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How about not nerfing every efficient weapon?


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2 minutes ago, (PS4)geomancer1980 said:

I just have the panthera and started freaking out when I saw it was getting a buff because I didn't know if I'd given up on it and booted it out my stash o weapons.  Fortunately it was still there... now it is waiting for revenge.

In my case, most people laughed at me when I insisted on using the Miter, not understanding how cool it is to rip off a circular saw's sawblade spin it so fast it glows red-hot with air friction and then launch it on someone's face. And it was always underpowered. No crit chance, slow charge rate, useless gimmick (randomly-bouncing a single projectile isn't a 'useful' gimmick by a longshot). It was worse than my bows! But now... oooooh hohoho... oooh, now we're talking. Me, my Miter and my Miter Riven are out for VENGEANCE!

Edited by Lyravain
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2 hours ago, AngelsT34r said:

Basically, they nerf anything that makes us "farm" efficiently. They want us to suffer, and destroy the things I and a lot of others enjoy [insert simulor nerf salt here].
How about an approach that would actually make sense, let's say, buff every other weapon that isn't as good? Surely it takes a lot more time, but considering how badly enemies scale after a while, buffing stuff would make more sense, since it doesn't look like you will work on the enemies at all. You can choose lazy ways of working around problems but that is not the way you keep players.
I know, I know, I'm not required to play this game, but since there is nothing like it I might as well just keep at it. The way they handle things doesn't seem to be right, but what do I know of business strategies. Yes, I am so salty about the simulor buff that I actually came to the forums to brag about it. Hopefully my point still gets across.

Then they would also need to buff some enemies. These weapons just do way too much damage.


I would prefer if they fixed the scaling enemy armor. Then balanced weapons to that.

The three rifles that were fixed (nerfed).... needed it.

The melee didnt need a change, just removed others from seeing the effects.

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what i love is that the weapons will all still be viable and useable, all the miragulors need to do is alt fire as they exit the room, and tonkor campers wont notice a change. Even so, the sheer indignation; 'how dare DE change MY guns?!?!?!'. guys. it's a simple concept. they're starting to do what people have been absolutely raging about for years- make more weapons viable. instead of just ever onwards with the creep, this is a step in the right direction, some ancient weaker weapons are getting buffed, and the top dogs that anyone who wants to skip the game has to try 3% harder. shame.

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