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Armour Sets that help???


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I had this crazy idea. You know those Armour Sets that you can buy with plat or those that come in Prime access, or even Baro, can they actually have a purpose? Like, maybe, +5% Armour? Since they are armour pieces, why not have them increase the armour? Got 5 pieces on? Great 25% increase in Armour. 

Maybe different Armour sets could have different numbers? The normal store bought ones have a 1% increase, the ones from Baro 2.5% and the Prime Access ones 5%? As incentive for DE, If Armour means something, it wont just be Fashion Frame, so more people will get into it, buying more plat, so more money. We all like money right?

For me this is just more of a personal gripe, I am wearing Armour with no increase of my Armour stats . . . . . Weird! 

Anyone else think this could be a cool addition?


EDIT: Keep Fashion Frame out of it. I am wanting to discuss the practical side of this, not whether or not it will mess up your pretty little Banshee.


EDIT 2: After a bit of feed back, a Community Member, (PS4)DesecratedFlame, has suggested that perhaps Armours pieces be subject to Arcanes. I must admit this is a much better idea, promotes further farming and playing as well as further increases DE's profit. 

Quoted from (PS4)DesecratedFlame:

'Honestly, it is a better suggestion for everyone.

People that want stats can get more and have a reason to farm for more than just enough for Syandanas (putting them on helmets is dumb for the majority of people).

People that want fashion frame can put them in any armor they want.

DE most likely gets more plat or PA accessories sales as a result. 

It's win-win-win.'


Edited by Dod-Regnbue
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On 9/4/2016 at 3:10 AM, Dod-Regnbue said:

Maybe different Armour sets could have different numbers? The normal store bought ones have a 1% increase, the ones from Baro 2.5% and the Prime Access ones 5%?

I smell... P2W.

Joking aside, no.

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Short answer: No.

Long answer: Paying real money to get items that give you actual stat boost is basically the idea of pay-2-win (even if it is on a small scale.) So, I can't see that happening. Leave them for fashionframe; better that way. 
And besides, what if an ugly armour is to provide a greater stat boost? People will then be forced to equip that over the one they like. That is basically counterproductive to fashionframe.
And soon we will have people demanding stat boost for each and every cosmetic item in the game. Which is something DE should not do, if they plan to keep this game fair and free, like it is now. It is one of the reasons why DE removed stat boosts from helmets in the first place (the arcane helmets).

And that's why, the answer will be: No.

Edited by JudasMaiden
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Just now, xXRiomaXx said:

pay to win model right there.

people would go from wearing what cosmetics they like, to wearing whatever cosmetic gives their frame the best stat boost.

I am aware of the implications, but it wonr be effective on everything. A 25% increase on Banshee puts her Armour at 18.75. Can't see that helping much.

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On 9/4/2016 at 3:21 AM, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

They should all raise armor by the same amount, but they won't do this because casuals whined about it. Look at the Arcane helmets.

I can understand the Arcane helms but I don't see a reason why they need to whine about the armors.

They're not forced to watch the alert 24/7 just to get that fave armor of theirs.

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1 minute ago, Uzpian said:

I can understand the Arcane helms but I don't see a reason why they need to whine about the armors.

They're not forced to watch the alert 24/7 just to get that fave armor of theirs.

I can see the problem with what I have said, there will always be people that hate, but to be honest, You can get Armour sets from Baro, they are free, you can trade for plat, buy an armour, again, that would be free. The only ones that would be actually paid for would be the primed ones.

Also, who doesn't have an armour set? This Fashion Frame crap has gone nuts, that is all people do, there is no logical reasoning behind making a frame pretty other than "you can". So why not give it a purpose?

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3 minutes ago, Rapiddragon said:

Imagine it on Valkyr

I never said it was a flawless idea. But I think it is something worth looking into.
Perhaps there is a way for the Armour sets to alter their percentages based on the Frame is is equipped on.

For Banshee it would give a 20% Increase, on Valkyr 1%. For example.

