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Napalm.. Napalm ((STILL)) Everywhere!!


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Here comes another complaint thread about our favorite Grineer unit, the Napalm, if you couldn't guess from the title. Now about a year ago I made a topic about them when I still played on the PS4 talking about how they are nightmares, and next to Nullifiers, Napalms are one of the most frustratingly un-fun and aggravating mini-boss style nuke machines in the game. That still holds true. Many would just say "git gud", and while that may be a valid criticism when fighting against one or two at a time, how does one handle 10 at the same time in the same room, even with a Corrosive/ Blast Status based Tigris?? At least I think it was 10, the armor all kinda mixed at one point and there were soo many fireballs on screen I couldn't really see. This is what happened to me just 20 minutes ago while playing the current Invasion on Ceres for a Snipetron Vandal Stock or a Sheev BP. I backed the Corpus, I don't need a glorified back scratcher. I successfully extracted in the nick of time on my last revive while burning slowly to death from a fire proc, my sentinel already dead the second I spawn in from 10 Napalms indiscriminately hurling fireballs every which way and low on ammo from the 5 Napalms I had killed before even getting to the transition tile between the Corpus Ship and the Grineer Galleon.

Napalms need to be nerfed, and hard. For what they are right now, they spawn too frequently in certain mission types and on certain nodes to be any fun to face, their attacks are OP to say the least due to an invisible 50 yard AoE damage zone & proc zone with no self-damage, and an armor value that puts most modern tanks to shame. I have always seen Napalms on par with Bombards as far as actual Grineer Heavy units go.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to take my baby *@##$ &#! back to Earth where they don't normally spawn to nurse off this headache they gave me early frying up Kubrow Eggs.

And on a sorta related note, the Amphis could use an update. The first hit on a quick melee with no stance equip feels like a proper hit, but then on the back swing, even though it does damage and the Amphis does go through enemies, there is no impact sound which kinda breaks the immersion and must be a bug(?) I'm the kind of person who likes hearing a gratifying thud or cutting sound when wielding a melee weapon against a foe.

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9 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

When you think about it, a Grineer soldier could have made a similar thread about any warframe.

I could just see them or more likely the Corpus, have a tenno complaint forum. 

also when corpus claim insurance, "Item/person/life was destroyed by tenno or tenno allied forces" as a box that can be checked. 


High level grineer invasions when fighting them often give the impression, that its the grineer pyrotechnics crew.  Mostly because the rather large concentration of napalms and scorches. 

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All i want is either the AoE range reduced or it should get an appropriate nuclear particle effect to resemble it's range and strength. 20m range for what it feels and if the fire proc gets you, you're either chroma, wukong, valkyr, nidus or you're dead.

36 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

When you think about it, a Grineer soldier could have made a similar thread about any warframe.

When you think about it, Dr. Eggman would have made thousands of threads to nerf sonic. And so would any other villain.


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27 minutes ago, Deathkgt said:

I agree Napalms/Scorches are annoying and kinda unfair.  Although I could be wrong, they seem to ignore armor (especially scorches), while our Ignis and other fire based weapons doesn't. 

Because Warframes generally have really low base armor values that only reduce low level damage even at rank 30, Scorches have a weapon with innate 50m punch-through and a cone AoE that's continuous to boot, and our health type and armor type (Flesh and Ferrite Armor) don't reduce Heat damage. The only reason Napalms don't die so fast is because they have ludicrous levels of armor,health, and don't damage themselves when hurling fireballs right at their feet, like Bombards.

One good change DE could implement is self damage to explosive using enemies, as well as reducing the AoE of the Napalms down to matching the projectile.

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27 minutes ago, Deathkgt said:

I agree Napalms/Scorches are annoying and kinda unfair.  Although I could be wrong, they seem to ignore armor (especially scorches), while our Ignis and other fire based weapons doesn't. 

Because Warframes generally have really low base armor values that only reduce low level damage even at rank 30, Scorches have a weapon with innate 50m punch-through and a cone AoE that's continuous to boot, and our health type and armor type (Flesh and Ferrite Armor) don't reduce Heat damage. The only reason Napalms don't die so fast is because they have ludicrous levels of armor,health, and don't damage themselves when hurling fireballs right at their feet, like Bombards.

One good change DE could implement is self damage to explosive using enemies, as well as reducing the AoE of the Napalms down to matching the projectile.

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16 hours ago, 1tsyB1tsyN1nj4 said:

I backed the Corpus, I don't need a glorified back scratcher.

Sheev isn't that bad IMO. it definitely shouldn't be so slow though: Daggers are supposed to be quick, yet my Galatine Prime, an 8ft long Greatsword that probably weighs as much as I do is faster!. still it has Covert lethality going for it, as with all the Daggers. we need a dagger buff after the Machetes get buffed, whenever that is.

as for Napalms, yeah, they're quite annoying; their attacks still go through walls and the actual AoE is further than the visible Fireball left behind with each shot. they have far less range than bombards, but in a small room, they can be pretty overpowered.

not that DE cares though, god forbid they actually balance enemies for once...

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What irritates me about napalms is EASILY the visuals of their rockets in that there functionally isn't any. A small, gray dart with a near invisible smoke trail flies straight at you and on impact makes a fireball that's roughly half the size of the actual AoE effect that instakills you at higher levels. The rocket visual needs to be updated to something noticeable and avoidable, or at least have the fire effect match.

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28 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

Sheev isn't that bad IMO. it definitely shouldn't be so slow though: Daggers are supposed to be quick, yet my Galatine Prime, an 8ft long Greatsword that probably weighs as much as I do is faster!. still it has Covert lethality going for it, as with all the Daggers. we need a dagger buff after the Machetes get buffed, whenever that is.

It's ugly and slow, that alone keeps me from using it. Hopefully Daggers and Dual Daggers do get buffs or even reworks after Machetes, but even better would be if enemies and Damage 2.0 got reworked. I saw a thread about a month ago suggesting that armor types and health types get simplified, and if DE fixed scaling appropriately as well as changing punch through to only effect enemies, I think a lot of problems would be fixed, the Napalm issue would be fixed.

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Napalms suffer from the same unfair happenstances as Bombards to, those being a lack of visibility of their relatively powerful attacks(Napalm projectiles are visible, but not the splash zone), and the fact that both Bombard rocket and Napalm fireball explosions can hit through walls.

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1 hour ago, AuroraSonicBoom said:

Napalms suffer from the same unfair happenstances as Bombards to, those being a lack of visibility of their relatively powerful attacks(Napalm projectiles are visible, but not the splash zone), and the fact that both Bombard rocket and Napalm fireball explosions can hit through walls.

Except Bombards aren't one-two shot killers unless you're doing endless high level stuff starting at level 25-ish I wanna say, or playing a squishy frame like Mag or don't have a lot of surviveability/ mods, and even then you can dodge their shots, not easily but far easier than Napalms. Napalms can toast you and your sentinel in 1 to 2 shots starting at level 16, have the same amount of health as a mini Fomorian, and can hit you with stray shots that touch down 5 yards from where you are that can still damage and proc Heat for a good half minute. I do think DE fixed the bug where they could hit you through walls sometime after SotR, since that's when it broke to begin with, but that still doesn't make them any better.


1 hour ago, arch111 said:

Wait, I thought napalms had allready been looked at?

Recently? Only on Derelict missions because Napalms and Scorches could toast you from 5 rooms away

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