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Radial Blind OP on Solar Rail Junctions?


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Ok, before you ready the Pitchforks on me, let me explain myself. I joined about a month ago and started with Excalibur. However, it seems to me that Excalibur's Radial Blind makes the Solar Rail Junction fights way too easy. I just unlocked Mars a couple of days ago, and all of my Junction fights up to then were over in less than five seconds thanks to the simple combo of 2+E=win. I don't think they're supposed to be that easy. It mainly comes down to the fact that the Rail Spectres, when hit with Radial Blind, are treated the same way as your average Grineer Lancer. I think that, if this is not intended, is to make them react to Radial Blind the same way the Jackal does, as in, blind and won't attack util you attack, but can't be insta-gibbed.

Edited by Kerberos-3
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 I don't think they're supposed to be that easy. 

They are. Playing aggressively with any combination of weapons and abilities will demolish them in the blink of an eye. Playing it slow will let them use their abilities, at which point they become dangerous.

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1 minute ago, pauli133 said:



They are. Playing aggressively with any combination of weapons and abilities will demolish them in the blink of an eye. Playing it slow will let them use their abilities, at which point they become dangerous.

Ok, I can understand that they are not supposed to be too challenging, but I don't really think your supposed to be able to win in less than five seconds with a rank 6 Excalibur..

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They nerfred Exalted Blade already. Do you seriously want them to nerf Randial Blind too? And besides, the first few junctions are easy because they are supposed to be easy so that new players can unlock more planets...planets with diffrent recources...recources you will need.

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1 minute ago, AlphaPHENIX said:

They nerfred Exalted Blade already. Do you seriously want them to nerf Randial Blind too? And besides, the first few junctions are easy because they are supposed to be easy so that new players can unlock more planets...planets with diffrent recources...recources you will need.

I don't want an overall nerf to Radial Blind. I just want them to make it so that you actually have to put some effort into Solar Junction missions, instead of ending it in five seconds with an insta-gibb. I can understand that the first few aren't supposed to be super easy, but I still don't think I'm supposed to be able to win that quickly with a low-ranked, unmodded Excalibur.

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1 minute ago, Kerberos-3 said:

Ok, I can understand that they are not supposed to be too challenging, but I don't really think your supposed to be able to win in less than five seconds with a rank 6 Excalibur..

To that I say this. I went through the entire Nightwatch Tactical Alert which ended not too long ago, with a Frost that at the begining was only about rank 15 or lower.

Tactical Alerts ain't supposed to be easy eiether, but I did it...and still didn't get the Rift Sigil :(

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3 minutes ago, Kerberos-3 said:

Ok, I can understand that they are not supposed to be too challenging, but I don't really think your supposed to be able to win in less than five seconds with a rank 6 Excalibur..

They are just easy to fight. End of story. Let's not turn this into Excalibur radical blind is op thread. 

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2 minutes ago, Inarticulate said:

Any frame with invisibility (Ash, Loki, Ivara) and any frame that can put enemies to sleep (Equinox, Ivara) or in any other way disable an enemy for a reasonable amount of time trivializes the junction specters.

the thing about those is the Spectres still have a chance, however small, of putting up a fight. Radial Blind pretty much denies this entirely.

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5 minutes ago, Kerberos-3 said:

Ok, I can understand that they are not supposed to be too challenging, but I don't really think your supposed to be able to win in less than five seconds with a rank 6 Excalibur..

Dude... I was one- and two-shotting them with a barely-ranked (like, Rank 3) Snipetron... trust me, those Junction "guards" are so squishy it's ridonkulous. You let 'em start ability-casting, then you'll have problems.

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(Radial blind is bugged though enemies should react too sound normally...)


Totally agree Specters should have some boss kind reaction over some skills

They could even make skills been desactivated while doing junction



Edited by Tsoe
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Just now, Kerberos-3 said:

I don't want an overall nerf to Radial Blind. I just want them to make it so that you actually have to put some effort into Solar Junction missions, instead of ending it in five seconds with an insta-gibb. I can understand that the first few aren't supposed to be super easy, but I still don't think I'm supposed to be able to win that quickly with a low-ranked, unmodded Excalibur.

Nobody is making you Radial Blind them, actually when I was at your MR I didn't even use abilities at all and played Warframe like it was Metal Gear Solid.

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Just now, Kerberos-3 said:

the thing about those is the Spectres still have a chance, however small, of putting up a fight. Radial Blind pretty much denies this entirely.

They have just as much of a chance as they do with Radial Blind.

Specters don't attack you if they can't see you. They also don't attack when disabled. That's no different than being hit with Radial Blind.

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2 minutes ago, Inarticulate said:

They have just as much of a chance as they do with Radial Blind.

Specters don't attack you if they can't see you. They also don't attack when disabled. That's no different than being hit with Radial Blind.

