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Do you think ash will still be a good frame after the bladestorm rework?


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As a huge fan of ash, I have developed some concerns for his incoming rework.If you didnt know already, the rework will turn bladestorm into an ability where pressing 4 will toggle it on allowing you to mark enemies for his bladestorm, an enemy can be marked multiple times.Pressing 4 again will activate his ability and the rest is as usual.

Now, I like to run ash for solo missions because his invisibility and bladestorm abilities are great. However, since I like to use bladestorm as a "oh sh*t" moment ability, the whole marking enemies thing might be a big problem. I'm thinking maybe going invisible then sweeping the screen might be decent but I have my doubts and it also doesn't help that 90% of people are calling this a massive nerf. 

So,will ash still be viable for a bladestorm build? Should I convert to a fatal teleport build? Or should I just switch to Valkyr or something...

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> Implying Bladestorm has ever been what made Ash good.



Seriously, Bladestorm onlymakes him an extremely annoying nuker, not good.

Also, since they barely teased the new mechanic of Bladestorm, i think you're a little too early in worrying. You can always aimglide through a targeting sweep to receive very little to no return fire.

Edited by Autongnosis
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Ash was never good

When I played him his ult makes me feel like I need to throw up and when I have one in my group they end up having craptacular builds, that can't even kill mid level eximus units while making them invulnerable to actual damage


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58 minutes ago, Helch0rn said:

Ash was never good

When I played him his ult makes me feel like I need to throw up and when I have one in my group they end up having craptacular builds, that can't even kill mid level eximus units while making them invulnerable to actual damage


That's like saying Mag isn't good. Ash is very much so a useful frame, people just don't use him that way because it takes effort.

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5 minutes ago, Helch0rn said:

Ash was never good

When I played him his ult makes me feel like I need to throw up and when I have one in my group they end up having craptacular builds, that can't even kill mid level eximus units while making them invulnerable to actual damage


Clearly you haven't heard of Fatal Teleport with a Dagger with Covert Lethality. Or about his 2nd ability to go invisible for a while.

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1 minute ago, ZombieLorde91 said:

Clearly you haven't heard of Fatal Teleport with a Dagger with Covert Lethality. Or about his 2nd ability to go invisible for a while.

Well the Ash players I get teamed up with certainly have not. 

But that does not change the fact that his Ult gives me motion sickness to a degree where I am about to throw up. Come to think about it, that has never happened before in any other video game

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Fatal Teleport... Yeah. In a horde game I would totally consider 1 by 1 murder of mooks a viable solution. I'd rather Ivara then who, unlike Ash, can:
- Do some good CC
- Remain invisible as long as I want it not the timer
- Get a bit of extra loot

Oh, and how could I forget Inaros! Pocket sand does wonders + CC with decent AOE + high durability.

And lol at Mag being good. Yeah. What for? A magnetize bubble which nullicancer just straight up removes now? Well, that's 2 out of 4 factions out of the window. Infested don't even shoot much so that's 1 more faction out. So, Grineer it is. Whom I can deal a number of other frames.with. Yeah. Totally good and "strongest".

Edited by EvilChaosKnight
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55 minutes ago, EvilChaosKnight said:

Fatal Teleport... Yeah. In a horde game I would totally consider 1 by 1 murder of mooks a viable solution. I'd rather Ivara then who, unlike Ash, can:
- Do some good CC
- Remain invisible as long as I want it not the timer
- Get a bit of extra loot

And lol at Mag being good. Yeah. What for? A magnetize bubble which nullicancer just straight up removes now? Well, that's 2 out of 4 factions out of the window. Infested don't even shoot much so that's 1 more faction out. So, Grineer it is. Whom I can deal a number of other frames.with. Yeah. Totally good and "strongest".

She can strip shields and armor, and pull in enemies. Not to mention if she strips enemies, she can then synergize crush which decimates the now shieldless and armorless enemies.

If nullifiers are bothering you, and I don't say this often, git gud.

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He wont be as popular, but will still have uses. Rework of his 4 is really a nerf because you will kill slower after rework.


