her gameplay is by observing her popularity and usage. She is one of the least used warframes and i can see why, first of all you get bored of her in like a few weeks. I literally got bored of her as soon as i hit 30 rank with her. Second there is not a specific area or thing that she really performs well in. I mean when was the last time you saw someone in recruiting chat or in a squad say 'hey guys do you have a zephyr we really need her for that "x" reason. Anyways if any of you guys feel the same or not pls be free to reply down below and tell me your opinion. Also if you have any ideas of a new ability or kit that would fit her theme make sure to let me know. Appreciate it. :smile:

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Most of the community feels that while she's not weak, she's lacking the feeling of flight. It was hammered in hard with Titania's actually flying ability and idle animation.

Personally, I find her 3 to be one of the best abilities in game but the rest kinda lets her down. In any case, Ash's Bladestorm and Limbo's rework will come first before they have a look at her.

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Zephyr does need a major rework. Biggest issue now, is that the powers she SHOULD have, are now on other Warframes, so DE will make the excuse that it'll make zephyr too much like them.
E.g. from the get go, Zephyr should have been able to fly. Now flight only started with Archwing, so as soon as archwing was made, Zephyr should have had that ability. However, now we have Titania, who does use the Archwing controls and flight, so if Zephyr flies, it'll make her 'too much like Titania'

Inaros also has the Sandstorm ability, which makes a TORNADO of sand. This should ahve been Zephyrs ultimate, not the Tornado it is at the moment, which is a very lackluster CC ultimate with minimal damage and very poor status qualities. Instead, Zephyr should create a giant tornado around her, which she controls and floats inside it. Meanwhile, enemies get sucked up into the center, and take increased amounts of SLASH damage, as the air slices them to bits. However, this is too much like sandstorm, so it won't happen.

What DE have done, is made one of the most beautiful frames in the game, that used to be good and have a lot of potential, to a good looking frame that now has no possibilities due to her concept being moved over to other frames instead.

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Just now, Major_Phantom said:

Most of the community feels that while she's not weak, she's lacking the feeling of flight. It was hammered in hard with Titania's actually flying ability and idle animation.

Personally, I find her 3 to be one of the best abilities in game but the rest kinda lets her down. In any case, Ash's Bladestorm and Limbo's rework will come first before they have a look at her.

That is what i meant she is supposed to be a warframe with air and flying abilities and instead she gets smth like a boost. Also her third is not a bad ability at all i just meant that you just use it all the the time and u get semi-invulnerable for 30 or so seconds while you are protected from all directions.

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6 minutes ago, Stormandreas said:

Zephyr does need a major rework. Biggest issue now, is that the powers she SHOULD have, are now on other Warframes, so DE will make the excuse that it'll make zephyr too much like them.
E.g. from the get go, Zephyr should have been able to fly. Now flight only started with Archwing, so as soon as archwing was made, Zephyr should have had that ability. However, now we have Titania, who does use the Archwing controls and flight, so if Zephyr flies, it'll make her 'too much like Titania'

Inaros also has the Sandstorm ability, which makes a TORNADO of sand. This should ahve been Zephyrs ultimate, not the Tornado it is at the moment, which is a very lackluster CC ultimate with minimal damage and very poor status qualities. Instead, Zephyr should create a giant tornado around her, which she controls and floats inside it. Meanwhile, enemies get sucked up into the center, and take increased amounts of SLASH damage, as the air slices them to bits. However, this is too much like sandstorm, so it won't happen.

What DE have done, is made one of the most beautiful frames in the game, that used to be good and have a lot of potential, to a good looking frame that now has no possibilities due to her concept being moved over to other frames instead.

Pretty much this.


I've all but given up hope for Zephyr. (Mildly regretting that Tennogen skin purchase right now...)

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31 minutes ago, AngelSai said:

is kinda boring and useless to be honest

1. for some people yes, i like Zephyr and for ME is usefull and fun to use

31 minutes ago, AngelSai said:

Her first ability is just for mobility practically like a second bullet jump

2. i don't like at all the parkour sistem since the begin so i really find her 1° really good for me

31 minutes ago, AngelSai said:

Her second is a fun cc ability i have to admit

3. yes is funny but DE could just add more range.

