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《 Sorties , RNG And The Need For A Token System 》


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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Sange13 said:

If you haven't "seen any real points," it's because you don't want to--not because they aren't there. As for whether it's a good idea, the support for it is overwhelming compared to the resistance, and from a f2p perspective, it's generally better to give people some form of what they want rather than let a bad system fester and pollute the mood toward the game.

As I said, the only points I saw was it is a once a day reward, I don't get what I want.  Which would also apply to Raids, guess we should put token systems in there as well?  Everything you can say about the sortie, you can say about the raids.  You don't want lens?  well you don't want arcane healing either.  You can only run it once a day?  seems like another system they added a long time ago.  Items in high demand?  Arcane Energize, Grace?  I'm starting to see a connection here.  So yes, I do not see any other point besides I don't get what I want.  That's what trade tab is for.  It's how a f2p game makes money to keep going, by having a economy.   A token system takes away from that.  Giving people some form of what they want is what they done with the Relic system.  I don't see Sorties as a bad system, As I said, they are very easy most days.  They are much easier then Raids, even with randoms.  and all the rewards are better then some of the arcanes that get rewarded.

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49 minutes ago, (PS4)Agent-7oh9 said:

you spend a few days save up your tokens

See, you said it yourself, it's not "I want it now", it's "I want to work toward geting it" instead of collecting useless crap.

49 minutes ago, (PS4)Agent-7oh9 said:

get what you wanted then your done.  No more Sorties?  Why because in a matter of a few days or even a few weeks, you got everything you needed.

Not at all, there are dozens of arcanes, and around 300 weapons or something, by the time I get the rivens for the weapons I want and the arcanes I want, there will be another kind of reward to add to the list and to grind forward to.

Just because we're suggesting a token system that doesn't mean "every 2 days I get a super rare arcane", my opinion on the subject actually is that a rare arcane should require a week to be obtained, therefore you need 10 weeks just to get a maximum level rare arcane, supposing you didn't get any copy from raid and nightmare raid before.

10 WEEKS, for ONE arcane max rank, now imagine if all arcanes were rebalanced and useful, that would make a LOT of stuff to grind for in the sortie.

And i'm only talking about arcanes and riven, look at the people who want to max their school, they also have to collect lenses.

49 minutes ago, (PS4)Agent-7oh9 said:

2000 Endo is not a bad reward for a half hours work.

Considering how much you can get from other missions, it's a joke to consider wasting your only daily opportunity for 2k endo.

Edited by Trichouette
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4 minutes ago, (PS4)Sange13 said:

I'm done with this guy. He's a troll, and relies on ad nauseum arguing to make a point (badly) rather than making real points that anyone else could agree with. He only hears what he wants to and is [Narrow Minded].

The forum is filled with these white knight recently... They don't make any sense and defend DE god knows why.

As someone just reminded me, it looks like the starbound case with all the people who made amazingly good critic while the game was dying. (these people were actually paid it seems...)

Edited by Trichouette
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2 minutes ago, Trichouette said:

See, you said it yourself, it's not "I want it now", it's "I want to work toward geting it" instead of collecting useless crap.

Not at all, there are dozens of arcanes, and around 300 weapons or something, by the time I get the rivens for the weapons I want and the arcanes I want, there will be another kind of reward to add to the list and to grind forward to.

Just because we're suggesting a token system that doesn't mean "every 2 days I get a super rare arcane", my opinion on the subject actually is that a rare arcane should require a week to be obtained, therefore you need 10 weeks just to get a maximum level rare arcane, supposing you didn't get any copy from raid and nightmare raid before.

10 WEEKS, for ONE arcane max rank, now imagine if all arcanes were rebalanced and useful, that would make a LOT of stuff to grind for in the sortie.

Considering how much you can get from other missions, it's a joke to consider wasting your only daily opportunity for 2k endo.

