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Tennobaum Wishlist Exchange!


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My list

- Color pallet
- Any type of decoration for the ship (statuette, resources, whatever)

- Orokin Catalyst
- Torn fashion for kulstar

- Location warframe
- Weapon Location

Will be all, thank you gifts :)

Edited by ashura210
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Hello there kind gifters, if anyone feels like gifting, heres my list (I will probably gift a few people myself on the 20th)

1. Solstice Salix Syandana

2. Warframe Slots

3. Weapon Slots

4. Orokin Color Palette

5. Excalibur Proto-Armor Skin

6. Winter Gene-Masking Kit

7. Operator Suit Collection

8.Titania Solstice Skin

9. Oberon Freyarch Skin

10. Ash Koga Skin 

I know a high priced wishlist right?

Any gift is highly appreciated, and thanks to anyone who gifts in advance :smile:


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19 minutes ago, J-Dangles said:

1 - Salvage Decoration

2 - Salvage Decoration

3 - Compacted Salvage Decoration

4 - Salvage Decoration

5 - Compacted Salvage Decoration

6 - Salvage Decoration

7 - Salvage Decoration

8 - Compacted Salvage Decoration

9 - Compacted Salvage Decoration

10 - Salvage Decoration

Anyone who wishes to contribute to my salvage yard will have my deepest gratitude. 

Merry Christmas everyone!

Thank you for my Warframe Slot :)

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15 hours ago, radastir said:

Dear Santa Clem, as every year, I have been naughty. Therefore, please don't give me a birching, just give me

1. one Forma @ashrah Three times thank you! <3

2. one Orokin Catalyst

3. one naughty Glyph (no matter which one - "Surprise!")

4. one crap Riven Mod

5. one Riven Mod slot again, @ashrah Three times thank you! <3

5. one Clem Noggle Statue @ashrah I really don't deserve this! <3

6. Fireworks.


I promise you, Dear Santa Clem, I'll try to be less naughty next year. And thank you for all the Presents.


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Happy Christmas Tenno you have what for me?

Here is my Wish list 

  1.  Kobrow Armor (Rostan or Ifrit) 
  2.  Forma Pack 
  3. Warframes (Wukong ♥ Mirage ♥ Banshee ♥)
  4. Airship Deko ALL ♥♥♥
  5. Arrow Skin *-*  @J-Dangles
  6. Booster 
  7. Weapen/Warframe Slot´s
  8. Color *~*

I am wirite behind my numbers who has Spend to me *kiss*

I hope you have a nice Christmas TIme :heart:

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Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!

Let's see here.. *ahem*


1. The new Pumpgun. When will it come!? ;-; I can't wait!

2. Valkyr Prime set, please. RNGesus is trolling me again and I'm out of required relics.

3. I want a hidden blade-type melee weapon. Ya'll know how awesome this would be ;-;

4. Better AI and stealth system.


Wait, is this about items that actually are in the game? Okay, sorry.


- Akstiletto Prime set

- Valk P.

- Nikana Prime

-...Actually that's all I need.

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Hello Santa I'm a realy good boy, I do my homeworks every day, I eat vegetables every day so bring me some gift pls! :D

This wishlist:

-Trinity Strega Skin

- Izvara Syandana

- Iliac Syandana

- Mantis Oscuro Skin

- Para Carrier 

- Edo armor  A big thx to DamnCold

- Solstice Deadalus Armor

- Orokin Reactor

-.Any skin you like, statue, weapon slot or random!


Thank Santa and take care!

Don't eat too much my chimney its small!

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Not to be greedy but:

  1. weapon slots/frame slots
  2. reactor/catalyst/adapter
  3. smoke/infested
  4. porta chest
  5. edo shoulders 
  6. excal Porto, banshee, or ash koga skin 
  7. udyat syandana or any other then Pyra

My Biggest Wish Is Hunhows Gift, Please only get me Hunhows Gift if You have the Plat And Dont Mind

Thank You Soooo Much Tennos For your Generosity and Happy Tennobaum!!!!

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Seeing as random players are sending me some gifts already, i might as well put my list. i declined to since I posted for my friend and thought that would be enough, however if some nice tenno are still going to gift me, I think it's a good idea to let them know what I want. I appreciate all the decorations I got :)

1. Relic Pack - been hunting down Ember Prime and like farming her out. 

2. Forma - In the process of building my dojo and making my synapse amazing. 

3. Anything from the display pack - I want to decrate my orbiter even more

4. New Glyphs

5. Orokin catalysts/Reactors

6. Anything for fashion frame

Thank you to @siralextraffo, @-----iseeu2-----, @Zacharyyy, and @Nate1387 for the gifts you have sent me. They were unexpected surprises and brought a smile to my face.

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41 minutes ago, J-Dangles said:

1 - Salvage Decoration @Bob_the_rabbit Boom!

2 - Salvage Decoration

3 - Compacted Salvage Decoration

4 - Salvage Decoration

5 - Compacted Salvage Decoration

6 - Salvage Decoration

7 - Salvage Decoration

8 - Compacted Salvage Decoration

9 - Compacted Salvage Decoration

10 - Salvage Decoration

Anyone who wishes to contribute to my salvage yard will have my deepest gratitude. 

Merry Christmas everyone!

Thank you @Bob_the_rabbit for your contribution!

Also, thank you @SolidBeast for the Color Palette! A very generous gift indeed.

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