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Sortie Penalty


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About a week ago I was doing a Radiation Hazard Defense on Sortie, and I met there a Wukong guy who was having fun by entering the radiation zones and then killing the teammates. We asked him in chat to stop doing that, but he laughed. My friend brought Titania to protect us from radiation. He tried to keep that Wukong out from his "fun". But after a few waves that Wukong got a radiation again and killed all of us including the operative. Mission failed. Tada.

How to protect yourself from such dudes? Only leaving. And I don't want to be punished for this. Noone wants.

Edited by Zanoza-chan
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7 minutes ago, Zanoza-chan said:

About a week ago I was doing a Radiation Hazard Defense on Sortie, and I met there a Wukong guy who was having fun by entering the radiation zones and then killing the teammates. We asked him in chat to stop doing that, but he laughed. My friend brought Titania to protect us from radiation. He tried to keep that Wukong out from his "fun". But after a few waves that Wukong got a radiation again and killed all of us including the operative. Mission failed. Tada.

How to protect yourself from such dudes? Only leaving. And I don't want to be punished for this. Noone wants.

What we need is a system to report such players and possibly get them banned.

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1 hour ago, Zanoza-chan said:

About a week ago I was doing a Radiation Hazard Defense on Sortie, and I met there a Wukong guy who was having fun by entering the radiation zones and then killing the teammates. We asked him in chat to stop doing that, but he laughed. My friend brought Titania to protect us from radiation. He tried to keep that Wukong out from his "fun". But after a few waves that Wukong got a radiation again and killed all of us including the operative. Mission failed. Tada.

How to protect yourself from such dudes? Only leaving. And I don't want to be punished for this. Noone wants.

maybe you should stop moaning and do invite only next time :) not pug it :) its your own fault to be honest . and why would you want to report someone for trolling / having a laugh ?? its not LoL or Dota2 

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18 hours ago, Xaxma said:

I like how when I do decide to pub a sortie as Ivara or Oberon, people leave, but I end up doing like 40% of the dmg anyway. 

If people leave because you have Ivara in a sortie then they're just stupid.  Yep, I said it.  :D

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On 4/24/2017 at 0:01 PM, Tsukinoki said:

Sorry but I have to disagree.
Too many times have I started a sortie without realizing that I had a dragon key equipped, and your idea would just punish me for wanting to remove it from my gear wheel so that I could actually be useful and helpful to the team instead of moving only at a quarter speed or deal next to no damage.

Second, what happens if I join a match with say 500 ping or greater?  I'm just supposed to suffer through it and sit through a horribly laggy mess knowing that if I quit to find a better host I'll be heavily punished for it?  How is that good for anyone?

Third, what if I join a mission with a squad that legitimately won't be good for the mission and I don't want to carry the entire team?  I've joined sortie defense and mdef missions where everyone in the squad had only R0 weapons and less than decent frame choices.  I'm not going to carry an entire squad like that, and yet with your idea in place I would be harshly punished for not wanting to carry people.

Pretty much all your idea does is punish people for not wanting to carry leechers (after all, if you leave you wont do the sortie so you had best just carry the AFK leecher to victory), or punish people who join a sortie with a dragon key or something equipped and who want to change it so that they can participate.

I left a group because of mastery fodder in the super armor defense as recently as this week.
I joined, took a quick look at who I was playing with.. no CC frame, noone had a single weapon at max rank, AND noone had any weapon I know to be good, it was stuff like akmagnus(11)  as the only weapon for one of them, and a second had strun(17) and lex(0), I forget what the third had, but it was also not one max rank weapon.
I just facepalmed, and wished them the best of luck levelling mastery fodder in the super armor defense sortie..
Should I really be punished for not carrying that team?
Perhaps I just strongly prefer to play with other people who are also... actually trying to win.


As for frames, well, very few frames are actually fully broken, sure, some are better than others, but in general, I'm far more prone to look down on people with 300/300(or less) health/shield numbers than people playing frames I know to have no useful abilities.
Any frame can pull a namaron shadow step combo and run around as an invisible storm of corpses.. that's not frame specific.
On the other hand, people with no extra health mods in the sortie have a very annoying tendency to get single shot downed.

In the end, the potential benefit to getting rid of quitters, is not worth the problems that would arrive with that "fix"


Yeah, I know how it feels to run into people that just don't give you a chance, like people going: "Hydroid? nope, you are useless, bye"
That just sucks.
But on the other end, certain frames like Limbo, Volt, Nova, and especially Loki, can be VERY annoying to play with, and some people just cant host, for various complex reasons often out of their control, and people just have to be able to reform the group in case of constant high ping, or a teleport swap abusing loki, without the fear of a penalty  for it.

Seriously, trolls happen, don't make people chose between suffering a troll's abuse, or not being able to finish that day's sortie, that's just evil.

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Frankly idc about the penalties as long as I don't get it for shoddy DPS or get penalized for taking the most damage when I have 1/2-2/3 of the raises because I rarely ever die in Inaros in sorties.

You can't DPS when you are spending a good chunk of your time scraping someone off the ground that doesn't know how to soak and/or mitigate damage with a proper build.

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16 hours ago, Mammon1590 said:

maybe you should stop moaning and do invite only next time :) not pug it :) its your own fault to be honest . and why would you want to report someone for trolling / having a laugh ?? its not LoL or Dota2 

I'm doing Sorties in public squads in 90% times (spy missions always solo), cuz I'm strong enough to carry the whole mission myself even with 3 leeches in squad. I don't mind the leeches, we all were noobies at some moment... But there's a huge difference between leech and vandal, got it? It's a rare case and I can survive this without rage or something... until there's no penalty for leaving Sortie, that's what we are talking about.

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20 hours ago, Almagnus1 said:

Maybe the better approach is to have a solo-only qualifier for the sorties, which would help eliminate some of the leaching.

I do sorties solo when clanmates alredy done it, that's not a problem, if you are good you carry simple as that solo or in group

Edited by LycanPT
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On 4/25/2017 at 4:11 PM, Mammon1590 said:

maybe you should stop moaning and do invite only next time :) not pug it :) its your own fault to be honest . and why would you want to report someone for trolling / having a laugh ?? its not LoL or Dota2 

People pug because it's instantly available.

Searching for people takes time, often a lot of time.  You have to wait for replies or wait for others to finish their current missions and so on.  During all that waiting, you could've finished one sortie mission already. People don't want to waste time staring at their screens waiting to form a specific group of players; they want to play now.

And if inviting randoms through recruit chat, how is that any different from playing pug?  Anybody can say "I am a vet, I know how to play and I won't troll you" You have no way of knowing if any of that is true.

Playing pug has its risks but wasting time is not one of them. Unless you're REALLY unlucky, you won't have a terrible experience playing pug every time. (Pug spy mission is the exception, always solo that one)


On 4/26/2017 at 5:38 PM, Almagnus1 said:

Maybe the better approach is to have a solo-only qualifier for the sorties, which would help eliminate some of the leaching.

You know....that is a great idea.

Edited by MystMan
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