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Nano Spores and Argon: A major annoyance


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Hello, DE. I am posting this on behalf of a friend, who cannot spell for the life of him. Recently, he has found a problem in the drop locations of certain resources. He wishes to get Howl of the Kubrow done and over with, but that quest needs an Incubator Power core to finish. That, in turn, requires Argon and Nano Spores, two things someone who only just got to Mercury can't get for a while. Nano Spores require Saturn and Argon requires the Void, which are both way too far off for him to reach fast. He can't spell, so asking for help is out of the question as well. Then, he noticed Mercury drops Polymer, a Corpus-made resource. There are no Corpus on Mercury, but there are Infested. He thought that it would be more logical for Nano Spores to drop on Mercury than Polymer. He does understand Argon's drop location, but that just made the drop location for Howl of the Kubrow illogical. He thought it to be more logical for it to drop on the Phobos junction, which is closer to the Void. For such a much-needed resource, he believes Saturn to be way too far into the starmap to function as a first place for Nano Spores to drop. Some people might reccomend the Derelict, but that requires the Dojo to get the keys, and to build the Dojo, Nano Spores are requred. It makes little sense to both of us. Wolfy and I would be grateful if this issue could be resolved, but even keeping it in mind or viewing this post would at least be a form of reassurance. You have our gratitude in advance.

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18 minutes ago, DioBrandoTheHotVampire said:

you could also taxi him or something

A game, imo, shouldn't have to rely on older players to bring the newer players into somewhere inaccessible just to get resources that is needed from the early quests of the game. What's more, there are people who want to fully solo this game. Regardless of what our thoughts on that are, they should still be able to do it without any problems.

DE should probably take another look at all the quests and their resource requirements.

Edited by LunarEdge7
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Argon has been seeing alerts of late so he could potentially get it from there, map location allowing.  Nano spores is one of those things which personally I never seem to have enough of and should be more readily available. 

I do vaguely remember the dev's saying something about looking at drop table locations for resources but not sure if they've gone any further with it.

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4 minutes ago, LunarEdge7 said:

A game, imo, shouldn't have to rely on older players to bring the newer players into somewhere inaccessible just to get resources that is needed from the early quests of the game. What's more, there are people who want to fully solo this game. Regardless of what our thoughts on that are, they should still be able to do it without any problems.

DE should probably take another look at all the quests and their resource requirements.

The thing is thou the quests are not really needed for progress, only the first few and it only tells oyu basicly to play all planets you can acces so far, so play the game, they are lined one mission after another now again leading you towards the planets. Take a regular MMO for example, do you also complain you can't acces the end content raids because you just started the game like 2 weeks ago? No, it is progress like any other game has, people jsut take the wrong assumition they need the quest right away like archwign one or so instead of just play the missions till they come to a dead end where it tells oyu what to do next.

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If not you then anyone from recruitment chat of his region can help him do it, he should learn to use it as I'm sure he will want a taxi to some alert mission sooner or later.

And derelict missions keys are still in market (they require spores to build though). Keys in dojo are dragon keys to orokin vaults.

Aside from all of that, howl of the kubrow gives nothing really worth rushing this quest. Maintaining a dog will be a torture to your friend as he is a new player (stabilizers, mods that are hell to get, I'm not even mentioning lvl them up and being dependent on equipped warframe). I started to give love to my kubrow at mastery 20 myself.  I'd suggest o ignore the quest/switch to another as it's just an incubator usage tutorial and grab any sentinel(same price as getting that power core) untill he get to Saturn or will have to complete the quest for junction(not sure if there is such).

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14 minutes ago, Marine027 said:

The thing is thou the quests are not really needed for progress, only the first few and it only tells oyu basicly to play all planets you can acces so far, so play the game, they are lined one mission after another now again leading you towards the planets. Take a regular MMO for example, do you also complain you can't acces the end content raids because you just started the game like 2 weeks ago? No, it is progress like any other game has, people jsut take the wrong assumition they need the quest right away like archwign one or so instead of just play the missions till they come to a dead end where it tells oyu what to do next.

Good point. A lot of newer players did think of the quests as the go-to priority missions. Maybe I forgot as well, as I've been carrying quite a few newer players around just to get these resources for their quests.

