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DE are you pushing us to play SOLO ?


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2 hours ago, UrielColtan said:

How about you create your own intact  squad by asking for it in recruiting then instead of depending on some other host?  Or set your mission settings from public to Invite only instead, and simply ask any buddies or clan members you may have to do intact runs with you.

Why everyone is insisting on that? it's a coop game no?

Instead of finding excuses and cope with the problem, why not fix it once for all?

Simple, do not allow us to join a game when a mission is almost over. it's not a rocket science

I remember in the old void, where after a certain number of waves in defense (maybe 5), you couldn't join because goal had been achieved.

why not implement the same mechanism here?

I am not pretending to be an IT wiz, but surely there must be a way

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1 hour ago, -JT-_-R3W1ND said:

Im just curios, how you extract at 4.30 if you need to survive at least 5 min?

And, you can't extract faster than a one minute, if not everybody at extraction point.

I said well, you join at 4.30 and in 30 sec everyone extracts,

Would you be able to get your 10 reactants in 30 sec or 1 min?

Well i personally cannot, since i don't know where the fissure will crack,

IF you can get them in that time then you are a super hero player

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21 minutes ago, (XB1)Oussii said:

I said well, you join at 4.30 and in 30 sec everyone extracts,

Would you be able to get your 10 reactants in 30 sec or 1 min?

Well i personally cannot, since i don't know where the fissure will crack,

IF you can get them in that time then you are a super hero player

Oh, sorry, missread.

Anyway this must be a bug. At least assasination mission close to invintation after half, and i think Surv have some rule too.


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32 minutes ago, Wolfdoggie said:

It would be wonderful if it were possible to have it where when you join a game certain items that already dropped would be there for you. Such as reactant, syndicate tokens, sculptures and such...

Happened to me yesterday, joined and found like 4-5 reactants already dropped.

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9 minutes ago, Wolfdoggie said:

Probably dropped while you were already in but still loading.

May be that's what happened but I do got your point and yes things spawned before you join a mission become unavailable for you as per logic just because you weren't there. It'd be really cool have them just as you said specially for the medallions & statue-star spawns.

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Happened again yesterday, this time I got to see it from the other side. I was the host and did an Archwing rush mission with one other player. I reached extraction while he was waaaay behind so I just had to wait the 1 minute to pass to finish the mission. In the middle of that countdown another player suddenly joined! The mission was pretty much over, how did he join??  And he joined right away, it was not one of those very long loading times where the players appears in-game several minutes after their name is announced. It was instantly. Clearly something isn't working right.  (It's not my internet. I have 1MB/3MB up/download speeds)

"It never happened to me" is moot at this point. Reports of this has been mentioned by people from all platforms. Warframe is played by tens of thousands of people. Obviously not everybody will experience all glitches present in a game (if this issue can be called a glitch). Those who spend lengthy hours playing multiple pub sessions are more likely to see this than those who play for shorter periods and/or private matches.


13 hours ago, UrielColtan said:

How about you create your own intact  squad by asking for it in recruiting then instead of depending on some other host?  Or set your mission settings from public to Invite only instead, and simply ask any buddies or clan members you may have to do intact runs with you.

This longtime excuse is so overplayed.

The biggest advantage of playing pub is, it's available RIGHT AWAY.

Looking for specific people or friends/clans takes time. Often quite a lot of time. 

There is the waiting for replies, or people are busy in a mission and you have to wait until they finish or simply nobody in recruit replies at all.
It's like some people think each of us all have dedicated fans ready to jump in and join our specific missions at the drop of a dime when we need them.
Other people have their own things to do in the game as well.

If the waiting/preparation time is often longer than the mission itself, it's not worth it. Pub is more accessible and saves time. Not all pub experiences are so terrible that we should never bother with the pub crowd. One of the reasons I am not so keen in doing Raid is that preparation always takes 10-15 minutes. We could've finished Phase 1 during that time.

Edited by MystMan
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9 minutes ago, (PS4)HSomDevil said:

What decision is this referring to?

Can someone please fill me in...

