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Remove the Infested Cyst


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3 minutes ago, Retoirdascion said:

i have a zit, i wont go to school till it goes away. < u sound like my little sister

Except this is a giant purple throbbing zit 1/4 the size of Mag's head that apparently won't ever go away...

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It seems many may dislike the idea of a cyst appearing and ruining their FashionFrame, but I think your reaction is bit overreacted. I'm sure it will be handled soon enough, but letting a cyst on the necks of your warframes ruin the whole game for you is irrational.

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1 minute ago, Calwon5 said:

It seems many may dislike the idea of a cyst appearing and ruining their FashionFrame, but I think your reaction is bit overreacted. I'm sure it will be handled soon enough, but letting a cyst on the necks of your warframes ruin the whole game for you is irrational.

You'd be upset if you spent a lot of effort to get rid of something that annoyed you, purposely (and inconveniently) went out of your way to avoid getting it again, then got it again anyway too...

Edited by FergyA
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17 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

Maybe you will get a ban first.

But honestly when will you keep it down? Give them time. The holidays just ended. They have to figure out a way to make alot of people happy. There are people like you who never want the cyst back. There are people who want to breed alot of chargers and therefore need the cyst. And there are people who never got the cyst and want the charger.
And so on...
And figuring all that out takes a lot of time...


6 minutes ago, Invisum said:

I'm all for letting them figure these things out, but maybe it would have been better to never add forced (repulsive imo) cosmetic changes in the first place without a way to stop it? The problem isn't that they need to "figure out a way" the problem is that they didn't wait to release this thing until they had both ready. Warframe has a history of getting systems added that aren't nearly finished, this one just bothers me immeasurably more than other ones do. Getting systems like syndicates or focus that don't seem finished at release? Eh, I can live with that, but the cyst? I can't hardly look at the thing with shuddering / getting itches. Every time I log in I see it, shudder, and maybe run mission or two before I log off again. The infested don't bother me, but some combination of it throbbing, the "hair," and the fact that I cannot get rid of it make it immeasurably more frustrating.

As for it being the holidays, personally I think it would be much preferable to get maybe a minor update or even just a tactical alert vs releasing what they typically do over the break. I can't really imagine it's ever a good idea to release a bunch of additions / changes and then just put all feedback on hold for 3 weeks.

They are on VACATION.

Stop acting like a toddler and wait patiently, it's not hurting or affecting your game play.

Just stop staring at it.

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9 minutes ago, Invisum said:

I'm all for letting them figure these things out, but maybe it would have been better to never add forced (repulsive imo) cosmetic changes in the first place without a way to stop it?

Fun part about this is: Warframe is in beta. That's what the devs say about their game. And you accepted that fact when you started playing. So you have no right whatsoever to cry about that cyst over and over again.
One thread criticising that thing is fine. 10 threads every day is stupid and wont help.

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1 minute ago, goomowiec said:

Everything would be better if cyst - once drained - never appear again on frame. 

Seriously, I wouldn't complain about this one bit. If someone needs more than 44 chargers (one for every frame in the game) I'm sure farming/building a new frame is the least of their troubles.

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7 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

Fun part about this is: Warframe is in beta. That's what the devs say about their game. And you accepted that fact when you started playing. So you have no right whatsoever to cry about that cyst over and over again.
One thread criticising that thing is fine. 10 threads every day is stupid and wont help.

I am aware it's in beta. And I have every right to speak my mind, nowhere in that beta agreement did I sign that away. I'm not starting threads, but when I see one I sometimes weigh in just to give a better picture of the number of people who feel a certain way about it. Besides, I was trying to add to the conversation rather than just calling something stupid.


11 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

They are on VACATION.

Stop acting like a toddler and wait patiently, it's not hurting or affecting your game play.

Just stop staring at it.

As I said, I personally would prefer that they just take their vacation without feeling pressed to release something quickly beforehand. That's my opinion and you're free to disagree, but belittling me does not progress the conversation.

Edited by Invisum
Added reply to SilvaDreams rather than multi-post
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10 minutes ago, goomowiec said:

Everything would be better if cyst - once drained - never appear again on frame.

Yeees, 125k credits, two rare resources that can't be stored and one day per frame tax would be so much better.

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21 minutes ago, Calwon5 said:

It seems many may dislike the idea of a cyst appearing and ruining their FashionFrame, but I think your reaction is bit overreacted. I'm sure it will be handled soon enough, but letting a cyst on the necks of your warframes ruin the whole game for you is irrational.

I don't think his reaction is overrated. I would be quite upset too if DE release how many hot fixes since the Nidus update and none of them included a cure for cyst. The cyst would easily upset me aswell.

Edited by (XB1)Cash201293
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Do people really think that, in a game that makes a sizeable amount of its revenue on cosmetics, the developers would permanently affect customization in an intentionally negative way? I think people are forgetting a few things:

  • DE have already stated that they would add a way to remove the cyst after they are back from their holiday break.
  • Spreading the cysts does not affect moral alignment - this was a misunderstanding by some players after playing The Glast Gambit, as that has decisions in it that affect your alignment.
  • The cysts at least have a use - to create Helminth Chargers. Who knows if it might also serve a story purpose, like the Ascaris?

It's just conjecture, but to me, this stuff was obviously pushed out quickly before DE's break. Look at the Helminth Chargers using normal Kubrow skeletons, for example. Or the bugginess regarding the collaring of said Chargers, or the bugginess of Ordis' lines when opening the infested door. Or the fact that there is currently no way to permanently remove the cysts. It's just a guess, but I think DE just wanted to get this stuff out before break so we'd have something interesting to occupy our minds with until they're back in their offices. And it should be noted that we still got hotfixes for other things during said break. I don't think they intend to disservice their playerbase.

This does not affect gameplay. This barely even affects fashionframe. All this hysteria -  between this and Snowday Showdown -  is ridiculous. If this is how the community is going to react every time DE do something new or different, especially when what they do is as innocuous as these things, what do you expect to happen? 

Chill out, people.

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be glad i don't run warframe, i would make everyone who whines about the cyst have it all over their warframes and can never be removed. they told you and everyone else they are doing more with, as well as a cure for it. so ya best option is to sit down and just wait. plus there is a stage to it more then just a silly pet you can get if you leave it to grow for longer then a week.

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12 minutes ago, schilds said:

Draining it to create a pet isn't the cure. They haven't released the cure yet. I don't think the cure will be in a hotfix, it will be in the next story update.



Well if that's the case I hope they can speed it up because it's causing quite a bit of people to temporarily leave the game (my friends included) until it gets sorted out.

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14 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

I say put an extra cyst for every topic created about the cyst.

It would be great ... for each "special" fashionframe maniac that create a new post about this , DE delay 1 week the cure (it will solve the problem and DE will have months to work in this )  .

Edited by Yagamilight123
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33 minutes ago, Trowicia said:

Well if that's the case I hope they can speed it up because it's causing quite a bit of people to temporarily leave the game (my friends included) until it gets sorted out.

If your friends leave the game because of such a minor thing they are not exactly the sort of customer DE is looking for in the first place.

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