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why banshee , limbo should be nerfed hard


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9 minutes ago, DualParadox said:

Nerf Banshee? The frame that can be killed by a strong gust of wind? Right... :crylaugh:

It doesn't say anywhere that OP wants to nerf the survivability of the frame. And besides, Banshee can be built to withstand almost anything. My standard loadout is Savage Silence Banshee + Orthos Prime. I rarely die. 

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2 minutes ago, DualParadox said:

If you "nerf" her powers how will you survive? Talking to the grineer and corpus? "Sorry guys, don't mind me, just passing by. Going to sabotage your reactors." *snow flake mode: on* Her powers are her survivability. 

I was about to say that but you beat me to it +1

Take away her powers, you take away the only thing keeping her alive.

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The only Warframe I'd argue that definitely needs a nerf is Ember, purely because she can clean out an entire level before anyone even fires a bullet. An entire team can be carried with one Ember with World on Fire constantly active. But if you've got a problem with a certain Warframe, just go solo or recruit a team. 

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1 hour ago, Ikusias said:

do you realize that at higher levels Banshe's Resonating Quacke takes enough time to kill stuff that it mainly works as a CC to let her squadmates murder enemies easier?

It's probably an interception mission like Xini that TC is complaining about. Banshee *can* make it utterly pointless for the rest of the squad to do anything. Unlike Limbo, I don't see Banshee as a huge problem/troll frame...but people that insist on using these frames/tactics in pugs aren't good for Warframe and will hopefully prompt DE to take action. I honestly don't know why the folks that want to play "effectively" aren't the ones going solo or recruiting, stop inflicting your unimaginative borefest on the rest of us!

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2 hours ago, Hemmo67 said:

u know what bit odd? if u put HC on ogris and fire it with hall of mirrors the rockets can collide and with extremely badluck blowup right in your face

I'm pretty sure that Simulor doesn't deal self damage.

2 hours ago, Kihana said:

Nidus at least has a legitimate reason. Without stacks, he has no 3 or 4, nor his passive. He's required to make excessive use of 1 and 2 to set the frame up to play as intended.

Doesn't remove the point that his spam is almost, if not as effective as Banshee's and other spams though.

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4 hours ago, LSG501 said:

Clearly doesn't play banshee because it takes an excessive amount of energy to play resonating quake builds.... and it's not the only viable build for banshee....

Oh yeah, because energy is so hard to come by in Warframe. The reason why Banshee and other frames can clear everything instantly is because our energy system is a joke.

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1 hour ago, Redthirst said:

Oh yeah, because energy is so hard to come by in Warframe. The reason why Banshee and other frames can clear everything instantly is because our energy system is a joke.

Actually I'd say it's due to game balance, not a case of having energy to do things with it.  You also seem to miss the fact that banshee, while in resonating quake, doesn't have the luxury of picking up energy on the go like ember does or innate energy regen like limbo after casting a power, not to mention limbo can also use zenurik with it's abilities.   Banshee, while doing resonating quake is fixed in one spot, open to air/ranged attack and needs to either spam energy pads or run around trying to get energy orbs.... Then there's the 'minor' issue that if you stay in resonating quake for more than a minute you can get the afk code kicking in.....  Resonating quake basically works in very limited situations and has a constant increasing energy draw unlike other frames than can clear the map with normal powers. 

Edited by LSG501
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Just now, LSG501 said:

Actually I'd say it's due to game balance, not a case of having energy to do things with it.  You also seem to miss the fact that banshee doesn't have the luxury of picking up energy on the go like ember does or innate energy regen like limbo after casting a power, not to mention limbo can also use zenurik with it's abilities.   Banshee, while doing resonating quake, needs to either spam energy pads or run around trying to get energy pads.... not to mention if you stay in resonating quake for more than a minute you get the afk code kicking in.....  Resonating quake basically works in very limited situations and has a constant increasing energy draw unlike other frames than can clear the map with normal powers. 

True, but I'm just saying that ALL issues of Warframes clearing rooms full of enemies in seconds come down to broken energy system. It's simply too easy to restore energy, which means that you can spam your abilities with no concerns.

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I could agree that Resonating Quake could use some change since many people are just playing as RQ rather than banshee herself. But banshee on her own do not need nerf. The only thing that is out of her place is Resonating Quake.


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42 minutes ago, Hemmo67 said:

did i mention simulor?

