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Ash Revisited Feedback Megathread


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8 hours ago, leviticus23 said:



8 hours ago, Trichouette said:



8 hours ago, An8rchy said:



8 hours ago, Shifted said:



8 hours ago, Flyghter said:



8 hours ago, RoninJed said:



7 hours ago, Horonelius said:



7 hours ago, leviticus23 said:



7 hours ago, An8rchy said:


"[suggestion] why cant bladestorm be like an exalted weapon?" was Teleported within 


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8 hours ago, Daggerpaw1 said:



8 hours ago, Dwolfknight said:



8 hours ago, An8rchy said:



8 hours ago, Daggerpaw1 said:



8 hours ago, NeithanDiniem said:


8 hours ago, An8rchy said:



8 hours ago, Daggerpaw1 said:



8 hours ago, An8rchy said:



7 hours ago, Bacl said:



7 hours ago, ashrah said:


"Ash's rework: problems and solutions" was Teleported within: 


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17 hours ago, Ombrenoirz said:



17 hours ago, AhmadIvu said:



17 hours ago, Ombrenoirz said:



17 hours ago, Ombrenoirz said:



13 hours ago, tnccs215 said:


"Feedback for only one thing about Ash's BladeStorm" was Teleported within: 


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On 25/11/2016 at 8:06 PM, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:

Take this marking system and give it to the Glaive weapons. 

That is actually a fantastic idea and would make the mechanic nicely universal, also with all the weapon mechanics are being introduced it'd make a great addition! Certainly make me pick up throwing weapon again at the very least!

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After I press 2 smoke and 4 to target the enemy,my teammate already kill all of the enemy already ,why should I use blade storm?use weapon better than the blade storm.Another thing is blade storm is more useful to single target or not more than 7~8,but single target press 3 better than use blade storm ,after I marked the enemy my hp already low,but I active my blade storm the enemy still haven death because I just marked them one time .I suggest if I marked them just attack them until death Will more better.

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you might call me dumb, but here's my idea on ash, imma say no moar extra shet and move straight to the point

1:same but works with 4

2:make a smoke-cloud around you (20m) and enemies outside 20m cant see you, if they enter the 20m, you have 55% dmg reduction with just intensify, 80% dmg reduction(max reduction ash can get) mesa can do 95 , why cant ash do 80 and why not just stick with invis? cause i wish ash was different than loki and have a interesting mechanic 


4: will create 5 clones that can freely move around and enemies will attack the clones instead of you like decoy (the clones have the same weps and do 1/4 the dmg, the clones have good AI) (yea and about AI in warframe .... *sigh) and you can use shuriken (1) to discard one of your clones and that clone will bladestorm 2 guys that your shuriken hit (1 guy if hit 1 guy). If one of the clones die which has 2.5x the ehp of your actual frame's ehp so it dont drop dead like decoy, than the clone will bladestorm whoever that killed the clone. 

please PLEASE tell me if you have other ideas.

i dont think it'll be changed this way cause (why would they listen to me) BUT i wish it would be changed like that..... :(  




Edited by SpyGhostOtissss
i said 90 instead of 80 lol do i have to write this
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The changes made to Bladestorm are ok, if you play solo. With team it's realy unusable, because before I can mark enemies that I want - one of my team already would kill most of them. And, if you mark many enemies it wouldn't be faster than Bladestorm before change, you're not only waste time for waiting animation, but time on marking.

So, I suggest to mark for once all targets in the range of Bladestorm when activate and manually mark two more marks on enemies that more powerfull. And let clones to deal with enemies that marked for 1 time.

Edited by FelanGrey
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Would be cool if shuriken got the landslide/ripline treatment (Slash dash is still waiting on it too you guys)

Teleport should be able to teleport to whatever you point at, though the way it goes behind things with hp would be a good thing to keep.

Marked targets need to be able to be hit by allies. if they get killed before they get hit, refund the energy

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Hi DE im happy with the rework i love playing in the most effective way(including old ash 4) i know that the game need balance,so theres only 1 problem the BS(bladestorm) nerf was necesary and i dont have any problem with that the thing is, can you please change the energy per mark values ash use way too much energy just to kill 3 enemys and you need 2 or 3 marks to kill 1enemy in a sorite 2 or 3 for example(even more in some situations).

So here is my solution just make the base energy per mark 10 instead of 15 and the invisible mark 7.5 or 8 instead of 10 because you need 3 marks to kill 1enemy(in a decent lvl) and thats is 11.25 energy(with max eff) so is way to much energy per enemy.just that.

In the other hand grate work with the rework. :) ^-^

Srif i miss some word my english isnt that good.

PD:saryn need some love XD.



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3 hours ago, CAM237 said:

It wouldn't solve the survivability issue either. Namely part of the reason Ash was so good at higher level content was the invulnerability while bladestorming.

Plus it's just kinda boring. Ash is an assassin, not middle management doling out the work to others.

well ash was boring b4 the rework all you did was watch a cutscene

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I liked the smokescreen change as it finally makes Ash's invis somewhat similar to loki's invis thou Loki still does it much better. Bladestorm was also not as bad as I thought, when I first heard about the rework,I thought you had to keep your reticle on an enemy for a period of time before they were marked,I disliked this for pretty obvious reasons.Luckily, marking an enemy  takes no time so all I have to do is violently flail my reticle around a crowded room to mark every enemy I see. The one thing I'm kinda disappointed about is the fact that ash still takes print in the bladestorm animations, I dislike this as many things can happen when your busy bladestorming......teammates can be downed,excavators can be destroyed etc..

