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7 hours ago, (XB1)ashes of suvius said:

exactly, it USED to be FUN. This sucks. God I wish I could rub steves nose in this relic system like a dog that just pissed on the carpet.

I think it's fun. The fissure missions are quick and usually spawn lots of enemies; I've never fallen asleep during one, unlike the old system. I wish I could shake Steve's hand. Farming relics can get old if you don't space it out, but so did farming keys. :)

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34 minutes ago, (PS4)Elvenbane said:

I think it's fun. The fissure missions are quick and usually spawn lots of enemies; I've never fallen asleep during one, unlike the old system. I wish I could shake Steve's hand. Farming relics can get old if you don't space it out, but so did farming keys. :)

fissure  missions are a bit..repetitive.. ya' know?  tack on a silly low cap for traces and there is no reason to run them other then boredom...no idea why the cap is there or so low, but is like most of the caps in game.

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12 minutes ago, Kyronz said:

fissure  missions are a bit..repetitive.. ya' know?  tack on a silly low cap for traces and there is no reason to run them other then boredom...no idea why the cap is there or so low, but is like most of the caps in game.

old void system was even more boredom atlest we get more diffrent mission types and diffrent tileset and it does not take as long to get the stuff we want. i.e no orokin cells and fusion cores cluttering up the drop table 

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8 minutes ago, Kyronz said:

fissure  missions are a bit..repetitive.. ya' know?

No, I don't know. You do a few, then do other things (the other things basically being the same kind of missions...but somehow these aren't repetivive?)

The only thing that truly bugs me about fissures is having to sneak up on reactant using a mirror...but I think I read this has been addressed on PC already?

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Elvenbane said:

No, I don't know. You do a few, then do other things (the other things basically being the same kind of missions...but somehow these aren't repetivive?)

The only thing that truly bugs me about fissures is having to sneak up on reactant using a mirror...but I think I read this has been addressed on PC already?

this everytime people complain about wanting the old void system and complain about fissures being receptive makes me think that they never played the old void where you had to do THE SAME MISSION SAME TILE SET EVERY DAY 24/7 

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8 hours ago, KinetosImpetus said:

I don't like either system much. 

Void meant playing a single tileset and mission type for *days*

Relics remove the ability to bank keys, add the overhead of selecting a relic every 5 minutes, adds the overhead of farming traces in 5 minute chunks. Now there's just too much to do before you even get into the mission. I just want to bank traces but there's no continuous simple way to do that, have to deal with the relic menus just to do that, and you'll constantly be finishing a short mission or be nagged to select a relic. I just want to be left alone and allowed to play. 

Banking keys was the entire game, it gave us a reason to play past the gear drops..now 2 weeks and if someone tells you that gear drop happened you pop in and farm.    I understand that the last year has been all about new players and ignoring the player base, but without old players revenue will whither since we are more vocal then most.

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7 hours ago, hazerddex said:

this everytime people complain about wanting the old void system and complain about fissures being receptive makes me think that they never played the old void where you had to do THE SAME MISSION SAME TILE SET EVERY DAY 24/7 

I would take "running the same tile set" any day over the three step process that constitutes new releases in void 2.0.  I find that there's only ONE thing I like about the relic system and it's that finding pub runs is much easier now than before.

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22 hours ago, Suisun said:

Never in my entire 3000 hours on here have I worked so hard to get anything. I saved around 1.5 million standing from seeds, quintances and marks so I could get relics as soons as possible for Valkyr Prime. I got the systems, helm and BP within 2 tries for each. Went 0/5 in radiant shares  for the chassis so someone trades me theirs for my systems and I had 28 more relics so I was thinking I could get another. I was at 26 failures in a row with me getting Radiant share groups from recruiting chat and I had already started typing this. Just finished the 28th and im feeling bad for everyone that was in my groups. Im sorry that my terrible time on here had to be spread to you guys :( Guess its time to waste lots of platinum in trade chat

Think of it as a relaxing journey...farm passively without expectation...Relish in the "possibility" mindset and enjoy all aspects of the game.

Suddenly and with great joy, possibility will become reality.

I adopted this attitude with the introduction of Mesa and my year-long trek for the Nyx Vespa helm...and I now enjoy everything that Warframe has to offer...and there are still pieces I haven't collected...Rime rounds anyone ;)?

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14 hours ago, TeaBegging said:

I found it quite impressive that players got her within the first hour or so. Which implies that DE made a big mistake by releasing this relic system. Even though Prime farming is a lot easier. it is super boring, and the old void system required team work.

When was teamwork required? Until friends started playing a month ago and i finally joined a clan at that same time did everything on my own. Solo yo. I guess you could call that a team of me. 

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8 hours ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

Think of it as a relaxing journey...farm passively without expectation...Relish in the "possibility" mindset and enjoy all aspects of the game.

Suddenly and with great joy, possibility will become reality.

I adopted this attitude with the introduction of Mesa and my year-long trek for the Nyx Vespa helm...and I now enjoy everything that Warframe has to offer...and there are still pieces I haven't collected...Rime rounds anyone ;)?

I have like 50 extra rime rounds, if i happen to be online hit me up and ill see if i cant hook you up my friend. 

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The ability to farm your prime parts in whatever mission type you like, rather than being forced to run the only one they dropped in, is alone enough to make the relic system superior to the old void.

To all those complaining that you now have to farm traces as well, you didn't even have the option to affect drop chances under the old system.

If you want the old system back, just run with only intact relics and don't look at or pick from other players' drops, does that feel better?

