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Valkyr Prime Build without ETERNAL WAR MOD ?? Possible ??



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12 hours ago, (Xbox One)ButterHunter20 said:

Ok so I just got Valkyrie Prime and she looks amazing. But I'm struggling on building here since I don't have the ETERNAL WAR mod :(( I'm not in the syndicate that have it :((( 

So I came here for suggestions on building here without the damn ETERNAL WAR mod 

any suggestions ?? Preciate all helps 

If u want it, add me on xbone ill hook u up

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On Ngày 24 tháng 02 năm 2017 at 3:35 PM, Suncake said:

Wow, just look at all those tags.

Your best bet is to get Eternal War since it's really good. As already was said, sell something for plat and get the mod, or ask your friends/clannies if they can give it to you. Anyway, here's my build WITH Eternal War. Even if you can't get the augment, it works fine.

So with the build like this works without Eternal war too ?? If so what should I replace it with ???

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5 minutes ago, (Xbox One)ButterHunter20 said:

So with the build like this works without Eternal war too ?? If so what should I replace it with ???

Whatever you think you need the most. You can put Constitution for a bit more duration or Armored Agility for armor and speed or something else.

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2 minutes ago, (Xbox One)ButterHunter20 said:

Ok tks for all the helps :)) 

but another problem I have no rage :/ is that a big deal ?? How to replace it ?

Rage helps you with energy. Not a big deal, but quite handy. Replace it with energy restores and Zenurik passive, if you feel short on energy.

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15 minutes ago, (Xbox One)ButterHunter20 said:

Ok tks for all the helps :)) 

but another problem I have no rage :/ is that a big deal ?? How to replace it ?

I dont use rage because i have arcanes, but rage is good to gather energy because of valkyr's health and armor. If u dont have it yet I would use flow or prime flow. And yeah dude u can add me. U in a clan?

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I dunno man, even my 100% Hysteria build uses Eternal War.


It's not as important as a build that fights outside Hysteria but it's free attack speed that no other mod is really gunna match.

A perma Hysteria build isn't really cheap though so if you're new; I'd just trade for the augment and do the typical Eternal War build.

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39 minutes ago, (Xbox One)FCastle74 said:

I dont use rage because i have arcanes, but rage is good to gather energy because of valkyr's health and armor. If u dont have it yet I would use flow or prime flow. And yeah dude u can add me. U in a clan?

Yes I'm in but as I said I don't have gold so I'm really scared that I'm going to get kicked since I can't go online == 

I'd love to join a clan not kicking me :3 

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21 minutes ago, (Xbox One)FCastle74 said:

If your building Valkyr you really want Steel Charge.

You might want Corrosive Projection even more.

This is a judgement call you'll make with experience. There are arguments for all of these three auras (it really comes down to CP vs. SC, though). My Valkyr runs CP. My ValkP runs SC. Of course, SC is great out of pure convenience, since Valk starts with this polarity and requires no further work--and it does work and work well.

If you spend a great deal of time in hysteria or equipping melee, SC can have the most benefit as long as enemy level is around 100 or less. At extremely high enemy levels, CP is better. Also, if you're running with teammates who have CP, CP is better all around. Energy siphon is kinda nice for stooging around very low level missions, but really anything will do. Rage is what is most reliable at keeping the energy bar full--but that assumes a very strong EHP build, though, again, that depends what level of enemies you're facing.

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28 minutes ago, Sloan441 said:

You might want Corrosive Projection even more.

This is a judgement call you'll make with experience. There are arguments for all of these three auras (it really comes down to CP vs. SC, though). My Valkyr runs CP. My ValkP runs SC. Of course, SC is great out of pure convenience, since Valk starts with this polarity and requires no further work--and it does work and work well.

If you spend a great deal of time in hysteria or equipping melee, SC can have the most benefit as long as enemy level is around 100 or less. At extremely high enemy levels, CP is better. Also, if you're running with teammates who have CP, CP is better all around. Energy siphon is kinda nice for stooging around very low level missions, but really anything will do. Rage is what is most reliable at keeping the energy bar full--but that assumes a very strong EHP build, though, again, that depends what level of enemies you're facing.

