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Do you think we should have a vote to kick system? (screenshots included)


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10 minutes ago, tyrannicaltyrant said:

Everyone in those chat logs is guilty of terrible behaviour, some more, some less.


Edit : As I see the situation, three players ganged up on "Red", he kept being passive for 3/4 of the screened conversation before replying back to insult with insults.

If anything, the three players that started bashing at him sound more guilty to me, but his ending behaviour is still nasty.

Edited by (PS4)XxDarkyanxX
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10 minutes ago, (PS4)XxDarkyanxX said:


Edit : As I see the situation, three players ganged up on "Red", he kept being passive for 3/4 of the screened conversation before replying back to insult with insults.

If anything, the three players that started bashing at him sound more guilty to me, but his ending behaviour is still nasty.

Gotta agree. He took it too far at the end, but everyone else instigated. Nobody is in the right here.

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21 minutes ago, tyrannicaltyrant said:

Everyone in those chat logs is guilty of terrible behaviour, some more, some less.


16 minutes ago, (PS4)XxDarkyanxX said:


Edit : As I see the situation, three players ganged up on "Red", he kept being passive for 3/4 of the screened conversation before replying back to insult with insults.

If anything, the three players that started bashing at him sound more guilty to me, but his ending behaviour is still nasty.

Yep i agree with you sirs. The flame baiting was too strong in this one.

Vote kick? Hell no. Simply quit, put guy on ignore and move on. The fact that random kiddos or trolls can easily kick you at the end of a long mission and give their friends a good laugh is too dangerous.

Frost in sortie def? Frost is always awesome and a top tier frame. The fact that you guys made fun of a frost being "useless in sortie def" gave me kinda the cringe.

Edited by IceColdHawk
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Had red kept his cool, he could maybe have been able report them for harassing him for not playing according to the meta. 

White wasn't that bad though, he kinda just sat there agreeing with blue and pink who was worse then red until the end when red did a 0-100.

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Red kept his cool way too long. The other 3 were just being absolute ****s until they broke him into talking back. They're even showing the typical classism of Warframe: "The low rank non-prime". What the absolute hell was that elitist garbage?

If Red hadn't broke down and started being as much of a dbag as the other 3, he would've had everything to get support from others. As it stands, it's just a conversation of 4 horrible people doing their best to be jerks online because they never face consequences for their petty attitude.

Vote kick would only perpetuate cliques and this elitist behavior. It would segregate people even further. Yes, we have issues with people going afk and being dumb, but if you're so concerned with such things, stick to your dojo mates and don't go public? And if you do depend on public then roll with what you're given.

Edited by Heatnix.
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9 minutes ago, JudgeXion said:

Had red kept his cool, he could maybe have been able report them for harassing him for not playing according to the meta. 

White wasn't that bad though, he kinda just sat there agreeing with blue and pink who was worse then red until the end when red did a 0-100.

While white's wording wasn't as bad, approving of Pink and Blue's behaviour further pushed Red against a corner.
When a crowd of people go against you, only bad things can happen unless you are a very patient/passive person.

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I'm sorry, but I thought this was some rant; it appears to be a comedy. I had a good laugh.

Though honestly, I don't ever use frost for sortie defense; only times I ever use frost for sortie defense is when I forget that it's operative we're protecting, and not the pod.

If the player don't like that one member in the party, all you gotta do is leave, simple as that, there is no need for vote kick, the only time we ever need a vote kick is when botters are able to play warframe.

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Lol gana be honest here the people victimizing the person who said "I'll rape your @(*()$ children and make you watch" and "You stupid ****" kinda make me a little sad for the warframe community. 

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2 minutes ago, saltygr33n said:

I'm sorry, but I thought this was some rant; it appears to be a comedy. I had a good laugh.

Though honestly, I don't ever use frost for sortie defense; only times I ever use frost for sortie defense is when I forget that it's operative we're protecting, and not the pod.

If the player don't like that one member in the party, all you gotta do is leave, simple as that, there is no need for vote kick, the only time we ever need a vote kick is when botters are able to play warframe.

Guy might as well been a trolling bot with how little he did and how much he AFK'ed. Also happy you enjoyed the laugh rather than taking it so seriously ^^. 

