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Recurring Nightmare Leaderboard times are a nightmare


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I have been grinding this Time Attack all day, and my best time so far is 802. The worst part about this mission is the AI. I try to get it to charge certain spots and it decides to shoot spores or gets stuck on tileset edges. Most of the time I am restarting because the JackONaut is simply being a pain. I don't know if anyone else is having this issue, but the AI doesn't permit fast times because 70% of the time it goes where you don't want it.

PS this is the second time I did this alert and the AI did not improve whatsoever.

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I was just happy to get 672 after about 15 or 20 tries where 90% of my squad mates would abort if the mission ran past 800 seconds.  Quite frustrating.  Of course, I did pug only so I rather deserved it, I reckon.

Kinda wish there had been a good reason to actually finish the mission despite missing the 666 goal.  Oh well.

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5 hours ago, Xekrin said:

I was just happy to get 672 after about 15 or 20 tries where 90% of my squad mates would abort if the mission ran past 800 seconds.  Quite frustrating.  Of course, I did pug only so I rather deserved it, I reckon.

Kinda wish there had been a good reason to actually finish the mission despite missing the 666 goal.  Oh well.

Not 666.

Had to be 667 at least, I finished it once in 666 and got nothing, you must raise above the number of the beast.

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