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Please Rework Sortie Rewards Again


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I'd like to ask DE rework the sortie rewards into a token system where we collect tokens per sortie completed and we get to buy what we want/need with them instead of the rewards being random like they are currently because the current system is really annoying, especially since the "fix", where now I and the others I play with, only get lenses and endo ever since said "fix", while I got some rivens occasionally before it.

Also about your idea regarding the secondary sorties outright replacing rifle rivens in sortie rewards, huge no. Unless you plan to give us a better, less RNG way to obtain the latter ones.


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Using Human rights =/= Obligation towards better Sortie rewards.

However. There are moments when I myself go, "okay, another day without something I want.... Oh well!" I like Warframe. I REALLY like Warframe. So I have no problem with going through Sortie day after day until I get a Riven. However; I do see where you might get a teensy bit salty because RNG bit you in the privates. Could they do better? Hek yeah. We'll just have to wait and see what they do.

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24 minutes ago, SpectreXenon said:

Lot's of players have been requesting a system like this for awhile - a third currency - and at this point I'm not sure DE wants to go down that path... :/

We already have four currencies, so a fifth would be unsurprising...

Standing, Ducats, Platinum, and Credits are the current four.

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2 hours ago, SpectreXenon said:

Lot's of players have been requesting a system like this for awhile - a third currency - and at this point I'm not sure DE wants to go down that path... :/

Actually, think the token thing was originally DE's idea, they had planned on doing it at one point. You get your sortie tokens and go visit Maroo to buy stuff. But other things took higher priority and they never did it.

Edited by Ceryk
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Since it's Saturday, I'll just talk about something totally unrelated.

So I would like to bring to the attention the ice-cream consumption among Eskimos. I think they should be helped with ice-cream production to appropriately facilitate their economy according to the climate they live in.



On topic. This has been suggested plenty of times. However I doubt devs will allow a reward system in which we earn towards something instead of getting disappointed with RNG 24/7.


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20 minutes ago, NinjaKitsune56 said:

We already have four currencies, so a fifth would be unsurprising...

Standing, Ducats, Platinum, and Credits are the current four.

imo endo is a currency too think standings and credits got together and made a baby

its farmable by all(credits) and tradeable but only through an item(standings)

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2 hours ago, NinjaKitsune56 said:

We already have four currencies, so a fifth would be unsurprising...

Standing, Ducats, Platinum, and Credits are the current four.

dont forget endo

or focus

also dont forget resources, those are technically currency since you need to spend them to build stuff

and DE has no problem with adding new resources, that's for sure

Edited by alexmach1
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Just now, alexmach1 said:

dont forget endo

also dont forget resources, those are technically currency since you need to spend them to build stuff

and DE has no problem with adding new resources, that's for sure

So we've, technically, got over 30 currencies already, so Sortie Tokens wouldn't make much of a change in the situation.

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2 hours ago, Damuranashi said:

The Illuminati must be like.

"Well, today is Human Right Day. Should we finally do something good and stop all the existing belic conflicts?"

"Nah mah boi screw that. Better Warframe Sortie rewards. That's where's at."


2 hours ago, Nowe999 said:

Using Human rights =/= Obligation towards better Sortie rewards.


2 hours ago, Aurea_Hiigara said:

If the biggest human rights violation you face in your life is the reward system in a computer game, you've got it pretty damned good.

Are y'all offended in here?

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42 minutes ago, Separius said:



Are y'all offended in here?

Nah, just a poor way of trying to get your word out. Human rights is something that is (or should be) guaranteed. Saying Sortie rewards need to change to a token system because of rights of players just isn't a good way to put it. 

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14 minutes ago, Nowe999 said:

Nah, just a poor way of trying to get your word out. Human rights is something that is (or should be) guaranteed. Saying Sortie rewards need to change to a token system because of rights of players just isn't a good way to put it. 

I was just being cynical. Oh well. My whole post got rephrased now anyway. At least you responded to the substance of my post other than criticising the execution.

