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[Update 20] Limbo Revisited Feedback Megathread


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25 minutes ago, Clonmac said:

No, because it takes skill to use those abilities now since he has to play outside the rift more.

Gotcha. It's okay to be:

  • Indefinitely invulnerable
  • The best possible frame for hard CC
  • Able to scale damage to an "insane" amount
  • Able to kill everything around you instantly

As long as you occasionally have to be outside the rift. 

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2 Formas and several hours of Limbo play  later, it's time for a formal review of the Limbo rework



Void dash is very interesting choice of a passive, personally it hasn't affected my mobility or parkour as i found the dashing animation quicker than rolling. I love dashing through the rift. 10 energy for every enemy killed in the rift is also a welcome addition. However some minor complaints

  • The void portal left behind shouldn't affect Limbo himself, being unbanished through my own portal is abit silly
  • It's very easy to accidentally banish team mates just by being infront of them. This should be addressed, me dashing around leaves landmines of the rift for teammates to avoid.



The banish change to alot of getting use to and after playing more with it, I understand the change bit better. The current banish is to shuffle enemies out of limbo's current realm to an alternate plane, it is not just to drag people into and out of the rift. What should also be mentioned is the synergy with rift surge. Banishing surged enemies within the rift pulls them back in and drags more enemies within in. This change i believe is what most aren't quite getting, to drag more enemies within the rift with banish you must surge them within the rift before banishing them.

However i have ofcourse, critiques

  • Teammates often get banished along with enemies because of banish indiscriminately banishing everything in a general area. This should be tweaked, Casting on enemies only banishes enemies, casting on allies, should only banish allies. This allows greater control of what comes into and out of the rift


An exceptional CC skill. It gives limbo nearly full control of how he wants to deal with enemies in the rift. The ending finger snap is also very incharacter with Limbo.

However there are some major issues with the skill

  • Stasis stops enemies in Rifts from other limbos. This HAS to be addressed, When playing with other limbos, if i put stasis up enemies in ALL rifts created are stopped. Both mine and theirs. This has to be adjusted as it's very annoying that i don't have control over my own rift. Stasis should only work with enemies under your spells, not others.
  • There needs to be visual indication of when stasis is active for both enemies and allys.


3.Rift Surge

The skill is very, lackluster and seemingly buggy. Banishing surged enemies work fine however the charge and "damage" from killing enemies outside the rift along with the chain effect appears to not be working for me.


  • This skill needs to constantly be reapplied everytime new enemies enter the rift because the chain effect is not working. Banishing surge enemies along removes rift surge off them which leads to even more recasting. Ideally i would prefer If it was simply an aura of the rift with an energy cost for every afflicted enemy, aking ot equinox's skills.



Not much to say, the damage buff is quite, heavy (almost too much to be honest). But the skill is much better now when paired with Stasis and rift surge.

Most of my issues come from Cataclysm's synergy with other things

  • Because of the every shrinking nature of the bubbles, paired with stasis, enemies keep being frozen and the border of the wall, then being unfrozen as it shrinks past them to walk back in to the edge to be frozen.
  • Dashing out of the rift should not  alter Limbo's state to being in the material plane
  • The augment  Cataclysmic Continuum still does not alleviate the shrinking nature of the bubble as it adds no range to the bubble. Either it should stop shrinking for x seconds after enemy are killed or add x range to the bubble along with the current x seconds to it.




The most glaring part of Limbo's Rework was the complete playstyle shift, which i believe is the main issue of most of thenese complaints, why yes Limbo does have very major issues with his rework, alot of the complaints in m opinion stem form playing the new limbo like the old limbo, when the 2 are like night and day now. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the new Limbo but so far i do enjoy what i'm experiencing so far, a very good rework.

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With all the complaints i've seen so far, perhaps we should just ask DE to completely revert Banish and Rift Surge? Because Surge is buggy as hell and Banish is useless.

Edited by Frenjo
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Being somewhat new around here, how likely is it that DE will actually revert anything to a pre-rework state? They seem amenable to minor tweaks (for instance, changing point scales on Pacifism Defect or adding arming distance to Tonkor), but complete reversion doesn't seem to be their, ah, idiom. 

Edited by (XB1)CannyJack
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55 minutes ago, Quanlain said:

Limbo is yet to recieve some QoL changes i think;

I also would really love directional dodge, in case i don't want to fly away like 5 meters to unbanish myself, i could dodge towards the floor and stay on the place.
And i think that Rift tear should be interactable, because i had some hate towards me for people stepping iside of the rift by accident.

