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Post Anything New That You Find Out About The Infested Room [The Infection Spreads Through Player Contact In Missions & Dojos!]


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Boy, this is gonna rustle alot of people who are about fashion.

I'm not keen on the whole infection myself either, it'd ruin appearances imo.

Hopefully DE add a way to either hide it from view, or remove it completely, i'm all up for being infected IF it's for the story for example, but don't give us these things which we have no control over, specifically appearance.

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So, as some of you may know Helminth can infect you and cause a nasty pimple on your neck after you get Nidus. Me, not being aware of this when I sat in the chair decided to look up more information on the wiki. 


According to the wiki, infecting another player or another operator gives us moon alignment points. What about those who wish to stay pure sun or remain neutral? Must we hang up any frame that gets infected to prevent the loss of alignment, or is this a false piece of information?

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I'm having to curb my language for the sake of forum..
But I am -superbly- salty.

Don't you dare make me delete my Hydroid, build a new one, and play solo.
If that's how this is gonna go, then to hell with the clan I started over a year ago.
To hell with updates, the community, multiplayer..
That's how you want to play it, guys?

Get this silly nonsense off my Hydroid.
2 years with this ol' boy.
Your new frame BS can Seriously stuff it DEEP.

What ever it is you're planning, Hop - To - It.
Make it stop. Make the spore stop. Make it stop.

Edited by kapn655321
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23 minutes ago, Nightbane13 said:

that's thanks to Void_Glitch he posted all the info on the cysts a 5 hours ago on reddit.

Anyway I do not think any of this is true what people are saying. I stood next to someone and " Infected them" The animation lasts about 2 seconds and then its gone " Unless i am missing something than it seems to be temp

Now it could very well be that this is the same thing that wow did with its " Scourge " and how you could infect others. I hope not because from what i read that was very annoying.


Edit -  Anyway I still think this whole infestiation thing is wrong.. I am all for it.. But to randomly infect others and have people do it on purpose. That is just wrong because there are some that do not want to become infected and yet someone does it to them on purppose.

DE please add the option to approve to be infected when someone tries to infect you. to give everyone a choice because if i am a new player and got this infection.. I might consider Rage quiting but again that is just me.. I personally like choices 

Edited by DarthMelchom
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"When Nidus gets close to another Warframe or Operator with said cyst, he will infect them with an infestation, which washes the nearby Warframe or Operator in a brown blur before disappearing. leaving a small brown cloud. This can only be done once to each Warframe or user. "

this is what the wiki says is it a bug that causes it to not disappear or do you just not like it?

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Just now, maxpixel said:

"When Nidus gets close to another Warframe or Operator with said cyst, he will infect them with an infestation, which washes the nearby Warframe or Operator in a brown blur before disappearing. leaving a small brown cloud. This can only be done once to each Warframe or user. "

this is what the wiki says is it a bug that causes it to not disappear or do you just not like it?

If I read correctly those infected will ALSO get the cyst, exactly how Nidus will have one. and there is currently no way to remove said cyst.

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When Vor did this to me, I killed him.

Other than making me want to Face F--- every nidus that ever enters conclave for the rest of time, I can't see how this is meant to do anything but make players regret multiplayer.

We pay money for looks on our frames, DE. Don't do this to us.
Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop.

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Just now, PsiWarp said:

The little cyst will be a new mechanic in the future sure, but meanwhile I wish they'd let us hide it in the customization menu somehow.


I'm fine with it being a mechanic, but why couldn't it be hidden, why do people have to play solo now if they don't want their appearance destroyed by these things.

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Just now, Darkneblade_TR said:


  Hide contents

it will eventually go bigger at 7 days you get option to remove in the chair and place it one of kubrows (helmith charger)


What about those without Nidus, we can't access the chair at all, so we have to deal with having this cyst forever right?

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