No its not working for what you want, 20 minutes to a half hour a day for a few days is not working for what you want.  That's not what I call work.  10 weeks is not as bad as the original post, but it would still hurt the market.  It is very reasonable amount all the same.  Considering how much you can make in others missions?  What missions give you 2000 endo in 20 minutes?  Yes you can run excavation missions for longer and get more but for time vs reward, its still a good reward.


1 minute ago, Trichouette said:

The forum is filled with these white knight recently... They don't make any sense and defend DE god knows why.

As someone just reminded me, it looks like the starbound case with all the people who made amazingly good critic while the game was dying.

Just now, (PS4)Sange13 said:

I'm done with this guy. He's a troll, and relies on ad nauseum arguing to make a point (badly) rather than making real points that anyone else could agree with. He only hears what he wants to and is [Narrow Minded].

This has been your point the entire time, not putting up a valid point but just "bad point" "troll".  When you can't come up with anything, put the person down.  So because I disagree with your ideas, I'm a white knight?  great point you have there.  Just for your information, I disagree with a lot of stuff DE does, 5000 mutagen samples for one.  Not reducing it because they don't want to do it to the clans who went out and farmed it.  I'm not a fan of the relic system, give me back the old void any day.  So yes, i'm a white knight just because I disagree with a token system

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Agent-7oh9 said:

No its not working for what you want, 20 minutes to a half hour a day for a few days is not working for what you want.

Because "randomly doing the sortie without goal everyday for 20 days until you get the ultimate luck of having what you want" is "working toward what you want" ?

What DE doesn't realise is that "the sense of progression" is something important that help players to deal with the grind.

If you do the same mission over and over and you always have 3% of geting what you want, you get tired of it and you just stop.

If you get 1% closer to your goal each mission, then you have something to look for, it's less tedious, and that's exactly why the new relic system is better than the old key, you can increase your chance of geting what you want by working more for it.

3 minutes ago, (PS4)Agent-7oh9 said:

Considering how much you can make in others missions?  What missions give you 2000 endo in 20 minutes?

It seems arena grants a lot of endo, and doesn't take long. I'm not saying it takes less than 20minutes, but at least it's farmable UNLIKE SORTIE once again.

4 minutes ago, (PS4)Agent-7oh9 said:

it would still hurt the market

How ?

5 minutes ago, (PS4)Agent-7oh9 said:

So yes, i'm a white knight just because I disagree with a token system

You're a white knight because you don't make any realistic point and you're just against the system for reasons like "I don't want another currency" and "RNG is better"


And as we said, the "token amount" proposed in the original post is just a suggestion (which I do not agree on, at least for some points)

We do not have any word to say in "how much tokens are needed to obtain each loot" but in my opinion, 7 days for a rare arcane (2 for common and 4 for uncommon) and 2-3 days for a riven seem fair.

And once again, I think that adding such a system AND adding the tokens in the market would be a good advantage for DE, people could simply buy tokens with plats and get what they want. This way DE makes more money.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Agent-7oh9 said:

I think adding yet another currency system is the wrong way to go with this game.  We got credits, with got platinum, we got ducats which we got to go to the relay to spend, we got syndicate medallions which we got to go to the relay to use.  Now you want another one?  The whole token system is basically "I don't want to wait, give it now".  This entire game is about getting stuff, making something easy to get just kills the game.  Sorties are a joke to begin with, they are easy, the only want to make them hard is to do it yourself.  Just because you don't want to play with others, doesn't mean I could be stuck with yet another currency.  You want arcanes in there too?  Whats the point of raids?  I hear only like 15% of Warframe have done raids, adding them to sorties would completely make running the raid pointless as "why run the raid when I can save up tokens for a few days and get the rare arcane i wanted".  The only people I see a token system helping is those who don't want to put the work in to get stuff, those who don't want to wait, or those who don't want to wait and don't want to spend the plat so they don't have to.  It hurts all those who enjoy coming on to do the sortie, get to together with some clanmates, run a raid with alliance members.  no offense to you personally, but I really hope DE never makes this a thing

Don't you still have to run the sorties to get the tokens? Isn't that still work. I don't see how this would help people who want it now. You still do sorties once a day and wait until you save enough to buy what you want.