31 minutes ago, AngelSai said:

Her third ability is a deflection shield that you pretty much activate it all the time

4. is way more then that, YES you can deflect bullets (hit scan bullet and lasers), but you can also protect teammates, hostage, cryopods, excavators, and with the augment mod "Jet Stream" you can make almost hit scan darts guns (like Boltor, Bolto, acrid, Staticor ecc...) and you can make go faster you and teammates on range, a side effect but appreciated :)

31 minutes ago, AngelSai said:

She is one of the least used warframes and i can see why, first of all you get bored of her in like a few weeks

5. MY OPINION, is because people like more...how can i say it gentle..."easier" warframe that do not require to think much *cough* excalibur *cough* with his Exalted Blade, just running around swinging that thing blindly...but like i said is MY OPINION.

31 minutes ago, AngelSai said:

Second there is not a specific area or thing that she really performs well in

6. she is good everywhere for everything, IMO(read again number 4)

in the end, if DE have to do something i would like a bigger energy pool and a bit more range about her 2° ability then she is fine for me, im ok with Zephyr :) 



Edited by Fi-le
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4 minutes ago, Fi-le said:

in the end, if DE have to do something i would like a bigger energy pool and a bit more range about her 2° ability then she is fine for me, im ok with Zephyr :) 

I know bro i didn't say it is impossible to play or like zephyr and i understand you like her and thats perfectly fine. I 'm just sharing my opinion as you do with the rest of the community. The reason which i say that she needs a rework is because if she is tuned in the future more people might like her and start using her. And she might even be better at completing tasks and objectives.

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3 minutes ago, Camelslayer said:

Bare minimum she could use some quality-of-life, she's pretty outdated because of Parkour 2.0.

Important to keep in mind that Zephyr is wind-themed, so any changes should reflect that.

Exactly mate that is my point she should feel more fun and her abilities impactful while keeping her wind-theme

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I think she does. She's always kind of needed a bit of a rework, but after changes to the game, she really does. Tail Wind is quite frankly obsolete. It's never been effective as an attack power. Travel powers are a complete and total waste of energy after Parkour 2.0, if I'm going to use energy on something, it's going to be on something other than saving myself a few seconds travel time. Knockdown from Dive Bomb is largely pointless because you're just not getting hit often enough to need to use it as a CC power and you generally aren't going to have enough height in maps to make the damage from it worthwhile. Turbulence costs a lot of energy to maintain, so even if the other powers were more worthwhile, it's difficult to justify using her power powers outside of emergencies. Tornado doesn't do much in terms of damage and it's not exactly reliable for CC since it's movement is random and chaotic.

Edited by Ceryk
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I don't she NEEDS a rework, but her toolkit is a tad outdated with the upgraded mechanics on powers, and an update to her powers would be extremely welcomed. A good portion of her abilities are actually pretty dang nice so I wouldn't say Mobility 2.0 took that away from her, in fact it technically made her better. It's just that a bit more can't hurt.

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17 hours ago, Stormandreas said:

Biggest issue now, is that the powers she SHOULD have

I'm actually with @Esorono on this; her abilities are good, but the mechanics of them needs updating so they actually function as intended in the current format of play. Dive Bomb needing a larger base range and more knock-down and less 'stagger vaguely', Tornado needing more effective application of its CC and Damage (it does both well, if it hits things), and Tailwind needing those little quality-of-life fixes that would make it play into parkour rather than being 'either/or'.

But I don't know where people are getting this 'powers she should have' thing. I've read the original concept thread, the one where DE thanked them and confirmed it was a frame they were going to put in, and she was always supposed to be an Air Caster, a Wind Elemental type frame. Some of the abilities in that thread were 'lifts into the air on wind and attacks from the air', but they weren't flying like an archwing. And they weren't giant tornado abilities that surrounded her like Inaros. They were abilities that provided cone-of-effect knock downs with air, that threw dps at enemies by buffing her weapon damage, they were... fast, mobile and all about being as viable on the ground as in the air.

Zephyr already has better air mobility than Titania with none of the drawbacks of sentinels/pets disappearing or being forced to use specific archwing weapons.

Re-works may be necessary, but they don't need to be huge.

If anything, just fixing her existing abilities could actually make her way better to play as. But I'm all for, let's say, combining Tailwind and Dive Bomb into the first ability cast, and giving her a new 2 ability that helps her be a better team player, or a better solo runner, maybe both if it's a buff ability. Tweaking Aim Glide so it has a period of null-gravity would work too, so she doesn't fall on activating it for a few seconds, then it goes back to normal.

