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Still waiting and waiting for The War Within..


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2 hours ago, Paopoonjin said:

When will The War Within update will come? I've been waiting for months, I hope it will be release soon, can't wait to play it.

It's coming in "September". I use quotation marks around September because..well it's DE.

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At this point, I will just say eventually because judging by the "Hollywood Split", I can assume that they hit a pretty big snag on this and they wanted to release SOMETHING so that people can keep calm more or less. This content is something that was supposed to come out in July... and the early part of July at that.

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7 minutes ago, Kanlor said:

it will be here soon. You gota think DE still has a small team working on this game so of course this huge update will take a bit longer than  expected.

They've had plenty of time so far, and as much as I would hate to ask for one... I'd appreciate a status update if anything at all from them.
I don't care if it doesn't come until October... but I am really hoping it comes this month sometime.

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Alas, the only advice I have is to be patient.

Unless any of you are video game designers, I doubt you have experienced what that profession is like, let alone what DE's current situation is like.

And I'll be first to admit that I don't know what DE's position is like either - I don't have a job and I'm not even old enough to drive.

But I am at least old enough to wait for something that I want. I hope you'll remember that skill, too - hopefully it won't go obsolete in today's world of instant meals, rapid transit, and social media.

(Wow, that last sentence sounds pretty insulting. Sorry. But all we can really do is wait.

When will The War Within update will come? I've been waiting for months, I hope it will be release soon, can't wait to play it.

Asking's fine.

1 hour ago, xZetsumeix said:

So September 2017? Got it!


Mocking the developers (in jest or not) is fine, too.

Just know that it won't make them get their job done any faster.)


Edited by AzyWng
Added a missing quote.
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Back in my day, DE pumped out a major update every month and a half! Nowadays, them rascals think we're lucky to get once every year!

In all seriousness, they're working super duper hard on something super duper secret, and gotta be big, or else the update wouldn't have been delayed for 3 months. Whatever they're packing, the community can just sit and wait.

The quest probably was finished last month, but they most likely ran into difficulties with the mystery system, and decided to just hand us a new toy until they got everything working again(Titania is great btw). The DEvs want it to get out as soon as possible, but they also want it to be as good as possible, so that's why Steve is actually Space George R. R. Martin.

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At this point it better blow Second Dream out of the water for how long it's taking. I just got back from a ~6 month break and I'm already out of things to do again. In fact it feels like I came back to less than there was when I left. Log in for an hour, restart forma, bang out the sorties/focus/rep (usually all at once), sit in my ship for 10m and tab/log out.

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3 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

This month.

The irony with this whole thing is that they did this whole splitting thing to shorten the wait, but instead we have now hit a new record for wait times.

Well it would'vee taken more time to release everything in one go , n well , you ........ SoTR

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i say let DigitalExtremes experiment with longer wait times. If they fail by having the update being as buggy as SOTR: then either they go back to their normal release schedule, or DE has to seriously figure out why their updates are so buggy. If its a success then we get a better experience.


Also: stop with the ETAs when it comes to large updates. The hype does not benefit the player base when the mark misses *TWW*.

Edited by dual1020
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