You were quoting a post talking about Simulor, hence it doesn't make sense if your post doesn't have any relation to Simulor.

Edited by Jangkrik
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4 hours ago, (PS4)ExetSM said:

It doesn't say anywhere that OP wants to nerf the survivability of the frame. And besides, Banshee can be built to withstand almost anything. My standard loadout is Savage Silence Banshee + Orthos Prime. I rarely die. 

That's a specialized build that throws out the window 3 of her abilities. It's not really representative of her suvivability. 

Edited by aligatorno
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39 minutes ago, Jangkrik said:

You were quoting a post talking about Simulor, hence it doesn't make sense if your post doesn't have any relation to Simulor.

wellp it is nerf thread complain stuff and mirage was broughtup so i wanted to post an actual feedback about how ogris can self collide and blow u to pieces so technicly i am ontopic here c_c

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13 hours ago, Ikusias said:

To OP:

do you realize that at higher levels Banshe's Resonating Quacke takes enough time to kill stuff that it mainly works as a CC to let her squadmates murder enemies easier?

I can understand your irritation if it was in low level missions, but anithing with armor over level 30 dies faster to weapons than to her #4.

Limbo... well that frame unique mechanic is a problem in public missions, but in a group is very useful.

Try them both before crying for nerf, you might be breaking someting you could have liked

A resonate quake banshee with 200 power strength will demolish even lvl 100 corpus, though you'll need at least 3 CP's against grinder to do the same. Disrupters from infested faction make banshee nearly useless. Overall she can put out insane map wiping damage, but requires heavy investment lol.


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14 hours ago, cheneryx said:

i like to accualy play warframe and not stand around watching paint dry because someone thinks its cool to dominate the board with sound quake leaving nothing to do . since oberon prime has launched i havent been able to play a decient game .  then there is limbo who wont let anyone do anything if they are anywhere near limbo . whos briliant idea was it to take troll limbo and make him ubertroll limbo should have their future opinions ignored . congrats on making your game unplayable digital extremes unless your limbo or banshee . i have been a daily player since the game launched and i have no problem throwing money at the game because it was fun . now it seems that i should find another game to throw money at that doesnt say that its team based then makes one toon that dominates leaving the team to do nothing . im not asking to make me happy and do what i want . i am asking to make the game playable for everyone .thanks again de for ruining your own game .

Go outside, it's time.

Nuff said.

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11 hours ago, Hemmo67 said:

wellp it is nerf thread complain stuff and mirage was broughtup so i wanted to post an actual feedback about how ogris can self collide and blow u to pieces so technicly i am ontopic here c_c

I was bringing up Miramulor, not Mirage + regular explosives >_>

On the fact about Mirage + explosives, I think she's actually balanced (or even underpowered due to the suicide tendency).

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12 hours ago, aligatorno said:

That's a specialized build that throws out the window 3 of her abilities. It's not really representative of her suvivability. 

No? Don't assume the build. Sonar and Sonic Boom is still incredibly useful.

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There not good for end game!  If you nerf something  because it performs well in a low level mission it will be even worse in high lvl ( end game)  missions  the please nerf has gone out of control how would you like it if some one complained about your favorite warframe being op  low level enemy's means they take less damage to kill I'm sick of this non sense Digtal extremes if you have any sense you won't do this 

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22 hours ago, cheneryx said:

i like to accualy play warframe and not stand around watching paint dry because someone thinks its cool to dominate the board with sound quake leaving nothing to do . since oberon prime has launched i havent been able to play a decient game .  then there is limbo who wont let anyone do anything if they are anywhere near limbo . whos briliant idea was it to take troll limbo and make him ubertroll limbo should have their future opinions ignored . congrats on making your game unplayable digital extremes unless your limbo or banshee . i have been a daily player since the game launched and i have no problem throwing money at the game because it was fun . now it seems that i should find another game to throw money at that doesnt say that its team based then makes one toon that dominates leaving the team to do nothing . im not asking to make me happy and do what i want . i am asking to make the game playable for everyone .thanks again de for ruining your own game .

You're a vet and still playing content where a quake banshee is one of the most effective offensive options?  Dude ur just asking to get judged by people

Also, you're a vet and think coming to the forum and outright pointing fingers at DE and complaining will get you somewhere... This post is amazing. Pure gold. 

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