Let's focus people, a rework, or at least a work-over of Zephyr is definitely needed. Her abilities need to be buffed/tweaked until they play into the game, not pull her out of it, and the less we get stuck into the controversy of her trying to copy other newer frames and focus on her doing what she does better, the faster we can give DE some cohesive ideas and get our bird frame up to running standard.

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2 hours ago, Thaylien said:


Zephyr, I do agree, is a good frame, however her abilities really don't work so well with the meta of the game as is. Tailwind is literally, a bullet jump. There's no two ways about it, its as simply as that.
Divebomb is decent if it had more damage and CC, and the same with Tailwind, and Tornado, does need a damage change, into slash, not magnetic, and it should stop being elemental (so its more like the wind slashing enemies and not strange just... stuff)

Not sure how Zephyr has better air mobility than Titania, as titania has full 360 XYZ mobility, going whereever, whenever she wants, where zephyr can go up and down easily, float a bit, and zoom in one direction, which is worse. It doesn't give much chance for attacking in the air at all, even with reduced gravity.

Overall, the original concept was to allow the Warframe to fly (and this was before archwing anyway), to, as you say, attack from the air. Something of which Zephyr can only do in extremely limited amounts. Titania sure, has to use specific weapons, however those weapons are stronger than any rifle we can get our hands on atm. Infinite ammo, auto re-load, and nearly double the damage of your average high level rifle, while also being boosted by her power strength AND rifle mods. They are incredibly good.

The original concept was also a fan design, so DE, though inspired by this concept, did not jsut carbon copy it. They changed her concept to suit their own ideas, which is fine.

Many people have already given their thoughts and ideas to DE, which they havn't listened. Almost every seems to agree that she should have been able to fly to begin with, even if its a hover with slow movement, it's better than what she is atm, that divebomb needs changed/buffed drastically, and Tornado needs a balance pass/buff.

Edited by Stormandreas
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On 9/4/2016 at 5:31 PM, Stormandreas said:

Not sure how Zephyr has better air mobility than Titania, as titania has full 360 XYZ mobility, going whereever, whenever she wants, where zephyr can go up and down easily, float a bit, and zoom in one direction, which is worse. It doesn't give much chance for attacking in the air at all, even with reduced gravity.

Hey, sorry I'm a bit late. And please don't take this the wrong way, this is a testing thing where terminology is important. Yes, Titania has full 360 movement, but that doesn't equal mobility.

Here's your test; put the two in a map that's good for air-space, let's say Stoeffler on Lua (massive height when you get to wave 11-15), charge them both up to full energy, then ask them to get to any point in the large room, the top of the map or anything else, with neither of them touching the ground.

This was the first thing I tested when she came out, to see how fast Titania's air speed actually was and Zephyr beat her around the map every time with only a basic build, not even one for maxed tailwind. There is only one thing Titania does better than Zephyr in terms of in-air mobility, and that's hover. In other words, Titania is better at air stability, not air mobility. If they want her to be more mobile in the air than Zephyr, they'll have to speed her up quite a bit.

So, there's that.

On 9/4/2016 at 5:31 PM, Stormandreas said:

Overall, the original concept was to allow the Warframe to fly (and this was before archwing anyway), to, as you say, attack from the air.

Kind of true, but also not. The original concept was to have an in-air hover, Gale Force as it was called, disabled her melee and basically had her boosting around the room supported by air, it wasn't flight, it was air control. Unfortunately this wasn't feasible and also DE aren't fans of disabling options unless it grants some kind of bonus (like the Exalted weapons being very strong... in theory... if you mod for them... except they keep 'adjusting' them so they aren't as strong... but they take away your other weapons as a compensation.

The ability, as pitched, didn't offer much apart from more mobility; it was as if you were riding one of the mini funnels from her Tornado Augment. The downside of this was that there wasn't a way to do it at the time that didn't involve fixing her at a height above the nav-mesh, meaning you'd go up and down depending on the terrain instead of maintaining a constant height, getting stuck on doors or in stairwells. Archwing was, if I speculate, likely concepted because of the flight conversations they had when talking about Zephyr, the timing would be right at least.

But here's the thing; even the original concept balances the in-air and the on-ground game play. Turbulence being so good at defense allows her to make use of this, by letting her get the height she needs for unleashing hell when she comes back down.

