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Race to Tau: The Tenno's Maiden Voyage.


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[Not certain if this is accurate] With the solar rails to the Tau system destroyed, the sentients are no longer able to come to our worlds. However, their rise still continues with Hunhow's coming. I'm very certain it will be a long campaign to take the fight to them and end the dark legacy of the Orokin.

Steve has been tinkering around with some things that may very well be the future of Warframe. [Not my video, and please pardon the yelling.]

In case you cannot be bothered, here are the ideas Steve has presented

- Warframe could become an open-space game.

- Warships would be introduced as a game component where multiple crews can fly for reconnaissance or combat.

- These Warships can engage other galleons and ships belonging to the Grineer, Corpus, and even derelict ships. One of the concepts is that we can sabotage them from the inside.

- Besides ship to ship engagements, there can other roles to operate them such as archwing to perform as fighters, and cannon crew.

- Large scale missions will offer huge rewards.


Of course there are a few concerns with the potential upgrade to warframe and here are a few ideas I would love to plug into them.

- Clan dojos would be the main flagships. Each clan category can have a limited number of ships of each kind of class. Frigates, Destroyers, and Dreadnoughts.

- Clan levels can affect the maximum number ships they can deploy.

- Remaining ship integrity can act as a bonus multiplier for resources recovered as per individual player taking part in the mission.

- Should anyone be taking any ship solo against other factions, specters will assist the live player wherever they are not operating.

- Giving Warlords the option of adding more ranks for their clans for better delegation of duties.



Here is what I have so far. What do you think?


It would be so cool to have your own ships.

"This is the Durandal, of the flagship Sovereign Noble. We are ready to engage"

Edited by RavingRoman
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As an Elite CMDR, yes please?

I suggested something like mass effect 2's ship flying a looong time ago, didn't actually expect to have full 3d control of a ship.

Dude in the video is a bit too excited though.

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2 minutes ago, AEP8FlyBoy said:

Not sure how excited I am for this.
But as long as the old retro style logically generated map sets stay around, I'll be happy.

I am sure they will stick around still. Especially for ground bases in planets

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1 minute ago, RavingRoman said:

I am sure they will stick around still. Especially for ground bases in planets

Don't get me wrong, it looks really awesome.
I'm just a bit skeptical at this point in time. There is still so much that needs to change in Warframe, and an addition like this will only push those needed changes back even farther. If it even comes to pass in the near future.

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1 minute ago, AEP8FlyBoy said:

Don't get me wrong, it looks really awesome.
I'm just a bit skeptical at this point in time. There is still so much that needs to change in Warframe, and an addition like this will only push those needed changes back even farther. If it even comes to pass in the near future.

I wouldn't blame you. I am sure it will still be a while before this comes. But it'd be nice to form a consensus on the future of warframe.


In the meantime, there are tons of things that need fixing in warframe, as with every game. I'll do whatever part I can as a player and consumer to express my opinions to the development teams :)

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17 minutes ago, Shifted said:

As an Elite CMDR, yes please?

I suggested something like mass effect 2's ship flying a looong time ago, didn't actually expect to have full 3d control of a ship.

Dude in the video is a bit too excited though.

I would have been too :))

I enjoyed Mass Effect's style of map navigation. Maybe they can employ something like that into the system to save data on the endless space required. Unless, they can gather something from No Man's Sky.

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12 minutes ago, RavingRoman said:

I would have been too :))

I enjoyed Mass Effect's style of map navigation. Maybe they can employ something like that into the system to save data on the endless space required. Unless, they can gather something from No Man's Sky.

This prototype is already far more than I expected.
There really are endless possibilities, it just depends how deep DE wants to go with this.

Have your entire orbiter warp into a planet's orbit (like you see outside the window now), then deploy and fly your liset around searching for hotspots to explore, then deploy your archwing from it, loot, fight, return to liset, fly to another hotspot, then back to orbiter, warp out to another planet, repeat.

Or group up with your clan in a clan-built war cruiser and blow S#&$ up, like shown in the video.

Or do that, distracting them "while a lone tenno operative raids the ship for supplies." ;D

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1 minute ago, Shifted said:

This prototype is already far more than I expected.
There really are endless possibilities, it just depends how deep DE wants to go with this.

Have your entire orbiter warp into a planet's orbit (like you see outside the window now), then deploy and fly your liset around searching for hotspots to explore, then deploy your archwing from it, loot, fight, return to liset, fly to another hotspot, then back to orbiter, warp out to another planet, repeat.

Or group up with your clan in a clan-built war cruiser and blow S#&$ up, like shown in the video.

Or do that, distracting them while "a lone tenno operative raids the ship for supplies." ;D

That would be badass. It struck me when you mentioned orbiter. Those can run the solo missions Tenno wish to go. Ordis can operate anything your are not using, including the orbiter themselves. Should the orbiter take too much damage, Ordis will jump them back into the void. You will need to have them repaired for credits. If any of the ships encounter let's say a large sentient carrier, they are automatically jumped into the void and unable to move till sentients pass. Too many possibilities for this :D

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Just now, Elvangreen said:

sentient flagship = reaper ME3 style alertness system?, so if your in the tau system you might have to try to keep a low profile.

Basically. I have been playing ME3 lately. Just realized there is a lot to learn from those games, like the dialogue system as we now have the morality feature. :)

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)chibi_matatabi said:

so long as steve is not anywhere near the only dev I would love to see it

in truth I'm curious if the devs themselves really even play the game...

I'm certain that they do. But honestly, it is very difficult to criticize the work you make. We all have biases to our own creations. This is why feedback from consumers and players is so important. Which is why it is always important to try and voice out possible fixes whenever we have a complaint.

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  • 1 month later...
On 4/6/2017 at 11:54 AM, Shifted said:

As an Elite CMDR, yes please?

I suggested something like mass effect 2's ship flying a looong time ago, didn't actually expect to have full 3d control of a ship.

Dude in the video is a bit too excited though.


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