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I haven't been able to complete a single archwing mission ever since the control changes


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I have never really had a problem with motion sickness until the archwing movement changes came out and now I can't even complete a mission let alone even get halfway through without feeling incredibly disoriented from it, please DE give us an option to go back to the old system for those of us who dont want to feel like dying but also dont want to see all their archwing gear gather dust

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I'm on your side with this. Haven't been able to play Archwing missions since the change. I start getting sick after a few short minutes and the 4 times I tried it made me feel sick for a few hours.  I know of at least 1 friend who has the same problem as me with this.

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I agree. Not so much because I get motion sickness like some others but simply because it feels so badly done.

There's no orient to 'Up' button (which I know doesn't really exist in space; it's relative. but still) and it's insanely drifty and slidy which makes going high speed through the 'Trench Run' missions all but impossible when it was easily achieved before the movement change. In fact, even going through at normal speed  without bumping into EVERYTHING is all but impossible at times too. Especially with the Itzal. That damn thing is so fast it's like handling a bar of wet soap.

Edited by Keybopsef
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Highly doubt it would be possible to have an option with the older one but can agree that the archwing gameplay does feel "confusing" with the new up and down features were on some missions you may find yourself traversing the map "half dazzed" from traveling upside down or trying to do what you want to do in that position.

Not being able to finish a single archwing mission seems a little rough though :\

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From day one, I was baffled that the devs decided to add a full-out "6 Degrees of Freedom" system to Archwing without even giving players a way to roll.

Like, no wonder everyone's getting disoriented, we literally do not have the ability to do the simple motion that would reorient ourselves. Having to sequentially change yaw and then pitch every time the map goes askew is just a nuisance.

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DE make Archwing even more trash then before, before have people play archwing mission get experience now on, who is playing archwing mission? Not even that it also hard to leveling up because of  "6 Degrees of Freedom" we are not playing aircraft simulator game, it is nightmare to play in Corpus Archwing Mission !!

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On 10/15/2016 at 3:58 PM, Keybopsef said:

I agree. Not so much because I get motion sickness like some others but simply because it feels so badly done.

There's no orient to 'Up' button (which I know doesn't really exist in space; it's relative. but still) and it's insanely drifty and slidy which makes going high speed through the 'Trench Run' missions all but impossible when it was easily achieved before the movement change. In fact, even going through at normal speed  without bumping into EVERYTHING is all but impossible at times too. Especially with the Itzal. That damn thing is so fast it's like handling a bar of wet soap.


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2 hours ago, Radical_Dragon said:

I hate to bump this thread back up but has DE been listening to any feedback about this? like ever since the change I've heard very little praise for it, but I've never heard anything from DE about fixing the numerous issues plaguing archwing missions

They say they fine with carrier don't wan't bring all back. So i think we will get acceptable Arch less that a year, maybe two.

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2 hours ago, RistN said:

New controls are bad I agree but they are not that bad to stop you from finishing missions.

It depends. As for me, i am really just lost any feel of direction sometimes. And for exampe, i have no idea how exactly new arch mission looks like. I'm just lost in room on the way. This was funny first two times, then i tryhard... And yeah, i just leave it unfinished.

That was designed as a kinda of trial before, and now became even worse.


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AW still feels incomplete, between the controls, mini map and animations. I have been able to complete AW missions, but I can relate to how easy it is to get disoriented.

I think we need more key binds, as part of the solution.

I'd like some set as better toggles, such as having the camera snap to the crosshair. More independence and faster response in free look on open tilesets. And the ability to tighten everything in tight Corpus tilesets for the tight corridors and so on. Not to mention being able to perform more maneuvers with the changes that have been made.

I think such additions would be great for everyone and so that we can more dynamically switch back and forth depending on player needs and general QoL.

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On 10/15/2016 at 10:32 PM, SortaRandom said:

From day one, I was baffled that the devs decided to add a full-out "6 Degrees of Freedom" system to Archwing without even giving players a way to roll.

Like, no wonder everyone's getting disoriented, we literally do not have the ability to do the simple motion that would reorient ourselves. Having to sequentially change yaw and then pitch every time the map goes askew is just a nuisance.

There is a way to roll. Bind alt to the alternate key for hold to crouch, hold alt and push a and d.

Archwing is super fun for me now and I enjoy playing it.

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I actually spent the last of yesterday's double affinity doing archwing with some newbs to help them get their gear up to snuff. That first 10 minutes was very dizzying, but 2 hours later I'm flying through the missions like a boss.  I'm not saying I like the controls, but dammit I wanna fly in space so I'll learn it.  

Also the geeting sideways and upside down really do make a person nauseated.


Edited by (PS4)Malik_The_Gent
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1 hour ago, JSharpie said:

There is a way to roll. Bind alt to the alternate key for hold to crouch, hold alt and push a and d.

Yuck. I'd rather not introduce a completely new key and have to press that and another key at the same time, just to do what should already be doable with a swing of the mouse.

Imagine if one day we lost the ability to rotate the camera in regular gameplay. Would "hold an alternate binding for Sprint & hold A/D in order to rotate at a fixed velocity" be an acceptable solution?

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Personally i think the new system is fine, the problem is that mouse sensitivity is way too high for some reasons (way higher than other mods) and camera is very spastic.

All they need to do is decrease sensitivity, tell the camera to chill and add a dedicated button to take a balanced XY position.

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I don't hate the new system (having an "up" confused me a bit and felt wierd) but I do agree that some tweaking needs doing and an option to orientate ourselves relative to the levels orientation would be beneficial. I don't get motion sick from AW though, but eh, not sure what DE can do about that. People were getting motion sick from the old AW as well.

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7 hours ago, SortaRandom said:

Yuck. I'd rather not introduce a completely new key and have to press that and another key at the same time, just to do what should already be doable with a swing of the mouse.

Imagine if one day we lost the ability to rotate the camera in regular gameplay. Would "hold an alternate binding for Sprint & hold A/D in order to rotate at a fixed velocity" be an acceptable solution?

That's two highly different extremes. Q and E are already bound in gameplay to something else, instead of introducing two new keys for rolling, they introduced one.

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8 hours ago, Artek94 said:

Personally i think the new system is fine, the problem is that mouse sensitivity is way too high for some reasons (way higher than other mods) and camera is very spastic.

All they need to do is decrease sensitivity, tell the camera to chill and add a dedicated button to take a balanced XY position.

u can change Archwings settings individually in the settings, at the bottom.


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I like the new 6 degrees of motion, but it does take some effort to change the brain from wanting to snap to a horizon and kind of go with the flow  as your orientation is completley random almost.. a simple turn can take you sideways and if you don't stop and wait, your just stuck like that until another random turn maybe corrects you unless you use the key bind workaround (which i don't believe is possible on a console controller but then again I haven't tried it yet)...  its harder in corpus missions since they have the ship as a more clearly defined horizon that naturally you want to stay aligned to.

Archwing needs more controls.. like the aforementioned roll, but I think you need a pitch an yaw as well.  You need to be able to turn the ship and go up and down without loosing your orientation and then roll when you want to pull off tighter turns and more advanced maneuvers.  I know its not a flight sim and there is technically no up and down in space... but you need the ability to create and stick to a horizon for you own reference.

I think they need to make the archwings control more like a space craft or plane to really fix the problem.

Edited by (XB1)SickWicked
a better attempt at grammer
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