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Riven Slots Post-19.3.2 Feedback


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33 minutes ago, Ciaus said:



Yea. I figured someone would quote my one misstep in explanation. I quoted six other times where I explain it correctly but my post was obnoxiously large so feel free to check the others. I understand it doesn't improve the odds of your next attempt.


10 hours ago, FlinttheImmortal said:



I'm not looking for an average result or a result for each attempt I'm looking for my chance on a specific result over a number of attempts.

How many dice rolls will I have to do in order to have a 90% probability of one of those rolls being a six.

With 13 dice rolls I have a 90.6% probability of seeing at least one six.

In case of Riven mods, I'm looking for probability similar to seeing a 1, 2, and 6 rolled in succession at X attempts.


10 hours ago, GoneBlank said:

@Xzorn Your use of the word "progression" is.......creative.


I can see where the term progression can be misinterpreted.

It works a little better dealing with more favorable odds. Or in this case if you know the odds at all.

Like if I have a 10% drop chance and it takes 1 minute to attempt I can conclude that if I spend 25 minutes attempting I will get at least one result at favorable odds (92.8%).

Rather than complain about RNG on my first 10 attempts, I can keep pushing knowing the odds are in my favor for success by the 25 minute mark.

The progression is the goal I've set for favorable odds to a result rather than the result itself I suppose.

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I have big problem in the game plz I need help .... my problem is I can't got the war within quest In spite of I done all the mark in sedna junction and when I start it the junction I lost the connection and they returned me to the ship then I restart to play it again then I see they though I finished and killed the spectre .... I didn't collect anything  and the war within quest . . I try to play it again but they didn't give it to me ... what I do ... how I got the war within quest can u   plz help me 

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So by the time the Riven mods have covered all three weapon types, collectors are basically either going to have to admit defeat or open their wallets? 

I'm a collector as in I like to try to own one of each item (useful or not) in the game. I currently (on consoles) have 3 Rifle Rivens with plenty more to collect yet only 15 slots. Reading this thread made me both sad and angry at the same time. Has anyone worked out how much plat it would take for a collector to buy enough slots once all weapons have their own Riven mod?

That's going to be trade spamming right there because I'm sure as Hell not paying for mod slots. Like everyone else who buys Platinum to show support, I'm not doing it because I have to, I'm doing it because I want to. If it gets to the point where I'm almost forced into buying it, the game has simply stopped being FTP.

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1 hour ago, Xzorn said:

Yea. I figured someone would quote my one misstep in explanation. I quoted six other times where I explain it correctly but my post was obnoxiously large so feel free to check the others. I understand it doesn't improve the odds of your next attempt.


No, I read every post of yours on that page. 
Either your definition of progress is horribly skewed, or your understanding of conditional probability (My BSc is in mathematics, I have done this s*** enough to see when someone doesn't know what they are talking about).
The "goal" to which you are progressing is entirely arbitrary and brings you no closer to actually realising a favourable outcome.

I'm going to stop, because this has been explained to you by separate people in multiple ways, but your argument makes no rational sense unless one assumes your goals or idea of progress are at all valid, which is a very very very large assumption no-one would ever make while attempting to actually accomplish anything. 

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5 hours ago, Xzorn said:

With 13 dice rolls I have a 90.6% probability of seeing at least one six.

While this is correct, it is still irrelevant with respect to with progression.  If you do not see a six in 12 rolls, the probability that the 13th roll will be a six is still, and always will be, one in six, regardless of the 90.6% probability.

Progression, in any meaningful sense of the word, starts at A and proceeds to B with a probability of arriving at B of exactly 1, not 90.6% or any other likelihood.  To reason otherwise is false and is the very reason the Gambler's Fallacy exists.

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14 hours ago, Sziklamester said:

It is stll in terms of pay to win because with this you win something which have value.

In this case, any online game with any microtransactions (because everything there has a value)
is pay to win.

Warframe has many flaws, and always some issues.
p2w never was one of them in Warframe.
Ninjas Play Free 


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20 hours ago, Sophista said:

In this case, any online game with any microtransactions (because everything there has a value)
is pay to win.