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51 minutes ago, ChuckMaverick said:

The ability to farm your prime parts in whatever mission type you like, rather than being forced to run the only one they dropped in, is alone enough to make the relic system superior to the old void.

To all those complaining that you now have to farm traces as well, you didn't even have the option to affect drop chances under the old system.

If you want the old system back, just run with only intact relics and don't look at or pick from other players' drops, does that feel better?

Yes, the system is better than the old one, except for one thing, it didn't addressed the initial objective at all.

The initial objectif was to remove the Void Exhaustion, which was caused to farm over and over and over and over the same thing to get the Blueprint.

With the old system, void keys wasn't bad to grind, because only 1 key was needed to have access to the drop chance. So once you had a team of 4 to farm for, let's say Exterminate Tower 4 key, if one is dropped, you had 4 attempts. Then it was 4 attempts to get the blueprint.

With the new system, you have to farm for relics first. So in a team of 4, everyone will get the relic needed, that's basically similar here, but that's where the similarity stops, because everyone will need that relic in order to get that blueprint, which mean that if someone had less time to farm, because life happens, he may not have the relics for that drop possibility. But so far, it's not the real problem. Then comes the grinding for void traces and this is where it stops addressing the initial objective because it adds another farming step to be efficient. After that, it's running the actual relic run but with a better chances.

If void traces was a little more easy to get, it wouldn't be a problem at all, but in the end, it's basically the same amount of farming because to get the 100 void traces, it needs an average of 4 to 6 runs to get the 100 void traces (without any ressources boost), which adds a minimum of 1 mission compared to the old system for 1 relic VS 4 keys.

So let's look at the best case scenario for each system: it took 1 run to get the right key/relics, it takes 4 runs for the 100 void traces and 1 run for the drop.

The old system took 2 runs, the new one took 6. Of course, that's in the best possible scenario. But I only talk about at the initial objective of that system change. I'm not against having a system to change the odds of the drop, but if changing a chore for another one is the solution, it's kinda missing the point. Specially if they change the prime part because of vaulting + new part and you have to farm these new relics, while a bunch of them are sitting doing nothing in your inventory...

Before, if you had 100 keys of each, the day of release, you had 100 chances to get the new part, now, you have 0 and you have to farm these relics. If only the relics system was about preventing vaulting, it would be another story, but it's not the case.

Edited by Crawd127
Message wasn't finished.
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3 hours ago, (PS4)thedarkness1962 said:

When was teamwork required? Until friends started playing a month ago and i finally joined a clan at that same time did everything on my own. Solo yo. I guess you could call that a team of me. 

Did you do Defence Solo on T4 till wave 20? Yea I think not, Because if you tell you were I hardly believe that. Even with the way how Nullifier bubbles now work that would specially require more teamwork. Put that aside the T4 void Difficulty is something that actually players were looking for, that high level enemy spawns and difficulty. The new relic system is way to easy, you can use any relic on any tier based level you want. Which takes away the challenge or effort to even try, and on a side note we got something even more broken. Riven mods which makes the entirety of star chart a joke.

If you going to assume that Sorties are the only 'end game' content then you are limiting the majority of the players to a 1 day 1 hour only 'task'. No wonder people get burned out.  The people that cried about the 'grind' most of them had no patience, but than again the drop tables were so rigged that there was no point in doing the voids. DE obviously ignored the criticism about the junk that the old void had. (Not talking about prime parts.)

Now lets look at the relic system it has become a double grind, you now have to farm Relics and Prime Parts. Unless you had loads of Void keys laying around. Now put that aside to, they also got rid of the second best credit farming. Yes not that the majority of people complain about. But the old void used to be one of the fastest way to farm credits. From somebody that inspects this way to often and cares about the content it releases and the direction its heading, its worrying.

I am not here to bash them for the risks they are taking, and I give them credit for that. But most of the times they release updates, and leave it be. Plenty people here have some really good feedback, but most  it gets ignored.  

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On 23/11/2016 at 0:51 PM, ChuckMaverick said:

Is your tin-foil hat on tight enough?

Drop rates are determined by rarity tier within the relics, and don't change at all unless new relics containing those items are released with those items in different tiers, which is rare.

Why so hostile? Lol

Regarding my original comment, it's all based on my own personal experiences, my friends' experiences and clan member’s experiences. Every single time new primes have been released it takes double the amount of relics/time to obtain them. A month/two passes by and they become easier to obtain. In-game economy/business reasons and all that.

As for whether you or anyone else believes us or not, we couldn't give two shi-


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13 minutes ago, Numerikuu said:

Why so hostile? Lol

Regarding my original comment, it's all based on my own personal experiences, my friends' experiences and clan member’s experiences. Every single time new primes have been released it takes double the amount of relics/time to obtain them. A month/two passes by and they become easier to obtain. In-game economy/business reasons and all that.

As for whether you or anyone else believes us or not, we couldn't give two shi-


I'm not sure how you got hostility from that, I was merely surprised at the 'conspiracy theory' attitude.

I can understand there being doubt under the old system, as drop rates were never officially published afaik, but with relics and refining the drop rates are actually displayed in the UI.

By suggesting that drop rates are suppressed early on, you are flat out accusing DE of lying about the drop rates they show in-game.

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Valkyrie prime chassis sells for 200 plat, just sell one or two other prime weapons or frames. Managed to get a hold of Valkyr Prime in just a few hours which isn't bad for end-game content.

I feel like it was harder to get regular frames back when I started this game than it is to get primes now. But who knows, perhaps RNGsus was just kind to me today.


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