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8 minutes ago, Trichouette said:

Because "randomly doing the sortie without goal everyday for 20 days until you get the ultimate luck of having what you want" is "working toward what you want" ?

What DE doesn't realise is that "the sense of progression" is something important that help players to deal with the grind.

If you do the same mission over and over and you always have 3% of geting what you want, you get tired of it and you just stop.

If you get 1% closer to your goal each mission, then you have something to look for, it's less tedious, and that's exactly why the new relic system is better than the old key, you can increase your chance of geting what you want by working more for it.

It seems arena grants a lot of endo, and doesn't take long. I'm not saying it takes less than 20minutes, but at least it's farmable UNLIKE SORTIE once again.

How ?

You're a white knight because you don't make any realistic point and you're just against the system for reasons like "I don't want another currency" and "RNG is better"


And as we said, the "token amount" proposed in the original post is just a suggestion (which I do not agree on, at least for some points)

We do not have any word to say in "how much tokens are needed to obtain each loot" but in my opinion, 7 days for a rare arcane (2 for common and 4 for uncommon) and 2-3 days for a riven seem fair.

And once again, I think that adding such a system AND adding the tokens in the market would be a good advantage for DE, people could simply buy tokens with plats and get what they want. This way DE makes more money.

First off, Thank you.  You came back with a point, not a his a troll, appreciate it, its always a good was to support your own idea but defending instead of insulting.  So Thank You.

Don't get me wrong, I do see the benifit of a token system, especially is the vaults a more realistic like what you are saying.  I don't see adding them to market being a good move all the same as why would I buy tokens to buy what I want when someone is selling what I want for less then the total valve of the tokens I need.

You are PC, from what I'm told by someone I know who plays on PC, PC and PS4 are completely different, especially when it comes to market prices.  Most arcanes are 20-30P, Energize (most wanted arcane in the game) you can get for 200-300.  I see someone last night selling a Primed Point Blank for 10P, you can buy a maxed Primed Continuity for 120P.  So making these rare items, the ones that actually see for a few bit of plat would really hurt the market.  This could be completely different on PC, don't know anything about it other then what I'm told.  Making stuff easier to get is very very bad for any sellers on PS4, which is bad for DE

Totally stolen idea but there is another post about a nightmare sortie idea, the reward system suggested in that is you get to pick your rewards from the common, uncommon, rare list depending on what you got.  So if today you were going to get a common reward, you'd get the option to pick between all the common rares, and just the commons.  if you were to get a uncommon reward, same, thing, pop up like the relic system does with a list of all the uncommon rewards.  Wouldn't that solve the problem of getting unless to you rewards.  in each listing there is at least one good item isn't there?  No new currency, rng still plays a part, you don't get 2000 endo anymore unless you want it.  Also because its basically the relic reward system it would be no problem to put in game either.  

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What actually goes on the rewards list is up to DE. They don't have to put Arcanes on it, and they probably wouldn't, but the point of the token system is to have a progression toward some desired goal rather than the crapshoot RNG full of bad/unwanted rewards. It's that simple. Anything else is completely arbitrary and irrelevant. However, most of the stuff on the Sortie list is trash, so even with a NM Sortie idea, choosing which bad reward you get still doesn't solve the problem.

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)Agent-7oh9 said:

I don't see adding them to market being a good move all the same as why would I buy tokens to buy what I want when someone is selling what I want for less then the total valve of the tokens I need.

just imagine, you could either buy X arcane or riven from someone for Y plats, or buy tokens and take it. There is no downside to it (unless maybe lowering the cost of said item in the warframe market, which isn't always a downside) and it fits the "grind or pay for it" phylosophy that a F2P game should have.