It's just a shame that she doesn't actually unleash hell the way she's supposed to.

Here, I'll put this in a spoiler below, but I have been refining a pitch for what I believe would actually play into the strengths that DE has given her the potential for. It adds a couple of things, and tweaks some more, but overall I think that it would need very little programming on DE's part to do this. (The key is that it's much easier for DE to implement and balance than a vast majority of the other reworks I've seen.)

Tell me what you think guys! (Also, I'm bad with ability names, the two new ones are working titles only!!)



Zephyr, light, but deceivingly lethal.

Stats: basically unchanged, Zephyr doesn't need a higher energy pool as such because she has no drain abilities, her high health and shields are great for the times she might get hit, and Turbulence does the rest.

Passive: Low Gravity (true low gravity, not the basic form she has now). Her light build allows her to jump higher, fall slower and glide longer than other warframes. Her control over the winds allows her to have control over her direction in the air.

Almost as now, but with a higher basic jump height and buff her aim glide to provide up to 5 seconds of null-gravity (it maintains her upward momentum, slows her downward momentum or stops her completely if she has neither for 5 seconds) on triggering it that she can move and steer with the same proficiency as she can with her regular air time. Resets after alighting on a surface with a latch, run or landing.

1: Wind Tunnel. Zephyr jets forward on a blast of air, damaging and knocking down foes in her wake. Aiming straight down turns Wind Tunnel into a devastating dive attack. Pressing on the ground launches Zephyr skywards, triggering her Momentum which charges up slowly for as long as Zephyr remains off the ground, and is discharged on casting her other abilities.

This one is a fun one, it's nearly identical to the existing Tailwind and Dive Bomb, mechanically bound together on the 1 cast. You Tailwind exactly as you would before, but I'm giving it a Quality of Life pass to tie it into the Parkour system and make it a far more fluid and mobile ability. This entails three simple ideas, one being that Tailwind has a slight follow-the-cursor function, allowing a long-range cast to go through a door, not hit the frame. Two being a wall recover animation whenever she hits a surface at a hard angle, it's a second or so long, and will then drop her off the wall under her normal falling gravity, but pressing Aim turns it into a wall cling, as normal, and holding Jump turns it into a wall run/climb as normal parkour. Shallow hits glance off just as they do now, but at any time you can hold space to turn that into a wall run too. Tailwind cast during a wall cling/run/climb functions as an in-air cast so it can be directional and doesn't trigger Momentum. The third is even more simple, have the ability knock down enemies you travel past in damage range to allow Zephyr to pass through small enclosed spaces with it instead of getting stuck on the first enemy and suffering death by AoE damage, her biggest weakness is enclosed spaces, a hop and a 1 get her out of trouble everywhere else, why not here?

As for Momentum, this one is a kind of divisive ability. I want to give her a reason to be in the air beyond the mobility and evasion it gives. Her new 2 ability will do that as well, so it's not a huge loss if people don't want Momentum, however I really think it will help her play that balance between air and ground games. The idea is that it charges up in a similar way to Volt's charge, but better implemented. Instead of an additive boost to damage on next cast, it's a multiplicative boost to aspects of each ability on next cast. So the charge is one point per second, up to a total of 75, which equates to a % boost to something else, and the drain is 1.5 per second on the ground, encouraging people to charge it up, use it and then play on with the effects. The balance is, like Equinox, the charge takes time, 75 charge takes 75 seconds to achieve (1 minute 15 seconds), not an easy target when you're on the move in tight spaces, but a defense/mobile defense point should have plenty of places to wall run, cling, tailwind and glide about in.

In this case, Dive Bomb is tied in by aiming downwards. A target appears on the ground, pressing 1 then Dive Bombs. The first fix to this is the base range, it needs to be about double the base it is now, and then scale a little less over the height difference so that it doesn't become truly massive at max. The second fix is to have this effect not be on a single plane of travel, so bombing a sloping area will still hit things a little above and a little below the impact point, making it far more reliable. The third fix is a guaranteed knock down effect on everything that isn't a boss. Currently it's based on the weight of the unit, so heavies are only staggered, and this isn't enough to actually count as a CC. Fourth is that the max-height should actually ragdoll the enemies instead of just knock down. It has to be worth the max height, and that's one way to do it.