UI indicater is nice, but i had no real problems so far.


56 minutes ago, Quanlain said:

i had some hate towards me for people stepping iside of the rift by accident.

what kind of self righteous....

anyway, tbh I just think tapping dodge while not moving should allow you to enter/exit the rift. other than that, I prefer not to use stasis with others in the rift, its obnoxious (as someone mentioned, a zarr blast can shut it off instantly) also I know first hand, people freezing your shots is VERY annoying. just keep those pesky teammates out of the rift and its not hard to keep track, once you know how much generally crashes it (for example, I know my twin grak crashes stasis after about 4/5 of a clip). I'd also recommend one shot weapons that will take forever to reach 300 shots, like bows or snipers, with probably a secondary with high sustain/burst damage. Over all though I find stasis to be a terrible team ability unless your team knows what they're doing in high levels, say, a raid. 

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16 minutes ago, (Xbox One)CannyJack said:

Being somewhat new around here, how likely is it that DE will actually revert anything to a pre-rework state? They seem amenable to minor tweaks (for instance, changing point scales on Pacifism Defect or adding arming distance to Tonkor), but complete reversion doesn't seem to be their, ah, idiom. 

It's more of a temporary fix, but I think a full reversion of banish should be made and that's the only change I really desperately want.

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8 minutes ago, Ironlixivium said:


what kind of self righteous....

anyway, tbh I just think tapping dodge while not moving should allow you to enter/exit the rift. other than that, I prefer not to use stasis with others in the rift, its obnoxious (as someone mentioned, a zarr blast can shut it off instantly) also I know first hand, people freezing your shots is VERY annoying. just keep those pesky teammates out of the rift and its not hard to keep track, once you know how much generally crashes it (for example, I know my twin grak crashes stasis after about 4/5 of a clip). I'd also recommend one shot weapons that will take forever to reach 300 shots, like bows or snipers, with probably a secondary with high sustain/burst damage. Over all though I find stasis to be a terrible team ability unless your team knows what they're doing in high levels, say, a raid. 

Yeah, stasis for now is not very team-friendly, but if people want to stay afk, it's a wonderful thing (MD, Interceptions). Gosh even on spy mission, you can cast stasis, and then 250% range cataclysm, enemies will just get stuck, exept cameras/lasers and greneer watchers will still be able to detect you through on contact.

I have used completely different style of play pre-rework, through the banish, and rework completely destroyed this way of playing Limbo, you simply cannot play like this now, because you cannot banish enemies from another dimension. But after changing my build and trying out huge radius and durations, Limbo is nice, and sometimes godly.
I only wish we have banish thing reverted, so it will open new more ways of building him, as before.
God, i've thrown 8 formas on Limbo, it's so unnecceserily much. 
For now, i see only two actual ways of building limbo around. Before there was the same amount, exept they were different. In this case everything goes through the high radius.

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37 minutes ago, Quanlain said:

Yeah, stasis for now is not very team-friendly, but if people want to stay afk, it's a wonderful thing (MD, Interceptions). Gosh even on spy mission, you can cast stasis, and then 250% range cataclysm, enemies will just get stuck, exept cameras/lasers and greneer watchers will still be able to detect you through on contact.

I have used completely different style of play pre-rework, through the banish, and rework completely destroyed this way of playing Limbo, you simply cannot play like this now, because you cannot banish enemies from another dimension. But after changing my build and trying out huge radius and durations, Limbo is nice, and sometimes godly.
I only wish we have banish thing reverted, so it will open new more ways of building him, as before.
God, i've thrown 8 formas on Limbo, it's so unnecceserily much. 
For now, i see only two actual ways of building limbo around. Before there was the same amount, exept they were different. In this case everything goes through the high radius.

lol 6 for me. Also, cast cata, then surge, then un-cata. It creates an anti-plane of enemies, where everything is banished except you and your team. This also doubles as a way to use stasis without bothering your team, and on infested/corpus/low lvl grineer, the cata kills all the weaker enemies. About being godly though, I strongly disagree. What do you mean sometimes..... his cc is unmatched right now, and cata's damage scales on enemy health/shields.surge keeps everything in the rift, even if you can't kill it, and stasis pauses everything. In the right hands, limbo can dominate easily.

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34 minutes ago, (Xbox One)CannyJack said:

Gotcha. It's okay to be:

  • Indefinitely invulnerable
  • The best possible frame for hard CC
  • Able to scale damage to an "insane" amount
  • Able to kill everything around you instantly

As long as you occasionally have to be outside the rift. 