8 minutes ago, (PS4)Agent-7oh9 said:

Totally stolen idea but there is another post about a nightmare sortie idea, the reward system suggested in that is you get to pick your rewards from the common, uncommon, rare list depending on what you got.  So if today you were going to get a common reward, you'd get the option to pick between all the common rares, and just the commons.  if you were to get a uncommon reward, same, thing, pop up like the relic system does with a list of all the uncommon rewards.  Wouldn't that solve the problem of getting unless to you rewards.  in each listing there is at least one good item isn't there?  No new currency, rng still plays a part, you don't get 2000 endo anymore unless you want it.  Also because its basically the relic reward system it would be no problem to put in game either.

For once I'm the one to find this too easy... if you can pick any arcane in the list it's way too easy then.

And I don't see the problem with "a new currency", some games use token systems and they have tons of different tokens, what's the problem ?

I believe a token system would be neat for raids aswell, something like "regular raid grants you 1 raid token and nightmare 2 raid tokens" and then you can pick up the arcane you want, 1 token for common, 2 for unco and 3 for rare. In the end you get less reward, but something you want.

2 minutes ago, (PS4)Sange13 said:

What actually goes on the rewards list is up to DE. They don't have to put Arcanes on it, and they probably wouldn't, but the point of the token system is to have a progression toward some desired goal rather than the crapshoot RNG full of bad/unwanted rewards.

This too, arcane was my suggestion to add to the list, because the loot table of the sortie is really tiny and that would add something "to grind forward to" (which is good for the game)


Once again, the general idea is less reward but the few rewards you get are wanted and you work toward geting them, which gives a sense of progression and accomplishment to the player, leading to less burnout from the grind.


(but you're still right, the sortie difficulty is pathetic but that's only because of powercreep & bad scaling, nothing to do with this suggestion)


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Just jumping in here , i don't think i can add much to what Trich and Sange said.

But agent avoid anything to do with selling because supply and demand run the free market.


I bought a set of arcane grace for my Inaros helm for 600p. Had others telling me I'll be mad to get it for under 1500p.

Supply and demand , so saying adding arcanes is bad for seller that in return is bad for DE is not correct.

As a spender that has recently gone over the $10,000 marker. I find myself less and less inclined to log in and do sorties if i see no value.

I can go onto trade chat and buy 100s of Ayatan sculptures for 5p each and go hand them in for Endo.

We have stacks of all materials and things like lenses , reactors etc. But they should not be removed from sorties they are still good for small spenders and f2p. 

But myself personally I would like a reason to log on outside of my daily login reward while waiting for updates. 😊

I respect your voice agent just hope this helps you see my point.

Edited by (PS4)Mofojokers
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5 minutes ago, Trichouette said:

just imagine, you could either buy X arcane or riven from someone for Y plats, or buy tokens and take it. There is no downside to it (unless maybe lowering the cost of said item in the warframe market, which isn't always a downside) and it fits the "grind or pay for it" phylosophy that a F2P game should have.

For once I'm the one to find this too easy... if you can pick any arcane in the list it's way too easy then.

And I don't see the problem with "a new currency", some games use token systems and they have tons of different tokens, what's the problem ?

I believe a token system would be neat for raids aswell, something like "regular raid grants you 1 raid token and nightmare 2 raid tokens" and then you can pick up the arcane you want, 1 token for common, 2 for unco and 3 for rare. In the end you get less reward, but something you want.

This too, arcane was my suggestion to add to the list, because the loot table of the sortie is really tiny and that would add something "to grind forward to" (which is good for the game)


well the whole pick your rewards was kinda if they left the table as is.  if they did add arcanes, it would legit just say Arcanes, so if you got the rare listing, and picked arcanes, it would get randomly give you one of the rare arcanes.  thats basically giving you one more shot the same as another raid would without giving the ability to 100% any one arcane.  It's still RNG, so wouldn't make it that easy as the riven mod you get would still be random, the arcane you get would still be random, 


2 minutes ago, (PS4)Mofojokers said:

Just jumping in here , i don't think i can add much to what Trich and Sange said.

But agent avoid anything to do with selling because supply and demand run the free market.

I.E i bought a set of Arcane grace for my Inaros helm for 600p. Had others telling me I'll be mad to get it for under 1500p.