But can you insta-gib them upon putting them to sleep? I understand with invis, that gives you a free backstab, but Radial Blind allows you to insta-gib.

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There are many, MANY powers that trivialize the junction missions. Not too sure what your point is here? Most modded weapons will allow you to instagib, and if its not an instagib, its over in a flash anyways. They cant take much punishment. 

Edited by armedpoop
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1 minute ago, armedpoop said:

There are many, MANY powers that trivialize the junction missions. Not too sure what your point is here? Most modded weapons will allow you to instagib, and if its not an instagib, its over in a flash anyways. They cant take much punishment. 

I just think they should be more of a challenge than they are. As far as I'm aware, they are supposed to be a test of your abilities, to see if you're actually ready to move on.

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5 minutes ago, Kerberos-3 said:

I just think they should be more of a challenge than they are. As far as I'm aware, they are supposed to be a test of your abilities, to see if you're actually ready to move on.

They are supposed to be, but they arent. They were added in and were weak, people still had issues with them, so they got nerfed almost instantly and have become even weaker as a result. 


Personally I feel like something like this that can literally halt a player's starchart progression doesnt need to be any "harder" than it is currently. 

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I think the OP is thinking about this the wrong way. Asking for Radial Blind to be nerfed against the Junction spectre is like asking for radial blind to be nerfed 1v1 against a grineer lancer.

I'm pretty sure the OP wants Junctions to be harder instead of allow people to use their powers to kill the already weak spectres. So he probably wants them to have nullifier bubbles or Juggernaut armor, alongside 900 Energy Caps with 99% efficiency.

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30 minutes ago, Inarticulate said:

Any frame with invisibility (Ash, Loki, Ivara) and any frame that can put enemies to sleep (Equinox, Ivara) or in any other way disable an enemy for a reasonable amount of time trivializes 90% of WF content


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24 minutes ago, Kerberos-3 said:

But can you insta-gib them upon putting them to sleep? I understand with invis, that gives you a free backstab, but Radial Blind allows you to insta-gib.

yes you can instagib them upon putting them to sleep becouse last time i cheked sleep also gave you a free backstab, also you can instagib even without stunning them so i don't even see the point, you can literally trivialize them with every frame.

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4 minutes ago, MegatronG1 said:

I think the OP is thinking about this the wrong way. Asking for Radial Blind to be nerfed against the Junction spectre is like asking for radial blind to be nerfed 1v1 against a grineer lancer.

I'm pretty sure the OP wants Junctions to be harder instead of allow people to use their powers to kill the already weak spectres. So he probably wants them to have nullifier bubbles or Juggernaut armor, alongside 900 Energy Caps with 99% efficiency.

Thats not what I want at all. What I want is for them to be actual bosses that you have to work to beat. What this means is that they react to Warfame abilities the same way as every other boss in the game as far as I'm aware. Hell, even the Sergeant on Illiad, who is widely considered to be the weakest boss in Warframe, is a tougher fight than the Spectres.

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2 minutes ago, armedpoop said:

You hijacking threads or what?

I'm pointing out, somewhat too subtly  it seems, that the solar rail specters react to blind/invis/sleep exactly as most normal mobs do, which really shouldn't be the case.  They should have boss immunity at the very least.  It shouldn't matter what frame you go into a junction with because the specter should be a challenge regardless.  

They will die anyway very quickly to a well modded weapon of your choice, why take away all of the challenge by allowing them to be blinded/slept/susceptible to invis as well?

The most amusing one I encountered was the valkyr clone who went in and out of hysteria without moving, I just waited and shot it dead.

No hijacking involved.

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41 minutes ago, Kerberos-3 said:

But can you insta-gib them upon putting them to sleep? I understand with invis, that gives you a free backstab, but Radial Blind allows you to insta-gib.

Sleep opens an enemy up to a stealth finisher whether you are invisible or not, as do many other abilities' effects. I'm not sure how that differs from Radial Blind's "insta-gib".

18 minutes ago, Xekrin said:


True or not, it's not entirely relevant to the topic at hand.

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1 hour ago, Kerberos-3 said:

Thats not what I want at all. What I want is for them to be actual bosses that you have to work to beat. What this means is that they react to Warfame abilities the same way as every other boss in the game as far as I'm aware. Hell, even the Sergeant on Illiad, who is widely considered to be the weakest boss in Warframe, is a tougher fight than the Spectres.

i thought you can still radial blind the Sergeant and 1 shot him with the finisher?

Making them tougher at the start of the game would also limit people to only a few planets and a few weapons because resources are scattered across different planets.

I think of the junctions as a game check that you remember how to play the game, rather than as boss fights which are just basically grind fests for warframe parts.

Edited by MegatronG1
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