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The Best Defense - Melee Creation Contest!


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On 4/3/2017 at 5:52 AM, Casardis said:



Faction: Infested

Brief Description: An infested amalgamate that evolved into a Gas-breathing hammer, this biological hazard digests matter, turning them into noxious particle bombs to spit at its foes. Combo counter doesn't give damage multiplier, but instead fills its Gas reserve. All attacks that create ragdoll blasts (Shattered Village combo...) send high-status, short-range Gas bombs in an AoE around you.

Explosion is affected by mods, including Reach and elements, but projectile range isn't. Number of projectiles is three times the combo multiplier, rounded up. With 1.5x, it throws 5 bombs.


Non-important trivia:

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Name taken from Sepsis.
Design inspired by Nidus, Caustacyst, Thorac Syandana, the Boiler and the Juggernaut.
The weapon is more of a heavy mace, but for the sake of identifying, as per DE's request in the OP, it's a "hammer."
Image layout inspired by RedSkittlez.

For more details, check the fan concept page.

boy, ive said it before, but i think you'll be the winner, lol

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On 4/3/2017 at 9:11 AM, tentacleface762 said:



An mix of the rotation/centrifuge rail from a Kohm and motor from a Miter, attached on top of a long stick with a big knob at the end for good measure. Between the Kohm rotation rail, a free floating cutter disk, like the ones that Grineer Scrappers use, spins(by the mighty powers of electromagnets).

Named after Kohm and Miter...Yes very unimaginative name. but a fitting name. 

Animation : Pole-arm 

The size and proportions are drawn upon Sydon so the hitboxe should be similar. Has an alternative fire where the cutter disk between the rails is launched like a catapult or a slingshot by swinging the weapon real hard. Kind of like how hammer throws are done. Disk throw is on a cool down/costs energy. Otherwise, if that mechanic is kinda flimsy, its still usable as a melee only weapon. 


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Notes: Tried to make it as visually fitting with the current Grineer aesthetics as possible. So its not anything mindblowing or too outlandish. Originally contemplated a Jat Kittag. but on your FISTS. but instead decided to have Ripkas on a STICK. And the result was a giant Grineer pizza cutter. that you can throw. Not the whole thing though, like the Javlok. Just the cutter disk. Because that is nice and cheap.

...thats about it

Edit: Oh look. Someone DID make a Jat Kittag on FISTS. Lucky I didnt go with the idea. Good to see I wasnt the only person thinking that putting rockets on your fists is an awesome idea.

EDIT: OH God I am a total harebrain. totally forgot that zenistar exists...oh well. at least i know that the frizbee mechanic would work


you made me jizz a little :)

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On 3/3/2017 at 9:48 PM, Hpguy2 said:

Name: The Scourge


Faction: Tenno

Grip Type: Whip weapons like the Atterax or Lecta

Description: A nine tail whip weapon where the "tails" retract into or extend out of the handle depending on whether or not the weapon is holstered or not, the end of the handles has a ring which can attach Sugutras.

When the weapon is charged, the outer tails wrap around the middle tail to increase damage

Extra: It is a replication of an old war "interrogation device"

Scourge by Hpguy2

Scourge by Hpguy2 [Hand]


i like the charged attack idea

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Faction: Tenno (kinda like zenistar tech)

Brief Description: grip Two-handed heavy blade stance / Dual sword stance , Two-handed version can hold charge attack to charge up energy bolt and fire when release,

Dual sword version charge attack aoe become whirl wind attack 
Original Artwork:



this image is a early sketch i'll update it and make it as good as i can

PS.if any artist like my idea please take it if you want to make a better version, i'am not very good at drawing stuff may be we can collab! or if you want to take this for your own work feel free! i will take no claim to this just want it to be in the game

Edited by IllidanXV
update image added
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19 hours ago, acezero said:


Faction : Tenno

Description : A rapier forged by similar ether matter with an unknown organic materials like cloth around the raw energy ore create a sharp and focus high-energy emitter that pierce through shield and armor , it's alternate fire switch charged up and change from tip to heel into a javelin/lance and fire in high velocity that cause enough for nearby enemies to been push away from it's shockwave
while it takes a while for the cloth to regenerate, the weapon became lighter and the remain matter create a transparent like materials that able to cut through fleshy targets.



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On 3.3.2017 at 7:00 PM, [DE]Megan said:

The Best Defense - Melee Creation Contest!

has anyone read this line? It says DEFENSE weapon.

My suggestion a slow hammer or long sword you can ram in to the ground to create a defensive bubble which rebel projectile based on his status chance and the range based on the range

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On March 13, 2017 at 0:09 PM, (Xbox One)jdanger0 said:

Scurious Daggers

Faction: Infested

Grip: dual daggers



As the great axe cleaved the juggernauts neck the tenno could feel it's handle shatter. Left with little choice, the tenno ripped out the horns and paved the pathway to extraction in blood.

Scur is the technical name for a deformed horn

I see these as dual longer daggers almost a short sword with status stats similar to lesion but with innate gas.