... Isn't the Void WAY too far though? Going that far for Argon.. and I wouldn't recommend waiting for an argon alert to drop any mission else, cuz that's unreliable.

Edited by LunarEdge7
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1 minute ago, Luario said:

If not you then anyone from recruitment chat of his region can help him do it, he should learn to use it as I'm sure he will want a taxi to some alert mission sooner or later.

And derelict missions keys are still in market (they require spores to build though). Keys in dojo are dragon keys to orokin vaults.

Aside from all of that, howl of the kubrow gives nothing really worth rushing this quest. Maintaining a dog will be a torture to your friend as he is a new player (stabilizers, mods that are hell to get, I'm not even mentioning lvl them up and being dependent on equipped warframe). I started to give love to my kubrow at mastery 20 myself.  I'd suggest o ignore the quest/switch to another as it's just an incubator usage tutorial and grab any sentinel(same price as getting that power core) untill he get to Saturn or will have to complete the quest for junction(not sure if there is such).

As I said, He can't spell. Everything he writes is gibberish at best.

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52 minutes ago, KuraioNokami said:

Hello, DE. I am posting this on behalf of a friend, who cannot spell for the life of him. Recently, he has found a problem in the drop locations of certain resources. He wishes to get Howl of the Kubrow done and over with, but that quest needs an Incubator Power core to finish. That, in turn, requires Argon and Nano Spores, two things someone who only just got to Mercury can't get for a while. Nano Spores require Saturn and Argon requires the Void, which are both way too far off for him to reach fast. He can't spell, so asking for help is out of the question as well. Then, he noticed Mercury drops Polymer, a Corpus-made resource. There are no Corpus on Mercury, but there are Infested. He thought that it would be more logical for Nano Spores to drop on Mercury than Polymer. He does understand Argon's drop location, but that just made the drop location for Howl of the Kubrow illogical. He thought it to be more logical for it to drop on the Phobos junction, which is closer to the Void. For such a much-needed resource, he believes Saturn to be way too far into the starmap to function as a first place for Nano Spores to drop. Some people might reccomend the Derelict, but that requires the Dojo to get the keys, and to build the Dojo, Nano Spores are requred. It makes little sense to both of us. Wolfy and I would be grateful if this issue could be resolved, but even keeping it in mind or viewing this post would at least be a form of reassurance. You have our gratitude in advance.

You get an Argon Crystal from mission reward in one of the quest missions, though...

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1 minute ago, KuraioNokami said:

Please, do tell me which quest. I'll make sure to tell Wolf.

Wait, nevermind.  I was confusing it with a different thing where you get a resource you shouldn't have otherwise received in the tutorial so you can craft a thing.

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I think Yzjdriel is thinking about the archwing quest because part of it happen in orokin tile set. I'm not sure of drop table there though and of course remember that these crystals decay so taking 1 in advance is pointless.

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It takes about 20 hours of play time from the time you first set up your account until you have everything to build your Kubrow..At least for me it did.

I would guess that the resources being further down the line in progression are there to encourage you to progress.

Some one is always doing ODD and you can jump in a group within 5 minutes max if you look at recruit channel.

I understand where you are coming from though. I remember being frustrated when I couldn't complete the quest I was given when I first got it.

I agree that it is a minor flaw...The learning curve in this game is steep and without the wiki most will be doomed to quit playing as the tutorials are kinda lacking.

I quit after playing a few hours and got my ship. I couldn't figure out how to install the navigation part...."literally had to walk to the front of my ship and press x"  but couldn't figure that out....I quit for like a year until winter came around and I was broke and started playing on ps4...forsed myself through everything put 800 hours into ps4 then went to pc and have put 800 hours into pc....

All I am saying is that in a couple weeks if you can push through the early stages of frustration you will likely forget all about this minor issue.

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1 hour ago, LunarEdge7 said:

Good point. A lot of newer players did think of the quests as the go-to priority missions. Maybe I forgot as well, as I've been carrying quite a few newer players around just to get these resources for their quests.

... Isn't the Void WAY too far though? Going that far for Argon.. and I wouldn't recommend waiting for an argon alert to drop any mission else, cuz that's unreliable.

Well you can go form mars to phobos and already land in the void. People i say are jsut impatiant.

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