1) This is like saying "It's OK to be indefinitely invulnerable as long as you're not indefinitely vulnerable". You see why that is a silly claim? Sure, Limbo can be indefinitely invulnerable if you just want to stand there and do nothing, but if you want to do anything with his abilities, that requires you to leave the rift at some point. This is a clear design decision that is IMO very smart. It is no different than the changes they made with Valkyr back when she could essentially be invulnerable all the time. You need to have trade-offs. For Limbo, that requires leaving the rift at some point in time (thus losing your invulnerability) if you want to use his abilities.

2) He is one of the best CC warframes, but I don't think he is exclusive to that. I think there are a lot of warframes that are just as capable at control large crowds with just as much ease. Nyx, Hydro, Nova, Mirage, Vauban, Zephyr, Banshee, etc.

3) Yes, he can do a lot of damage, but it doesn't scale as well as people say it does in practice. Yes, you can take it into the Simulacrum with all level 120 enemies that are all the same and have it wipe them all out. But, that isn't how actual missions play out. In practice when using it, it rarely wipes out all the enemies because of how it calculates and distributes that damage based on the enemies within.

4) Instantly isn't really true. Yes, as soon as you release stasis, they instantly die, but you still need to spend as much time killing them as you normally would with your weapon. That unlike many other warframes who do actually have insta-kill abilities.

1 hour ago, Shadu said:

It's from my experience from playing with other limbo's, when cataclysm isn't at it's max range (250% range) the area is too small for multiple players to kill inside of it.. there just aren't enough enemies usually. This then leads to constantly having to move to the outside of the bubble. Whenever stasis is running and cataclysm is up, if I'm not the limbo who is using it I just move away from the cataclysm because I usually don't like to melee and thus bring crap melee weapons with me that can't handle with it. You don't have any control over when stasis will be released so as a random player who runs into a Limbo it doesn't feel great. This then leads to me feeling, welp he used stasis I gotta move and get away from my squad mates.

By having learned how cataclysm and stasis can be an annoyance to others when I ain't the Limbo around I try to limit my usage of my spells whenever I am playing Limbo due to it.
I agree with frost being an annoyance with his globe at times as well though but often enough you're hiding in the globe and shooting out of it so it's less so,

Do you not see the contradiction? You're saying that it is too small of an area for multiple players to kill inside of it, but then you say that it is a hindrance because you need to move outside the bubble. But if it is a small bubble, that would be easy to do and shouldn't be much of a hindrance given the size of the maps. If it is a big bubble that allows for multiple teams to kill inside it, then you shouldn't have a problem finding enemies to kill inside of it.

You don't need control over stasis, just kill as you normally would. I've played with other Limbo's and you just go on killing as you normally would, it doesn't matter the type of weapon you're using. I know as soon as stasis ends, my kills will count. It really isn't any different than any other CC ability in that respect except for the fact that the enemy isn't shredded to pieces immediately after firing. Not sure why you would say "welp he used stasis, I better move away". You wouldn't say that with any other CC, so why would you say that with stasis. Just like any other CC, as soon as it wears off, the enemy is a threat again.

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4 minutes ago, Clonmac said:


My problem with the first point is that if that's a design decision it's bad, make Limbo a tank frame then it'll be okay. But instadeath at higher levels because of a "design decision" is really bad gameplay. You're saying they basically designed limbo to die at higher levels by forcing him to leave the rift. What they should do instead, make the rift back to like it was (however still keep the rolling for entry because that's hella cool), give it a duration/energy cost and then fix banish. Making a design decision that forces his abilities to be gimped to make the frame "balanced" is not okay.

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1 minute ago, Clonmac said:

Do you not see the contradiction? You're saying that it is too small of an area for multiple players to kill inside of it, but then you say that it is a hindrance because you need to move outside the bubble. But if it is a small bubble, that would be easy to do and shouldn't be much of a hindrance given the size of the maps. If it is a big bubble that allows for multiple teams to kill inside it, then you shouldn't have a problem finding enemies to kill inside of it.

You don't need control over stasis, just kill as you normally would. I've played with other Limbo's and you just go on killing as you normally would, it doesn't matter the type of weapon you're using. I know as soon as stasis ends, my kills will count. It really isn't any different than any other CC ability in that respect except for the fact that the enemy isn't shredded to pieces immediately after firing. Not sure why you would say "welp he used stasis, I better move away". You wouldn't say that with any other CC, so why would you say that with stasis. Just like any other CC, as soon as it wears off, the enemy is a threat again.