I use venka p with malicious raptor on Valkyr P Naramon build. x3 combo multiplier can shredd 140s. Because of the finisher and high crit with corrosive status for me I would rather have SC. But yes CP is nice to have in the squad also. 

Edited by (XB1)FCastle74
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Rage is kind of a pain to get.

I've gotten a few from napalms, but the drop rate is extremely low.

It will pop out of Orokin containers, but, again, drop rate is low.

Transmuting is an option, but an expensive one.

It's a rare mod. Just run missions where it can show up and hope for the best.


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22 minutes ago, (Xbox One)ButterHunter20 said:

I know SC is good cuz it cope w/ Valkyr fast speed and it also gives 18 cap points.CP is good against high lvl enemy.

but the thing is that I don't have Rage :/ so I need energy as flow add a lot but I can't fill it up == 

Any way to get rage easier ?? Not trading cuz I have no gold 

I got a few from doing saturn survivals, they drop from napalms. 

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Can Valkyr work without eternal war? Yes. Absolutely, I've been playing her since before eternal war was added, and she's consistently been powerful as all hell.

That said, there really isn't a valid reason to be running Valkyr without eternal war. Its cheap, and even if you don't have plat, you could trade another faction mod for it. Also, the only situation in which you wouldn't want eternal war would be one in which you can't reliably get melee kills, and under those circumstances, you probably wouldn't want to play Valkyr anyways.

This is my standard build for Valkyr Prime: https://goo.gl/eHW5QQ

Ironically, its called Eternal War Valkyr, and its the prime variant of warframe builder's first eternal war build. If you wanted to run it without eternal war, I'd recommend swapping out the mod with something like streamline, armored agility, or intensify, but I would not recommend passing up on eternal war. 

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So, everyone seems to be missing the part where the OP says they don't have Xbox Live Gold. Obviously they can play the game, but there may be restrictions on what they can do; I personally have Gold, so I have no idea what restrictions there may or may not be in-game. They've said they're in the wrong Syndicate for getting Eternal War, and trading may not be an option for them. If they can trade without having Gold, then someone who knows that for sure should actually say so, as it otherwise looks like everyone is just ignoring anything except the initial question.

OP, as has been stated, you can havea build that doesn't use Eternal War. However, Warcry is unusually expensive for a 2, and Valkyr's Power pool is mediocre at best. Having to cast Warcry every 30 seconds is going to eat most of her Power, and leave her unable to use Hysteria for even short durations. Eternal War, coupled with an aggressive playstyle (which is kind of Valkyr's thing) does so much to alleviate her Energy issues. In fact, if you're playing Valkyr regularly, I would suggest giving some serious thought to switching Syndicates so you can work on getting Eternal War. It really is that good.

As for Rage, it's both an Energy generation tool to allow her to cast Warcry more, and a survivability tool to ensure that she always has the Energy to activate Hysteria to get some healing when her health is low. It even helps her offensively, as it allows her to make use of Channeling attacks. Given that we have limited mod space, having a mod that does multiple things on it's own is great, and Valkyr's kit allows her to make excellent use of Rage.

The flip side of that, though, is that Rage doesn't generate Energy if you don't take damage, so it's useless in perma-Hysteria builds. However, it's now pretty difficult to actually do a perma-Hysteria build, so Rage is still pretty good for her.

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21 hours ago, (Xbox One)D34thst41ker said:

So, everyone seems to be missing the part where the OP says they don't have Xbox Live Gold. Obviously they can play the game, but there may be restrictions on what they can do; I personally have Gold, so I have no idea what restrictions there may or may not be in-game. They've said they're in the wrong Syndicate for getting Eternal War, and trading may not be an option for them. If they can trade without having Gold, then someone who knows that for sure should actually say so, as it otherwise looks like everyone is just ignoring anything except the initial question.