Momentum then expends on casting the Dive Bomb part, multiplying the range and damage beyond the normal height multiplier. The range on the current bomb is a base of 14m (7m radius) and the max a possible 33m (17.5m radius), I would balance that as a base of 20 (10 radius) and a max of 30 (15 radius), but Momentum charge can add up to another 15m to the cast, making it possible to max out the range at 45m of area ragdoll. Pretty powerful, right? But you have to earn it.

2. Raptor. Zephyr focuses her power into her senses, granting herself and allies bonuses to perception and reaction times that depend on whether they are in the air, or on the ground.

On cast all allies in range are granted the buff for the duration, give it a reasonable base range so that it promotes her coming down into range of them to cast it, and the duration buff is so she can jet around and do as she wants. The exact buffs in question are completely up in the air (puns... hah...) but here are some suggestions:

The base buff is that all allies gain increased enemy and loot radar, and the standard weak-points of all enemies are highlighted by energy colour to make it easier on non-human enemies to find the crit hitboxes. On the ground all players gain increased punch through and a stagger proc on primary and secondary, while melee gains additional slash damage and crit chance. In the air all players gain increased flight speed for projectiles/decreased spread for shotguns/increased range for beam weapons (to allow better ranged accuracy) and the effects of Aviator (15% damage reduction in air, pretty good considering the parkour evasion bonus makes it less likely to get hit).

Momentum charge is expended on casting and grants additional attack speed/reload speed to all players in range, up to 75% increase on base of each weapon. (Be prepared for the Orthos Prime Blender.)

The idea with this ability is to add a team oriented buff to her kit, but one that makes it far more interesting to mix Zephyr's primary damage dealing aspect (weapons) into her movement. It makes ranged weapons more accurate in the air, plus reduces allied damage taken, while making weapons more effective on the ground, plus making melee even better. With Momentum boost it also allows that specific boost to melee that can draw in the melee-only crowd and get them to play her for a Raptor/Turbulence build.

3. Turbulence. Honestly? I can't find a thing I'd change. There's recently been a thing with the specific Comba weapon and the Hellion rockets that mean Turbulence can't actually redirect those, seeing that fixed would be fantastic. But other than that, the ability and the augment are amazing.

4. Tornado. Harnessing the winds to devastating effect, Zephyr creates a storm of deadly tornados.

Tornado attempts two things; damage and area-denial hard CC. Positives: long duration cc on any target it can lift, decent damage when the element type is changed to maximise the damage (a base strength build can do over 2k damage to a target on average, per funnel, about the same as Rhino's Stomp), short range of target seek on funnels can mean that a crowd of enemies is quickly picked up and ragdolled for a decent amount of time. Negatives: very unreliable delivery due the slow movement, small range of seek, ability to travel off the nav-mesh and even out of the map, damage from self and allies is absorbed into the funnels (without boosting their damage) in order to change elemental type and so blocks shots while enemies freely shoot through them, and surviving enemies and loot are thrown at random in all directions when released. Sometimes enemies are not released due to a low ceiling and are pinned to that surface until the ability ends, preventing outside damage due to the funnel's absorb function.

How to fix it? Two main changes: An active dispell to turn it off, and a range limitation to allow buffing the other aspects. The free-roam is what hinders Tornado, as it has to be collectively weaker to prevent it from being better than abilities like Vortex.

Range limitation would allow the following:

1. Faster movement.
2. Full enemy-target-seeking for all enemies that cross the boundary of the ability.
3. Movement fixed to the enemy nav-mesh, no more funnels travelling where the enemy can't go.
4. Equality of damage blocking, if we can't shoot through them, why should the enemy? Between the funnels, yes, but not through.
5. An active release function on the funnels.
6. The air-boost for aim-gliding into a funnel.
7. A zone that can toggle any synergy for other abilities (standing in it, or being over it, triggers better stats on abilities)
8. The Funnel Clouds augment can be buffed so that mini-funnels don't just damage, they stagger enemies to provide a stun while they deal damage, keeping the purpose of the ability as both a CC and a damage dealer, but more biased to the damage than the CC.

