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The Best Defense - Melee Creation Contest!


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Name: Aeger Veritas

Faction: Tenno

Weapon Type: Scythe

Description: "Bearing the emblem of the clan that forged it, this Painful Truth will end all Lies, no matter how Beautiful."

(First off let me state I am not very artistic so this is a very rough outline)
A triple bladed scythe specializing in long reach and slash and puncture damage. The differently coloured parts would be the different areas that can be coloured, except for where the emblem is, i was hoping that it would be uncolourable since it is meant to reference the clan it 'came from', so to speak. I was thinking maybe a silver colour for the bulk of the blades.

Also since new weapons usually bring a stance with them, I'd had an idea for a few stance move unlocks for an accompanying stance:
Rank 1 Unlock: Crimson Tithe (maybe proc puncture?)
Rank 2 Unlock: Shinigami's Requiem (was thinking heavy overhand swing, maybe knockdown?)
Rank 3 Unlock: Calamitous Moon (lunging, circular spinning slashes with heavy damage and hard forward momentum, maybe force slash procs)

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Thanks for the amazing Admin work, Megan! Please accept my contest submission below.

Weapon Name: Baransu

Faction: Orokin

Weapon Grip: Sparring (Hirudo, Obex, Kogake)

Brief Description: The twelve orbs of the Baransu are linked by magnetic tethers and controlled by the neural synapses sent to the wearer’s palms that are then decoded by the gloves to initiate movement. Created after the discovery of the surviving children from the Zariman Ten Zero wreckage to harness and strengthen their void abilities, these kinetic orbs were originally used as a tool for meditative practices. In the hands of an experienced Tenno, however, these high impact orbs are able to deliver powerful short-range attacks and sweeping strikes.



If you like my  design please upvote  this post.  Insanely good   designs so far, guys!  (Shout out to Kobi,  Senketsu, LoveYourEnemy,  EternalDrk Mako, SilverBones)

Edited by (XB1)Council Six
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9 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Council Six said:

Thanks for the amazing Admin work, Megan! Please accept my contest submission below.

Weapon Name: Baransu

Faction: Orokin

Weapon Grip: Sparring (Hirudo, Obex, Kogake)

Brief Description: The twelve orbs of the Baransu are linked by magnetic tethers and controlled by the neural synapses sent to the wearer’s palms that are then decoded by the gloves to initiate movement. Created after the discovery of the surviving children from the Zariman Ten Zero wreckage to harness and strengthen their void abilities, these kinetic orbs were originally used as a tool for meditative practices. In the hands of an experienced Tenno, however, these high impact orbs are able to deliver powerful short-range attacks and sweeping strikes.



If you like my  design please upvote  this post.  Insanely good   designs so far, guys!  (Shout out to Kobi,  Senketsu, LoveYourEnemy,  EternalDrk Mako)


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4 hours ago, LoveYourEnemy said:


FACTION: Grineer (Kuva Fortress Themed)

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: (Split-Sword: Heavy Blade & Dual Sword Stances) A mysterious sword evoking the corrupting power and strength of the Twin Queens.

[temp ideas, needs tweaking] The Kuva coursing through the blades is used to absorb the life force of fallen enemies. In its Heavy blade form, life force is absorbed in the form of energy on multi-kills or health on finishers. Split into its Dual Swords form, life force is absorbed in the form of health from channeling kills or energy from stealth kills. 



(Note: think about the two blades as the blades of scissors, move them in a certain way and they come apart. I may add more details and illustrations if I have time)

I'm feeling myself

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26 minutes ago, (Xbox One)ForsakenMoon13 said:


While I appreciate the feedback, try to 'free your mind' for just a moment. Prayer beads and meditation balls have been around since long before Overwatch was released in 2016. In fact, I drew more inspiration from Akuma from the early Street Fighter games than Zenyatta.

Here's a wiki on Mala (prayer beads/necklaces) in buddist culture: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhist_prayer_beads

Here's one on Baoding meditation balls: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baoding_balls

21 minutes ago, --DSP-- said:

Gaze into the Iris....

It makes more sense as a secondary or Primary though. 

Possibly, but I I was aiming more at the lack of martial arts inspired melee options. I think the single-target-to-short-range melee concept isn't absurd since we already have ranged melee options like the glaive, redeemer, etc. I appreciate the feedback though!