Overall, I feel that the rework was good enough.And hey, even if you didn't like it that much,at least this didn't turn out like the saryn rework :D


Edited by spatakiller123
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5 minutes ago, spatakiller123 said:

Overall, I feel that the rework was good enough.And hey, even if you didn't like it that much,at least this didn't turn out like the saryn rework :D

I love the saryn rework, so this statement is null and void in my opinion.  Also there is a megathread for this type of feedback, already requested this be merged.


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Originally I was not happy with the way Ash was working out, but after some reconfiguring, if you maximize efficiency (or just put it really high) and mix in high end duration improvement you can make it into a pretty powerful assassin. It looses out in missions where stealth isn't very important, but for solo work it is quite suitable.

One thing I notice people over looked is that you don't have to release your blade storm until you wish to. You can smoke bomb for invisible and then carry out the blade storm at any point you like, even if the targets have long since wandered off. You do kind of need enemy sense so you can tell which way enemies are facing but it can be made to work, just not elegantly or easily. Not a frame for beginners or really even intermediate, but perhaps I am just an under skilled person.

Energy cost stuff is still horrible though with such a small energy pool.

P.S. To all you people who can't survive well, learn to Dodge.

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15 minutes ago, spatakiller123 said:



10 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

I love the saryn rework, so this statement is null and void in my opinion.  Also there is a megathread for this type of feedback, already requested this be merged.


Teleported within the Megathread ^

Please do not post feedbacks in General Discussion in the future, if you want to avoid Warnings for that.

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One thing I think we really need, if we are keeping the animation lock of multiple targets, is a way to cancel.  Hitting 4 while we are attacking marks should pull us out of it completely.

Whether it allows clones to finish the job or not is up to DE but this is at least the #3 reason people disliked the previous bladestorm, having no recourse but wait it out while you attack everything marked.

It isn't as bad as before I know, we control how many and therefore how long we are in said animations but if I see a teammate go down, I'd really like the option to cancel and rush to assist.

I'd prefer two things, though in deference of balance I wouldn't expect them, 1) restore energy from any targets marked we didn't get to 2) drop us where we are at that moment rather than where we started.  

This would help greatly when you literally see a downed teammate at the location of a marked target rather than having to wait, wait, wait, and finally rush to downed teammate to help.

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Bladestorm requires too much 'stopping the action' to get started. And it didn't fix what you claimed to set out to fix at all. Please revert it or change it completely. It takes ash 20+ seconds to do what nova/frost/ember/ecta does in one button push.

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On 11/25/2016 at 3:03 PM, LycanPT said:

I think what players really wanted out of ash bladestorm was to not be stuck in an animation and that market targets could still be killed by teammates, all you accomplished in my perspective was straitgh nerf the ability while keeping the annoying features of it, you didn't rework teh mechanic, you just added a condition to trigger it

never thought id see a post like this outside of the "good job DE perfect update!11!!" posts. ty friendo

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It's just so fun now, to watch a friend trying so hard:

  • *player used avalanche because friend using Ash can't execute fast enough*
  • "Just, let me have this..."
  • *friend goes down due constant fire from enemies while marking; rage quits*
  • -sometime later-
  • " ************ " (Translation: Enemies killed the objective while he was invisible trying to mark the enemies.)

It's Ash's only cc and it's just so slow now XD

Even if you only kill the immediate enemies that are marked. You're still left with a bunch of enemies that are moving while you perform the animation. It's much faster to shoot the enemies then is to be constantly pressing four and waving the reticle around.

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So the new Ash bladestorm rework is an interesting decision however it generally made him unplayable as the targeting reticle is the only way to mark targets. Since the targeting reticle is so small, it makes it relatively difficult to target enemies unless you wave your mouse around like crazy and hope you targeted multiple enemies on your screen. Why not give Ash the same targeting system as Mesa Peacemaker? Like a larger reticle to target groups of enemies instead of just 1 at a time? That would make the ability much more useful and smoother rather than shaking your screen around and hope you tag more than 3 enemies.

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My copy pasta from other topic.


I also think they should just change his 4th into a different move altogether, like they did with Excal, instead of nerfing the move without fixing the real problem, IE, the canned cutscene mode.  This stuff was the reason Ash had to mark enemies to begin with. Its so slow, and non-interactive after activation, which is no surprise why both Ash haters and Ash players would find it annoying. The only reason Ash had to mark enemies before was because they had not advanced enough beyond letting teamates kill the enemies that Ash marks without causing glitches for him, because of his canned cutscene.  Old school players will remember the air walking Ash and falling through the floor and the like, this in turn was why not allowing team mates to kill marked enemies was more prioritized over time, but that's gone now. This marking enemies for a cutscene is outmoded and serves no purpose now, it should just be discarded honestly, for a new, better ability. The vanishing bodies after Bladestorm also serves little use if you don't even get stealth affinity from it.

They also need to improve the Teleport, most people seem to agree it would be better if you could also use it without a necessary target, for a short 10 meter or so dash in the form of a smoky teleport. Also give the shurikens some more utility, like some knockback/knockdown to at the very least somewhat justify its ingame description.  Perhaps also give it some extra properties in congruence with a new 4th ability mode as well.

The devs also even took away the cosmetic team-mate griefing with the shurikens, by taking away the visual blood splatter effect you can cause on them. Come on DE, don't just let Loki or Limbo be the only trolls while Shurikens can't anymore, especially when it doesn't actually harm the other player, I would be down with other frames getting cosmetic griefing effects too, like Frost giving you a frosty chassis, akin to how you look in frozen exterior areas of Europa and the like, but without the actual harmful stat effects of course, etc.

Edited just now by UrielColtan
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