OP, as has been stated, you can havea build that doesn't use Eternal War. However, Warcry is unusually expensive for a 2, and Valkyr's Power pool is mediocre at best. Having to cast Warcry every 30 seconds is going to eat most of her Power, and leave her unable to use Hysteria for even short durations. Eternal War, coupled with an aggressive playstyle (which is kind of Valkyr's thing) does so much to alleviate her Energy issues. In fact, if you're playing Valkyr regularly, I would suggest giving some serious thought to switching Syndicates so you can work on getting Eternal War. It really is that good.

As for Rage, it's both an Energy generation tool to allow her to cast Warcry more, and a survivability tool to ensure that she always has the Energy to activate Hysteria to get some healing when her health is low. It even helps her offensively, as it allows her to make use of Channeling attacks. Given that we have limited mod space, having a mod that does multiple things on it's own is great, and Valkyr's kit allows her to make excellent use of Rage.

The flip side of that, though, is that Rage doesn't generate Energy if you don't take damage, so it's useless in perma-Hysteria builds. However, it's now pretty difficult to actually do a perma-Hysteria build, so Rage is still pretty good for her.

Few questions :)) cuz I don't get it much

1) So u suggested that I have to change the syndicate ?

2) Trading without gold is not possible ? Ofcourse ?

3) I don't do hysteria build since it got nerfed so I know rage is a mod support her well. That's why I'm asking on how to get it easily 


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1. Yes, I would personally suggest changing Syndicates, BUT ONLY IF VALKYR IS YOUR PRIMARY FRAME. It's a lot of time, effort, money, and some rarer materials to get any Syndicate maxed so you can buy Augment mods; it's not just going to happen overnight. If you're going to put yourself through that, it needs to be worth it. Pretty much every response here has basically said that Eternal War is amazing for Valkyr, so in that regard, switching is the way to go. However, the important thing to consider is how much you use Valkyr. If she's your favorite frame and you use her for pretty much everything, then yes, make the switch; it's a lot of effort, but in exchange, the Frame you like the most will be as good as she can get. On the other hand, if you're not interested in maining her, and just want to throw a build together for those few times you do decide to pull her out, then it is definitely not worth the investment to switch Syndicates. Unfortunately, without a specific statement to the contrary, the general assumption is that you want to main Valkyr, so all advice has been from that point of view.

2. It just seems odd to me that the lack of Gold would restrict one part of an online game (trading and grouping), but not any other (such as being able to play at all). You may very well not be able to trade, but I personally am wondering how that works with a game like Warframe that requires you to be online in order to play at all. After all, you're already online the moment you fire up the game. Combine that with the fact that the multiplayer aspect isn't a separate mode, and I'm wondering if trading and grouping are actually restricted. Maybe they are; maybe Microsoft required DE to make the game check whether the account playing has Gold, and implement restrictions if it doesn't, when the game was ported to consoles. Because I haven't seen anyone say "I tried to trade when I didn't have Gold and got an error message in-game", I'm hesitant to simply say you can't trade. Why? Because if I say so, and I'm wrong, then I've denied you access to the quickest and easiest way to get Eternal War based on nothing more than an assumption, and I really don't want to do that to you.

3. In that case, killing Napalms is your best bet. Orokin Void containers have a simply massive loot pool, whereas Napalms should have a smaller pool. Unfortunately, it's been so long since I got mine that I don't remember how I got it, so I can't suggest any good locations to farm Napalms. Sorry.

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On 2/25/2017 at 8:53 AM, (Xbox One)ButterHunter20 said:

So with the build like this works without Eternal war too ?? If so what should I replace it with ???

If you had to replace eternal war replace it with your build constitution because you want as much power duration as you can for how many seconds you can hold with war cry or you can replace it with blind rage and have a lot of armor but sacrifice more energy consumption. My opinion if you can hold war cry for about 25 to 30 seconds your doing pretty good with out the eternal war mod

Edited by (XB1)Panzer 4J
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You guys can use these as reference material I would love feed back it would be helpful.This is my overall armor build for myself and a team it works well but I still use life strike on my melee so I don't get too low on health but at the same time I can use hysteria with a consumption of 1.8 energy a second, with the power strength its at I have 140 percent more armor. even though I don't have the mods maxed out its still a good build not to bad.


This is my hysteria build as well you guys can use as a reference


Edited by (XB1)Panzer 4J
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