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2 minutes ago, Desvero said:

Lol gana be honest here the people victimizing the person who said "I'll rape your @(*()$ children and make you watch" and "You stupid ****" kinda make me a little sad for the warframe community. 

Nobody is victimising him. We're just pointing out that everyone in that chat was complete garbage.

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)XxDarkyanxX said:

While white's wording wasn't as bad, approving of Pink and Blue's behaviour further pushed Red against a corner.
When a crowd of people go against you, only bad things can happen unless you are a very patient/passive person.

Well yeah, I'm not saying he is innocent, just saying on a scale he would be around 40-50 with the other 2 being up at 70-80 in how S#&$ty they was. 

With red being 0-10 until they push him over the edge and he goes full 100

2 minutes ago, Desvero said:

Lol gana be honest here the people victimizing the person who said "I'll rape your @(*()$ children and make you watch" and "You stupid ****" kinda make me a little sad for the warframe community. 

To be fair, you guys did push him into that. Had you guys not been A******s about how someone plays warframe, he would never had ended up saying it. 

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8 minutes ago, Desvero said:

Lol gana be honest here the people victimizing the person who said "I'll rape your @(*()$ children and make you watch" and "You stupid ****" kinda make me a little sad for the warframe community. 

I'm sorry, but you've posted screen shot of 3 warframe players bullying a low level player who was minding his business.
You're attempting to justify a kick system in a situation which would prove you to be the first abuser.

Edit : Which makes me believe that this whole thread itself is a gigantic joke, one that I simply cannot grasp the meaning of.

Edited by (PS4)XxDarkyanxX
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2 hours ago, Desvero said:

I think we should in high level content like sortie and kuva floods for the very obvious reasons lol.

I have a few questions first.

  1. You believe non-Prime frames are useless?
  2. How does globe block heals?
  3. Why didn't you and your friend just put this guy on ignore and abort, leave him to his fate?


Why does this whole thing feel like a setup to to exemplify the need for a vote kick system?  I mean you explicitly say its too bad you cannot do that, seems odd.  Its almost like yall waited to find someone who wouldn't play precisely how you wished, then pushed him into terrible behavior merely to prove a point.

Frost is fine in sorties.  Remove the guy's weapon and he barely moves, if you don't know that already perhaps you are the newb?  Shrug.

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7 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

I have a few questions first.

  1. You believe non-Prime frames are useless?
  2. How does globe block heals?
  3. Why didn't you and your friend just put this guy on ignore and abort, leave him to his fate?


Why does this whole thing feel like a setup to to exemplify the need for a vote kick system?  I mean you explicitly say its too bad you cannot do that, seems odd.  Its almost like yall waited to find someone who wouldn't play precisely how you wished, then pushed him into terrible behavior merely to prove a point.

Frost is fine in sorties.  Remove the guy's weapon and he barely moves, if you don't know that already perhaps you are the newb?  Shrug.

Well to answer your number one it was something I was referring to in the first sortie round before I started taking screenshots. Red player went on about how MR23 player were the worst and anyone who has a prime frame has nothing but a "slave to DE" and has no concept of money. He ranted quite hard saying some outlandish things but not as far as he did in the 2nd sortie mission.

For number 2 he placed his bubble in the 3 hallways the mobs come from and in the center where the cryo pod would be in a normal mission. He then sat in his bubble and refused to play for a comment I assume player white had said to him the previous round. I just wanted him to at least place it over the team or target rather than just himself.

and for your 3rd question he AFKed for a few rounds died and then we all left and went our separate ways. 

I guess next time I'll write up everyone's backstory and include detailed notes of peoples action in every match ^^ 

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43 minutes ago, Desvero said:

Well to answer your number one it was something I was referring to in the first sortie round before I started taking screenshots. Red player went on about how MR23 player were the worst and anyone who has a prime frame has nothing but a "slave to DE" and has no concept of money. He ranted quite hard saying some outlandish things but not as far as he did in the 2nd sortie mission.

For number 2 he placed his bubble in the 3 hallways the mobs come from and in the center where the cryo pod would be in a normal mission. He then sat in his bubble and refused to play for a comment I assume player white had said to him the previous round. I just wanted him to at least place it over the team or target rather than just himself.

and for your 3rd question he AFKed for a few rounds died and then we all left and went our separate ways. 