When it's a small bubble I have to move around it constantly to make sure there are no enemies inside of it and when there are none inside I'll need to move outside again to kill anything, when you're the limbo this is less of an hassle considering you can just go into the rift outside of the bubble and clear it but as others you can't. When it's a max range bubble it's way less of an issue and thus when playing as Limbo myself I tend to stick with huge bubbles more often just to be less of an hindrance even if that hurts my build .

The cc of other frames don't prevent you from killing (granted Titania's lift thing and Inaros eating do, but those are a single target). With stasis I can't trust other limbo's, partially due to cataclysm shrinking and thus shots I had set up will miss due to the enemy going outside of the cataclysm with the shrinking and they will just move away and the shots are wasted. Limbo just basically says "nope, you can't kill these enemies currently until I allow you to" this is something that does not work in a co-op game.
For solo playing stasis is amazing, considering you just banish or cataclysm a whole group with stasis already running, pop rift surge for a damage boost, line the shots, go away and pop stasis and then cataclysm and hope you were skillful enough in placing the shots to wipe the whole group. It just doesn't work with others.

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24 minutes ago, Ironlixivium said:

lol 6 for me. Also, cast cata, then surge, then un-cata. It creates an anti-plane of enemies, where everything is banished except you and your team. This also doubles as a way to use stasis without bothering your team, and on infested/corpus/low lvl grineer, the cata kills all the weaker enemies. About being godly though, I strongly disagree. What do you mean sometimes..... his cc is unmatched right now, and cata's damage scales on enemy health/shields.surge keeps everything in the rift, even if you can't kill it, and stasis pauses everything. In the right hands, limbo can dominate easily.

I found interesting way to play Limbo right now, exept it kinda disrupts your team.
You can banish an enemy, use stasis, and rift surge. Just and then just use banish+surge combo, you will slowly dragg more and more enemies in the rift. Pretty fun, but somewhat useless tho

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2 hours ago, Buzkyl said:

2 Formas and several hours of Limbo play  later, it's time for a formal review of the Limbo rework



Void dash is very interesting choice of a passive, personally it hasn't affected my mobility or parkour as i found the dashing animation quicker than rolling. I love dashing through the rift. 10 energy for every enemy killed in the rift is also a welcome addition. However some minor complaints

  • The void portal left behind shouldn't affect Limbo himself, being unbanished through my own portal is abit silly
  • It's very easy to accidentally banish team mates just by being infront of them. This should be addressed, me dashing around leaves landmines of the rift for teammates to avoid.



The banish change to alot of getting use to and after playing more with it, I understand the change bit better. The current banish is to shuffle enemies out of limbo's current realm to an alternate plane, it is not just to drag people into and out of the rift. What should also be mentioned is the synergy with rift surge. Banishing surged enemies within the rift pulls them back in and drags more enemies within in. This change i believe is what most aren't quite getting, to drag more enemies within the rift with banish you must surge them within the rift before banishing them.

However i have ofcourse, critiques

  • Teammates often get banished along with enemies because of banish indiscriminately banishing everything in a general area. This should be tweaked, Casting on enemies only banishes enemies, casting on allies, should only banish allies. This allows greater control of what comes into and out of the rift


An exceptional CC skill. It gives limbo nearly full control of how he wants to deal with enemies in the rift. The ending finger snap is also very incharacter with Limbo.

However there are some major issues with the skill

  • Stasis stops enemies in Rifts from other limbos. This HAS to be addressed, When playing with other limbos, if i put stasis up enemies in ALL rifts created are stopped. Both mine and theirs. This has to be adjusted as it's very annoying that i don't have control over my own rift. Stasis should only work with enemies under your spells, not others.
  • There needs to be visual indication of when stasis is active for both enemies and allys.


3.Rift Surge

The skill is very, lackluster and seemingly buggy. Banishing surged enemies work fine however the charge and "damage" from killing enemies outside the rift along with the chain effect appears to not be working for me.


  • This skill needs to constantly be reapplied everytime new enemies enter the rift because the chain effect is not working. Banishing surge enemies along removes rift surge off them which leads to even more recasting. Ideally i would prefer If it was simply an aura of the rift with an energy cost for every afflicted enemy, aking ot equinox's skills.



Not much to say, the damage buff is quite, heavy (almost too much to be honest). But the skill is much better now when paired with Stasis and rift surge.