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I can't say i'd ever want this idea. For one reason. I don't wear full armour sets on my frames. Most times I don't add a chest piece, sometimes I don't add a shoulder guard, or sometimes I don't add leg armour. Most of the time I don't add syandanas when the frames already have back details or cloth physics. Or trinitys butt plate. Because dayum.. try get something that won't clip with that and actually looks good. 

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

Because it is literally the exact same concept.

Not really.
Armour sets are readily available. If you wanted to (if this was in place) You could give yourself an Armour Stat buff right now. Rather than wait weeks for an Alert. The Armour sets are constantly available and everyone in game pretty much has a set. I have about 7. I am sure you have one.

I do not however, have an Arcane Helmet. Never have.

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Just now, Dod-Regnbue said:

Not really.
Armour sets are readily available. If you wanted to (if this was in place) You could give yourself an Armour Stat buff right now. Rather than wait weeks for an Alert. The Armour sets are constantly available and everyone in game pretty much has a set. I have about 7. I am sure you have one.

I do not however, have an Arcane Helmet. Never have.

The concept I am talking about is "cosmetics give stats." 

The best you can hope for is that they become valid equip points for arcane enhancements like syandanas and helmets. 

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1 minute ago, LuckyCharm said:

I can't say i'd ever want this idea. For one reason. I don't wear full armour sets on my frames. Most times I don't add a chest piece, sometimes I don't add a shoulder guard, or sometimes I don't add leg armour. Most of the time I don't add syandanas when the frames already have back details or cloth physics. Or trinitys butt plate. Because dayum.. try get something that won't clip with that and actually looks good. 

I am going off the concept that Fashion Frame is just  . . . . . Well, nothing. Congrats you have a Neon Green Excal. You look great. How will that help you in mission? 

I get that people get bored and then try to put of effort in their appearance, but what are you actually achieving? Nothing.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

The concept I am talking about is "cosmetics give stats." 

The best you can hope for is that they become valid equip points for arcane enhancements like syandanas and helmets. 

Now that is also a good suggestion. I can get behind that one.

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Optic costumization should stay purely cosmetic.

If different Armor gets different stats, then players would be forced to use the "Best" armor for a powerfull build, rather then the one they like.

That being said, I must say that I dislike this Idea a lot.

Edit: About the "Its not that much of a change"- Argument:

If it isnt noticeable, it might just not be there

If it is noticeable, it would make the game pay to win, and cause every player to walk around in the same armor.


Edited by Dawn11715
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All armors giving the same stats buff and then make Baro always bring at least 1 armor during his visits - No problem with this. I'd say yes.

Different stats for different armors and no other way to get them other than Baro's RNG and paying $$$ - Hell no.

Edited by Jangkrik
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24 minutes ago, Dod-Regnbue said:

I never said it was a flawless idea. But I think it is something worth looking into.
Perhaps there is a way for the Armour sets to alter their percentages based on the Frame is is equipped on.

For Banshee it would give a 20% Increase, on Valkyr 1%. For example.

If this going to increase the armor of frame significantly it will be P2W.

If this going to increase the armor very little, we don't need it. (and someone will still complain that this is P2W)

Edited by Rapiddragon
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5 minutes ago, Dod-Regnbue said:

Not really.
Armour sets are readily available. If you wanted to (if this was in place) You could give yourself an Armour Stat buff right now. Rather than wait weeks for an Alert. The Armour sets are constantly available and everyone in game pretty much has a set. I have about 7. I am sure you have one.

I do not however, have an Arcane Helmet. Never have.

Aside from paying money you need time if you don't have one already though. Baro is pretty random at bringing amour and earning plat for shop armours might take time too. So no, they are not constantly available.

That aside DE went away from cosmetics with stats for good reasons. You'll have to choose if want to look good or have good stats.
If you are not interested in fashionframe that's fine, nobody is forcing you take part. Don't ruin it for everybody else please.

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