Supply and demand , so saying adding arcanes is bad for seller that in return is bad for DE is not correct.

As a spender that has recently gone over the $10,000 marker. I find myself less and less inclined to log in and do sorties if i see no value.

I can go onto trade chat and buy 100s of Ayatan sculptures for 5p each and go hand them on for Endo.

We have stacks of all materials and things like lenses , reactors etc. But they should not be removed from sorties they are still good for small spenders and f2p. 

But myself personally I would like a reason to log on outside of my daily login reward while waiting for updates. 😊

I respect your voice agent just hope this helps you see my point.

I'm sorry, I do not have the disposal income you have, I can spend what I can on the game, but I do not have that kinda money to spend on the game, but just because you have spent so much money on the game, doesn't make my view point invalid.  If you buy everything of course you are not going to have to do anything and wouldn't need the rewards it gives.  Complaining that you have nothing to do when you buy everything, isn't really a way to improve a game.  I'm all for change, even if i don't like it I will accept it, I'm just voicing my opinion like everyone else where. 


2 minutes ago, Sziklamester said:

Too bad there is so much white knights here. I just want to know why you guys aren't open minded and try to get what others want to say? It make no sense to arguing with you because no matter what others say you still say the same krap talk.

It's the same thing from where I'm sitting so I guess that would make you a white knight too

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Agent-7oh9 said:

It's the same thing from where I'm sitting so I guess that would make you a white knight too

Maybe but I didn't defended the devs all the time only when they are not the weak links in a subject in other subjects I critize them if they make something what not really wise to make up a community.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Agent-7oh9 said:

Sorry, I do not have the disposal income you have, I can spend what I can on the game, but I do not have that kinda money to spend on the game, but just because you have spent so much money on the game, doesn't make my view point invalid.

Your view is invalid because it has been repeatedly debunked, and it does not retain any validity simply be repeating yourself.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Agent-7oh9 said:

well the whole pick your rewards was kinda if they left the table as is.  if they did add arcanes, it would legit just say Arcanes, so if you got the rare listing, and picked arcanes, it would get randomly give you one of the rare arcanes.  thats basically giving you one more shot the same as another raid would without giving the ability to 100% any one arcane.  It's still RNG, so wouldn't make it that easy as the riven mod you get would still be random, the arcane you get would still be random, 

Oh wait, my bad, I read "nightmare raid" instead of "nightmare sortie". Forget what I said about it, here is my opinion :

  • The reward is less random because you choose out of the rarity you got, but that would mean you ALWAYS get something useful, simply becauseat each tier (or almost) there is something useful (common > people will pick riven. uncommon > people will pick a built forma or a 3 days booster, rare > people will pick an arcane)
  • The scaling system make it that you can't possibly make something harder than sortie without making it completely stupid, forcing people to use super cheese like "full CC team"
  • you still obtain random arcane & riven which is, in my opinion, something very bad. I am suggesting in the token system the ability to choose the category for the riven, not the weapon, the category only.

It wouldn't be a good idea in my opinion... but better than what we currently have.

6 minutes ago, (PS4)Agent-7oh9 said:

I'm sorry, I do not have the disposal income you have, I can spend what I can on the game, but I do not have that kinda money to spend on the game, but just because you have spent so much money on the game, doesn't make my view point invalid.  If you buy everything of course you are not going to have to do anything and wouldn't need the rewards it gives.  Complaining that you have nothing to do when you buy everything, isn't really a way to improve a game.  I'm all for change, even if i don't like it I will accept it, I'm just voicing my opinion like everyone else where. 

Yet he is the one who wrote this thread, meaning that he cares about how rewarding the sortie is EVEN THOUGH he can buy anything he wants.

in my case I have 5k plats, but I still care about the sortie being rewarding. I could buy any riven I want, but I would prefer to get it in a better way.

4 minutes ago, Sziklamester said:

Maybe but I didn't defended the devs all the time only when they are not the weak links in a subject in other subjects I critize them if they make something what not really wise to make up a community.