Most of my issues come from Cataclysm's synergy with other things

  • Because of the every shrinking nature of the bubbles, paired with stasis, enemies keep being frozen and the border of the wall, then being unfrozen as it shrinks past them to walk back in to the edge to be frozen.
  • Dashing out of the rift should not  alter Limbo's state to being in the material plane
  • The augment  Cataclysmic Continuum still does not alleviate the shrinking nature of the bubble as it adds no range to the bubble. Either it should stop shrinking for x seconds after enemy are killed or add x range to the bubble along with the current x seconds to it.




The most glaring part of Limbo's Rework was the complete playstyle shift, which i believe is the main issue of most of thenese complaints, why yes Limbo does have very major issues with his rework, alot of the complaints in m opinion stem form playing the new limbo like the old limbo, when the 2 are like night and day now. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the new Limbo but so far i do enjoy what i'm experiencing so far, a very good rework.



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On 3/25/2017 at 11:38 PM, Frenjo said:

I agree with this, except you can now pick stuff up within cataclysm as one of the already made changes.

Yes, I did notice that and should have thanked DE.  That's an oversight on my part.  I'll do an edit on my original post.

Thanks Frenjo.

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Just now, CerebrateJoe said:

Yes, I did notice that and should have thanked DE.  That's an oversight on my part.  I'll do an edit on my original post.

Thanks Frenjo.

No problem! At least somebody thanked me for something! \o/ I feel loved.

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On 3/25/2017 at 11:14 PM, (PS4)salovel1991 said:

You can pick up loot from Cataclysm now. It states it in the changes that Danielle posted since this post was put up. 

Yes, I did notice that and should have thanked DE.  That's an oversight on my part.  I'll do an edit on my original post.

Love to you too salovel1991

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On 3/25/2017 at 10:47 PM, CerebrateJoe said:

Edit:  You can pick up items while in Cataclysm.  I love this change, and thank you DE.  This was a great change.  When I said "Finally, every hates the rift and limbos because they prevent the collection of loot." I should have been clearer that I was talking about the Rift, and not Cataclsym.

In addition, I should ask "Why even use the rift?"  That's my ultimate question with this warframe.  Besides the passive energy regen, I don't see the point.  Since he's lost his damage boost, why even bother?  I haven't found a good answer.  I played a super boring excavation the other day where a Limbo had huge radius and duration and used stasis to shut-down the action for everyone.  Just felt like practice with infested dummies for 30 minutes.  Nothing against the player, good tactic, but that level was soo boring.

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I may end up repeating something in a post but there are 24 pages and I didn't want to read through all of it.  Ultimately I think the rework is pretty good.  Getting in and out of the rift faster are a huge plus here.  Rolling to move back and forth took me less time than I thought to get used to.  


At first I thought the banish thing might not be an issue and it isn't so long as you can see your pack of enemies from a distance but as I started doing higher level content you remember that limbo is really squishy so starting outside the rift is a bad idea typically.  So then you either have to find a place where you aren't getting shot at so you can pop out of the rift....banish the group without getting shot...pop back into the rift and kill the targets....BUT that's only just that first group you banished. If there are more targets then you have to remember to rift surge and leave one target alive to banish back out of the rift to pull more in.  Point being that the whole thing is a bit over complicated and slows down the gameplay.  Also best of luck to console players having to trigger all this stuff.

Another problem with only being able to banish on like planes is that you can't banish things outside cataclysm.  I was thinking with the new group banish mechanics that Limbo would be able to bring more to the table on Defense where you put the cataclysm up..clear out anything inside...and then banish groups outside the cataclysm for your team to take down in essence allowing them to shoot outside the cataclysm.  Well....can't do that anymore.


All in all the addition of group banish and time stop along with being able to pick up items in cataclysm and void walk with keys and such were all great improvements.  However, I'd have to say I don't care for the new banish mechanic overall.  Also it was kinda tough to tell what was banished sometimes.

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15 hours ago, Shadu said:

I've been trying him the past few days for hours and hours, only taking small breaks in between. Forma'ed him to adjust the polarities to his builds.
I've played tons with him already and currently there is no use for banish apart from rarely banishing an ally or npc. I'm in the rift walking around like normal and I currently rather plop down a cataclysm instead of using banish, because banish puts me at way more risk compared to just plopping down a cataclysm with stasis running. And do you know how freaking big of an annoyance cataclysm is to allies? Yet it's the way better spell to use. I rarely use banish now where as I used it way more often before. And I'm not telling them to revoke the change completely, tons of people are saying that banish only needs to be adjusted so that it can be targeted to both planes.

