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Quality of Life: Banking Alerts


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This has been weighing on my mind for a while now and I can't help but think it'd be really nice; being able to save alerts for a later time. 

Now I know they're meant to be limited time only so I think maybe limit the number of alerts a player can have "banked" at any time to one or maybe more as a reward for MR (I think maybe like one extra Alert slot when you reach MR15, then another at MR30 - once that becomes achievable). 

Say I'm at work and I check my phone in a brief moment and with the Warframe App, see there's an alert for that last Nitain I need to craft whatever it is. My suggestion is that I can open the app and select the mission and bank it. When I get home, I can load up Warframe and see that Alert still there in the Alert list with a symbol indicated its been pinned / banked. 

Or I'm farming with my clan, but I see there's an alert for a Helmet I want but I don't want to break up with the group to go get it. I quickly bank it and play it after we're all done. 

I can only think it would make those alerts a lot more playable

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As you mentioned alert are limited time missions, so banking or saving them for a later date would change them to something else completely. Perhaps have a selection of rng missions each day which share the alert reward pool,  like 5 rng missions but you can only do 3 of them.

But keep the alerts as it is.

Edited by (PS4)Shaun-T-Wilson
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i was thinking about this too on my way to work today. it's a nice concept, but ultimatly defeats its own purpose. an alert is supposed to be just that 

"Alert-something is happening right now! deal with it before it escapes!" hang on a sec-tell the rescue target to hold on for a bit. he will have enough breathable air to survive for a few hours while i take care of some things.

plus the alert rewards aren't incredible game breaking. the only necessity from alerts is Naitain and that comes up 4-6 times a day i believe.

the helms are nice. but you can easily get enough plat to buy them, or be like my wife and have a list of ones to get when they pop up.

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My biggest issue with alerts is the time they're usually done at, I know that DE wants to sell items for plat rather than us grabbing it via alert but a lot of the good alerts come during the time when most people in the UK at least are at work.... 

Maybe alerts can be 'repeated' at different times of the day but made so they can only be done once per player in that cycle.  Now I don't mean things like nitain, I'm on about helmets and special skins/weapons etc.  So for example it's dark dagger alert, 4 alert cycle at say 8am, 2pm, 8pm and 2am GMT with each player being able to do it once in that cycle.

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Well actualy my whole problem is nintain.

i find that some people say is boring to do same missions but to be fair,

not every1 free to play 4 -5 hrs straight or every 6 hr online 1 time.

why not same alert x 4? every 6 hrs 1 set.

at least people will get a chance to get it


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