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Limbo to be nerfed now?


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9 minutes ago, ApocNizmith said:

Then frames like Ember and Equinox can and will do just as much damage as limbo

Go ahead and show me how to rekt a bunch of lvl 145 healers with one button as Ember, or a bunch of nullifiers in a crowd.



When you say that Ember can do as much damage as Limbo it just means you have no idea what you are talking about.

Edited by SeaUrchins
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13 minutes ago, ApocNizmith said:


At least the other frames require you to play the game to output damage. Limbo as it is became what the old RJ Excal/Turret Mesa/Polarize Mag/Miasma Saryn spams, but now regains energy as well. DE has made it clear that they don't want this kind of play style.

The frames you stated are strong but not broken, they aren't brainlessly spamming 1 button. They still need to be played in tandem with the core parkour/gunplay. Limbo's current cataclysm doesn't. He just sits there and spams 1 button. As a person who mains Ember, you're overestimating her damage output severely. 

Edited by Agentawesome
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12 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

Go ahead and show me how to rekt a bunch of lvl 145 healers with one button as Ember, or a bunch of nullifiers in a crowd.

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When you say that Ember can do as much damage as Limbo it just means you have no idea of what you are talking about.

I regularly solo sorties on my ember prime, and I am telling you right now that for limbo to put out that much dmg those enemies must be at full health because 1 scratch to them tanks his dmg faster than you would believe. A correctly modded flash accelernant/wof build can and will constantly melt groups of lvl 100+ corrupted gunners and bombards and a limbo would half hp them assuming there was trash around to accumulate damage off of and do half the dmg of the first cast. His initial burst damage may be higher but long term his damage falls off super fast above lvl 60 enemies, I consistently out damage limbos in pug situations using ember

Edited by ApocNizmith
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6 minutes ago, ApocNizmith said:

I am telling you right now

That's the difference: I am showing what Limbo is capable of and you tell me fairy tales of Ember's damage.

You seriously want to make a claim that nonscaling damage is superior to scaling? Really?

Edited by SeaUrchins
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Well there it is


Limbo Changes:

  • Cataclysm now deals different amount of damage over the time it exists: 25% Damage when bubble is full size, 100% at its smallest size.
  • Cataclysm damage scaling now uses average Health + Shield instead of total Health + Shield of enemies within.

On top of the scaling over time also over to average damage instead of total.

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On Wed Mar 29 2017 at 5:52 AM, Husla said:

Limbo is a nuker, you say. Time to put some formas in. Been too long, since i've played a nuker frame. Rip Excalibro/Saryn

in my opinion cause he's overpower now people @(*()$ complain like always DE will need something cause bunch of *@##$es complains to @(*()$ much sorry for my language but geeze just get him now there going to change try ability

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On 14/04/2017 at 6:51 PM, ApocNizmith said:

I regularly solo sorties on my ember prime, and I am telling you right now that for limbo to put out that much dmg those enemies must be at full health because 1 scratch to them tanks his dmg faster than you would believe. A correctly modded flash accelernant/wof build can and will constantly melt groups of lvl 100+ corrupted gunners and bombards and a limbo would half hp them assuming there was trash around to accumulate damage off of and do half the dmg of the first cast. His initial burst damage may be higher but long term his damage falls off super fast above lvl 60 enemies, I consistently out damage limbos in pug situations using ember

I LOLed at this really hard.

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On 4/14/2017 at 3:51 AM, ApocNizmith said:

I regularly solo sorties on my ember prime, and I am telling you right now that for limbo to put out that much dmg those enemies must be at full health because 1 scratch to them tanks his dmg faster than you would believe. A correctly modded flash accelernant/wof build can and will constantly melt groups of lvl 100+ corrupted gunners and bombards and a limbo would half hp them assuming there was trash around to accumulate damage off of and do half the dmg of the first cast. His initial burst damage may be higher but long term his damage falls off super fast above lvl 60 enemies, I consistently out damage limbos in pug situations using ember

honestly id argue that  its the opposite now, currently on a run an ember can kill enemies faster in some regards if your constantly on the move & amping damage with 2

but in a larger area or a def mission id state limbos now out damages embers & can do so in a larger area of effect , ive already experience it a few times now with them quick casting in sorties , its a lot like how old ash worked now in some regards 

ember damage scale drops at about 80 with wof , now using accelerate is key to amping her damage and burning them down, but heavy armored enemies dont really feel much damage from heat 100+ unless your combining with corrosive or shattering impact to remove armor 

overall , the limbo can spam cast on/off the damage , and CC enemies consistently at the same time 

while ember wof can CC with its augment its not 100% as it states, and it can CC all targets in its range, only a few at a time 

accelerant also only cc's for a short amount of time , as does heat proc 

so emebr is at a disadvantage

sure you could build for damage and range, but efficiency or duration will take a hit and limbo can spam cast and refile his own energy with larger AOE and damage

i honestly dont see how one could fix the limbo spamming or such but n some regards this has worsened the issue he has with squads or i should say that squad mates have with a limbo 