If you're against enemies with levels where you have to be in the rift in order to be able to survive you just can't go out of the rift and banish, it will kill you where as with cataclysm you can just have stasis running already and you'll still be safe. If you don't need to be in the rift and can just walk around normally there is no need for you to banish at all..

The aoe part for me is great, but being able to only use it on one plane at a time is just killing it.

And so you're just saying you don't want it changed already just because they just changed it? Did you even play him, try him as you're not coming with arguments saying why the current is oh so good according to you and doesn't need to be changed?

You've understood me wrong.


I don't mind banish being reverted to the old limbo playstyle where I could banish enemies into my realm. But it actually makes some sense to use banish to get enemies out of our plane now, since it's our only way.


Think like this: When you use banish, before the rework, sometimes you could hit unbanished targets and they'd get sent to the rift by mistake, or vice-versa.


With this banish, those who are banished get unbanished, and if you're in the material plane, those who aren't banished get banished.


It's like uhm.... combining rift surge with cataclysm.... let me explain:


If you use cataclysm and use rift surge, enemies get a debuff on them. When you disable cataclysm, they will still be in the rift (pretty good right?), but if for example, you want to AOE Banish some enemies into the rift, cause you've missed a few, what will happen is that there is a possiblity that when you AOE Banish those "unbanished" enemies, you might hit a banished enemy, causing them to unbanish (if there is a revoke on banish's rework).


I'm not trying to sound mean, I don't mind at all if banish gets revoked, but I'm just saying for you all to think a bit outside the box.


Just try this, before coming to the forums: Spam dash. Not saying spam dash every second, but instead of being 24/7 in the rift, mix it a bit. A bit in the rift, a bit in the material plane. Use the rift to keep you safe, or use the rift to cc the enemies and leave them vulnerable (with stasis).


Anyway, what I mean is (and I said previously aswell): Limbo got reworked, so did his playstyle, try to be a bit open minded on those changes and figure a reason to why DE did what they did, and don't consider the possibility of a "nerf". Think further!


Best Regards,


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here's the thing about the limbo rework that I've noticed..... 




the thing is he can't be played at all like it used to be, he's no longer Method Man Limbo,  now he's a cataclysmic limbo


To me rift torrent is now a required mod... It give his cataclysm INSANE dmg! Rift surge is far from useless, as it now scales with the enemies in the rift. So you open a massive cataclysm, pop rift surge, then pop the cataclysm and watch the room die... Repeat 


I like the new banish... It makes it more fun, since you are playing more with BOTH planes and opens up more strategies and makes him more playful.  But the best strategy  is massive range with rift torrent... I was on Heiracon for 28 extractors and had a damage buff on cataclysm of over 2000%! In a team of 4 I got 56% of the dmg at end of mission! 



Edited by AlaskanWolf
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4 minutes ago, devildevil21 said:

Anyway, what I mean is (and I said previously aswell): Limbo got reworked, so did his playstyle, try to be a bit open minded on those changes and figure a reason to why DE did what they did, and don't consider the possibility of a "nerf". Think further!

The new playstyle involves not using banish unless you use it in a convoluted and complicated way, which most people aren't going to consider, eg myself. Being open minded is different to being open minded, trying said ability, and finding it useless. :D

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13 minutes ago, devildevil21 said:

Lots of text

I've tried the banish spamming method, but it simply doesn't work versus high level enemies, also rift surging and then unbanishing takes really long to do, where as a simple cataclysm does the job instantly. And with both you can't specifically control what enemies do get banished. Now if banish was castable on both planes with the fix stated under this you would be able to use it on the fly and you would be of more use in stuff like extermination as a Limbo.

I totally get the part about not wanting to unbanish that are in the same radius as the targets you already wanted to banish, I had a fix for this posted in a other thread already that got moved to here so I'll quote:
" I agree with that part, I really do think they need to make banish work on both planes again from the rift. However that will be messy with the AOE targetting, but something like prioritize putting those that aren't in the rift yet over putting those that are in the rift into the normal plane should be able to fix it? So if you target enemies that are both in the rift and aren't, everything will stay in the rift and those that weren't yet will get moved to the rift. If all were already in the rift, all get moved to the normal plane. "

This way you won't unbanish targets you wanted to keep in the rift already and instead just add more to the rift.
And due to the banish already being aoe currently and no way to actually remove rift surge from enemies that are already affected by it I find it hard to use banish to remove enemies from my rift.. and when they are already in there you can just kill them usually so I didn't experience the need for the unbanish yet (apart from trying with rift surge).

Edited by Shadu
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