Warframe has many flaws, and always some issues.
p2w never was one of them in Warframe.
Ninjas Play Free 


The non pay to win and pay to win games differ in terms while the non pay to win games sell only cosmetic items only the real pay to win games sell power in this case slots. The weapons and frames can count to pay to win the only excuse for it the nature of this game it is the grind. You can grind them so you don't need to buy it while you need to buy slots to improve your arsenal so the game force you to spend money on it aka pay to win. Period.



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3 hours ago, Sziklamester said:

The non pay to win and pay to win games differ in terms while the non pay to win games sell only cosmetic items only the real pay to win games sell power in this case slots. The weapons and frames can count to pay to win the only excuse for it the nature of this game it is the grind. You can grind them so you don't need to buy it while you need to buy slots to improve your arsenal so the game force you to spend money on it aka pay to win. Period.


See, right there, you are wrong.
Slots are not power.
in any game mode, slots do not grant ANY increase in power.
player with 2 slots may perform as good as player with 20 slots.

If you fail ANY given mission/task/quest, Going to store and buying slots will not change anything about you loosing the quest.
If you cannot do parkour properly to reach some of secret areas, or you dont understand void challenges, more slots will not solve the issue.
If you get owned in pvp, more slots will not help.

I cannot understand how this is not common sense.
Maybe you dont know you can sell warframe to free up a slot?
Same goes with weapons.
You can obtain any weapon in game, any warframe, and play every single bit of content, WITHOUT paying a dime.


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I wouldn't mind all these layers of RNG if I had access to steady supply of rivens to experiment. I don't. Rivens doesn't feel like common drop at all, not any more at least. I got few right after they were made common reward. After that, nothing. I think two weeks have passed since I got last one. It feels like their drop rate was quietly lowered. I have hard time believing it was simply very bad luck.

Also, I don't believe Rivens were created to make low tier weapons viable. Max number per player, low drops, completely random stats, high reroll cost, lack of any disposition at the beginning and conflicting explanation of existence of cap suggest devs were fully aware people will trade overpowered mods for top tier weapons for 1000s of plat.

Rivens are decent idea but execution is very bad.

Edited by Slaviar
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11 hours ago, Sophista said:
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See, right there, you are wrong.
Slots are not power.
in any game mode, slots do not grant ANY increase in power.
player with 2 slots may perform as good as player with 20 slots.

If you fail ANY given mission/task/quest, Going to store and buying slots will not change anything about you loosing the quest.
If you cannot do parkour properly to reach some of secret areas, or you dont understand void challenges, more slots will not solve the issue.
If you get owned in pvp, more slots will not help.

I cannot understand how this is not common sense.
Maybe you dont know you can sell warframe to free up a slot?
Same goes with weapons.
You can obtain any weapon in game, any warframe, and play every single bit of content, WITHOUT paying a dime.


If you own more slots that mean you can own more weapon and frame that gives you more power overall for your arsenal that is indifferent if not directly gives power but it gives the option to own more weapon and frame and also a bad limitation like the gender locked classes in any other asian mmorpg. You are right with you can own weapons and frames without pay but in this case you should sell some of your because of stupid limitations.  I am not get what need to change your mind but if you so blind about this then there is no further to do with you.

If you not understand the limitations on this side is directly made for making money because most of the peoples won't sell their favored stuff just to try new ones other wise there is no reason to potatoe or forma stuff if you just sell them for slots. 

So pls keep it yourself this miraclous sentence : "Maybe you dont know you can sell warframe to free up a slot?"

Also again to others if you come up with the trade thingy I can tell you if others buy platinum you can trade with them otherwise noone can get platinum if you wish to stay freeby.


The slots if they wish to go on this way could be also added as mastery reward which not solve the slot things but atleast you can get some if you really not wish to pay for it.


I have far enough slots btw for future frames and weapons but the metholds and how they handle pissing me. It is a clearly pay to win because if they trust to the players then don't selling slots but they are know noone will buy weapon only the unpatient peoples so they need to generate money somehow and it is the only real way because it is MUST HAVE.


I am not sure mate about your business sense but it is a clearly pay to win element. No need to defend team like DE blindly but fanatics have in every community whom blindly defend the nothing.

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