Fissures, when they first released you had to actually interact with them, Seek them out, click them pick up the reactant and carry it to the rift, then combat the mobs that appeared, then complete the mission it was appearing in. Now, you just have to bring a relic and run fast. It got changed because people complained that it was to hard to shoot mobs, carry an item and click a rift, and they didn't like having to hunt the map for it....Sad really, in my opinion it was a concerted effort to destroy a valid system that would have maintained the idea of challenging game play for prime rewards. instead we now have a passive system that auto completes with no interaction from the player at all and we get the prime rewards, so now people can speed run, hoard parts and sell them, I'm sure its great for the marketing crowd, but for the people like me who wanted fun and engaging game play, it leaves a lot to be desired. I very much wish that DE would put it back to their original idea and not give in to those types of demands from the player base.

Edited by Babellon
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1 minute ago, Babellon said:

Fissures, when they first released you had to actually interact with them, Seek them out, click them pick up the reactant and carry it to the rift, then combat the mobs that appeared, then complete the mission it was appearing in. Now, you just have to bring a relic and run fast.

Oh yeah, that. Thanks.

And I've still seen plenty of complaints that Vacuum doesn't work on reactants.

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12 hours ago, Babellon said:

 Unresponsive ai that seems to push the mobs to hide and lock the doors rather than engage or seek out the player at all)).. 

You know, I would almost call that very intelligent AI. 

After all, if I heard that Tenno had boarded my vessel, I would most certainly find a place to hide, lock the door, take out my picture of the Twin Queens and dream a little in the minute or two I have left before a Scindo Prime smashes through the door and a golden Rhino helmet pops in and shouts: "HERE'S TENNOOO!!"

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I've been feeling this way for a while, honestly. Many game types encourage it, at the very least. Rescue/spy especially. Then you must consider speed differences etc, and that's before you even get to the issues with laggy hosts, matchmaking being completely broken, things like syndicate medallions disappearing if the host picked them up before you joined, etc.

If it wasn't for the way fissures are set up (four reward options in a full squad) and the way spawns work (you get next to no enemies solo in endless missions) I would probably play solo 100% of the time at this point.

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On 10/18/2016 at 4:35 AM, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

anyone who says playing Solo is a bad thing just doesn't see the benefits. it's definitely better than counting on random players who turn out to be, well... lacking in the skills department. benefits include:

- you can pause the game, great if you need to go AFK for whatever reason.

- you can go at your own pace, if you don't feel like rushing through the mission.

- you can scan and do activities like Principle Rooms at your own leisure.

- you don't have to worry about Metaheads/Leechers/noobs ruining your game experience by constantly going down, or blazing through without giving you a chance to get kills.

- no worries of connection issues.

- you can truly test your own levels of skill, and see just how much you can improve.

- you can test weapons/frames in peace on actual Tilesets, great if you don't have Simulacrum Access yet.

IMO, it's way better to go Solo when you can, and in todays world of online-only games, I'm all for anything that lets you kick back by yourself without the hassle of other players. consider playing Solo more often, it's a thrilling experience!


This guy gets it. I run mainly solo because I tend to run into less issues that way. 


However, when I run a squad, I make sure all 4 of us are in BEFORE I start the mission. I don't run my games on public (because it's always given me a problem) and I go into recruiting saying I'm running relics. Outside of this, I do believe the mechanism needs to be fixed, and I also believe they need to add in something specifying a specific squad to join. 

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On 10/17/2016 at 10:02 PM, (XB1)Oussii said:

Every single time i run a fissure mission (survival and exterminate), the mechanism puts me in a game where in:

survival:  4.30 min already passed, and within 30 sec the squad rushes towards extract

Exterminate: 90/95 enemies are dead

So either i have to abort mission or go to exit without any reward as most of the time either the squad does not wait or no more enemies to kill.

Can you please DE consider to fix this and don't allow us to join any squad if objective already achieved?

Does it happen to anyone else or it's just me and my bad luck?

more so sounds your just slow. only thing that matters is you. only YOU get all the lil void tacer or w.e the void orb things. if u have that much of a issue. just care about that. let the other do stuff. tbh, not try to sound mean but sounds you just soooo slow. many times i was missing 1 or 2 orbs n i said " wait need X more". they say " o ok" and get off so the timer stops. surv missons are the easyest to get all the orbs as well due to the amount that drop

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On 10/19/2016 at 10:08 PM, lceman2232 said:

This guy gets it. I run mainly solo because I tend to run into less issues that way. 