On kill the spores of the juggernaut cause the enemy to burst apart spreading guaranteed elemental procs of weapon in 3m radius. This would look similar to saryn spores perhaps?

This is a great concept!!!  I love the story behind it. 

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hOvoQnd.jpgFaction: Orokin/Infested

Type: Heavy

This Orokin forged weapon was being made on the Orokin Derelict before the derelict was infected. This weapon was only in its proto stage when it was being infested, luckily the Tenno found this great sword before it was completely infected. Ordis has done his best to clea...PURGE this magnificent sword but it was not completely returned to its original form.


The green part on my weapon was supposed to be infested but I couldn't draw that part. The sword Is supposed to be as big as the Galatine, however I was considering make it into dual daggers cuz why not? You decide. The reason I shaded in the background was to show that there is no metal on the inside of the sword just metal beams going across to hold the blade together. The colors I used are just my preference because I have no color creativity at all, it would be cool if the DE made the colors match or something. It also uses the same stances that are used on the galatine. Oh and one more thing the blade part is supposed to be broken in some areas and is not supposed to be fire. I would also love for this weapon's slam attack to be an explosion like the heat sword for even more crowd control possibilities.

Edited by jasonfer228
just wanted to add some stuff
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1 hour ago, Eberlort said:

has anyone read this line? It says DEFENSE weapon.

My suggestion a slow hammer or long sword you can ram in to the ground to create a defensive bubble which rebel projectile based on his status chance and the range based on the range

I've said this before a while ago. I'll elaborate here.

I think the title of the contest is a play/pun on the phrase "The Best Defense" where the rest of the phrase goes "is a Good Offence" and is safe to say it is not literally asking for a defensive weapon


The Best Defense - Melee Creation Contest!

the spacing around the hyphen denotes that "Melee Creation Contest!" is a subtitle to the title "The Best Defense"

What you are thinking of is 


The Best Defense-Melee Creation Contest!

In which case, your idea of a defensive weapon is correct.

Edited by tentacleface762
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Faction: Grineer - it's a crude, heavy metal, machine of death.

Grip Type - Staff (Flailing Branch)

Brief Description: Basically, it's a stick that holds a whirling ball of blades and death at one end (or both, potentially), spun by an engine that's been repurposed to run on warframe energy.

Unique suggestion: Spin. Weapons that use Spin maintain their Charge Multiplier for a number of attacks (default 2, increased by mods). Could stack additively or multiplicatively, depending on desired effect (additive being quicker pay off for Charge Multiplier < 2x, multiplicative gives payoff to dedication and planning, but forces use of unique mods).

Original Artwork: (I don't know what I'm doing wrong, as there's no "Copy Image Location", and the instructions say to embed, and the forum said it was embedded so... It doesn't have the imgur title thing but it wasn't relevant I guess.)


Edited by SangosTophat
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1 hour ago, Eberlort said:

has anyone read this line? It says DEFENSE weapon.

My suggestion a slow hammer or long sword you can ram in to the ground to create a defensive bubble which rebel projectile based on his status chance and the range based on the range

This is a play on words, referring to the old saying 'the best defense is a good offense'. They're not actually looking for 'defensive' weapons, they're just trying to have fun with the event name. 

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I'm concidering making a wepon simular to Scorpion's grapple move in Mortal Combat but i'm struggling to find a design that wouldn't resemble his wepon as it would be boring and kind of making my wepon copywrited, although I do realise there is a simular ability which would be a good base to make this off of. (When I say abillity i'm reffering to Valkyr's energy grapple abillity)

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On 3/12/2017 at 8:53 PM, (PS4)Ryomaru6591 said:

Weapon Name: Sitara

Faction: Tenno

Grip: sword

Description: An Ancient Gauntlet that Lets out a plasma energy blade, capable of cutting objects like butter. The blade can further increase it's length with the infused energy of the user. Also it has destructive charge attacks that lets the user rush through enemies, leaving piles of bodies behind them.This weapon was hidden after the old war due to it's bloodshed. Some say it was forged with the energy of a star. Needs a blocking animation.


This is awesome!  Dual would be even better!

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Name: Salire

Faction: Corpus

The Salire is a Glaive type weapon used as a Corpus personal transporter, intended to allow high-ranking officials to escape from harm.

Unlike most Glaive weapons, the Salire activates on impact or explosion, and teleports the thrower to the impact point (slightly back to avoid clipping).

Additionally, if an enemy is impacted, a burst of electric shock will stun them and nearby enemies and open them to finishers!

The effect also activates when airburst via channeling!

Lastly, the Salire boasts a reduced charge time (0.5 seconds) to better facilitate teleporting.



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5 minutes ago, StallordD said:

Name: Salire

Faction: Corpus

The Salire is a Glaive type weapon used as a Corpus personal transporter, intended to allow high-ranking officials to escape from harm.

Unlike most Glaive weapons, the Salire activates on impact or explosion, and teleports the thrower to the impact point (slightly back to avoid clipping).

Additionally, if an enemy is impacted, a burst of electric shock will stun them and nearby enemies and open them to finishers!

