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Prime Vault and Prime Vault Accessories Discussion


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6 minutes ago, (PS4)talonx5 said:

Being polite and firm after asking to speak to a manager is just fine, you will get respect and will most likely reach a compromise. I was just saying if people over reacted as they do on the forums sometimes that that will not get the desired result is all. I agree with you on the rest though except about the loud part, that is just silly.

Might be silly, but it is extremely effective. 

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I have refused to buy a single vault pack based on the fact that I have farmed all the primes, and I have plat, I want shiny things for my fashion frame, not a bunch of garbage in a bundle....it's like world of tanks....oh you want this one new premium tank...sorry its 100 dollars packed with all the other crap old ones....oh you want it alone....nope gimme CCCCasssh or gtfo.....

If a bunch of people buy the double pack for the 5 dollar accessories I am gonna have to say your lemmings and you need to put your wallet away...your are the reason pre-order culture exists...and you are part of the whale problem that F2P creates....

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28 minutes ago, ChaoSoldier1986 said:

Fool me into buying Mag Vault for just Targis Armor, Shame on Me. Attempt to Fool me again into Buying Frost & Ember Vault for Misa Prime and Pyra Prime, Shame on DE. The Amount of Nope I have is higher than the money Ive given to DE already.

DE aren't trying to fool you into anything. They market the packs, tell you the contents and the price; you decide if it's worth your money.

There's no deception going on here.

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As much as I'd love to see an accessories back for the Frost/Ember unvault, I don't think they'll be doing that because they need a reason for people who already have the frames and weapons to buy it plus they need that $$. I don't really blame them but on the bright side at least we have prime access accessories. 

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)skip2435 said:

I don't really blame them but on the bright side at least we have prime access accessories. 

At the same time, all their accessories (Frost and Ember's) are in their unvaulted packs. Its  a good thing or a bad thing depending on if you're a glass half full/empty guy, but i'm a glass half full, bottle half empty guy, so i'm just happy the option is there! :laugh:

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I already have both frames. I would have bought the cosmetics but they don't have a pack just with those because they are allergic to money. 


I wasn't asking them to split the packs up. Have the packs as they are with all the stuff but they could have made an extra one with the cosmetics but no, DE don't like money and I don't want to force mine on them, I know it would upset them. 

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Really looking forward to the this unvaulting and am hoping there is an accessory pack available that is separate from the frame. If so I will be purchasing but if not then I can't justify spending money on main items I already own. It really doesn't make sense from a business perspective but maybe someone can clear that up for me.


Thank you,


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On 11/30/2016 at 11:46 AM, (XB1)ALG Minuscule36 said:

So i've noticed a problem a lot of people, including myself are having with the unvaulting of Frost and Ember: the fact that we probably already have all the items that come with them MINUS the Misa and Pyra Syandanas. Most likely, like Mag, these packs individually will cost 60 bucks, and possibly 120 for the dual package if it isn't a lowered or highered bundle price. Meaning that for the price of 2 syandanas (and maybe a little plat), we're paying for either a new game, several steam or indie games, gas or groceries, even actual IRL clothes.


Tenno, your coming was predicted.

"Developers are not being stubborn. They are doing it again, and again, and again, because it f*cking works."


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On 30-11-2016 at 0:18 PM, paul5473 said:

Considering Prime Vault is like selling an item they've already sold previously.. no, I'm not, though admittedly, I have both of them already from when they originally came out, so I could care less.

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It's going to be a BLAST!!!


I'm going to have so much fun obtaining the new relics!


I remember buying 400k+ syndicate points of relic packs to obtain a grand total of ONE Axi V5!


Then I'm going to have even more fun from rolling the dice with radiant runs!


I remember the fun I had when my 11th radiant run with a full squad for a rare drop failed just like my earlier 10 runs!


Like I said, It's going be a BLAST!!!



Sarcasm included, if you haven't caught on by now


Edited by NativeKiller
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