I want to explain point 5, too, the 'active' release. I mentioned earlier that enemies can get stuck, and survivors are thrown all over, loot is scattered too. The active release would be just that; they get held for a duration, then the funnel releases them and they have to be targeted by another funnel, the same one can't pick them up twice in a row. The release would come with upward momentum, not outward, so that the current launch is kept, but it's reliable, and lands enemies back in the CC/Damage zone to be picked up again, while loot is also left for players to pick up and not scattered. Skeet-shooting Grineer out of the air is always fun, but better when the pull can be counted on to go in the same general direction each time ^^ Not only is this more reliable CC, it's more reliable damage because multiple funnels can pick up the same enemy in turn, dealing their full damage each time.

Range mods affect the base area (as an additive, not a multiplicative, so you can't get a negative range Tornado cast, just a base plus a smaller number than a positive-range build), Strength affects the damage, Duration affects the time the ability lasts, and Momentum adds to the travel speed of the Tornados.

Simple, right? Turns it from a wandering 'maybe' CC/Damage cast to a definitive 'this area is mine' cast akin to Vortex or Tentacle Swarm. To prevent it being over-powered, the actual draw range of each funnel is a lot lower than that of Vortex, and the duration each funnel holds for is less than Tentacle Swarm's (which holds for the entire cast, or until dead) and the ability has to be cancelled before re-cast, it can't have multiples like Vortex or an instant recast like Swarm. On the up-side the potential damage is higher than Tentacle Swarm and the base duration can be longer than Vortex.

My thoughts are that this fulfills that damage/cc role that the ability attempts currently, but more focused and reliable. Sure it can't go wandering off into the map and hit some enemies 50m or so distant from you, but that can be considered a really good thing, as it's not able to escape through doors and interfere with spawns, or go somewhere that it isn't being useful. You can cast it and forget it, exploiting Zephyr's mobility while it does its job covering points, consoles, pods, downed team-members, allowing you to do something else.


Zephyr's abilities as they stand are great in theory, however in practice they are remarkably unreliable. Her aerial movement is incredibly fast and sustainable, however with the introduction of first Parkour 2.0 and then followed by Titania it feels very lacking and clunky.

By implementing the small changes to her main abilities, they will once again function as intended in the current state of play and be able to compete with any situation that other frames can handle. Her new team buff ability will allow her to function well with other frames as well as make her a better solo frame without detracting from her regular play style. The combination of a self-buffing directed CC in Wind Tunnel's ground-pound, and the persistent area-denial CC and damage of Tornado is exactly the amount of CC needed for her to shine at any level, and the self defense of Turbulence will keep her and objectives alive as effectively as a Snowglobe at range. She's far from a do-it-all frame, being weak enough without Turbulence that she can quickly be stripped of health, but covering all the basics with high Mobility, good CC, great Defense, a bit of Offense and having a Support cast... that would make her a great frame. She covers all the bases, with specific bias to certain aspects and a theme to her abilities that make her interesting.


That should cover everything...

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48 minutes ago, Thaylien said:


There's only one thing I disagree with you on. 

I've been on the fence about this issue playing to both sides of the argument for and against it however I'm choosing a side today and sticking with it.

DE should not give Zephyr a new ability by combining her 1 and 2.

I personally believe that when DE creates a frame at this point, its moves should be set in stone however its functionality is what should be improved on. With Excalibur being the only exception, no frame should ever have one of its abilities completely changed. This disrupts both sides of the frames audience in which some people believe that a skill is useful while other would care to believe that a skill is so useless that it ought to be changed. This is a losing battle that will only hurt the players on both sides if the skill is left completely unchanged or if the skill is drastically changed from its original conception.

I refer to Vauban as a case in which the majority of players believed that Bounce was a useless skill however DE decided to enhance the skill to further its functionality rather than remove it. That was an excellent way to handle the situation and I believe that should set a precedent for further reworks and changes. Once this precedent is set in stone that skills will only be enhanced, not changed you'll see even more feedback of how to improve abilities and concepts of new abilities will go in the concept forum, where they belong.

Should DE stray from that it would only be a matter of time before people take it upon themselves to identify every skill they don't agree with or know how to utilize as ineffective and needing to be completely removed alienating a section of the player base who took the time to discover how to make their skills work for them and be effective in battle even when the solution isn't obvious. 

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:

There's only one thing I disagree with you on. 

I've been on the fence about this issue playing to both sides of the argument for and against it however I'm choosing a side today and sticking with it.

DE should not give Zephyr a new ability by combining her 1 and 2.

My thoughts on this on your other thread ^^

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