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[Update 20] General Feedback Megathread


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So we got new things to kill old enemy's with. Thats great yaaaay. When are we getting new enemy's? When is an enemy comeing that i would actualy know about? Something that wouldnt disappear from my screan in a puff of vaporized,obliterated,destroyd,anihilated,punched,shot,impaled,burned,magnetized,iradiated,poisened,frozen OMG THERE IS NO END TO IT, puff of smoke in a split second of hiting my field of vision?
Beeing a GOD of destruction is great and all.
But when you are reduced to useing you're godlike powers on mere ants it feels, feels bad man.

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On Friday, March 24, 2017 at 4:25 PM, Cmdr-A said:

Uhhh, what happened to bows? I thought only 10 weapons were being repassed over on? Why did all bows basically get hit with the nerf stick like no tomorrow? The dread can barely even do any crit chance now with maxed point strike????

I'm console I don't want to see that on console so many potatoes gone to waste :(

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20 minutes ago, (PS4)familiaboss said:

I'm console I don't want to see that on console so many potatoes gone to waste :(

it was just a display issue...stats were, at the time of that update the same...it has since been fixed.

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17 hours ago, .Epsilon-VII said:

p2p still bad honestly, DE also needs to rework Nidus its too op

Every. Single. F*cking. Time. Can noone be pleased in this game, we got one of the most useful frames with synergised abilities and ability damage scaling and you wanna nerf that to sh*t? If he is too op for you, don't use him, just a few months ago everyone was calling him one of the greatest frames in the game but because youre bored of him he needs a nerf. But what do i know, I'm a console peasant.

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15 hours ago, (Xbox One)FuriousALPH4 said:

Every. Single. F*cking. Time. Can noone be pleased in this game, we got one of the most useful frames with synergised abilities and ability damage scaling and you wanna nerf that to sh*t? If he is too op for you, don't use him, just a few months ago everyone was calling him one of the greatest frames in the game but because youre bored of him he needs a nerf. But what do i know, I'm a console peasant.


Well actually, u didn't know about game mechanics and player base. It's not about Nidus abilities and how it's synergised, it's about game genre. This is PVE focused game not PvP, if there is synergize just change the game to PVP game. Pls learn some about game design before speak out loud can u ?

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On 4/11/2017 at 7:30 PM, .Epsilon-VII said:

p2p still bad honestly, DE also needs to rework Nidus its too op

conclave WILL be bad...beacuse very little of the community care for it....and nidus is not OP....just really strong and great with players who KNOW how to use him right.

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On 13/04/2017 at 11:59 AM, .Epsilon-VII said:

Well actually, u didn't know about game mechanics and player base. It's not about Nidus abilities and how it's synergised, it's about game genre. This is PVE focused game not PvP, if there is synergize just change the game to PVP game. Pls learn some about game design before speak out loud can u ?

What does game genre have anything to do with how Nidus functions? And my statement mentioned nothing about pvp so I have no idea what you're talking about there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just my first post here, but I wondering why I didn't see any tutorials or any other tips of gameplay for archwing action?

It was pretty chaotic and unclear situation when I learning to control arch wing in space and laser beam insta kills. WTF?   Then respawned and had a warning "incoming missile" "go cover now!"  Where to?       And when I finally found debris to hide into, I found insta kill laser dont give a s**t are you in or not....  so death in cover this time.  I couldn't avoid feeling that archwing play just slapped to my face without much explanation or tutoring.... I tried to search my ship's codex after my failed mission. I found nothing.

Well other than that I have had fun with WF! Thanks.




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