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32 minutes ago, (Xbox One)EternalDrk Mako said:

honestly id argue that  its the opposite now, currently on a run an ember can kill enemies faster in some regards if your constantly on the move & amping damage with 2

but in a larger area or a def mission id state limbos now out damages embers & can do so in a larger area of effect , ive already experience it a few times now with them quick casting in sorties , its a lot like how old ash worked now in some regards 

ember damage scale drops at about 80 with wof , now using accelerate is key to amping her damage and burning them down, but heavy armored enemies dont really feel much damage from heat 100+ unless your combining with corrosive or shattering impact to remove armor 

overall , the limbo can spam cast on/off the damage , and CC enemies consistently at the same time 

while ember wof can CC with its augment its not 100% as it states, and it can CC all targets in its range, only a few at a time 

accelerant also only cc's for a short amount of time , as does heat proc 

so emebr is at a disadvantage

sure you could build for damage and range, but efficiency or duration will take a hit and limbo can spam cast and refile his own energy with larger AOE and damage

i honestly dont see how one could fix the limbo spamming or such but n some regards this has worsened the issue he has with squads or i should say that squad mates have with a limbo 

i have to argue that if people wants compare ember to limbo cam jump off cliff for all I care big difference  from something that drops off at 40s (which is low as he'll ember needs buffed big time) to a new Aoe limbo kill frame. people expects and cries about kills taken yet it's farming rss or whatever just complain and have banshee nerfed while people is at it aswell. ffs put yourself to a challenge and actually test your limits anyone cries about frame is to op below 100s should just get then and now unless it's something like nidus before his need he killed 500s with his still now he can't hardly kill a level 80 cause people cry so much on a frame taking all the kills then de nerfs what the new players wants yet they don't even have close to 100 hours if playing time I have just about 1k if not more hours into this game DE needs just leave stuff alone and make a new mode. a normal map mode or a veteran mode to be able to toggle from both modes veteran mode you have level. 100s earth and planet like Erus 200s at starting point. but instead of ruining warfame they just need make new mode then players can play. 

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Just now, (PS4)LadyAnon_ said:

i have to argue that if people wants compare ember to limbo cam jump off cliff for all I care big difference  from something that drops off at 40s (which is low as he'll ember needs buffed big time) to a new Aoe limbo kill frame. people expects and cries about kills taken yet it's farming rss or whatever just complain and have banshee nerfed while people is at it aswell. ffs put yourself to a challenge and actually test your limits anyone cries about frame is to op below 100s should just get then and now unless it's something like nidus before his need he killed 500s with his still now he can't hardly kill a level 80 cause people cry so much on a frame taking all the kills then de nerfs what the new players wants yet they don't even have close to 100 hours if playing time I have just about 1k if not more hours into this game DE needs just leave stuff alone and make a new mode. a normal map mode or a veteran mode to be able to toggle from both modes veteran mode you have level. 100s earth and planet like Erus 200s at starting point. but instead of ruining warfame they just need make new mode then players can play. 

i have no idea what you posted

i need a translator stat D: /

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Best thing is the issues I listed in the initial post still remain. It is all as I predicted: he got a nerf hammer and nobody cares that there are sources that can damage him bypassing the plane barrier. Public opinion on the matter went from who cares, he is a nuke now to who cares, he is trash now.

I care ‎(ノಥ益ಥ)ノ  ┻━┻

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It is sad that my limbo can no longer break resources in a mission in a single nuke, so sad.

It is surprising that so many are complaining about Limbo's Cataclysm damage and yet no-one complains about how irritating Surge can be in pugs, guess i'll spam more Surge now.

Edited by yrtsim3k
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Can anyone here spread any light on exactly what the changes to Limbo mean? Maybe someone can throw a few examples into the mix.


I've just done 25 rounds on hydron with my pre-nerf setup for cataclysm - just to get a feel for the new mechanics. At round 1 opening the bubble did damage as before - nothing new there, Closing the bubble quickly was doing in the region of 100 damage - not good - but understandable and a base figure. 

The nub of my confusion is this. At lvl 25 the mobs are now very much higher level and I would assume have much more health and shields but cataclysm was doing exactly the same damage.

It seems to me that currently the damage isn't scaling (unless I have missed something)

Currently my power strength is 166% so taking the existing data from the wiki and extrapolating with what it says in the patch notes I would expect cataclysm for me to do damage to all mobs that is about 16% of the average health and shields of the mobs in the bubble (assuming that the scaling is still using 10% as it says in the wiki). Taking the damage I am doing when closing the bubble this would mean a starting mob at lvl 30 has 600-700 health and shields - this seems a bit low to me. Also - surely if i then spam cataclysm a second time the health pool of the same mobs should be less so it should do less damage - but this didn't seem to be the case either.

I totally agree that cataclysm needed to be nipped in the bud as it was totally broken to kill off everything with a double press of "4" but I cant just figure out how this is currently working and therefore cant make a new setup to get the most out of it. Can anyone spread any light on where I am going wrong?

Edited by beercritch
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