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I wish I had a plat for every time people ask about the Token System, I could probably afford the new bundle that's 895P...

we ALL want the Token System, but at this point I just believe it'll never happen, simply because it's too convenient for the player, and RNG is what keeps people playing. they probably scrapped it and don't have the guts to tell us, because they know how mad people would be if they said that. I still believe honesty is the best policy, but DE don't want that kind of fallout on their hands, so they'll distract us with lots of other things in the hope that people will just forget the idea of a Token System ever existed.

at least then if it does come, it'll be a nice surprise.


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I must admit I really don't like the idea of tokens for sorties. IMO it would only make the game feel even more grindy.

I'm very OK with having a chance to get what I want EVERY time I play through the daily sortie. 

What I am against is the rewards list. I can understand that there are different kinds of players,  but they are mainly two kinds in regards to this:

1. Players who are willing / able to spend cash on Platt or grind for prime parts to sell for plat,  then use Platt for most of the resources needed,  like orokin reactors,  formas,  Euxilus, lenses etc.  I assume this is in DEs interest as well that these players keep using Platt like this and hence keeping on buying more Platt? 

2. Players that are NOT willing to buy or obtain Platt for various reasons,  and hence are very happy to receive the above mentioned resources as possible rewards in addition to the other stuff like endo and riven mods. These will not fork out cash for Platt regardless of what DE does. 

So my thoughts on sortie rewards would be to be able to make a choice,  am I player type 1 or 2? Meaning would I like to have the resource stuff (pretty much all of the stuff buyable with platt from the market) in my reward pool or not. The effect of choosing NOT to have it should then lead to a smaller amount of different award posibillities in the reward pool with a larger chance for each of the ones left to drop (like riven and Endo) making this choice changeable depending on your current situation (maybe from week to week?) would make it even more useful I think. 

Or even make it possible to choose the resource part of the table only as well if anybody would want that? 

This way you would cater to all the player types and even those between as well offering quite some flexibility?

I'm one of the player type 1 mentioned above and for all the sorties I have done the last week I have got only lenses (that I find less than useless really as I already have all I need) formas and orokin blueprints, except for 1 2000 ending reward. And it is honestly getting really frustrating and annoying at this point as all I am interested in is the rivens and endo.

Especially seeing rivens are noted as common chance to get, yet nothing...

Will be even worse if DE does implement secondary rivens only going forward, without any other source for the rifle ones...

Anyhow I don't get why they make the ravens so hard to get initially anyway,  as it seems counterproductive to what they have stated they want riven mods to do? Blowing new life into old weapons and make them viable so people want to try them again?

Increase the chances for riven mods is my opinion,  it's already tough enough rng to get one for 1 or 2 specific weapons you would like to try,  not to mention rolling stats that are useful on those as well.  

Only thing the current rates encourage is insanely inflated Platt prices for riven in trade anyway and a lot of frustration... Definitely not encouraging people to try out and start using other weapons like I think the hope was. 

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i havent gotten one riven since the change. For a common reward, it doesnt feel so common.

That said, i dont mind the variety in rewards, I got a forma today, and while it wasnt the best thing in the world, it was better than more endo. 

I prefer sorties be RNG than go to a token system. A token system would make it feel like a mandatory everyday grind to keep up. It also makes turning them in feel dull. I turn in syndicate rep and there is no excitement. I collect my augs and move on. No one brags about acquiring syndicate items. A token system would kill sorties. Not only that- it wouldnt stop the complaints. People would just complain about being "forced" to grind sorties for tokens. 

they could possible do a combination of RNG rewards and a token system. Give players both at the end of a sortie, maybe increase token count based on difficulty (if there is a reliable way to measure that). A straight token system would be even more boring than what we have though.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

I wish I had a plat for every time people ask about the Token System, I could probably afford the new bundle that's 895P...

Trust me, I was asking for it in a nonconventional way. See:

7 hours ago, Aurea_Hiigara said:


If the biggest human rights violation you face in your life is the reward system in a computer game, you've got it pretty damned good.



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