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Show amount of forma/lens in squad gear examine popup/arsenal general view


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Why not show the amount of forma/the lens icon put into a piece of gear when you hover over somebodys player icon in the pause menu or in the main view of the arsenal, for the very same reason gear level is currently shown there, and for bragging rights.

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Just now, (PS4)jFresh215 said:

Only if you can toggle other players seeing.

I've also wanted a way to be able to show builds in much the same way, also a toggle. 

Why a toggle? it seems completely pointless.

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Just now, Rubat said:

Why a toggle? it seems completely pointless.

"Privacy" mostly I know people that wouldn't want people seeing what they have done to their gear. It also gives try hards and toxic players a reason not to play with players. Some won't want to team with guys that don't have their stuff "maxed out." I didn't really start to worry about going hard with forma until I was MR17-18 or so. And mostly just to have the option, some can argue that having these features is pointless. It's all a matter of preference. 

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Unnecessary infromation i say, we need more info text about more important things the game not explains without having to check the wiki.

Why shoud people care about forma and lenses equpied on someone really? Overusing a weapon or "best" way to farm focus?

What speaks against letting people experince some on there own without forcing the meta on them, with such infos they might get such impressions in my eyes.

Also how many formas or what lenses are equipped is the same like with mastery, it not says much about someones playstyle and skill, so no bragging needed.

Edited by Marine027
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31 minutes ago, Rubat said:

Why a toggle? it seems completely pointless.

Because what you're asking for is the kind of gear browser that infests games plagued with "gearscore" issues.  "Looking for one more for Jordas Verdict, NEED Trinity with six forma and all weapons must have five forma or don't waste our time."  I've had plenty of that in other games, thanks.  Such as SWTOR, where on more than one occaision I've had a random stranger essentially start pawing through the stuff my Sorceror was wearing, then start abusing me via tells because I'd be a horrible healer.  Nevermind that I have *never* spoken to this person before, or that I was not trying to join their team, and especially the fact that my Sorceror is DPS and not a healer in the first place.  They can see what gear I'm wearing, therefore (apparently) they have the RIGHT to dictate what I should be wearing.  Regardless of if I am even interested in trying the kind of content where I would need it (which I am not.)  And this has happened to me more than once, and in more than one game.

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