3 minutes ago, EvilChaosKnight said:

Fatal Teleport... Yeah. In a horde game I would totally consider 1 by 1 murder of mooks a viable solution. I'd rather Ivara then who, unlike Ash, can:
- Do some good CC
- Remain invisible as long as I want it not the timer
- Get a bit of extra loot

And lol at Mag being good. Yeah. What for? A magnetize bubble which nullicancer just straight up removes now? Well, that's 2 out of 4 factions out of the window. Infested don't even shoot much so that's 1 more faction out. So, Grineer it is. Whom I can deal a number of other frames.with. Yeah. Totally good and "strongest".

Fatal teleport sux because all it does is press E for you if you are using CL dagger, which you should be. Oh and Mag is actually really good.


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Just now, JSharpie said:

She can strip shields and armor, and pull in enemies. Not to mention if she strips enemies, she can then synergize crush which decimates the now shieldless and armorless enemies.

If nullifiers are bothering you, and I don't say this often, git gud.

Strips shields and armor... LOL

Goes to show that you either:
- Never get out from Mercury and Venus.
- Didn't play Mag much.

Mag right now has FLAT values for armor and shield removal unlike before the ner... "rework". Which means on Sortie levels you need 5 to 10 casts to remove all that armor. Well, GLHF. And then people complain about ability spam...

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2 minutes ago, EvilChaosKnight said:

And lol at Mag being good. Yeah. What for? A magnetize bubble which nullicancer just straight up removes now? Well, that's 2 out of 4 factions out of the window. Infested don't even shoot much so that's 1 more faction out. So, Grineer it is. Whom I can deal a number of other frames.with. Yeah. Totally good and "strongest".

Magnetize + Detron = a bubble of pure death

Not even stalker with his stupid damage adaption can survive it

If nullifiers bother you, then how about shooting their bubble? 

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2 minutes ago, Helch0rn said:

Magnetize + Detron = a bubble of pure death

Not even stalker with his stupid damage adaption can survive it

If nullifiers bother you, then how about shooting their bubble? 

Ah, so, those are also the people who like the Nullicancer enemy design. I guess arguing is pointless then?
Stalker is a joke for anyone with at least 1 multi-forma weapon on them, don't bring him into the "balancing" discussions. :P

Anyway. You totally keep track of every bubble you have up to make sure Nullicancer won't touch it. Yep. Because if you don't you die on high levels. Well, unless you are one of those "hallway heroes" I really don't see how Mag's bubble is "one of the most powerful" things in the game.

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4 minutes ago, EvilChaosKnight said:

Ah, so, those are also the people who like the Nullicancer enemy design. I guess arguing is pointless then?
Stalker is a joke for anyone with at least 1 multi-forma weapon on them, don't bring him into the "balancing" discussions. :P

Anyway. You totally keep track of every bubble you have up to make sure Nullicancer won't touch it. Yep. Because if you don't you die on high levels. Well, unless you are one of those "hallway heroes" I really don't see how Mag's bubble is "one of the most powerful" things in the game.

-Cast bubble

-Shoot into bubble

-Everything inside dies a horrible and painful death

-Bubble explodes

-Everything around exploding bubble turns into numbers

And those numbers have six digits

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44 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

Yes, he'll still be viable, he'll just take actual effort to use.

Not at all.


It's only one more step, hit 4, point at things you want dead, hit 4 again.


The problem some people will have is by the time they have marked the things they want to die, someone else will have made them dead. It hasn't increased the amount of effort, it's going to make him slow.


In those intense moments where his ult would have wiped a good chunk of them out, now you'll only get chance to mark a handful, if that.

Edited by Ailissa
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13 minutes ago, ViS4GE said:

He wont be as popular, but will still have uses. Rework of his 4 is really a nerf because you will kill slower after rework.


Fatal teleport sux because all it does is press E for you if you are using CL dagger, which you should be. Oh and Mag is actually really good.


I guess that is true, I only starting to really appreciate ash now since he is changing very soon...

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