The effect also activates when airburst via channeling!

Lastly, the Salire boasts a reduced charge time (0.5 seconds) to better facilitate teleporting.



Perhaps if using it from a high/elevated position and aim it downwards it creates a ground-slam type shockwave.

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On 3/15/2017 at 5:09 AM, Aikurisu said:



"It is true we Corpus value profit more than anything, but to you, Tenno, I offer something far more valuable than the credits my kin offer.  Something few of us still hold onto like a rare jewel.  You would call it… honour."

-- Varek


Of Corpus origin, while it's designed for Sword & Shield stances, it also supports Rapier stances, which removes usage of the Defera (shield).

This, however, removes its unique ability where blocking with the Defera will absorb incoming damage and boost your own shields.

Anyhoo, enjoy!  And here's a link to some lore if anyone's interested. =)



Something about energy shields... I had my little attempt, but this is crazy looking awesome.

How do you draw like that? (I am not an illustrator... just curious what app / technique / mode is used for such amazing texture)

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Faction: Grineer

Brief Description: Six magnetically suspended saw discs that can be hyperheated on channeling (discs glow effect only). The discs starts rotating when equip. I think that can use stances for heavy swords like the Galatine and disturbing motorized sound effect when atacks. Slash & Heat damage.

Cya pals!

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23 hours ago, tentacleface762 said:

Not gonna lie and say this is an amazing drawing. Sorry. At this stage of learning/starting to draw, what you need are some (sometimes harsh) criticisms. Not empty praises. Nothing more poisonous than empty praises.

But I can appreciate the fact that you are keeping at it. and that shows potential. and compared to the last image you drew, I can say you are improving and you show that you care.

few pointers for future drawings or if you decide to improve this further. Pardon me, but I used your image and edited them to show what I mean

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1. You really want a background that is neutral or muted so your actual drawing, the concept, stands out. You can use a flashy background that you put effort into in order to "advertise" your concept. However, if you cant commit to it, the thing that you should concentrate on is to give a clean and readable presentation. Right now your dark red background makes your dark red grip hard to see. What I usually do is put a grey-ish background unless I have something better. In this case, however, your blade is grey. So the background grey would be slightly tinged with a bit of blue which is a hue that isnt on your weapon and thus makes your concept stand out more.
You are sacrificing a "fancy" background so you can have your actual drawing pop. You could also just leave it white but I personally find it too bright and harsh to the eye. And it also dims any highlights that you might put on the concept.

2. You say your weapon is nikana based. But the way it is drawn makes me think it is a dagger. To both help with hitbox estimation and also to help design, you can also draw the concept over a pre-existing weapon so you can estimate the size better.

Doesn't have to be the exact same size, but it helps sell the concept when the proportions are closer to the end product. I don't know what kind of program you use but for that, I just used crop, copy and paste for the edit.

3. I feel like you need more Grineer shape. What I did was look at some of the Grineer weapons and their shapes and pick some out that I might like. And then emulate that into few parts of the weapon

I dont want to elaborate too much just in case I am cutting in on a concept you might be already doing but that is the basic idea. Grineer tech is characterised by hard flat industrial metal surfaces and round organic shapes. So I am trying to incorporate that into the design to set me off in the right direction.

Now I may have used my tablet pen to draw it but you can do this with just your phone, pen and paper. Just scribble the shape, take a photo of it and then crop and cut it into your drawing. At the very least, you can throw in shapes on MSpaint to approximate shapes. MS paint is clunky but it gets where you need to go if you put time into it
After basic shapes, you can try refining the shapes to your liking. I am still using MSpaint to show anyone can really do it, if they have the patience and the idea. 

So you just rinse and repeat that process. Plop down shape. Refine. Plop down shape. Refine.

After refining to a shape that you like, they you polish it.

I hope that helps a little.



Well I was thinking that it'd be a bit more cleaned up than most Grineer weapons considering it's no longer in the hands of the Grineer  but instead in the hands of the Tenno but whatever. xD

Either way it works just fine.

Then again I did say that I am not great at WEAPON designs so. Other things I am great at but weapon designs. It kind of is something I keep to myself. Sharing them around and all it kind of gets a bit awkward tbh.

Edited by FSH37
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Name: Vulcan

Faction: Tenno

Type: Hammer

My project is a 2-handed flaming hammer


When you use a melee attack while in the air, it burst flames around the user when he/she touches the ground.

Edited by Lord_Kyno
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1 hour ago, morunas said:

Something about energy shields... I had my little attempt, but this is crazy looking awesome.

How do you draw like that? (I am not an illustrator... just curious what app / technique / mode is used for such amazing texture)

Hey, thanks for the support. =D

Anyhoo, for the energy shield I use multiple layers through Photoshop.  Drawing it was a first for me, but what I learned from drawing this is to first start with a simple colour layer with some transparency over the physical portion of the shield.  Then I added a white highlight layer on top of that to add some sense of animation to it.  It helps that I used the Dendra armour as reference, though.  As for the texture, everything was hand drawn, save for the background I used an old brush set for.  =)

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