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Finally found finished.... A Sword/gunblade featuring a rose gold finish. A bow like structure from Tenno faction, elegant yet deadly like all weapons of orokin era, I balanced it to resemble many plays styles hope it's picked. Id love the support thanks DE. Plus something else is in the works...involving animation. Would love permission- thanks for an amazing game
Edited by (XB1)Eric Sky 324
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eDt8kdO.jpgWxmCGWa.jpg FACTION: Grineer

NAME: Yin & Yang

GRIP: Much like the shield on the Ack & Brunt.

This is a two piece melee weapon. When holstered on back the two pieces join creating a type of shell to protect the warframe from melee attacks from behind taking most of the damage.  When equipped the two pieces can be joined to block but when separated they deliver impact and puncture damage and are used like claw weapons. Each piece has a spike represented where the small circles would be on a yin yang. 

Edited by (XB1)PR0C
Mispelled a few words
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My Concept weapon is basically based on some weapons that already exist actually- but adding/changing them somewhat and making it very unique…

Faction: :orokin: Orokin

Grip: Bo or Pole-arm

My melee weapon is ALSO a primary weapon! In primary mode, hitting the fire button once, it will take a second or so to charge (like the Javlok) and fire an energy projectile (two handed). When holding the fire button, it with charge up, adding more rounds to the shot, to the maximum of about 6 rounds (maximum clip size), then effectively discharging 6 rounds at once when released. 

The weapon switches to melee with no delay. When hitting the secondary attack in melee mode, it will fire a single shot (taking into account the amount of ammo in the clip)

This weapon will use up 2 weapon inventory slots, and equips both primary and melee slots (and use relevant mods).

Below is my (rather poor) concept drawing


Edited by Ktsteyn
changed the faction
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Faction: Clearly label which faction this weapon belongs to
Brief Description: Include a grip-type and description of your weapon (max 100 words)

I didn't read anything that indicated what faction this weapon belongs to, also there's WAY too much to read. Is there a way you can shorten your post to at most 100 words?

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18 minutes ago, Xamerzan said:


Faction: Clearly label which faction this weapon belongs to
Brief Description: Include a grip-type and description of your weapon (max 100 words)

I didn't read anything that indicated what faction this weapon belongs to, also there's WAY too much to read. Is there a way you can shorten your post to at most 100 words?

Thanks for correcting me- I edited my post- i hope the concept still stays 'intact'. ;)

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On 05.03.2017 at 1:32 PM, Calapsar said:

Charge Attacks (Optional: you may want to replace blast physical damage to elemental, based on the color of energy?)
Physical Damage     1000.0
Impact     100.0
Puncture    850.0
Slash    50.0

Charge Time     2.5 sec/charge

:orokin:Сharged shot puts 100%(depends on % charge) fire damage buff to melee attacks, which gradually decreases by 1% every 0.1 seconds

(the blade is heated by a shot but cools down quickly)


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Trying my luck:


Weapon type/stance: Fist/Gauntlet (furax,tekko)

Faction: Tenno

Brief desc:

- Huge Fire & Slash as base damage

- Low crits & High status

- The flaming protuding parts ARENHORNS, those are BLADES ( will refine it to look more like blades ) have metal texture & covered in flames.

- The knuckles parts is similar to chroma's mantle.

- The circle parts are orbs (glowing with energy color)


- Stagger parry doesnt require channelling

- Parrying reflects projectiles/range attacks back to attackers

- Cannot parry while channelling. Instead blocking absorb 90% damage for charge attack. Has a %age indicator on top screen. Damage % is affected by mod (more damage = slow %, less dmg = quicker %)

- There are 2 charge attacks. Below 100% channel block & above 100%. Above 100% charge attack: a ground slam of 12m radius with blast + current mod elements (like grineer melee unit's ground slam). range is affected by reach mod.



Edited by (PS4)ATreidezz
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7 hours ago, (Xbox One)ForsakenMoon13 said:




7 hours ago, (Xbox One)Council Six said:

Thanks for the amazing Admin work, Megan! Please accept my contest submission below.

Weapon Name: Baransu

Faction: Orokin

Weapon Grip: Sparring (Hirudo, Obex, Kogake)

Brief Description: The twelve orbs of the Baransu are linked by magnetic tethers and controlled by the neural synapses sent to the wearer’s palms that are then decoded by the gloves to initiate movement. Created after the discovery of the surviving children from the Zariman Ten Zero wreckage to harness and strengthen their void abilities, these kinetic orbs were originally used as a tool for meditative practices. In the hands of an experienced Tenno, however, these high impact orbs are able to deliver powerful short-range attacks and sweeping strikes.



If you like my  design please upvote  this post.  Insanely good   designs so far, guys!  (Shout out to Kobi,  Senketsu, LoveYourEnemy,  EternalDrk Mako)

(DE) you have to make this happen!!