3 minutes ago, (PS4)Sange13 said:

Your view is invalid because it has been repeatedly debunked, and it does not retain any validity simply be repeating yourself.

Please guys, try to stay nice and not attack people.

I wouldn't want this thread closed because people are targeting each other directly. (but at least that would mean devs read the thread, which I doubt)

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Just now, Trichouette said:

Oh wait, my bad, I read "nightmare raid" instead of "nightmare sortie". Forget what I said about it, here is my opinion :

  • The reward is less random because you choose out of the rarity you got, but that would mean you ALWAYS get something useful, simply becauseat each tier (or almost) there is something useful (common > people will pick riven. uncommon > people will pick a built forma or a 3 days booster, rare > people will pick an arcane)
  • The scaling system make it that you can't possibly make something harder than sortie without making it completely stupid, forcing people to use super cheese like "full CC team"
  • you still obtain random arcane & riven which is, in my opinion, something very bad. I am suggesting in the token system the ability to choose the category for the riven, not the weapon, the category only.

It wouldn't be a good idea in my opinion... but better than what we currently have.

Yet he is the one who wrote this thread, meaning that he cares about how rewarding the sortie is EVEN THOUGH he can buy anything he wants.

in my case I have 5k plats, but I still care about the sortie being rewarding. I could buy any riven I want, but I would prefer to get it in a better way.


Please guys, try to stay nice and not attack people.

I wouldn't want this thread closed because people are targeting each other directly. (but at least that would mean devs read the thread, which I doubt)

Right said.

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2 minutes ago, Trichouette said:

Please guys, try to stay nice and not attack people.

I wouldn't want this thread closed because people are targeting each other directly. (but at least that would mean devs read the thread, which I doubt)

It's not an attack to tell him he's wrong, and that repeating himself won't change that.

Edited by (PS4)Sange13
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4 minutes ago, (PS4)Agent-7oh9 said:

well the whole pick your rewards was kinda if they left the table as is.  if they did add arcanes, it would legit just say Arcanes, so if you got the rare listing, and picked arcanes, it would get randomly give you one of the rare arcanes.  thats basically giving you one more shot the same as another raid would without giving the ability to 100% any one arcane.  It's still RNG, so wouldn't make it that easy as the riven mod you get would still be random, the arcane you get would still be random, 


I'm sorry, I do not have the disposal income you have, I can spend what I can on the game, but I do not have that kinda money to spend on the game, but just because you have spent so much money on the game, doesn't make my view point invalid.  If you buy everything of course you are not going to have to do anything and wouldn't need the rewards it gives.  Complaining that you have nothing to do when you buy everything, isn't really a way to improve a game.  I'm all for change, even if i don't like it I will accept it, I'm just voicing my opinion like everyone else where. 


It's the same thing from where I'm sitting so I guess that would make you a white knight too

I can see where your comming from and we all do our best to support DE. The token system is about allowing choice into the rewards regardless if your f2p , small spender or large spender.

Myself i would focus on rivens and arcanes / kuva if added. While it could take me 5-10 days to get one arcane. A f2p may see more value in getting say a forma or endo each day instead of saving. 😊

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This is my current fun while waiting for updates.

It's actually insanely fun to create.




I call him Nardless and he can rise up to defend his master. He will charge towards attackers using his jets on his back to increase his speed.

Come at me now Stalker!.....

Edited by (PS4)Mofojokers
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6 minutes ago, Sziklamester said:

Maybe but I didn't defended the devs all the time only when they are not the weak links in a subject in other subjects I critize them if they make something what not really wise to make up a community.

Me either, I actually stated earlier I have a couple of issues with stuff the Devs have done.  

5 minutes ago, (PS4)Sange13 said:

Your view is invalid because it has been repeatedly debunked, and it does not retain any validity simply be repeating yourself.

You are repeating yourself with no points only insults.  Learn from Trichouette, his actually defending his view point.