However, when I run a squad, I make sure all 4 of us are in BEFORE I start the mission. I don't run my games on public (because it's always given me a problem) and I go into recruiting saying I'm running relics. Outside of this, I do believe the mechanism needs to be fixed, and I also believe they need to add in something specifying a specific squad to join. 

running solo is very bad and pointless to do.... even with this issues this one guy is having. dosnt add up being better if he did. the game it self is NOT made around doing void part grinding as well. its not even endgame


i will point out. only people really saying DE is going for solo are WF that are not on PC. looks like PC has much better pug teamwork. most comments here are from non pc too... kinda funny to see... Mmmm

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On 10/17/2016 at 10:15 PM, (XB1)Oussii said:


first i am on XBOX not a PC (i don't see the link here)

PS: i just noticed the beggining player lol.. my bad Bro



Second, you can rarely find a squad where they run intact, they all want radiant

And as per your post, so either i don't join random, or i play solo? or have to wait 15 min to find a squad?

the idea about this post is to point out something i am sure a lot of players are facing it, and it can be easily fixed.

Sometimes, my friends can't invite me to a game because objective has been achieved. why can't it be the same in this case?

many players = non pc warframe players. u make a group before u start it all... if i go into chat and say " Looking for people for Fissure grind" i get like 40 ims..... wow i am happy i am not on a toaster.... if i was you. i would just move over before you are more behinde n all. seeing event weapons come back n all. it be wroth it to play with the real full player base then be limited by a ton due to lack of players on non pc warframe

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1 hour ago, Urska said:

more so sounds your just slow. only thing that matters is you. only YOU get all the lil void tacer or w.e the void orb things. if u have that much of a issue. just care about that. let the other do stuff. tbh, not try to sound mean but sounds you just soooo slow. many times i was missing 1 or 2 orbs n i said " wait need X more". they say " o ok" and get off so the timer stops. surv missons are the easyest to get all the orbs as well due to the amount that drop


When you have 7 enemies left  in extermination.  I go buy them from a suoermarket? 

You and yr argument. Even if i send a msg to wait and they wait for 10 min.. what's the point if no more enemies.  Or u think rhey will wait until their mom give them birth again??

I wanna invite u to a  game where u join with less then 10 enemies left. Let me see how FAST YOU ARE..  slow my ......

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1 hour ago, Urska said:

many players = non pc warframe players. u make a group before u start it all... if i go into chat and say " Looking for people for Fissure grind" i get like 40 ims..... wow i am happy i am not on a toaster.... if i was you. i would just move over before you are more behinde n all. seeing event weapons come back n all. it be wroth it to play with the real full player base then be limited by a ton due to lack of players on non pc warframe

So all your argument is to justify the bad mechanism.

So either I have to set the game on soli or i have to look for a squad b4 i start.


DE: pls take his suggestion into consideration and force us either solo or squad only.



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1 minute ago, (XB1)Oussii said:


When you have 7 enemies left  in extermination.  I go buy them from a suoermarket? 

You and yr argument. Even if i send a msg to wait and they wait for 10 min.. what's the point if no more enemies.  Or u think rhey will wait until their mom give them birth again??

I wanna invite u to a  game where u join with less then 10 enemies left. Let me see how FAST YOU ARE..  slow my ......

yes Seriously. it isnt hard to say " give me a sec to get the orbs" then go do it. if your side of WF is sooo bad, and no one can wait. then theirs nothing to do. cuz most of WF dosnt have this issue, i randomy joined almost done stuff and not had any issue at all. the % of joining a ongoing misson on PC on Fissure during trader, is very low. soooo ya

wait 10mins? dosnt take 10 mins to go back n get 10 orbs...wtf?... whats the point of no more if most enemies are gone? cuz the whole point is get the orbs and finsh the misson. its NOT about killing or doing the missong. seeing the WHOLE point is to get the 10 orbs so ur lil meatball opens up when u finsh the misson. nothing else. and why would u ivt anyone when its almost done is just stupid.... if their was 1 left. i could get most before they even get to the door. i would simple tell them " wait a sec peeps. gotta get the orbs :D" and they wait. and its over. their is no argument here. just facts

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Oussii said:

So all your argument is to justify the bad mechanism.

So either I have to set the game on soli or i have to look for a squad b4 i start.


DE: pls take his suggestion into consideration and force us either solo or squad only.



no one is forcing you to go solo..... w.e i am done with this topic Lol. its pure salt due to being poorly skilled on a lesser platform with fake try hards who cant wait for 1 slowbie. if i was you, L2Play or go join PC and sell your toaster. most of WF is on PC after all. we are much more active and get stuff done

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