I guess next time I'll write up everyone's backstory and include detailed notes of peoples action in every match ^^ 

Now this shines a new light on it all, Next time don't skip out on important bits.

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2 minutes ago, JudgeXion said:

Now this shines a new light on it all, Next time don't skip out on important bits.

Yeah sorry about that just didn't want to originally type up the whole story (I'm kinda lazy what can I say).

Plus I know I was a little rude to the guy but honestly with how he was acting in matches I was having a hard time biting my tongue not to say any more lol.

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2 hours ago, tyrannicaltyrant said:

Everyone in those chat logs is guilty of terrible behaviour, some more, some less.

Really this. Three people are ganging up on him for "not playing 'RIGHT'" and essentially just telling him to stop contributing becuase he's not contributing the way they want, then he says some mean words. Its stuff like this that makes me glad theres no votekicking system to prevent elitist snobs from dictating on how others play the game

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3 minutes ago, Doubleplus said:

Really this. Three people are ganging up on him for "not playing 'RIGHT'" and essentially just telling him to stop contributing becuase he's not contributing the way they want, then he says some mean words. Its stuff like this that makes me glad theres no votekicking system to prevent elitist snobs from dictating on how others play the game

Kina jumping to conclusions but I'll explain it to you too. The guy placed 3 bubbles 1 one in each hallway and 1 final 4th bubble in the center and sat there refusing to play. But yeah me and my squad mate were very elite for wanting him to place the bubble over the def target and pop the ones in the way so we could shoot down the hallway lol.

He was a useless player for how he was acting and not for playing a frost, which when played at all could be useful in any mission type. 

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1 minute ago, Desvero said:

Kina jumping to conclusions but I'll explain it to you too. The guy placed 3 bubbles 1 one in each hallway and 1 final 4th bubble in the center and sat there refusing to play. But yeah me and my squad mate were very elite for wanting him to place the bubble over the def target and pop the ones in the way so we could shoot down the hallway lol.

He was a useless player for how he was acting and not for playing a frost, which when played at all could be useful in any mission type. 

This post was made before I read your further explanation of the situation. From the chatlogs it seemed more like he was playing selfishly but still contributing in some way.

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Yesterday in a reactor or catalyst alert mobile defense, we spent probably over 15 minutes in that really easy mission. Because a guy found a broken elevator and wouldn't let us out of it, he kept on clicking so it'd go up and down so we could never progress. We were just stuck in the middle, it'd never touch the doors.
If I abort to find a new squad, the alert would be expired. I get nothing. If I put him on ignore, that doesn't solve the situation. I can't record because my GPU is no longer supported by shadowplay so I don't have anything viable to report with.

I'm for votekicks. Especially if the player is replaced with an equivalent specter.

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4 minutes ago, Doubleplus said:

This post was made before I read your further explanation of the situation. From the chatlogs it seemed more like he was playing selfishly but still contributing in some way.

If he was at the very least shooting or attacking anything then yeah he would have contributed something but the guy still had 0% damage done when we aborted mission so no he really didn't do anything he just wanted a free sortie run which he even stated. 

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4 minutes ago, Navarchus said:

Yesterday in a reactor or catalyst alert mobile defense, we spent probably over 15 minutes in that really easy mission. Because a guy found a broken elevator and wouldn't let us out of it, he kept on clicking so it'd go up and down so we could never progress. We were just stuck in the middle, it'd never touch the doors.
If I abort to find a new squad, the alert would be expired. I get nothing. If I put him on ignore, that doesn't solve the situation. I can't record because my GPU is no longer supported by shadowplay so I don't have anything viable to report with.

I'm for votekicks. Especially if the player is replaced with an equivalent specter.

Replacing a player with a equivalent specter is a great idea (except for spy mission lol) the did something similar in gears of war for when a player left in the middle of a match.

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6 minutes ago, Desvero said:

Replacing a player with a equivalent specter is a great idea (except for spy mission lol) the did something similar in gears of war for when a player left in the middle of a match.

Well, it would just follow around and you can click X on specters to order them to hold position.

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