5 minutes ago, (PS4)Mofojokers said:

I can see where your comming from and we all do our best to support DE. The token system is about allowing choice into the rewards regardless if your f2p , small spender or large spender.

Myself i would focus on rivens and arcanes / kuva if added. While it could take me 5-10 days to get one arcane. A f2p may see more value in getting say a forma or endo each day instead of saving. 😊

I put in what I can when I can, don't get me wrong i'm not putting you don't, more power to you, i just can't do it.  The other idea with a similar system to relics would give you a choice it just wouldn't give you a 100% chance, but would give you a lot better chance.


6 minutes ago, Trichouette said:

Oh wait, my bad, I read "nightmare raid" instead of "nightmare sortie". Forget what I said about it, here is my opinion :

  • The reward is less random because you choose out of the rarity you got, but that would mean you ALWAYS get something useful, simply becauseat each tier (or almost) there is something useful (common > people will pick riven. uncommon > people will pick a built forma or a 3 days booster, rare > people will pick an arcane)
  • The scaling system make it that you can't possibly make something harder than sortie without making it completely stupid, forcing people to use super cheese like "full CC team"
  • you still obtain random arcane & riven which is, in my opinion, something very bad. I am suggesting in the token system the ability to choose the category for the riven, not the weapon, the category only.

It wouldn't be a good idea in my opinion... but better than what we currently have.

Yet he is the one who wrote this thread, meaning that he cares about how rewarding the sortie is EVEN THOUGH he can buy anything he wants.

in my case I have 5k plats, but I still care about the sortie being rewarding. I could buy any riven I want, but I would prefer to get it in a better way.

It does mean you would get something useful everyday, or at least somewhat useful.  Is it what you wanted?  No, will it take longer to get what you wanted vs a token system yes.  Vs now, no it would be quicker.  To me it seems like a happy medium between what we got and what you want.  I'm at 375 so I can't buy any mod I want.  I'm a horrible trader as well.  So I farm stuff as well, and the plat I do buy usually go towards cosmetics.  I'm here there too, 2k, 2k, lens, 2k, 4k, lens.  I know the frustration, if the sorties were actually hard, or took time, or couldn't be solo'd most days, I could support a token system.  As it is right now, its easy, too easy to have a system like that.  Plus I really don't think DE will ever go with something that ever gives us a 100% chance at giving us what we want, even if it takes days

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16 minutes ago, Trichouette said:

You accused him of trolling on purpose... That is an attack.

I wasn't talking about that particular post sorry I misquoted.

Hard to see him as much else, tbh. Attack or no, he has nothing worthwhile to contribute to this thread, and that makes him a troll.

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14 minutes ago, (PS4)Agent-7oh9 said:

It does mean you would get something useful everyday, or at least somewhat useful.  Is it what you wanted?  No, will it take longer to get what you wanted vs a token system yes.  Vs now, no it would be quicker.  To me it seems like a happy medium between what we got and what you want.

That's the problem, it's not a medium, it's even easier than a token system. (in some way)

You see the MAIN aspect of token system, is that it's fair for the players AND the devs.

Instead of obtaining instantly what you want if you get lucky, you farm for it, which is good for the devs (for obvious reasons)

As said several time, less reward, better quality.

And it's way more fair between players, instead of having some lucky people who are already at 15/15 rivens (and some others that even got a legendary core) while some others are stuck at 1/15 rivens because of how unlucky they are, you could have ALL players get the exact same loot during sorties and just decide by themselves what they want out of the loot table.


A suggestion has to be good for the players, but even better for the devs, a token system ensure that people will have to farm for what they want instead of being just lucky, but on the other hand, they'll be happy to be 100% sure of geting what they want after a certain amount of missions.


14 minutes ago, (PS4)Sange13 said:

Hard to see him as much else, tbh. Attack or no, he has nothing worthwhile to contribute to this thread, and that makes him a troll.

If you don't like his behavious toward the thread/suggestion or toward someone/you, simply ignore him.

Edited by Trichouette
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