By far the most complete and original design... can you imagine a Dojo duel with theses gauntlets? OMG!!

and fashion frame with them holstered as a necklace, they definitely would deserve a prisma effect in my opinion

Ohhh If Nathan Tenno had these instead of a Glaive then he would never have been infected!!! :D

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Recommended Name: Zamorin

Faction: Grineer (Queens' Immortal Guard)

Brief Description:

This weapon was inspired from Asian weaponry like the Kesheg. It takes the idea from the Dark Split-Sword: it can be a polearm or a dual "sword", but Tenno can unfasten the Zamorin to turn them into hatchets on-the-fly and vice-versa with a single twist by using the middle mouse button to quickly switch the mod loadouts.

In addition, while the hatchets can be used like other dual blades, Tenno would find it more efficient to just keep the off-hand in reverse grip due to the twisting action - calling for an idea for a new dual blade stance.


BTW, sorry if my Grineer is not that good XD

And oh, in case which specific "Asian" culture I'm referring to for the inspiration behind the weapon, it's South Asian ;)

Edited by Artemicia
Testing image size form photobucket; added info on source of idea
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On March 12, 2017 at 11:42 AM, SCHREY said:

Concept Kendjav shield Main idea is use shiled as main weapon so you can easaly switch between secondary and melee weapon. In use with secondary weapon- use greneer shiled boy animation(position\stance). In use with melee weapon- use Ack and Brunt animation(position\stance). Can be created in greneer lab. For crafting it you need 10 greener shield plates(drop from eximus shield boys) Stats- Mastery lvl 10 \ Attack speed 0.9 \ Physical damage 75 \ Crit chance 2.5 \ Crit multiplier 3.5x \ Status chanse 25% \ Slam attack 75 \ Slide attack 130 \ Wall attack 350 
Blocking absorb elemental damage\physical damage. Blocking can be preform while sprinting with melee weapon.
When use with secondary wepon movement speen dicreased and sprinting cant be performed, also in that stance abcorbing all incoming frontal damage(like those boys --) Cant be used with empty melee slot,because it using melee weapon mods.

 Inspired by hate to shielded greneers absobring and knokin down. If this idea made it to the game- please use same knockdown sound ^^ 

Ps sorry for my english(coment response will take a while) Cheers! 0083cdd41038f39b60e416bcd922de6b.jpg

I like this.

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If you had lived before the Old War, you would have had a feeling of profound respect, maybe even of fear, by crossing one of the Lua's Guardians proudly wearing his Munburedo at the turn of an alley. 



Edited by (PS4)Devas
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9 hours ago, (Xbox One)Council Six said:

Thanks for the amazing Admin work, Megan! Please accept my contest submission below.

Weapon Name: Baransu

Faction: Orokin

Weapon Grip: Sparring (Hirudo, Obex, Kogake)

Brief Description: The twelve orbs of the Baransu are linked by magnetic tethers and controlled by the neural synapses sent to the wearer’s palms that are then decoded by the gloves to initiate movement. Created after the discovery of the surviving children from the Zariman Ten Zero wreckage to harness and strengthen their void abilities, these kinetic orbs were originally used as a tool for meditative practices. In the hands of an experienced Tenno, however, these high impact orbs are able to deliver powerful short-range attacks and sweeping strikes.



If you like my  design please upvote  this post.  Insanely good   designs so far, guys!  (Shout out to Kobi,  Senketsu, LoveYourEnemy,  EternalDrk Mako)

This looks so cool , that I might start playing again :o

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Weapon Name: Ripkor

Faction: Greineer

Weapon Grip: Heavy Blade

Brief Description: Heavily inspired by the Ripkas. When channeling the sawblades move so fast that only a sparking line of energy is visible.
As result it attacks faster und does more damage when channeling. And the special Kuva-fuel ignition should give it an armor reducing effect a la shattering impact each time Slash damage is applied to the enemy when channeling.





Stat recomandation:

attack Speed: 0.9 (1.1 when channeling)
Slash: 70
Puncture: 10
Impact: 5

Channeling dmg: 3x
Channeling cost: 5
Critical chance: 10% (20% when channeling)
Critical Multiplier: 2x
Status chance: 10%

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Here's my idea.

The image should explain enough


Basically the Alt fire turns this awesome nikana hybrid into a gun that shoots a sword....HOW IS THAT NOT THE COOLEST THING EVER.

I want to add an image of how it's being held but just imagine it being in the nikana grip with blind justice equipped.

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